2014-01-31 06:39:15 -07:00
# Makefile to run all tests for Vim
2014-02-24 12:57:47 -07:00
VIMPROG = ../../build/bin/nvim
2014-01-31 06:39:15 -07:00
# Uncomment this line to use valgrind for memory leaks and extra warnings.
# The output goes into a file "valgrind.testN"
# Vim should be compiled with EXITFREE to avoid false warnings.
# This will make testing about 10 times as slow.
# VALGRIND = valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes --num-callers=15 --log-file=valgrind.$*
SCRIPTS = test1.out test2.out test3.out test4.out test5.out test6.out \
test7.out test8.out test9.out test10.out test11.out \
test12.out test13.out test14.out test15.out test17.out \
test18.out test19.out test20.out test21.out test22.out \
test23.out test24.out test25.out test26.out test27.out \
test28.out test29.out test30.out test31.out test32.out \
test33.out test34.out test35.out test36.out test37.out \
test38.out test39.out test40.out test41.out test42.out \
test43.out test44.out test45.out test46.out test47.out \
test48.out test49.out test51.out test52.out test53.out \
test54.out test55.out test56.out test57.out test58.out \
test59.out test60.out test61.out test62.out test63.out \
test64.out test65.out test66.out test67.out test68.out \
test69.out test70.out test71.out test72.out test73.out \
test74.out test75.out test76.out test77.out test78.out \
test79.out test80.out test81.out test82.out test83.out \
test84.out test85.out test86.out test87.out test88.out \
test89.out test90.out test91.out test92.out test93.out \
test94.out test95.out test96.out test97.out test98.out \
test99.out test100.out test101.out test102.out test103.out
SCRIPTS_GUI = test16.out
.SUFFIXES: .in .out
nongui: nolog $(SCRIPTS) report
gui: nolog $(SCRIPTS) $(SCRIPTS_GUI) report
@echo 'Test results:'
@/bin/sh -c "if test -f test.log; \
then cat test.log; echo TEST FAILURE; exit 1; \
else echo ALL DONE; \
RM_ON_RUN = test.out X* viminfo
RM_ON_START = tiny.vim small.vim mbyte.vim mzscheme.vim lua.vim test.ok
RUN_VIM = $(VALGRIND) $(VIMPROG) -u unix.vim -U NONE --noplugin -s dotest.in
-rm -rf *.out *.failed *.rej *.orig test.log $(RM_ON_RUN) $(RM_ON_START) valgrind.*
test1.out: test1.in
-rm -rf $*.failed $(RM_ON_RUN) $(RM_ON_START) wrongtermsize
$(RUN_VIM) $*.in
@/bin/sh -c "if test -e wrongtermsize; \
then echo; \
echo test1 FAILED - terminal size must be 80x24 or larger; \
echo; exit 1; \
elif diff test.out $*.ok; \
then mv -f test.out $*.out; \
else echo; \
echo test1 FAILED - Something basic is wrong; \
echo; exit 1; fi"
-rm -rf X* viminfo
-rm -rf $*.failed test.ok $(RM_ON_RUN)
cp $*.ok test.ok
# Sleep a moment to avoid that the xterm title is messed up.
# 200 msec is sufficient, but only modern sleep supports a fraction of
# a second, fall back to a second if it fails.
@-/bin/sh -c "sleep .2 > /dev/null 2>&1 || sleep 1"
-$(RUN_VIM) $*.in
# For flaky tests retry one time.
@/bin/sh -c "if test -f test.out -a $* = test61; then \
if diff test.out $*.ok; \
then echo flaky test ok first time; \
else rm -rf $*.failed $(RM_ON_RUN); \
$(RUN_VIM) $*.in; \
fi \
# Check if the test.out file matches test.ok.
@/bin/sh -c "if test -f test.out; then \
if diff test.out $*.ok; \
then mv -f test.out $*.out; \
else echo $* FAILED >>test.log; mv -f test.out $*.failed; \
fi \
else echo $* NO OUTPUT >>test.log; \
@/bin/sh -c "if test -f valgrind; then\
mv -f valgrind valgrind.$*; \
-rm -rf X* test.ok viminfo
test49.out: test49.vim
test60.out: test60.vim
-rm -f test.log