2019-06-17 15:00:51 -07:00
-- To test tui/input.c, this module spawns `nvim` inside :terminal and sends
-- bytes via jobsend(). Note: the functional/helpers.lua test-session methods
-- operate on the _host_ session, _not_ the child session.
2016-04-23 16:53:11 -07:00
local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(nil)
2015-03-25 05:14:47 -07:00
local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen')
2022-06-22 05:51:52 -07:00
local testprg = helpers.testprg
2022-11-19 05:46:04 -07:00
local exec_lua = helpers.exec_lua
2023-07-22 21:46:56 -07:00
local nvim = helpers.nvim
2023-12-05 15:26:46 -07:00
local nvim_prog = helpers.nvim_prog
2015-03-25 05:14:47 -07:00
local function feed_data(data)
2022-11-19 05:46:04 -07:00
if type(data) == 'table' then
data = table.concat(data, '\n')
exec_lua('vim.api.nvim_chan_send(vim.b.terminal_job_id, ...)', data)
2015-03-25 05:14:47 -07:00
local function feed_termcode(data)
2022-11-19 05:46:04 -07:00
feed_data('\027' .. data)
local function make_lua_executor(session)
return function(code, ...)
local status, rv = session:request('nvim_exec_lua', code, {...})
if not status then
return rv
2015-03-25 05:14:47 -07:00
2022-11-19 05:46:04 -07:00
2015-03-25 05:14:47 -07:00
-- some helpers for controlling the terminal. the codes were taken from
-- infocmp xterm-256color which is less what libvterm understands
-- civis/cnorm
local function hide_cursor() feed_termcode('[?25l') end
local function show_cursor() feed_termcode('[?25h') end
-- smcup/rmcup
local function enter_altscreen() feed_termcode('[?1049h') end
local function exit_altscreen() feed_termcode('[?1049l') end
-- character attributes
local function set_fg(num) feed_termcode('[38;5;'..num..'m') end
local function set_bg(num) feed_termcode('[48;5;'..num..'m') end
local function set_bold() feed_termcode('[1m') end
local function set_italic() feed_termcode('[3m') end
local function set_underline() feed_termcode('[4m') end
2022-09-24 22:54:30 -07:00
local function set_underdouble() feed_termcode('[4:2m') end
local function set_undercurl() feed_termcode('[4:3m') end
2019-09-13 14:46:19 -07:00
local function set_strikethrough() feed_termcode('[9m') end
2015-03-25 05:14:47 -07:00
local function clear_attrs() feed_termcode('[0;10m') end
-- mouse
local function enable_mouse() feed_termcode('[?1002h') end
local function disable_mouse() feed_termcode('[?1002l') end
2022-06-22 05:51:52 -07:00
local default_command = '["'..testprg('tty-test')..'"]'
2015-03-25 05:14:47 -07:00
2019-01-25 10:44:29 -07:00
local function screen_setup(extra_rows, command, cols, opts)
2017-02-22 08:10:10 -07:00
extra_rows = extra_rows and extra_rows or 0
command = command and command or default_command
cols = cols and cols or 50
2015-04-08 04:34:27 -07:00
nvim('command', 'highlight TermCursor cterm=reverse')
nvim('command', 'highlight TermCursorNC ctermbg=11')
2017-02-22 08:10:10 -07:00
local screen = Screen.new(cols, 7 + extra_rows)
2015-03-25 05:14:47 -07:00
[1] = {reverse = true}, -- focused cursor
[2] = {background = 11}, -- unfocused cursor
2016-08-09 08:01:56 -07:00
[3] = {bold = true},
[4] = {foreground = 12},
[5] = {bold = true, reverse = true},
2019-10-11 10:27:15 -07:00
-- 6 was a duplicate item
2016-08-09 08:01:56 -07:00
[7] = {foreground = 130},
[8] = {foreground = 15, background = 1}, -- error message
[9] = {foreground = 4},
2018-11-20 02:52:49 -07:00
[10] = {foreground = 121}, -- "Press ENTER" in embedded :terminal session.
2019-09-01 02:25:00 -07:00
[11] = {foreground = tonumber('0x00000b')},
2023-01-08 21:20:50 -07:00
[12] = {underline = true},
[13] = {underline = true, reverse = true},
[14] = {underline = true, reverse = true, bold = true},
[15] = {underline = true, foreground = 12},
2015-03-25 05:14:47 -07:00
2019-01-25 10:44:29 -07:00
screen:attach(opts or {rgb=false})
2017-02-22 11:14:06 -07:00
2023-07-22 21:46:56 -07:00
nvim('command', 'enew | call termopen('..command..')')
2017-02-22 11:14:06 -07:00
nvim('input', '<CR>')
local vim_errmsg = nvim('eval', 'v:errmsg')
if vim_errmsg and "" ~= vim_errmsg then
2023-07-22 21:46:56 -07:00
nvim('command', 'setlocal scrollback=10')
nvim('command', 'startinsert')
nvim('input', '<Ignore>') -- Add input to separate two RPC requests
2017-02-22 11:14:06 -07:00
-- tty-test puts the terminal into raw mode and echoes input. Tests work by
-- feeding termcodes to control the display and asserting by screen:expect.
2019-01-25 10:44:29 -07:00
if command == default_command and opts == nil then
2017-02-22 08:10:10 -07:00
-- Wait for "tty ready" to be printed before each test or the terminal may
-- still be in canonical mode (will echo characters for example).
2018-12-18 04:50:44 -07:00
local empty_line = (' '):rep(cols)
2015-10-01 11:03:40 -07:00
local expected = {
2018-12-18 04:50:44 -07:00
'tty ready'..(' '):rep(cols - 9),
'{1: }' ..(' '):rep(cols - 1),
2015-10-01 11:03:40 -07:00
2017-02-22 08:10:10 -07:00
for _ = 1, extra_rows do
2015-10-01 11:03:40 -07:00
table.insert(expected, empty_line)
2015-03-25 05:14:47 -07:00
2018-12-18 04:50:44 -07:00
table.insert(expected, '{3:-- TERMINAL --}' .. ((' '):rep(cols - 14)))
screen:expect(table.concat(expected, '|\n')..'|')
2015-10-01 11:03:40 -07:00
2022-03-02 07:30:35 -07:00
-- This eval also acts as a poke_eventloop().
2017-02-22 11:14:06 -07:00
if 0 == nvim('eval', "exists('b:terminal_job_id')") then
error("terminal job failed to start")
2015-10-01 11:03:40 -07:00
2015-03-25 05:14:47 -07:00
return screen
2023-12-05 15:26:46 -07:00
local function setup_child_nvim(args, opts)
opts = opts or {}
local argv = { nvim_prog, unpack(args) }
local cmd = string.format('[%s]', vim.iter(argv):map(function(s)
return string.format('\'%s\'', s)
end):join(', '))
if opts.env then
local s = {}
for k, v in pairs(opts.env) do
table.insert(s, string.format('%s: \'%s\'', k, v))
cmd = string.format('%s, #{env: #{%s}}', cmd, table.concat(s, ', '))
return screen_setup(0, cmd, opts.cols)
2015-03-25 05:14:47 -07:00
return {
feed_data = feed_data,
feed_termcode = feed_termcode,
2022-11-19 05:46:04 -07:00
make_lua_executor = make_lua_executor,
2015-03-25 05:14:47 -07:00
hide_cursor = hide_cursor,
show_cursor = show_cursor,
enter_altscreen = enter_altscreen,
exit_altscreen = exit_altscreen,
set_fg = set_fg,
set_bg = set_bg,
set_bold = set_bold,
set_italic = set_italic,
set_underline = set_underline,
2022-09-24 22:54:30 -07:00
set_underdouble = set_underdouble,
set_undercurl = set_undercurl,
2019-09-13 14:46:19 -07:00
set_strikethrough = set_strikethrough,
2015-03-25 05:14:47 -07:00
clear_attrs = clear_attrs,
enable_mouse = enable_mouse,
disable_mouse = disable_mouse,
2023-12-05 15:26:46 -07:00
screen_setup = screen_setup,
setup_child_nvim = setup_child_nvim,
2015-03-25 05:14:47 -07:00