2024-04-20 08:44:13 -07:00
local t = require ( ' test.testutil ' )
local n = require ( ' test.functional.testnvim ' ) ( )
2022-06-30 00:26:31 -07:00
local Screen = require ( ' test.functional.ui.screen ' )
2024-04-20 08:44:13 -07:00
2024-04-08 02:03:20 -07:00
local eq = t.eq
2024-04-20 08:44:13 -07:00
local exec_lua = n.exec_lua
local clear = n.clear
local feed = n.feed
local fn = n.fn
2024-04-08 02:03:20 -07:00
local assert_log = t.assert_log
2024-04-20 08:44:13 -07:00
local check_close = n.check_close
2024-04-05 20:18:43 -07:00
local testlog = ' Xtest_lua_ui_event_log '
2022-06-30 00:26:31 -07:00
describe ( ' vim.ui_attach ' , function ( )
local screen
before_each ( function ( )
clear ( )
exec_lua [ [
ns = vim.api . nvim_create_namespace ' testspace '
events = { }
function on_event ( event , ... )
events [ # events + 1 ] = { event , ... }
return true
function get_events ( )
local ret_events = events
events = { }
return ret_events
] ]
screen = Screen.new ( 40 , 5 )
end )
local function expect_events ( expected )
local evs = exec_lua ' return get_events(...) '
2024-01-12 04:51:31 -07:00
eq ( expected , evs , vim.inspect ( evs ) )
2022-06-30 00:26:31 -07:00
it ( ' can receive popupmenu events ' , function ( )
exec_lua [[ vim.ui_attach(ns, {ext_popupmenu=true}, on_event) ]]
feed ( ' ifo ' )
screen : expect {
grid = [ [
fo ^ |
2023-12-09 05:42:00 -07:00
{ 1 : ~ } |* 3
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
{ 5 : -- INSERT --} |
2022-06-30 00:26:31 -07:00
] ] ,
2024-01-12 10:59:57 -07:00
fn.complete ( 1 , { ' food ' , ' foobar ' , ' foo ' } )
2022-06-30 00:26:31 -07:00
screen : expect {
grid = [ [
food ^ |
2023-12-09 05:42:00 -07:00
{ 1 : ~ } |* 3
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
{ 5 : -- INSERT --} |
2022-06-30 00:26:31 -07:00
] ] ,
expect_events {
' popupmenu_show ' ,
{ { ' food ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' } , { ' foobar ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' } , { ' foo ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' } } ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 ,
1 ,
} ,
feed ' <c-n> '
screen : expect {
grid = [ [
foobar ^ |
2023-12-09 05:42:00 -07:00
{ 1 : ~ } |* 3
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
{ 5 : -- INSERT --} |
2022-06-30 00:26:31 -07:00
] ] ,
expect_events {
{ ' popupmenu_select ' , 1 } ,
feed ' <c-y> '
2023-10-13 18:58:30 -07:00
screen : expect_unchanged ( )
2022-06-30 00:26:31 -07:00
expect_events {
{ ' popupmenu_hide ' } ,
2022-09-01 01:37:29 -07:00
-- vim.ui_detach() stops events, and reenables builtin pum immediately
exec_lua [ [
vim.ui_detach ( ns )
vim.fn . complete ( 1 , { ' food ' , ' foobar ' , ' foo ' } )
] ]
2022-06-30 00:26:31 -07:00
screen : expect {
grid = [ [
food ^ |
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
{ 12 : food } { 1 : } |
2022-06-30 00:26:31 -07:00
{ 4 : foobar } { 1 : } |
{ 4 : foo } { 1 : } |
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
{ 5 : -- INSERT --} |
2022-06-30 00:26:31 -07:00
] ] ,
expect_events { }
end )
2022-09-16 02:06:37 -07:00
it ( ' does not crash on exit ' , function ( )
2024-01-12 10:59:57 -07:00
fn.system ( {
2024-04-20 08:44:13 -07:00
n.nvim_prog ,
2022-09-16 02:06:37 -07:00
' -u ' ,
' NONE ' ,
' -i ' ,
' NONE ' ,
' --cmd ' ,
[[ lua ns = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace 'testspace' ]] ,
' --cmd ' ,
[[ lua vim.ui_attach(ns, {ext_popupmenu=true}, function() end) ]] ,
' --cmd ' ,
' quitall! ' ,
} )
2024-04-20 08:44:13 -07:00
eq ( 0 , n.eval ( ' v:shell_error ' ) )
2022-09-16 02:06:37 -07:00
end )
2022-11-06 18:20:27 -07:00
it ( ' can receive accurate message kinds even if they are history ' , function ( )
exec_lua ( [ [
vim.cmd . echomsg ( " 'message1' " )
print ( ' message2 ' )
vim.ui_attach ( ns , { ext_messages = true } , on_event )
vim.cmd . echomsg ( " 'message3' " )
] ] )
feed ( ' :messages<cr> ' )
feed ( ' <cr> ' )
local actual = exec_lua ( [ [
return vim.tbl_filter ( function ( event )
return event [ 1 ] == " msg_history_show "
end , events )
] ] )
eq ( {
' msg_history_show ' ,
2024-03-08 06:44:58 -07:00
{ ' echomsg ' , { { 0 , ' message1 ' , 0 } } } ,
2024-11-17 11:21:50 -07:00
{ ' lua_print ' , { { 0 , ' message2 ' , 0 } } } ,
2024-03-08 06:44:58 -07:00
{ ' echomsg ' , { { 0 , ' message3 ' , 0 } } } ,
2022-11-06 18:20:27 -07:00
} ,
} ,
2024-01-12 04:51:31 -07:00
} , actual , vim.inspect ( actual ) )
2022-11-06 18:20:27 -07:00
end )
2024-04-26 07:21:56 -07:00
2024-04-28 17:51:33 -07:00
it ( ' ui_refresh() activates correct capabilities without remote UI ' , function ( )
2024-04-26 07:21:56 -07:00
screen : detach ( )
2024-04-28 17:51:33 -07:00
exec_lua ( ' vim.ui_attach(ns, { ext_cmdline = true }, on_event) ' )
eq ( 1 , n.api . nvim_get_option_value ( ' cmdheight ' , { } ) )
exec_lua ( ' vim.ui_detach(ns) ' )
2024-04-26 07:21:56 -07:00
exec_lua ( ' vim.ui_attach(ns, { ext_messages = true }, on_event) ' )
n.api . nvim_set_option_value ( ' cmdheight ' , 1 , { } )
screen : attach ( )
eq ( 1 , n.api . nvim_get_option_value ( ' cmdheight ' , { } ) )
end )
2024-04-26 16:00:55 -07:00
it ( " ui_refresh() sets 'cmdheight' for all open tabpages with ext_messages " , function ( )
exec_lua ( ' vim.cmd.tabnew() ' )
exec_lua ( ' vim.ui_attach(ns, { ext_messages = true }, on_event) ' )
exec_lua ( ' vim.cmd.tabnext() ' )
eq ( 0 , n.api . nvim_get_option_value ( ' cmdheight ' , { } ) )
end )
2024-05-01 13:51:06 -07:00
it ( ' avoids recursive flushing and invalid memory access with :redraw ' , function ( )
exec_lua ( [ [
_G.cmdline = 0
vim.ui_attach ( ns , { ext_messages = true } , function ( ev )
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
if ev == ' msg_show ' then
vim.schedule ( function ( ) vim.cmd . redraw ( ) end )
vim.cmd . redraw ( )
2024-05-01 13:51:06 -07:00
_G.cmdline = _G.cmdline + ( ev == ' cmdline_show ' and 1 or 0 )
) ] ] )
feed ( ' : ' )
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
n.assert_alive ( )
eq ( 2 , exec_lua ( ' return _G.cmdline ' ) )
2024-05-01 13:51:06 -07:00
n.assert_alive ( )
feed ( ' version<CR><CR>v<Esc> ' )
n.assert_alive ( )
end )
2024-05-28 02:43:56 -07:00
it ( " preserved 'incsearch/command' screen state after :redraw from ext_cmdline " , function ( )
exec_lua ( [ [
vim.cmd . norm ( ' ifoobar ' )
vim.cmd ( ' 1split cmdline ' )
local buf = vim.api . nvim_get_current_buf ( )
vim.cmd . wincmd ( ' p ' )
vim.ui_attach ( ns , { ext_cmdline = true } , function ( event , ... )
if event == ' cmdline_show ' then
local content = select ( 1 , ... )
vim.api . nvim_buf_set_lines ( buf , - 2 , - 1 , false , { content [ 1 ] [ 2 ] } )
vim.cmd ( ' redraw ' )
return true
end )
] ] )
-- Updates a cmdline window
feed ( ' :cmdline ' )
screen : expect ( {
grid = [ [
cmdline |
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
{ 2 : cmdline [ + ] } |
2024-05-28 02:43:56 -07:00
fooba ^ r |
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
{ 3 : [ No Name ] [ + ] } |
2024-05-28 02:43:56 -07:00
] ] ,
} )
-- Does not clear 'incsearch' highlighting
feed ( ' <Esc>/foo ' )
screen : expect ( {
grid = [ [
foo |
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
{ 2 : cmdline [ + ] } |
{ 2 : foo } ba ^ r |
{ 3 : [ No Name ] [ + ] } |
2024-05-28 02:43:56 -07:00
] ] ,
} )
-- Shows new cmdline state during 'inccommand'
feed ( ' <Esc>:%s/bar/baz ' )
screen : expect ( {
grid = [ [
% s / bar / baz |
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
{ 2 : cmdline [ + ] } |
foo { 10 : ba ^ z } |
{ 3 : [ No Name ] [ + ] } |
2024-05-28 02:43:56 -07:00
] ] ,
} )
end )
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
2024-11-15 15:34:42 -07:00
it ( ' msg_show in fast context ' , function ( )
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
exec_lua ( [ [
vim.ui_attach ( ns , { ext_messages = true } , function ( event , _ , content )
if event == " msg_show " then
vim.api . nvim_get_runtime_file ( " foo " , false )
-- non-"fast-api" is not allowed in msg_show callback and should be scheduled
local _ , err = pcall ( vim.api . nvim_buf_set_lines , 0 , - 2 , - 1 , false , { content [ 1 ] [ 2 ] } )
2024-11-15 15:34:42 -07:00
pcall ( vim.api . nvim__redraw , { flush = true } )
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
vim.schedule ( function ( )
vim.api . nvim_buf_set_lines ( 0 , - 2 , - 1 , false , { content [ 1 ] [ 2 ] , err } )
end )
end )
] ] )
2024-11-15 15:34:42 -07:00
-- "fast-api" does not prevent aborting :function
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
feed ( ' :func Foo()<cr>bar<cr>endf<cr>:func Foo()<cr> ' )
screen : expect ( {
grid = [ [
^ E122 : Function Foo already exists , add ! |
to replace it |
E5560 : nvim_buf_set_lines must not be ca |
lled in a fast event context |
{ 1 : ~ } |
] ] ,
messages = {
2024-12-17 06:11:41 -07:00
content = { { ' E122: Function Foo already exists, add ! to replace it ' , 9 , 6 } } ,
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
kind = ' emsg ' ,
} ,
} ,
} )
2024-11-15 15:34:42 -07:00
-- No fast context for prompt message kinds
feed ( ' :%s/Function/Replacement/c<cr> ' )
screen : expect ( {
grid = [ [
^ E122 : { 10 : Function } Foo already exists , add ! |
to replace it |
replace with Replacement ( y / n / a / q / l /^ E /^|
Y ) ? |
{ 1 : ~ } |
] ] ,
messages = {
2024-12-17 06:11:41 -07:00
content = { { ' replace with Replacement (y/n/a/q/l/^E/^Y)? ' , 6 , 18 } } ,
2024-11-15 15:34:42 -07:00
kind = ' confirm_sub ' ,
} ,
} ,
} )
2024-11-20 13:11:20 -07:00
feed ( ' <esc>:call inputlist(["Select:", "One", "Two"])<cr> ' )
screen : expect ( {
grid = [ [
E122 : { 10 : Function } Foo already exists , add ! |
to replace it |
Type number and < Enter > or click with th |
e mouse ( q or empty cancels ) : |
{ 1 : ^~ } |
] ] ,
messages = {
content = { { ' Select: \n One \n Two \n ' } } ,
kind = ' list_cmd ' ,
} ,
content = { { ' Type number and <Enter> or click with the mouse (q or empty cancels): ' } } ,
kind = ' number_prompt ' ,
} ,
} ,
} )
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
end )
2024-11-15 17:56:42 -07:00
end )
describe ( ' vim.ui_attach ' , function ( )
local screen
before_each ( function ( )
clear ( { env = { NVIM_LOG_FILE = testlog } } )
screen = Screen.new ( 40 , 5 )
end )
after_each ( function ( )
check_close ( )
os.remove ( testlog )
end )
it ( ' error in callback is logged ' , function ( )
exec_lua ( [ [
local ns = vim.api . nvim_create_namespace ( ' testspace ' )
vim.ui_attach ( ns , { ext_popupmenu = true } , function ( ) error ( 42 ) end )
] ] )
feed ( ' ifoo<CR>foobar<CR>fo<C-X><C-N> ' )
assert_log ( ' Error executing UI event callback: Error executing lua: .*: 42 ' , testlog , 100 )
end )
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
it ( ' detaches after excessive errors ' , function ( )
screen : add_extra_attr_ids ( { [ 100 ] = { bold = true , foreground = Screen.colors . SeaGreen } } )
exec_lua ( [ [
vim.ui_attach ( vim.api . nvim_create_namespace ( ' ' ) , { ext_messages = true } , function ( )
vim.api . nvim_buf_set_lines ( 0 , - 2 , - 1 , false , { err [ 1 ] } )
end )
] ] )
screen : expect ( {
grid = [ [
^ |
{ 1 : ~ } |* 4
] ] ,
} )
feed ( ' ifoo ' )
screen : expect ( {
grid = [ [
foo ^ |
{ 1 : ~ } |* 4
] ] ,
2024-12-17 06:11:41 -07:00
showmode = { { ' -- INSERT -- ' , 5 , 11 } } ,
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
} )
feed ( ' <esc>:1mes clear<cr>:mes<cr> ' )
screen : expect ( {
grid = [ [
foo |
{ 3 : } |
{ 9 : Excessive errors in vim.ui_attach ( ) call } |
2024-11-15 17:56:42 -07:00
{ 9 : back from ns : 1. } |
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
{ 100 : Press ENTER or type command to continue } ^ |
] ] ,
} )
feed ( ' <cr> ' )
-- Also when scheduled
exec_lua ( [ [
vim.ui_attach ( vim.api . nvim_create_namespace ( ' ' ) , { ext_messages = true } , function ( )
vim.schedule ( function ( ) vim.api . nvim_buf_set_lines ( 0 , - 2 , - 1 , false , { err [ 1 ] } ) end )
end )
] ] )
screen : expect ( {
any = ' fo^o ' ,
messages = {
content = {
' Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: [string "<nvim>"]:2: attempt to index global \' err \' (a nil value) \n stack traceback: \n \t [string "<nvim>"]:2: in function <[string "<nvim>"]:2> ' ,
9 ,
2024-12-17 06:11:41 -07:00
6 ,
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
} ,
} ,
kind = ' lua_error ' ,
} ,
content = {
' Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: [string "<nvim>"]:2: attempt to index global \' err \' (a nil value) \n stack traceback: \n \t [string "<nvim>"]:2: in function <[string "<nvim>"]:2> ' ,
9 ,
2024-12-17 06:11:41 -07:00
6 ,
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
} ,
} ,
kind = ' lua_error ' ,
} ,
2024-12-17 06:11:41 -07:00
content = { { ' Press ENTER or type command to continue ' , 100 , 18 } } ,
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
kind = ' return_prompt ' ,
} ,
} ,
} )
feed ( ' <esc>:1mes clear<cr>:mes<cr> ' )
screen : expect ( {
grid = [ [
foo |
{ 3 : } |
{ 9 : Excessive errors in vim.ui_attach ( ) call } |
2024-11-15 17:56:42 -07:00
{ 9 : back from ns : 2. } |
2024-06-20 05:48:06 -07:00
{ 100 : Press ENTER or type command to continue } ^ |
] ] ,
} )
end )
2022-06-30 00:26:31 -07:00
end )