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" Tests for various Ex commands.
source check.vim
source shared.vim
source term_util.vim
func Test_ex_delete()
call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
" :dl is :delete with the "l" flag, not :dlist
call assert_equal(['a', 'c'], getline(1, 2))
func Test_range_error()
call assert_fails(':.echo 1', 'E481:')
call assert_fails(':$echo 1', 'E481:')
call assert_fails(':1,2echo 1', 'E481:')
call assert_fails(':+1echo 1', 'E481:')
call assert_fails(':/1/echo 1', 'E481:')
call assert_fails(':\/echo 1', 'E481:')
normal vv
call assert_fails(":'<,'>echo 1", 'E481:')
func Test_buffers_lastused()
edit bufc " oldest
sleep 1200m
edit bufa " middle
sleep 1200m
edit bufb " newest
let ls = split(execute('buffers t', 'silent!'), '\n')
let bufs = []
for line in ls
let bufs += [split(line, '"\s*')[1:2]]
let names = []
for buf in bufs
if buf[0] !=# '[No Name]'
let names += [buf[0]]
call assert_equal(['bufb', 'bufa', 'bufc'], names)
call assert_match('[0-2] seconds\= ago', bufs[1][1])
bwipeout bufa
bwipeout bufb
bwipeout bufc
" Test for the :copy command
func Test_copy()
call setline(1, ['L1', 'L2', 'L3', 'L4'])
" copy lines in a range to inside the range
1,3copy 2
call assert_equal(['L1', 'L2', 'L1', 'L2', 'L3', 'L3', 'L4'], getline(1, 7))
" Test for the :file command
func Test_file_cmd()
call assert_fails('3file', 'E474:')
call assert_fails('0,0file', 'E474:')
call assert_fails('0file abc', 'E474:')
" Test for the :drop command
func Test_drop_cmd()
call writefile(['L1', 'L2'], 'Xfile')
enew | only
drop Xfile
call assert_equal('L2', getline(2))
" Test for switching to an existing window
below new
drop Xfile
call assert_equal(1, winnr())
" Test for splitting the current window
enew | only
set modified
drop Xfile
call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
" Check for setting the argument list
call assert_equal(['Xfile'], argv())
enew | only!
call delete('Xfile')
" Test for the :append command
func Test_append_cmd()
call setline(1, [' L1'])
call feedkeys(":append\<CR> L2\<CR> L3\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
call assert_equal([' L1', ' L2', ' L3'], getline(1, '$'))
%delete _
" append after a specific line
call setline(1, [' L1', ' L2', ' L3'])
call feedkeys(":2append\<CR> L4\<CR> L5\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
call assert_equal([' L1', ' L2', ' L4', ' L5', ' L3'], getline(1, '$'))
%delete _
" append with toggling 'autoindent'
call setline(1, [' L1'])
call feedkeys(":append!\<CR> L2\<CR> L3\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
call assert_equal([' L1', ' L2', ' L3'], getline(1, '$'))
call assert_false(&autoindent)
%delete _
" append with 'autoindent' set and toggling 'autoindent'
set autoindent
call setline(1, [' L1'])
call feedkeys(":append!\<CR> L2\<CR> L3\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
call assert_equal([' L1', ' L2', ' L3'], getline(1, '$'))
call assert_true(&autoindent)
set autoindent&
func Test_append_cmd_empty_buf()
let lines =<< trim END
func Timer(timer)
call timer_start(10, 'Timer')
call writefile(lines, 'Xtest_append_cmd_empty_buf')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xtest_append_cmd_empty_buf', {'rows': 6})
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('bbbbb', term_getline(buf, 2))})
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('aaaaa', term_getline(buf, 1))})
" clean up
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
call delete('Xtest_append_cmd_empty_buf')
" Test for the :insert command
func Test_insert_cmd()
set noautoindent " test assumes noautoindent, but it's on by default in Nvim
call setline(1, [' L1'])
call feedkeys(":insert\<CR> L2\<CR> L3\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
call assert_equal([' L2', ' L3', ' L1'], getline(1, '$'))
%delete _
" insert before a specific line
call setline(1, [' L1', ' L2', ' L3'])
call feedkeys(":2insert\<CR> L4\<CR> L5\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
call assert_equal([' L1', ' L4', ' L5', ' L2', ' L3'], getline(1, '$'))
%delete _
" insert with toggling 'autoindent'
call setline(1, [' L1'])
call feedkeys(":insert!\<CR> L2\<CR> L3\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
call assert_equal([' L2', ' L3', ' L1'], getline(1, '$'))
call assert_false(&autoindent)
%delete _
" insert with 'autoindent' set and toggling 'autoindent'
set autoindent
call setline(1, [' L1'])
call feedkeys(":insert!\<CR> L2\<CR> L3\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
call assert_equal([' L2', ' L3', ' L1'], getline(1, '$'))
call assert_true(&autoindent)
set autoindent&
func Test_insert_cmd_empty_buf()
let lines =<< trim END
func Timer(timer)
call timer_start(10, 'Timer')
call writefile(lines, 'Xtest_insert_cmd_empty_buf')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xtest_insert_cmd_empty_buf', {'rows': 6})
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('bbbbb', term_getline(buf, 2))})
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('aaaaa', term_getline(buf, 1))})
" clean up
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
call delete('Xtest_insert_cmd_empty_buf')
" Test for the :change command
func Test_change_cmd()
set noautoindent " test assumes noautoindent, but it's on by default in Nvim
call setline(1, [' L1', 'L2', 'L3'])
call feedkeys(":change\<CR> L4\<CR> L5\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
call assert_equal([' L4', ' L5', 'L2', 'L3'], getline(1, '$'))
%delete _
" change a specific line
call setline(1, [' L1', ' L2', ' L3'])
call feedkeys(":2change\<CR> L4\<CR> L5\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
call assert_equal([' L1', ' L4', ' L5', ' L3'], getline(1, '$'))
%delete _
" change with toggling 'autoindent'
call setline(1, [' L1', 'L2', 'L3'])
call feedkeys(":change!\<CR> L4\<CR> L5\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
call assert_equal([' L4', ' L5', 'L2', 'L3'], getline(1, '$'))
call assert_false(&autoindent)
%delete _
" change with 'autoindent' set and toggling 'autoindent'
set autoindent
call setline(1, [' L1', 'L2', 'L3'])
call feedkeys(":change!\<CR> L4\<CR> L5\<CR>.\<CR>", 'xt')
call assert_equal([' L4', ' L5', 'L2', 'L3'], getline(1, '$'))
call assert_true(&autoindent)
set autoindent&
" Test for the :confirm command dialog
func Test_confirm_cmd()
call writefile(['foo1'], 'foo')
call writefile(['bar1'], 'bar')
" Test for saving all the modified buffers
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('', {'rows': 20})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set nomore\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":new foo\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call setline(1, 'foo2')\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":new bar\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call setline(1, 'bar2')\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":wincmd b\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":confirm qall\n")
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('\[Y\]es, (N)o, Save (A)ll, (D)iscard All, (C)ancel: ', term_getline(buf, 20))}, 1000)
call term_sendkeys(buf, "A")
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
call assert_equal(['foo2'], readfile('foo'))
call assert_equal(['bar2'], readfile('bar'))
" Test for discarding all the changes to modified buffers
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('', {'rows': 20})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set nomore\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":new foo\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call setline(1, 'foo3')\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":new bar\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call setline(1, 'bar3')\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":wincmd b\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":confirm qall\n")
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('\[Y\]es, (N)o, Save (A)ll, (D)iscard All, (C)ancel: ', term_getline(buf, 20))}, 1000)
call term_sendkeys(buf, "D")
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
call assert_equal(['foo2'], readfile('foo'))
call assert_equal(['bar2'], readfile('bar'))
" Test for saving and discarding changes to some buffers
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('', {'rows': 20})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set nomore\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":new foo\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call setline(1, 'foo4')\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":new bar\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call setline(1, 'bar4')\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":wincmd b\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":confirm qall\n")
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('\[Y\]es, (N)o, Save (A)ll, (D)iscard All, (C)ancel: ', term_getline(buf, 20))}, 1000)
call term_sendkeys(buf, "N")
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('\[Y\]es, (N)o, (C)ancel: ', term_getline(buf, 20))}, 1000)
call term_sendkeys(buf, "Y")
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
call assert_equal(['foo4'], readfile('foo'))
call assert_equal(['bar2'], readfile('bar'))
call delete('foo')
call delete('bar')
func Test_confirm_cmd_cancel()
" Test for closing a window with a modified buffer
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('', {'rows': 20})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set nomore\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":new\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call setline(1, 'abc')\n")
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":confirm close\n")
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^\[Y\]es, (N)o, (C)ancel: *$',
\ term_getline(buf, 20))}, 1000)
call term_sendkeys(buf, "C")
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('', term_getline(buf, 20))}, 1000)
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":confirm close\n")
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^\[Y\]es, (N)o, (C)ancel: *$',
\ term_getline(buf, 20))}, 1000)
call term_sendkeys(buf, "N")
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^ *0,0-1 All$',
\ term_getline(buf, 20))}, 1000)
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
func Test_confirm_write_ro()
call writefile(['foo'], 'Xconfirm_write_ro')
let lines =<< trim END
set nobackup ff=unix cmdheight=2
edit Xconfirm_write_ro
norm Abar
call writefile(lines, 'Xscript')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {'rows': 20})
" Try to write with 'ro' option.
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set ro | confirm w\n")
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match("^'readonly' option is set for \"Xconfirm_write_ro\"\. *$",
\ term_getline(buf, 18))}, 1000)
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^Do you wish to write anyway? *$',
\ term_getline(buf, 19))}, 1000)
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^(Y)es, \[N\]o: *$', term_getline(buf, 20))}, 1000)
call term_sendkeys(buf, 'N')
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^ *$', term_getline(buf, 19))}, 1000)
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('.* All$', term_getline(buf, 20))}, 1000)
call assert_equal(['foo'], readfile('Xconfirm_write_ro'))
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":confirm w\n")
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match("^'readonly' option is set for \"Xconfirm_write_ro\"\. *$",
\ term_getline(buf, 18))}, 1000)
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^Do you wish to write anyway? *$',
\ term_getline(buf, 19))}, 1000)
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^(Y)es, \[N\]o: *$', term_getline(buf, 20))}, 1000)
call term_sendkeys(buf, 'Y')
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^"Xconfirm_write_ro" 1L, 7B written$',
\ term_getline(buf, 19))}, 1000)
call assert_equal(['foobar'], readfile('Xconfirm_write_ro'))
" Try to write with read-only file permissions.
call setfperm('Xconfirm_write_ro', 'r--r--r--')
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set noro | undo | confirm w\n")
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match("^File permissions of \"Xconfirm_write_ro\" are read-only\. *$",
\ term_getline(buf, 17))}, 1000)
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^It may still be possible to write it\. *$',
\ term_getline(buf, 18))}, 1000)
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^Do you wish to try? *$', term_getline(buf, 19))}, 1000)
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^(Y)es, \[N\]o: *$', term_getline(buf, 20))}, 1000)
call term_sendkeys(buf, 'Y')
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^"Xconfirm_write_ro" 1L, 4B written$',
\ term_getline(buf, 19))}, 1000)
call assert_equal(['foo'], readfile('Xconfirm_write_ro'))
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
call delete('Xscript')
call delete('Xconfirm_write_ro')
func Test_confirm_write_partial_file()
call writefile(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'Xwrite_partial')
call writefile(['set nobackup ff=unix cmdheight=2',
\ 'edit Xwrite_partial'], 'Xscript')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {'rows': 20})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":confirm 2,3w\n")
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^Write partial file? *$',
\ term_getline(buf, 19))}, 1000)
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^(Y)es, \[N\]o: *$',
\ term_getline(buf, 20))}, 1000)
call term_sendkeys(buf, 'N')
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('.* All$', term_getline(buf, 20))}, 1000)
call assert_equal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], readfile('Xwrite_partial'))
call delete('Xwrite_partial')
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":confirm 2,3w\n")
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^Write partial file? *$',
\ term_getline(buf, 19))}, 1000)
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^(Y)es, \[N\]o: *$',
\ term_getline(buf, 20))}, 1000)
call term_sendkeys(buf, 'Y')
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^"Xwrite_partial" \[New\] 2L, 4B written *$',
\ term_getline(buf, 19))}, 1000)
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^Press ENTER or type command to continue *$',
\ term_getline(buf, 20))}, 1000)
call assert_equal(['b', 'c'], readfile('Xwrite_partial'))
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
call delete('Xwrite_partial')
call delete('Xscript')
" Test for the :winsize command
func Test_winsize_cmd()
call assert_fails('winsize 1', 'E465:')
call assert_fails('winsize 1 x', 'E465:')
call assert_fails('win_getid(1)', 'E475: Invalid argument: _getid(1)')
" Actually changing the window size would be flaky.