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" Test for signs
if !has('signs')
func Test_sign()
call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
" Define some signs.
" We can specify icons even if not all versions of vim support icons as
" icon is ignored when not supported. "(not supported)" is shown after
" the icon name when listing signs.
sign define Sign1 text=x
sign define Sign2 text=xy texthl=Title linehl=Error numhl=Number icon=../../pixmaps/stock_vim_find_help.png
catch /E255:/
" ignore error: E255: Couldn't read in sign data!
" This error can happen when running in gui.
" Some gui like Motif do not support the png icon format.
" Test listing signs.
let a=execute('sign list')
call assert_match("^\nsign Sign1 text=x \nsign Sign2 icon=../../pixmaps/stock_vim_find_help.png .*text=xy linehl=Error texthl=Title numhl=Number$", a)
let a=execute('sign list Sign1')
call assert_equal("\nsign Sign1 text=x ", a)
" Split the window to the bottom to verify sign jump will stay in the current window
" if the buffer is displayed there.
let bn = bufnr('%')
let wn = winnr()
exe 'sign place 41 line=3 name=Sign1 buffer=' . bn
bot split
exe 'sign jump 41 buffer=' . bufnr('%')
call assert_equal('c', getline('.'))
call assert_equal(3, winnr())
call assert_equal(bn, bufnr('%'))
call assert_notequal(wn, winnr())
" Create a new buffer and check that ":sign jump" switches to the old buffer.
new foo
call assert_notequal(bn, bufnr('%'))
exe 'sign jump 41 buffer=' . bn
call assert_equal(bn, bufnr('%'))
call assert_equal('c', getline('.'))
" Redraw to make sure that screen redraw with sign gets exercised,
" with and without 'rightleft'.
if has('rightleft')
set rightleft
set norightleft
" Check that we can't change sign.
call assert_fails("exe 'sign place 40 name=Sign1 buffer=' . bufnr('%')", 'E885:')
" Check placed signs
let a=execute('sign place')
call assert_equal("\n--- Signs ---\nSigns for [NULL]:\n line=3 id=41 name=Sign1\n", a)
" Unplace the sign and try jumping to it again should fail.
sign unplace 41
call assert_fails("exe 'sign jump 41 buffer=' . bufnr('%')", 'E157:')
call assert_equal('a', getline('.'))
" Unplace sign on current line.
exe 'sign place 42 line=4 name=Sign2 buffer=' . bufnr('%')
sign unplace
let a=execute('sign place')
call assert_equal("\n--- Signs ---\n", a)
" Try again to unplace sign on current line, it should fail this time.
call assert_fails('sign unplace', 'E159:')
" Unplace all signs.
exe 'sign place 41 line=3 name=Sign1 buffer=' . bufnr('%')
sign unplace *
let a=execute('sign place')
call assert_equal("\n--- Signs ---\n", a)
" Check :jump with file=...
edit foo
call setline(1, ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])
sign define Sign3 text=y texthl=DoesNotExist linehl=DoesNotExist icon=doesnotexist.xpm
catch /E255:/
" ignore error: E255: it can happens for guis.
let fn = expand('%:p')
exe 'sign place 43 line=2 name=Sign3 file=' . fn
edit bar
call assert_notequal(fn, expand('%:p'))
exe 'sign jump 43 file=' . fn
call assert_equal('B', getline('.'))
" After undefining the sign, we should no longer be able to place it.
sign undefine Sign1
sign undefine Sign2
sign undefine Sign3
call assert_fails("exe 'sign place 41 line=3 name=Sign1 buffer=' . bufnr('%')", 'E155:')
" Undefining placed sign is not recommended.
" Quoting :help sign
" :sign undefine {name}
" Deletes a previously defined sign. If signs with this {name}
" are still placed this will cause trouble.
func Test_sign_undefine_still_placed()
new foobar
sign define Sign text=x
exe 'sign place 41 line=1 name=Sign buffer=' . bufnr('%')
sign undefine Sign
" Listing placed sign should show that sign is deleted.
let a=execute('sign place')
call assert_equal("\n--- Signs ---\nSigns for foobar:\n line=1 id=41 name=[Deleted]\n", a)
sign unplace 41
let a=execute('sign place')
call assert_equal("\n--- Signs ---\n", a)
func Test_sign_completion()
sign define Sign1 text=x
sign define Sign2 text=y
call feedkeys(":sign \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('"sign define jump list place undefine unplace', @:)
call feedkeys(":sign define Sign \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('"sign define Sign icon= linehl= numhl= text= texthl=', @:)
call feedkeys(":sign define Sign linehl=Spell\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('"sign define Sign linehl=SpellBad SpellCap SpellLocal SpellRare', @:)
call writefile(['foo'], 'XsignOne')
call writefile(['bar'], 'XsignTwo')
call feedkeys(":sign define Sign icon=Xsig\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('"sign define Sign icon=XsignOne XsignTwo', @:)
call delete('XsignOne')
call delete('XsignTwo')
call feedkeys(":sign undefine \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('"sign undefine Sign1 Sign2', @:)
call feedkeys(":sign place 1 \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('"sign place 1 buffer= file= line= name=', @:)
call feedkeys(":sign place 1 name=\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('"sign place 1 name=Sign1 Sign2', @:)
call feedkeys(":sign unplace 1 \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('"sign unplace 1 buffer= file=', @:)
call feedkeys(":sign list \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('"sign list Sign1 Sign2', @:)
call feedkeys(":sign jump 1 \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('"sign jump 1 buffer= file=', @:)
sign undefine Sign1
sign undefine Sign2
func Test_sign_invalid_commands()
call assert_fails('sign', 'E471:')
call assert_fails('sign jump', 'E471:')
call assert_fails('sign xxx', 'E160:')
call assert_fails('sign define', 'E156:')
call assert_fails('sign define Sign1 xxx', 'E475:')
call assert_fails('sign undefine', 'E156:')
call assert_fails('sign list xxx', 'E155:')
call assert_fails('sign place 1 buffer=999', 'E158:')
call assert_fails('sign define Sign2 text=', 'E239:')
func Test_sign_delete_buffer()
sign define Sign text=x
let bufnr = bufnr('%')
exe 'bd ' . bufnr
exe 'sign place 61 line=3 name=Sign buffer=' . bufnr
call assert_fails('sign jump 61 buffer=' . bufnr, 'E934:')
sign unplace 61
sign undefine Sign