2019-06-29 16:12:38 -07:00
# Version 2.2
# Public Domain, originally written by Lasse Kärkkäinen <tronic>
# Maintained at https://github.com/Tronic/cmake-modules
# Please send your improvements as pull requests on Github.
# Find another package and make it a dependency of the current package.
# This also automatically forwards the "REQUIRED" argument.
# Usage: libfind_package(<prefix> <another package> [extra args to find_package])
macro ( libfind_package PREFIX PKG )
set ( ${ PREFIX } _args ${ PKG } ${ ARGN } )
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set ( ${ PREFIX } _args ${ ${PREFIX } _args} REQUIRED )
endif ( )
find_package ( ${ ${PREFIX } _args} )
unset ( ${ PREFIX } _args )
endmacro ( )
# A simple wrapper to make pkg-config searches a bit easier.
# Works the same as CMake's internal pkg_check_modules but is always quiet.
macro ( libfind_pkg_check_modules )
find_package ( PkgConfig QUIET )
pkg_check_modules ( ${ ARGN } QUIET )
endif ( )
endmacro ( )
# Avoid useless copy&pasta by doing what most simple libraries do anyway:
# pkg-config, find headers, find library.
# Usage: libfind_pkg_detect(<prefix> <pkg-config args> FIND_PATH <name> [other args] FIND_LIBRARY <name> [other args])
# E.g. libfind_pkg_detect(SDL2 sdl2 FIND_PATH SDL.h PATH_SUFFIXES SDL2 FIND_LIBRARY SDL2)
function ( libfind_pkg_detect PREFIX )
# Parse arguments
set ( argname pkgargs )
foreach ( i ${ ARGN } )
if ( "${i}" STREQUAL "FIND_PATH" )
set ( argname pathargs )
elseif ( "${i}" STREQUAL "FIND_LIBRARY" )
set ( argname libraryargs )
else ( )
set ( ${ argname } ${ ${argname } } ${ i } )
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
if ( NOT pkgargs )
message ( FATAL_ERROR "libfind_pkg_detect requires at least a pkg_config package name to be passed." )
endif ( )
# Find library
libfind_pkg_check_modules ( ${ PREFIX } _PKGCONF ${ pkgargs } )
if ( pathargs )
find_path ( ${ PREFIX } _INCLUDE_DIR NAMES ${ pathargs } HINTS ${ ${PREFIX } _PKGCONF_INCLUDE_DIRS} )
endif ( )
if ( libraryargs )
find_library ( ${ PREFIX } _LIBRARY NAMES ${ libraryargs } HINTS ${ ${PREFIX } _PKGCONF_LIBRARY_DIRS} )
endif ( )
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# Read pkg-config version
endif ( )
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endfunction ( )
# Extracts a version #define from a version.h file, output stored to <PREFIX>_VERSION.
# Usage: libfind_version_header(Foobar foobar/version.h FOOBAR_VERSION_STR)
# Fourth argument "QUIET" may be used for silently testing different define names.
# This function does nothing if the version variable is already defined.
function ( libfind_version_header PREFIX VERSION_H DEFINE_NAME )
# Skip processing if we already have a version or if the include dir was not found
return ( )
endif ( )
set ( quiet ${ ${PREFIX } _FIND_QUIETLY} )
# Process optional arguments
foreach ( arg ${ ARGN } )
if ( arg STREQUAL "QUIET" )
set ( quiet TRUE )
else ( )
message ( AUTHOR_WARNING "Unknown argument ${arg} to libfind_version_header ignored." )
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
# Read the header and parse for version number
set ( filename "${${PREFIX}_INCLUDE_DIR}/${VERSION_H}" )
if ( NOT EXISTS ${ filename } )
if ( NOT quiet )
message ( AUTHOR_WARNING "Unable to find ${${PREFIX}_INCLUDE_DIR}/${VERSION_H}" )
endif ( )
return ( )
endif ( )
file ( READ "${filename}" header )
string ( REGEX REPLACE ".*#[ \t]*define[ \t]*${DEFINE_NAME}[ \t]*\" ( [^\n]* ) \".*" "\\1" match "${header}" )
# No regex match?
if ( match STREQUAL header )
if ( NOT quiet )
message ( AUTHOR_WARNING "Unable to find \#define ${DEFINE_NAME} \" <version>\ " from ${${PREFIX}_INCLUDE_DIR}/${VERSION_H}" )
endif ( )
return ( )
endif ( )
# Export the version string
set ( ${ PREFIX } _VERSION "${match}" PARENT_SCOPE )
endfunction ( )
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# Do the final processing once the paths have been detected.
# If include dirs are needed, ${PREFIX}_PROCESS_INCLUDES should be set to contain
# all the variables, each of which contain one include directory.
# Ditto for ${PREFIX}_PROCESS_LIBS and library files.
# Also handles errors in case library detection was required, etc.
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function ( libfind_process PREFIX )
# Skip processing if already processed during this configuration run
if ( ${ PREFIX } _FOUND )
return ( )
endif ( )
set ( found TRUE ) # Start with the assumption that the package was found
# Did we find any files? Did we miss includes? These are for formatting better error messages.
set ( some_files FALSE )
set ( missing_headers FALSE )
# Shorthands for some variables that we need often
set ( quiet ${ ${PREFIX } _FIND_QUIETLY} )
set ( required ${ ${PREFIX } _FIND_REQUIRED} )
set ( exactver ${ ${PREFIX } _FIND_VERSION_EXACT} )
set ( findver "${${PREFIX}_FIND_VERSION}" )
set ( version "${${PREFIX}_VERSION}" )
# Lists of config option names (all, includes, libs)
unset ( configopts )
set ( includeopts ${ ${PREFIX } _PROCESS_INCLUDES} )
set ( libraryopts ${ ${PREFIX } _PROCESS_LIBS} )
# Process deps to add to
foreach ( i ${ PREFIX } ${ ${PREFIX } _DEPENDENCIES} )
# The package seems to export option lists that we can use, woohoo!
list ( APPEND includeopts ${ ${i } _INCLUDE_OPTS} )
list ( APPEND libraryopts ${ ${i } _LIBRARY_OPTS} )
else ( )
# If plural forms don't exist or they equal singular forms
2019-06-30 18:32:52 -07:00
( $ { i } _ I N C L U D E _ D I R S T R E Q U A L $ { i } _ I N C L U D E _ D I R S A N D $ { i } _ L I B R A R Y S T R E Q U A L $ { i } _ L I B R A R I E S ) )
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# Singular forms can be used
if ( DEFINED ${ i } _INCLUDE_DIR )
list ( APPEND includeopts ${ i } _INCLUDE_DIR )
endif ( )
if ( DEFINED ${ i } _LIBRARY )
list ( APPEND libraryopts ${ i } _LIBRARY )
endif ( )
else ( )
# Oh no, we don't know the option names
message ( FATAL_ERROR "We couldn't determine config variable names for ${i} includes and libs. Aieeh!" )
endif ( )
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
if ( includeopts )
list ( REMOVE_DUPLICATES includeopts )
endif ( )
if ( libraryopts )
list ( REMOVE_DUPLICATES libraryopts )
endif ( )
string ( REGEX REPLACE ".*[ ;]([^ ;]*(_INCLUDE_DIRS|_LIBRARIES))" "\\1" tmp "${includeopts} ${libraryopts}" )
if ( NOT tmp STREQUAL "${includeopts} ${libraryopts}" )
message ( AUTHOR_WARNING "Plural form ${tmp} found in config options of ${PREFIX}. This works as before but is now deprecated. Please only use singular forms INCLUDE_DIR and LIBRARY, and update your find scripts for LibFindMacros > 2.0 automatic dependency system (most often you can simply remove the PROCESS variables entirely)." )
endif ( )
# Include/library names separated by spaces (notice: not CMake lists)
unset ( includes )
unset ( libs )
# Process all includes and set found false if any are missing
foreach ( i ${ includeopts } )
list ( APPEND configopts ${ i } )
if ( NOT "${${i}}" STREQUAL "${i}-NOTFOUND" )
list ( APPEND includes "${${i}}" )
else ( )
set ( found FALSE )
set ( missing_headers TRUE )
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
# Process all libraries and set found false if any are missing
foreach ( i ${ libraryopts } )
list ( APPEND configopts ${ i } )
if ( NOT "${${i}}" STREQUAL "${i}-NOTFOUND" )
list ( APPEND libs "${${i}}" )
else ( )
set ( found FALSE )
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
# Version checks
if ( found AND findver )
if ( NOT version )
message ( WARNING "The find module for ${PREFIX} does not provide version information, so we'll just assume that it is OK. Please fix the module or remove package version requirements to get rid of this warning." )
elseif ( version VERSION_LESS findver OR ( exactver AND NOT version VERSION_EQUAL findver ) )
set ( found FALSE )
set ( version_unsuitable TRUE )
endif ( )
endif ( )
# If all-OK, hide all config options, export variables, print status and exit
if ( found )
foreach ( i ${ configopts } )
mark_as_advanced ( ${ i } )
endforeach ( )
if ( NOT quiet )
message ( STATUS "Found ${PREFIX} ${${PREFIX}_VERSION}" )
message ( STATUS " ${PREFIX}_INCLUDE_OPTS=${includeopts}" )
message ( STATUS " ${PREFIX}_INCLUDE_DIRS=${includes}" )
message ( STATUS " ${PREFIX}_LIBRARY_OPTS=${libraryopts}" )
message ( STATUS " ${PREFIX}_LIBRARIES=${libs}" )
endif ( )
endif ( )
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set ( ${ PREFIX } _INCLUDE_OPTS ${ includeopts } PARENT_SCOPE )
set ( ${ PREFIX } _LIBRARY_OPTS ${ libraryopts } PARENT_SCOPE )
set ( ${ PREFIX } _INCLUDE_DIRS ${ includes } PARENT_SCOPE )
set ( ${ PREFIX } _LIBRARIES ${ libs } PARENT_SCOPE )
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return ( )
endif ( )
# Format messages for debug info and the type of error
set ( vars "Relevant CMake configuration variables:\n" )
foreach ( i ${ configopts } )
mark_as_advanced ( CLEAR ${ i } )
set ( val ${ ${i } } )
if ( "${val}" STREQUAL "${i}-NOTFOUND" )
set ( val "<not found>" )
elseif ( val AND NOT EXISTS ${ val } )
set ( val "${val} (does not exist)" )
else ( )
set ( some_files TRUE )
endif ( )
set ( vars "${vars} ${i}=${val}\n" )
endforeach ( )
set ( vars "${vars}You may use CMake GUI, cmake -D or ccmake to modify the values. Delete CMakeCache.txt to discard all values and force full re-detection if necessary.\n" )
if ( version_unsuitable )
set ( msg "${PREFIX} ${${PREFIX}_VERSION} was found but" )
if ( exactver )
set ( msg "${msg} only version ${findver} is acceptable." )
else ( )
set ( msg "${msg} version ${findver} is the minimum requirement." )
endif ( )
else ( )
if ( missing_headers )
set ( msg "We could not find development headers for ${PREFIX}. Do you have the necessary dev package installed?" )
elseif ( some_files )
set ( msg "We only found some files of ${PREFIX}, not all of them. Perhaps your installation is incomplete or maybe we just didn't look in the right place?" )
if ( findver )
set ( msg "${msg} This could also be caused by incompatible version (if it helps, at least ${PREFIX} ${findver} should work)." )
endif ( )
else ( )
set ( msg "We were unable to find package ${PREFIX}." )
endif ( )
endif ( )
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# Fatal error out if REQUIRED
if ( required )
set ( msg "REQUIRED PACKAGE NOT FOUND\n${msg} This package is REQUIRED and you need to install it or adjust CMake configuration in order to continue building ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}." )
message ( FATAL_ERROR "${msg}\n${vars}" )
endif ( )
# Otherwise just print a nasty warning
if ( NOT quiet )
message ( WARNING "WARNING: MISSING PACKAGE\n${msg} This package is NOT REQUIRED and you may ignore this warning but by doing so you may miss some functionality of ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}. \n${vars}" )
endif ( )
endfunction ( )