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" Test for insert completion
source screendump.vim
source check.vim
source vim9.vim
" Test for insert expansion
func Test_ins_complete()
edit test_ins_complete.vim
" The files in the current directory interferes with the files
" used by this test. So use a separate directory for the test.
call mkdir('Xdir')
cd Xdir
set ff=unix
call writefile(["test11\t36Gepeto\t/Tag/",
\ "asd\ttest11file\t36G",
\ "Makefile\tto\trun"], 'Xtestfile')
call writefile(['', 'start of testfile',
\ 'ru',
\ 'run1',
\ 'run2',
\ 'end of testfile'], 'Xtestdata')
set ff&
edit Xtestdata
call append(0, ['#include "Xtestfile"', ''])
call cursor(2, 1)
set cot=
set cpt=.,w
" add-expands (word from next line) from other window
exe "normal iru\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-X>\<C-N>\<Esc>\<C-A>"
call assert_equal('run1 run3', getline('.'))
" add-expands (current buffer first)
exe "normal o\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-N>"
call assert_equal('run3 run3', getline('.'))
" Local expansion, ends in an empty line (unless it becomes a global
" expansion)
exe "normal o\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal('', getline('.'))
" starts Local and switches to global add-expansion
exe "normal o\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-N>"
call assert_equal('run1 run2', getline('.'))
set cpt=.,\ ,w,i
" i-add-expands and switches to local
exe "normal OM\<C-N>\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-X>\<C-X>\<C-X>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal("Makefile\tto\trun3", getline('.'))
" add-expands lines (it would end in an empty line if it didn't ignore
" itself)
exe "normal o\<C-X>\<C-L>\<C-X>\<C-L>\<C-P>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal("Makefile\tto\trun3", getline('.'))
call assert_equal("Makefile\tto\trun3", getline(line('.') - 1))
set cpt=kXtestfile
" checks k-expansion, and file expansion (use Xtest11 instead of test11,
" because TEST11.OUT may match first on DOS)
write Xtest11.two
exe "normal o\<C-N>\<Esc>IX\<Esc>A\<C-X>\<C-F>\<C-N>"
call assert_equal('Xtest11.two', getline('.'))
" use CTRL-X CTRL-F to complete, remove it and then use CTRL-X
" CTRL-F again to verify this doesn't cause trouble.
exe "normal oXt\<C-X>\<C-F>\<BS>\<BS>\<BS>\<BS>\<BS>\<BS>\<BS>\<BS>\<C-X>\<C-F>"
call assert_equal('', getline('.'))
normal ddk
" Test for expanding a non-existing filename
exe "normal oa1b2X3Y4\<C-X>\<C-F>"
call assert_equal('a1b2X3Y4', getline('.'))
normal ddk
set cpt=w
" checks make_cyclic in other window
exe "normal oST\<C-N>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal('STARTTEST', getline('.'))
set cpt=u nohid
" checks unloaded buffer expansion
exe "normal oEN\<C-N>"
call assert_equal('ENDTEST', getline('.'))
" checks adding mode abortion
exe "normal ounl\<C-N>\<C-X>\<C-X>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal('unless', getline('.'))
set cpt=t,d def=^\\k* tags=Xtestfile notagbsearch
" tag expansion, define add-expansion interrupted
exe "normal o\<C-X>\<C-]>\<C-X>\<C-D>\<C-X>\<C-D>\<C-X>\<C-X>\<C-D>\<C-X>\<C-D>\<C-X>\<C-D>\<C-X>\<C-D>"
call assert_equal('test11file 36Gepeto /Tag/ asd', getline('.'))
" t-expansion
exe "normal oa\<C-N>\<Esc>"
call assert_equal('asd', getline('.'))
call delete('Xtestfile')
call delete('')
call delete('Xtest11.two')
call delete('Xtestdata')
set cpt& cot& def& tags& tagbsearch& hidden&
cd ..
call delete('Xdir', 'rf')
func Test_omni_dash()
func Omni(findstart, base)
if a:findstart
return 5
echom a:base
return ['-help', '-v']
set omnifunc=Omni
exe "normal Gofind -\<C-x>\<C-o>"
call assert_equal("find -help", getline('$'))
delfunc Omni
set omnifunc=
func Test_omni_throw()
let g:CallCount = 0
func Omni(findstart, base)
let g:CallCount += 1
if a:findstart
throw "he he he"
set omnifunc=Omni
exe "normal ifoo\<C-x>\<C-o>"
call assert_false(v:true, 'command should have failed')
call assert_exception('he he he')
call assert_equal(1, g:CallCount)
delfunc Omni
unlet g:CallCount
set omnifunc=
func Test_completefunc_args()
let s:args = []
func! CompleteFunc(findstart, base)
let s:args += [[a:findstart, empty(a:base)]]
set completefunc=CompleteFunc
call feedkeys("i\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([1, 1], s:args[0])
call assert_equal(0, s:args[1][0])
set completefunc=
let s:args = []
set omnifunc=CompleteFunc
call feedkeys("i\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([1, 1], s:args[0])
call assert_equal(0, s:args[1][0])
set omnifunc=
unlet s:args
delfunc CompleteFunc
func s:CompleteDone_CompleteFuncNone( findstart, base )
throw 'skipped: Nvim does not support v:none'
if a:findstart
return 0
return v:none
func s:CompleteDone_CompleteFuncDict( findstart, base )
if a:findstart
return 0
return {
\ 'words': [
\ {
\ 'word': 'aword',
\ 'abbr': 'wrd',
\ 'menu': 'extra text',
\ 'info': 'words are cool',
\ 'kind': 'W',
\ 'user_data': ['one', 'two']
\ }
\ ]
\ }
func s:CompleteDone_CheckCompletedItemNone()
let s:called_completedone = 1
func s:CompleteDone_CheckCompletedItemDict(pre)
call assert_equal( 'aword', v:completed_item[ 'word' ] )
call assert_equal( 'wrd', v:completed_item[ 'abbr' ] )
call assert_equal( 'extra text', v:completed_item[ 'menu' ] )
call assert_equal( 'words are cool', v:completed_item[ 'info' ] )
call assert_equal( 'W', v:completed_item[ 'kind' ] )
call assert_equal( ['one', 'two'], v:completed_item[ 'user_data' ] )
if a:pre
call assert_equal('function', complete_info().mode)
let s:called_completedone = 1
func Test_CompleteDoneNone()
throw 'skipped: Nvim does not support v:none'
au CompleteDone * :call <SID>CompleteDone_CheckCompletedItemNone()
let oldline = join(map(range(&columns), 'nr2char(screenchar(&lines-1, v:val+1))'), '')
set completefunc=<SID>CompleteDone_CompleteFuncNone
execute "normal a\<C-X>\<C-U>\<C-Y>"
set completefunc&
let newline = join(map(range(&columns), 'nr2char(screenchar(&lines-1, v:val+1))'), '')
call assert_true(s:called_completedone)
call assert_equal(oldline, newline)
let s:called_completedone = 0
au! CompleteDone
func Test_CompleteDoneDict()
au CompleteDonePre * :call <SID>CompleteDone_CheckCompletedItemDict(1)
au CompleteDone * :call <SID>CompleteDone_CheckCompletedItemDict(0)
set completefunc=<SID>CompleteDone_CompleteFuncDict
execute "normal a\<C-X>\<C-U>\<C-Y>"
set completefunc&
call assert_equal(['one', 'two'], v:completed_item[ 'user_data' ])
call assert_true(s:called_completedone)
let s:called_completedone = 0
au! CompleteDone
func s:CompleteDone_CompleteFuncDictNoUserData(findstart, base)
if a:findstart
return 0
return {
\ 'words': [
\ {
\ 'word': 'aword',
\ 'abbr': 'wrd',
\ 'menu': 'extra text',
\ 'info': 'words are cool',
\ 'kind': 'W',
\ }
\ ]
\ }
func s:CompleteDone_CheckCompletedItemDictNoUserData()
call assert_equal( 'aword', v:completed_item[ 'word' ] )
call assert_equal( 'wrd', v:completed_item[ 'abbr' ] )
call assert_equal( 'extra text', v:completed_item[ 'menu' ] )
call assert_equal( 'words are cool', v:completed_item[ 'info' ] )
call assert_equal( 'W', v:completed_item[ 'kind' ] )
call assert_equal( '', v:completed_item[ 'user_data' ] )
let s:called_completedone = 1
func Test_CompleteDoneDictNoUserData()
au CompleteDone * :call <SID>CompleteDone_CheckCompletedItemDictNoUserData()
set completefunc=<SID>CompleteDone_CompleteFuncDictNoUserData
execute "normal a\<C-X>\<C-U>\<C-Y>"
set completefunc&
call assert_equal('', v:completed_item[ 'user_data' ])
call assert_true(s:called_completedone)
let s:called_completedone = 0
au! CompleteDone
func s:CompleteDone_CompleteFuncList(findstart, base)
if a:findstart
return 0
return [ 'aword' ]
func s:CompleteDone_CheckCompletedItemList()
call assert_equal( 'aword', v:completed_item[ 'word' ] )
call assert_equal( '', v:completed_item[ 'abbr' ] )
call assert_equal( '', v:completed_item[ 'menu' ] )
call assert_equal( '', v:completed_item[ 'info' ] )
call assert_equal( '', v:completed_item[ 'kind' ] )
call assert_equal( '', v:completed_item[ 'user_data' ] )
let s:called_completedone = 1
func Test_CompleteDoneList()
au CompleteDone * :call <SID>CompleteDone_CheckCompletedItemList()
set completefunc=<SID>CompleteDone_CompleteFuncList
execute "normal a\<C-X>\<C-U>\<C-Y>"
set completefunc&
call assert_equal('', v:completed_item[ 'user_data' ])
call assert_true(s:called_completedone)
let s:called_completedone = 0
au! CompleteDone
func Test_CompleteDone_undo()
au CompleteDone * call append(0, "prepend1")
call setline(1, ["line1", "line2"])
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-N>\<CR>\<ESC>", "tx")
call assert_equal(["prepend1", "line1", "line2", "line1", ""],
\ getline(1, '$'))
call assert_equal(["line1", "line2"], getline(1, '$'))
au! CompleteDone
func Test_CompleteDone_modify()
let value = {
\ 'word': '',
\ 'abbr': '',
\ 'menu': '',
\ 'info': '',
\ 'kind': '',
\ 'user_data': '',
\ }
let v:completed_item = value
call assert_equal(value, v:completed_item)
func CompleteTest(findstart, query)
if a:findstart
return col('.')
return ['matched']
func Test_completefunc_info()
set completeopt=menuone
set completefunc=CompleteTest
call feedkeys("i\<C-X>\<C-U>\<C-R>\<C-R>=string(complete_info())\<CR>\<ESC>", "tx")
call assert_equal("matched{'pum_visible': 1, 'mode': 'function', 'selected': 0, 'items': [{'word': 'matched', 'menu': '', 'user_data': '', 'info': '', 'kind': '', 'abbr': ''}]}", getline(1))
set completeopt&
set completefunc&
" Test that mouse scrolling/movement should not interrupt completion.
func Test_mouse_scroll_move_during_completion()
com! -buffer TestCommand1 echo 'TestCommand1'
com! -buffer TestCommand2 echo 'TestCommand2'
call setline(1, ['', '', '', '', ''])
call cursor(5, 1)
" Without completion menu scrolling can move text.
set completeopt-=menu wrap
call feedkeys("ccT\<C-X>\<C-V>\<ScrollWheelDown>\<C-V>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('TestCommand2', getline('.'))
call assert_notequal(1, winsaveview().topline)
call feedkeys("ccT\<C-X>\<C-V>\<ScrollWheelUp>\<C-V>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('TestCommand2', getline('.'))
call assert_equal(1, winsaveview().topline)
set nowrap
call feedkeys("ccT\<C-X>\<C-V>\<ScrollWheelRight>\<C-V>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('TestCommand2', getline('.'))
call assert_notequal(0, winsaveview().leftcol)
call feedkeys("ccT\<C-X>\<C-V>\<ScrollWheelLeft>\<C-V>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('TestCommand2', getline('.'))
call assert_equal(0, winsaveview().leftcol)
call feedkeys("ccT\<C-X>\<C-V>\<MouseMove>\<C-V>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('TestCommand2', getline('.'))
" With completion menu scrolling cannot move text.
set completeopt+=menu wrap
call feedkeys("ccT\<C-X>\<C-V>\<ScrollWheelDown>\<C-V>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('TestCommand2', getline('.'))
call assert_equal(1, winsaveview().topline)
call feedkeys("ccT\<C-X>\<C-V>\<ScrollWheelUp>\<C-V>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('TestCommand2', getline('.'))
call assert_equal(1, winsaveview().topline)
set nowrap
call feedkeys("ccT\<C-X>\<C-V>\<ScrollWheelRight>\<C-V>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('TestCommand2', getline('.'))
call assert_equal(0, winsaveview().leftcol)
call feedkeys("ccT\<C-X>\<C-V>\<ScrollWheelLeft>\<C-V>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('TestCommand2', getline('.'))
call assert_equal(0, winsaveview().leftcol)
call feedkeys("ccT\<C-X>\<C-V>\<MouseMove>\<C-V>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('TestCommand2', getline('.'))
set completeopt& wrap&
" Check that when using feedkeys() typeahead does not interrupt searching for
" completions.
func Test_compl_feedkeys()
set completeopt=menuone,noselect
call feedkeys("ajump ju\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-P>\<ESC>", "tx")
call assert_equal("jump jump", getline(1))
set completeopt&
func s:ComplInCmdwin_GlobalCompletion(a, l, p)
return 'global'
func s:ComplInCmdwin_LocalCompletion(a, l, p)
return 'local'
func Test_compl_in_cmdwin()
set wildmenu wildchar=<Tab>
com! -nargs=1 -complete=command GetInput let input = <q-args>
com! -buffer TestCommand echo 'TestCommand'
let w:test_winvar = 'winvar'
let b:test_bufvar = 'bufvar'
" User-defined commands
let input = ''
call feedkeys("q:iGetInput T\<C-x>\<C-v>\<CR>", 'tx!')
call assert_equal('TestCommand', input)
let input = ''
call feedkeys("q::GetInput T\<Tab>\<CR>:q\<CR>", 'tx!')
call assert_equal('T', input)
com! -nargs=1 -complete=var GetInput let input = <q-args>
" Window-local variables
let input = ''
call feedkeys("q:iGetInput w:test_\<C-x>\<C-v>\<CR>", 'tx!')
call assert_equal('w:test_winvar', input)
let input = ''
call feedkeys("q::GetInput w:test_\<Tab>\<CR>:q\<CR>", 'tx!')
call assert_equal('w:test_', input)
" Buffer-local variables
let input = ''
call feedkeys("q:iGetInput b:test_\<C-x>\<C-v>\<CR>", 'tx!')
call assert_equal('b:test_bufvar', input)
let input = ''
call feedkeys("q::GetInput b:test_\<Tab>\<CR>:q\<CR>", 'tx!')
call assert_equal('b:test_', input)
" Argument completion of buffer-local command
func s:ComplInCmdwin_GlobalCompletionList(a, l, p)
return ['global']
func s:ComplInCmdwin_LocalCompletionList(a, l, p)
return ['local']
func s:ComplInCmdwin_CheckCompletion(arg)
call assert_equal('local', a:arg)
com! -nargs=1 -complete=custom,<SID>ComplInCmdwin_GlobalCompletion
\ TestCommand call s:ComplInCmdwin_CheckCompletion(<q-args>)
com! -buffer -nargs=1 -complete=custom,<SID>ComplInCmdwin_LocalCompletion
\ TestCommand call s:ComplInCmdwin_CheckCompletion(<q-args>)
call feedkeys("q:iTestCommand \<Tab>\<CR>", 'tx!')
com! -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,<SID>ComplInCmdwin_GlobalCompletionList
\ TestCommand call s:ComplInCmdwin_CheckCompletion(<q-args>)
com! -buffer -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,<SID>ComplInCmdwin_LocalCompletionList
\ TestCommand call s:ComplInCmdwin_CheckCompletion(<q-args>)
call feedkeys("q:iTestCommand \<Tab>\<CR>", 'tx!')
func! s:ComplInCmdwin_CheckCompletion(arg)
call assert_equal('global', a:arg)
call feedkeys("q:iTestCommand \<Tab>\<CR>", 'tx!')
delfunc s:ComplInCmdwin_GlobalCompletion
delfunc s:ComplInCmdwin_LocalCompletion
delfunc s:ComplInCmdwin_GlobalCompletionList
delfunc s:ComplInCmdwin_LocalCompletionList
delfunc s:ComplInCmdwin_CheckCompletion
delcom -buffer TestCommand
delcom TestCommand
delcom GetInput
unlet w:test_winvar
unlet b:test_bufvar
set wildmenu& wildchar&
" Test for insert path completion with completeslash option
func Test_ins_completeslash()
call mkdir('Xdir')
let orig_shellslash = &shellslash
set cpt&
set noshellslash
set completeslash=
exe "normal oXd\<C-X>\<C-F>"
call assert_equal('Xdir\', getline('.'))
set completeslash=backslash
exe "normal oXd\<C-X>\<C-F>"
call assert_equal('Xdir\', getline('.'))
set completeslash=slash
exe "normal oXd\<C-X>\<C-F>"
call assert_equal('Xdir/', getline('.'))
set shellslash
set completeslash=
exe "normal oXd\<C-X>\<C-F>"
call assert_equal('Xdir/', getline('.'))
set completeslash=backslash
exe "normal oXd\<C-X>\<C-F>"
call assert_equal('Xdir\', getline('.'))
set completeslash=slash
exe "normal oXd\<C-X>\<C-F>"
call assert_equal('Xdir/', getline('.'))
call delete('Xdir', 'rf')
set noshellslash
set completeslash=slash
call assert_true(stridx(globpath(&rtp, 'syntax/*.vim', 1, 1)[0], '\') != -1)
let &shellslash = orig_shellslash
set completeslash=
func Test_pum_stopped_by_timer()
let lines =<< trim END
call setline(1, ['hello', 'hullo', 'heeee', ''])
func StartCompl()
call timer_start(100, { -> execute('stopinsert') })
call feedkeys("Gah\<C-N>")
call writefile(lines, 'Xpumscript')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xpumscript', #{rows: 12})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call StartCompl()\<CR>")
call TermWait(buf, 200)
call term_sendkeys(buf, "k")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_pum_stopped_by_timer', {})
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
call delete('Xpumscript')
func Test_complete_stopinsert_startinsert()
nnoremap <F2> <Cmd>startinsert<CR>
inoremap <F2> <Cmd>stopinsert<CR>
" This just checks if this causes an error
call feedkeys("i\<C-X>\<C-N>\<F2>\<F2>", 'x')
nunmap <F2>
iunmap <F2>
func Test_pum_with_folds_two_tabs()
let lines =<< trim END
set fdm=marker
call setline(1, ['" x {{{1', '" a some text'])
call setline(3, range(&lines)->map({_, val -> '" a' .. val}))
norm! zm
tab sp
call feedkeys('2Gzv', 'xt')
call feedkeys("0fa", 'xt')
call writefile(lines, 'Xpumscript')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xpumscript', #{rows: 10})
call TermWait(buf, 50)
call term_sendkeys(buf, "a\<C-N>")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_pum_with_folds_two_tabs', {})
call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<Esc>")
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
call delete('Xpumscript')
func Test_pum_with_preview_win()
let lines =<< trim END
funct Omni_test(findstart, base)
if a:findstart
return col(".") - 1
return [#{word: "one", info: "1info"}, #{word: "two", info: "2info"}, #{word: "three", info: "3info"}]
set omnifunc=Omni_test
set completeopt+=longest
call writefile(lines, 'Xpreviewscript')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xpreviewscript', #{rows: 12})
call term_sendkeys(buf, "Gi\<C-X>\<C-O>")
call TermWait(buf, 200)
call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-N>")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_pum_with_preview_win', {})
call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<Esc>")
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
call delete('Xpreviewscript')
func Test_scrollbar_on_wide_char()
let lines =<< trim END
call setline(1, ['a', ' 啊啊啊',
\ ' 哦哦哦',
\ ' 呃呃呃'])
call setline(5, range(10)->map({i, v -> 'aa' .. v .. 'bb'}))
call writefile(lines, 'Xwidescript')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xwidescript', #{rows: 10})
call term_sendkeys(buf, "A\<C-N>")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_scrollbar_on_wide_char', {})
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
call delete('Xwidescript')
" Test for inserting the tag search pattern in insert mode
func Test_ins_compl_tag_sft()
call writefile([
\ "!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
\ "first\tXfoo\t/^int first() {}$/",
\ "second\tXfoo\t/^int second() {}$/",
\ "third\tXfoo\t/^int third() {}$/"],
\ 'Xtags')
set tags=Xtags
let code =<< trim [CODE]
int first() {}
int second() {}
int third() {}
call writefile(code, 'Xfoo')
set showfulltag
exe "normal isec\<C-X>\<C-]>\<C-N>\<CR>"
call assert_equal('int second() {}', getline(1))
set noshowfulltag
call delete('Xtags')
call delete('Xfoo')
set tags&
" Test for 'completefunc' deleting text
func Test_completefunc_error()
" delete text when called for the first time
func CompleteFunc(findstart, base)
if a:findstart == 1
normal dd
return col('.') - 1
return ['a', 'b']
set completefunc=CompleteFunc
call setline(1, ['', 'abcd', ''])
call assert_fails('exe "normal 2G$a\<C-X>\<C-U>"', 'E565:')
" delete text when called for the second time
func CompleteFunc2(findstart, base)
if a:findstart == 1
return col('.') - 1
normal dd
return ['a', 'b']
set completefunc=CompleteFunc2
call setline(1, ['', 'abcd', ''])
call assert_fails('exe "normal 2G$a\<C-X>\<C-U>"', 'E565:')
" Jump to a different window from the complete function
func CompleteFunc3(findstart, base)
if a:findstart == 1
return col('.') - 1
wincmd p
return ['a', 'b']
set completefunc=CompleteFunc3
call assert_fails('exe "normal a\<C-X>\<C-U>"', 'E565:')
set completefunc&
delfunc CompleteFunc
delfunc CompleteFunc2
delfunc CompleteFunc3
" Test for returning non-string values from 'completefunc'
func Test_completefunc_invalid_data()
func! CompleteFunc(findstart, base)
if a:findstart == 1
return col('.') - 1
return [{}, '', 'moon']
set completefunc=CompleteFunc
exe "normal i\<C-X>\<C-U>"
call assert_equal('moon', getline(1))
set completefunc&
" Test for errors in using complete() function
func Test_complete_func_error()
call assert_fails('call complete(1, ["a"])', 'E785:')
func ListColors()
call complete(col('.'), "blue")
call assert_fails('exe "normal i\<C-R>=ListColors()\<CR>"', 'E474:')
func ListMonths()
call complete(col('.'), test_null_list())
" Nvim allows a NULL list
" call assert_fails('exe "normal i\<C-R>=ListMonths()\<CR>"', 'E474:')
delfunc ListColors
delfunc ListMonths
call assert_fails('call complete_info({})', 'E714:')
call assert_equal([], complete_info(['items']).items)
" Test for recursively starting completion mode using complete()
func Test_recursive_complete_func()
func ListColors()
call complete(5, ["red", "blue"])
return ''
call setline(1, ['a1', 'a2'])
set complete=.
exe "normal Goa\<C-X>\<C-L>\<C-R>=ListColors()\<CR>\<C-N>"
call assert_equal('a2blue', getline(3))
delfunc ListColors
" Test for using complete() with completeopt+=longest
func Test_complete_with_longest()
inoremap <buffer> <f3> <cmd>call complete(1, ["iaax", "iaay", "iaaz"])<cr>
" default: insert first match
set completeopt&
call setline(1, ['i'])
exe "normal Aa\<f3>\<esc>"
call assert_equal('iaax', getline(1))
" with longest: insert longest prefix
set completeopt+=longest
call setline(1, ['i'])
exe "normal Aa\<f3>\<esc>"
call assert_equal('iaa', getline(1))
set completeopt&
" Test for completing words following a completed word in a line
func Test_complete_wrapscan()
" complete words from another buffer
call setline(1, ['one two', 'three four'])
setlocal complete=w
call feedkeys("itw\<C-N>\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-X>\<C-N>", 'xt')
call assert_equal('two three four', getline(1))
" complete words from the current buffer
setlocal complete=.
call setline(1, ['one two', ''])
call cursor(2, 1)
call feedkeys("ion\<C-N>\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-X>\<C-N>", 'xt')
call assert_equal('one two one two', getline(2))
" Test for completing special characters
func Test_complete_special_chars()
call setline(1, 'int .*[-\^$ func float')
call feedkeys("oin\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>", 'xt')
call assert_equal('int .*[-\^$ func float', getline(2))
" Test for completion when text is wrapped across lines.
func Test_complete_across_line()
call setline(1, ['red green blue', 'one two three'])
setlocal textwidth=20
exe "normal 2G$a re\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal(['one two three red', 'green blue one'], getline(2, '$'))
" Test for completing words with a '.' at the end of a word.
func Test_complete_joinspaces()
call setline(1, ['one two.', 'three. four'])
set joinspaces
exe "normal Goon\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal("one two. three. four", getline(3))
set joinspaces&
" Test for using CTRL-L to add one character when completing matching
func Test_complete_add_onechar()
call setline(1, ['wool', 'woodwork'])
call feedkeys("Gowoo\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-L>f", 'xt')
call assert_equal('woof', getline(3))
" use 'ignorecase' and backspace to erase characters from the prefix string
" and then add letters using CTRL-L
set ignorecase backspace=2
setlocal complete=.
call setline(1, ['workhorse', 'workload'])
normal Go
exe "normal aWOR\<C-P>\<bs>\<bs>\<bs>\<bs>\<bs>\<bs>\<C-L>\<C-L>\<C-L>"
call assert_equal('workh', getline(3))
set ignorecase& backspace&
" Test for using CTRL-X CTRL-L to complete whole lines lines
func Test_complete_wholeline()
" complete one-line
call setline(1, ['a1', 'a2'])
exe "normal ggoa\<C-X>\<C-L>"
call assert_equal(['a1', 'a1', 'a2'], getline(1, '$'))
" go to the next match (wrapping around the buffer)
exe "normal 2GCa\<C-X>\<C-L>\<C-N>"
call assert_equal(['a1', 'a', 'a2'], getline(1, '$'))
" go to the next match
exe "normal 2GCa\<C-X>\<C-L>\<C-N>\<C-N>"
call assert_equal(['a1', 'a2', 'a2'], getline(1, '$'))
exe "normal 2GCa\<C-X>\<C-L>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>"
call assert_equal(['a1', 'a1', 'a2'], getline(1, '$'))
" repeat the test using CTRL-L
" go to the next match (wrapping around the buffer)
exe "normal 2GCa\<C-X>\<C-L>\<C-L>"
call assert_equal(['a1', 'a2', 'a2'], getline(1, '$'))
" go to the next match
exe "normal 2GCa\<C-X>\<C-L>\<C-L>\<C-L>"
call assert_equal(['a1', 'a', 'a2'], getline(1, '$'))
exe "normal 2GCa\<C-X>\<C-L>\<C-L>\<C-L>\<C-L>"
call assert_equal(['a1', 'a1', 'a2'], getline(1, '$'))
" use CTRL-X CTRL-L to add one more line
call setline(1, ['a1', 'b1'])
setlocal complete=.
exe "normal ggOa\<C-X>\<C-L>\<C-X>\<C-L>\<C-X>\<C-L>"
call assert_equal(['a1', 'b1', '', 'a1', 'b1'], getline(1, '$'))
" Test insert completion with 'cindent' (adjust the indent)
func Test_complete_with_cindent()
setlocal cindent
call setline(1, ['if (i == 1)', " j = 2;"])
exe "normal Go{\<CR>i\<C-X>\<C-L>\<C-X>\<C-L>\<CR>}"
call assert_equal(['{', "\tif (i == 1)", "\t\tj = 2;", '}'], getline(3, '$'))
call setline(1, ['when while', '{', ''])
setlocal cinkeys+==while
exe "normal Giwh\<C-P> "
call assert_equal("\twhile ", getline('$'))
" Test for <CTRL-X> <CTRL-V> completion. Complete commands and functions
func Test_complete_cmdline()
exe "normal icaddb\<C-X>\<C-V>"
call assert_equal('caddbuffer', getline(1))
exe "normal ocall getqf\<C-X>\<C-V>"
call assert_equal('call getqflist(', getline(2))
exe "normal oabcxyz(\<C-X>\<C-V>"
call assert_equal('abcxyz(', getline(3))
com! -buffer TestCommand1 echo 'TestCommand1'
com! -buffer TestCommand2 echo 'TestCommand2'
write TestCommand1Test
write TestCommand2Test
" Test repeating <CTRL-X> <CTRL-V> and switching to another CTRL-X mode
exe "normal oT\<C-X>\<C-V>\<C-X>\<C-V>\<C-X>\<C-F>\<Esc>"
call assert_equal('TestCommand2Test', getline(4))
call delete('TestCommand1Test')
call delete('TestCommand2Test')
delcom TestCommand1
delcom TestCommand2
" Test for <CTRL-X> <CTRL-Z> stopping completion without changing the match
func Test_complete_stop()
func Save_mode1()
let g:mode1 = mode(1)
return ''
func Save_mode2()
let g:mode2 = mode(1)
return ''
inoremap <F1> <C-R>=Save_mode1()<CR>
inoremap <F2> <C-R>=Save_mode2()<CR>
call setline(1, ['aaa bbb ccc '])
exe "normal A\<C-N>\<C-P>\<F1>\<C-X>\<C-Z>\<F2>\<Esc>"
call assert_equal('ic', g:mode1)
call assert_equal('i', g:mode2)
call assert_equal('aaa bbb ccc ', getline(1))
exe "normal A\<C-N>\<Down>\<F1>\<C-X>\<C-Z>\<F2>\<Esc>"
call assert_equal('ic', g:mode1)
call assert_equal('i', g:mode2)
call assert_equal('aaa bbb ccc aaa', getline(1))
set completeopt+=noselect
exe "normal A \<C-N>\<Down>\<Down>\<C-L>\<C-L>\<F1>\<C-X>\<C-Z>\<F2>\<Esc>"
call assert_equal('ic', g:mode1)
call assert_equal('i', g:mode2)
call assert_equal('aaa bbb ccc aaa bb', getline(1))
set completeopt&
exe "normal A d\<C-N>\<F1>\<C-X>\<C-Z>\<F2>\<Esc>"
call assert_equal('ic', g:mode1)
call assert_equal('i', g:mode2)
call assert_equal('aaa bbb ccc aaa bb d', getline(1))
com! -buffer TestCommand1 echo 'TestCommand1'
com! -buffer TestCommand2 echo 'TestCommand2'
exe "normal oT\<C-X>\<C-V>\<C-X>\<C-V>\<F1>\<C-X>\<C-Z>\<F2>\<Esc>"
call assert_equal('ic', g:mode1)
call assert_equal('i', g:mode2)
call assert_equal('TestCommand2', getline(2))
delcom TestCommand1
delcom TestCommand2
unlet g:mode1
unlet g:mode2
iunmap <F1>
iunmap <F2>
delfunc Save_mode1
delfunc Save_mode2
" Test for typing CTRL-R in insert completion mode to insert a register
" content.
func Test_complete_reginsert()
call setline(1, ['a1', 'a12', 'a123', 'a1234'])
" if a valid CTRL-X mode key is returned from <C-R>=, then it should be
" processed. Otherwise, CTRL-X mode should be stopped and the key should be
" inserted.
exe "normal Goa\<C-P>\<C-R>=\"\\<C-P>\"\<CR>"
call assert_equal('a123', getline(5))
let @r = "\<C-P>\<C-P>"
exe "normal GCa\<C-P>\<C-R>r"
call assert_equal('a12', getline(5))
exe "normal GCa\<C-P>\<C-R>=\"x\"\<CR>"
call assert_equal('a1234x', getline(5))
func Test_issue_7021()
let orig_shellslash = &shellslash
set noshellslash
set completeslash=slash
call assert_false(expand('~') =~ '/')
let &shellslash = orig_shellslash
set completeslash=
" Test for 'longest' setting in 'completeopt' with latin1 and utf-8 encodings
func Test_complete_longest_match()
" for e in ['latin1', 'utf-8']
for e in ['utf-8']
exe 'set encoding=' .. e
set complete=.
set completeopt=menu,longest
call setline(1, ['pfx_a1', 'pfx_a12', 'pfx_a123', 'pfx_b1'])
exe "normal Gopfx\<C-P>"
call assert_equal('pfx_', getline(5))
" Test for completing additional words with longest match set
call setline(1, ['abc1', 'abd2'])
exe "normal Goab\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal('ab', getline(3))
set complete& completeopt&
" Test for removing the first displayed completion match and selecting the
" match just before that.
func Test_complete_erase_firstmatch()
call setline(1, ['a12', 'a34', 'a56'])
set complete=.
exe "normal Goa\<C-P>\<BS>\<BS>3\<CR>"
call assert_equal('a34', getline('$'))
set complete&
" Test for completing words from unloaded buffers
func Test_complete_from_unloadedbuf()
call writefile(['abc'], "Xfile1")
call writefile(['def'], "Xfile2")
edit Xfile1
edit Xfile2
new | close
bunload Xfile1 Xfile2
set complete=u
" complete from an unloaded buffer
exe "normal! ia\<C-P>"
call assert_equal('abc', getline(1))
exe "normal! od\<C-P>"
call assert_equal('def', getline(2))
set complete&
call delete("Xfile1")
call delete("Xfile2")
" Test for completing whole lines from unloaded buffers
func Test_complete_wholeline_unloadedbuf()
call writefile(['a line1', 'a line2', 'a line3'], "Xfile1")
edit Xfile1
set complete=u
exe "normal! ia\<C-X>\<C-L>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal('a line2', getline(1))
" completing from an unlisted buffer should fail
bdel Xfile1
exe "normal! ia\<C-X>\<C-L>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal('a', getline(1))
set complete&
call delete("Xfile1")
" Test for completing words from unlisted buffers
func Test_complete_from_unlistedbuf()
call writefile(['abc'], "Xfile1")
call writefile(['def'], "Xfile2")
edit Xfile1
edit Xfile2
new | close
bdel Xfile1 Xfile2
set complete=U
" complete from an unlisted buffer
exe "normal! ia\<C-P>"
call assert_equal('abc', getline(1))
exe "normal! od\<C-P>"
call assert_equal('def', getline(2))
set complete&
call delete("Xfile1")
call delete("Xfile2")
" Test for completing whole lines from unlisted buffers
func Test_complete_wholeline_unlistedbuf()
call writefile(['a line1', 'a line2', 'a line3'], "Xfile1")
edit Xfile1
set complete=U
" completing from a unloaded buffer should fail
exe "normal! ia\<C-X>\<C-L>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal('a', getline(1))
bdel Xfile1
exe "normal! ia\<C-X>\<C-L>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal('a line2', getline(1))
set complete&
call delete("Xfile1")
" Test for adding a multibyte character using CTRL-L in completion mode
func Test_complete_mbyte_char_add()
set complete=.
call setline(1, 'abė')
exe "normal! oa\<C-P>\<BS>\<BS>\<C-L>\<C-L>"
call assert_equal('abė', getline(2))
" Test for a leader with multibyte character
call setline(1, 'abėĕ')
exe "normal! oabė\<C-P>"
call assert_equal('abėĕ', getline(2))
" Test for using <C-X><C-P> for local expansion even if 'complete' is set to
" not to complete matches from the local buffer. Also test using multiple
" <C-X> to cancel the current completion mode.
func Test_complete_local_expansion()
set complete=t
call setline(1, ['abc', 'def'])
exe "normal! Go\<C-X>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal("def", getline(3))
exe "normal! Go\<C-P>"
call assert_equal("", getline(4))
exe "normal! Go\<C-X>\<C-N>"
call assert_equal("abc", getline(5))
exe "normal! Go\<C-N>"
call assert_equal("", getline(6))
" use multiple <C-X> to cancel the previous completion mode
exe "normal! Go\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal("", getline(7))
exe "normal! Go\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-X>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal("", getline(8))
exe "normal! Go\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-X>\<C-X>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal("abc", getline(9))
" interrupt the current completion mode
set completeopt=menu,noinsert
exe "normal! Go\<C-X>\<C-F>\<C-X>\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-Y>"
call assert_equal("abc", getline(10))
" when only one <C-X> is used to interrupt, do normal expansion
exe "normal! Go\<C-X>\<C-F>\<C-X>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal("", getline(11))
set completeopt&
" using two <C-X> in non-completion mode and restarting the same mode
exe "normal! God\<C-X>\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-Y>"
call assert_equal("def", getline(12))
" test for adding a match from the original empty text
call setline(1, 'abc def g')
exe "normal! o\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-N>\<C-X>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal('def', getline(2))
exe "normal! 0C\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-N>"
call assert_equal('abc', getline(2))
" Test for undoing changes after a insert-mode completion
func Test_complete_undo()
set complete=.
" undo with 'ignorecase'
call setline(1, ['ABOVE', 'BELOW'])
set ignorecase
exe "normal! Goab\<C-G>u\<C-P>"
call assert_equal("ABOVE", getline(3))
call assert_equal("ab", getline(3))
set ignorecase&
" undo with longest match
set completeopt=menu,longest
call setline(1, ['above', 'about'])
exe "normal! Goa\<C-G>u\<C-P>"
call assert_equal("abo", getline(3))
call assert_equal("a", getline(3))
set completeopt&
" undo for line completion
call setline(1, ['above that change', 'below that change'])
exe "normal! Goabove\<C-G>u\<C-X>\<C-L>"
call assert_equal("above that change", getline(3))
call assert_equal("above", getline(3))
" Test for completing a very long word
func Test_complete_long_word()
set complete&
call setline(1, repeat('x', 950) .. ' one two three')
exe "normal! Gox\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal(repeat('x', 950) .. ' one two three', getline(2))
" should fail when more than 950 characters are in a word
call setline(1, repeat('x', 951) .. ' one two three')
exe "normal! Gox\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal(repeat('x', 951), getline(2))
" Test for adding a very long word to an existing completion
call setline(1, ['abc', repeat('x', 1016) .. '012345'])
exe "normal! Goab\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal('abc ' .. repeat('x', 1016) .. '0123', getline(3))
" Test for some fields in the complete items used by complete()
func Test_complete_items()
func CompleteItems(idx)
let items = [[#{word: "one", dup: 1, user_data: 'u1'}, #{word: "one", dup: 1, user_data: 'u2'}],
\ [#{word: "one", dup: 0, user_data: 'u3'}, #{word: "one", dup: 0, user_data: 'u4'}],
\ [#{word: "one", icase: 1, user_data: 'u7'}, #{word: "oNE", icase: 1, user_data: 'u8'}],
\ [#{user_data: 'u9'}],
\ [#{word: "", user_data: 'u10'}],
\ [#{word: "", empty: 1, user_data: 'u11'}]]
call complete(col('.'), items[a:idx])
return ''
exe "normal! i\<C-R>=CompleteItems(0)\<CR>\<C-N>\<C-Y>"
call assert_equal('u2', v:completed_item.user_data)
call assert_equal('one', getline(1))
exe "normal! o\<C-R>=CompleteItems(1)\<CR>\<C-Y>"
call assert_equal('u3', v:completed_item.user_data)
call assert_equal('one', getline(2))
exe "normal! o\<C-R>=CompleteItems(1)\<CR>\<C-N>"
call assert_equal('', getline(3))
set completeopt=menu,noinsert
exe "normal! o\<C-R>=CompleteItems(2)\<CR>one\<C-N>\<C-Y>"
call assert_equal('oNE', getline(4))
call assert_equal('u8', v:completed_item.user_data)
set completeopt&
exe "normal! o\<C-R>=CompleteItems(3)\<CR>"
call assert_equal('', getline(5))
exe "normal! o\<C-R>=CompleteItems(4)\<CR>"
call assert_equal('', getline(6))
exe "normal! o\<C-R>=CompleteItems(5)\<CR>"
call assert_equal('', getline(7))
call assert_equal('u11', v:completed_item.user_data)
" pass invalid argument to complete()
let cmd = "normal! o\<C-R>=complete(1, [[]])\<CR>"
call assert_fails('exe cmd', 'E730:')
delfunc CompleteItems
" Test for the "refresh" item in the dict returned by an insert completion
" function
func Test_complete_item_refresh_always()
let g:CallCount = 0
func! Tcomplete(findstart, base)
if a:findstart
" locate the start of the word
let line = getline('.')
let start = col('.') - 1
while start > 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '\a'
let start -= 1
return start
let g:CallCount += 1
let res = ["update1", "update12", "update123"]
return #{words: res, refresh: 'always'}
set completeopt=menu,longest
set completefunc=Tcomplete
exe "normal! iup\<C-X>\<C-U>\<BS>\<BS>\<BS>\<BS>\<BS>"
call assert_equal('up', getline(1))
call assert_equal(2, g:CallCount)
set completeopt&
set completefunc&
delfunc Tcomplete
" Test for completing from a thesaurus file without read permission
func Test_complete_unreadable_thesaurus_file()
call writefile(['about', 'above'], 'Xfile')
call setfperm('Xfile', '---r--r--')
set complete=sXfile
exe "normal! ia\<C-P>"
call assert_equal('a', getline(1))
call delete('Xfile')
set complete&
" Test to ensure 'Scanning...' messages are not recorded in messages history
func Test_z1_complete_no_history()
messages clear
let currmess = execute('messages')
setlocal dictionary=README.txt
exe "normal owh\<C-X>\<C-K>"
exe "normal owh\<C-N>"
call assert_equal(currmess, execute('messages'))
" A mapping is not used for the key after CTRL-X.
func Test_no_mapping_for_ctrl_x_key()
inoremap <buffer> <C-K> <Cmd>let was_mapped = 'yes'<CR>
setlocal dictionary=README.txt
call feedkeys("aexam\<C-X>\<C-K> ", 'xt')
call assert_equal('example ', getline(1))
call assert_false(exists('was_mapped'))
" Test for different ways of setting the 'completefunc' option
func Test_completefunc_callback()
func CompleteFunc1(callnr, findstart, base)
call add(g:CompleteFunc1Args, [a:callnr, a:findstart, a:base])
return a:findstart ? 0 : []
func CompleteFunc2(findstart, base)
call add(g:CompleteFunc2Args, [a:findstart, a:base])
return a:findstart ? 0 : []
let lines =<< trim END
#" Test for using a global function name
LET &completefunc = 'g:CompleteFunc2'
call setline(1, 'global')
LET g:CompleteFunc2Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[1, ''], [0, 'global']], g:CompleteFunc2Args)
#" Test for using a function()
set completefunc=function('g:CompleteFunc1',\ [10])
call setline(1, 'one')
LET g:CompleteFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[10, 1, ''], [10, 0, 'one']], g:CompleteFunc1Args)
#" Using a funcref variable to set 'completefunc'
VAR Fn = function('g:CompleteFunc1', [11])
LET &completefunc = Fn
call setline(1, 'two')
LET g:CompleteFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[11, 1, ''], [11, 0, 'two']], g:CompleteFunc1Args)
#" Using string(funcref_variable) to set 'completefunc'
LET Fn = function('g:CompleteFunc1', [12])
LET &completefunc = string(Fn)
call setline(1, 'two')
LET g:CompleteFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[12, 1, ''], [12, 0, 'two']], g:CompleteFunc1Args)
#" Test for using a funcref()
set completefunc=funcref('g:CompleteFunc1',\ [13])
call setline(1, 'three')
LET g:CompleteFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[13, 1, ''], [13, 0, 'three']], g:CompleteFunc1Args)
#" Using a funcref variable to set 'completefunc'
LET Fn = funcref('g:CompleteFunc1', [14])
LET &completefunc = Fn
call setline(1, 'four')
LET g:CompleteFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[14, 1, ''], [14, 0, 'four']], g:CompleteFunc1Args)
#" Using a string(funcref_variable) to set 'completefunc'
LET Fn = funcref('g:CompleteFunc1', [15])
LET &completefunc = string(Fn)
call setline(1, 'four')
LET g:CompleteFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[15, 1, ''], [15, 0, 'four']], g:CompleteFunc1Args)
#" Test for using a lambda function with set
VAR optval = "LSTART a, b LMIDDLE CompleteFunc1(16, a, b) LEND"
LET optval = substitute(optval, ' ', '\\ ', 'g')
exe "set completefunc=" .. optval
call setline(1, 'five')
LET g:CompleteFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[16, 1, ''], [16, 0, 'five']], g:CompleteFunc1Args)
#" Set 'completefunc' to a lambda expression
LET &completefunc = LSTART a, b LMIDDLE CompleteFunc1(17, a, b) LEND
call setline(1, 'six')
LET g:CompleteFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[17, 1, ''], [17, 0, 'six']], g:CompleteFunc1Args)
#" Set 'completefunc' to string(lambda_expression)
LET &completefunc = 'LSTART a, b LMIDDLE CompleteFunc1(18, a, b) LEND'
call setline(1, 'six')
LET g:CompleteFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[18, 1, ''], [18, 0, 'six']], g:CompleteFunc1Args)
#" Set 'completefunc' to a variable with a lambda expression
VAR Lambda = LSTART a, b LMIDDLE CompleteFunc1(19, a, b) LEND
LET &completefunc = Lambda
call setline(1, 'seven')
LET g:CompleteFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[19, 1, ''], [19, 0, 'seven']], g:CompleteFunc1Args)
#" Set 'completefunc' to a string(variable with a lambda expression)
LET Lambda = LSTART a, b LMIDDLE CompleteFunc1(20, a, b) LEND
LET &completefunc = string(Lambda)
call setline(1, 'seven')
LET g:CompleteFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[20, 1, ''], [20, 0, 'seven']], g:CompleteFunc1Args)
#" Test for using a lambda function with incorrect return value
LET Lambda = LSTART a, b LMIDDLE strlen(a) LEND
LET &completefunc = Lambda
call setline(1, 'eight')
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
#" Test for clearing the 'completefunc' option
set completefunc=''
set completefunc&
call assert_fails("set completefunc=function('abc')", "E700:")
call assert_fails("set completefunc=funcref('abc')", "E700:")
#" set 'completefunc' to a non-existing function
set completefunc=CompleteFunc2
call setline(1, 'five')
call assert_fails("set completefunc=function('NonExistingFunc')", 'E700:')
call assert_fails("LET &completefunc = function('NonExistingFunc')", 'E700:')
LET g:CompleteFunc2Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[1, ''], [0, 'five']], g:CompleteFunc2Args)
call CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines)
" Test for using a script-local function name
func s:CompleteFunc3(findstart, base)
call add(g:CompleteFunc3Args, [a:findstart, a:base])
return a:findstart ? 0 : []
set completefunc=s:CompleteFunc3
call setline(1, 'script1')
let g:CompleteFunc3Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[1, ''], [0, 'script1']], g:CompleteFunc3Args)
let &completefunc = 's:CompleteFunc3'
call setline(1, 'script2')
let g:CompleteFunc3Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[1, ''], [0, 'script2']], g:CompleteFunc3Args)
delfunc s:CompleteFunc3
" invalid return value
let &completefunc = {a -> 'abc'}
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
" Using Vim9 lambda expression in legacy context should fail
" set completefunc=(a,\ b)\ =>\ CompleteFunc1(21,\ a,\ b)
new | only
let g:CompleteFunc1Args = []
" call assert_fails('call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", "x")', 'E117:')
call assert_equal([], g:CompleteFunc1Args)
" set 'completefunc' to a partial with dict. This used to cause a crash.
func SetCompleteFunc()
let params = {'complete': function('g:DictCompleteFunc')}
let &completefunc = params.complete
func g:DictCompleteFunc(_) dict
call SetCompleteFunc()
call SetCompleteFunc()
call test_garbagecollect_now()
set completefunc=
wincmd w
set completefunc=
delfunc g:DictCompleteFunc
delfunc SetCompleteFunc
" Vim9 tests
let lines =<< trim END
def Vim9CompleteFunc(callnr: number, findstart: number, base: string): any
add(g:Vim9completeFuncArgs, [callnr, findstart, base])
return findstart ? 0 : []
# Test for using a def function with completefunc
set completefunc=function('Vim9CompleteFunc',\ [60])
new | only
setline(1, 'one')
g:Vim9completeFuncArgs = []
feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
assert_equal([[60, 1, ''], [60, 0, 'one']], g:Vim9completeFuncArgs)
# Test for using a global function name
&completefunc = g:CompleteFunc2
new | only
setline(1, 'two')
g:CompleteFunc2Args = []
feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
assert_equal([[1, ''], [0, 'two']], g:CompleteFunc2Args)
# Test for using a script-local function name
def LocalCompleteFunc(findstart: number, base: string): any
add(g:LocalCompleteFuncArgs, [findstart, base])
return findstart ? 0 : []
&completefunc = LocalCompleteFunc
new | only
setline(1, 'three')
g:LocalCompleteFuncArgs = []
feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-U>\<Esc>", 'x')
assert_equal([[1, ''], [0, 'three']], g:LocalCompleteFuncArgs)
call CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
" cleanup
set completefunc&
delfunc CompleteFunc1
delfunc CompleteFunc2
unlet g:CompleteFunc1Args g:CompleteFunc2Args
" Test for different ways of setting the 'omnifunc' option
func Test_omnifunc_callback()
func OmniFunc1(callnr, findstart, base)
call add(g:OmniFunc1Args, [a:callnr, a:findstart, a:base])
return a:findstart ? 0 : []
func OmniFunc2(findstart, base)
call add(g:OmniFunc2Args, [a:findstart, a:base])
return a:findstart ? 0 : []
let lines =<< trim END
#" Test for using a function name
LET &omnifunc = 'g:OmniFunc2'
call setline(1, 'zero')
LET g:OmniFunc2Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[1, ''], [0, 'zero']], g:OmniFunc2Args)
#" Test for using a function()
set omnifunc=function('g:OmniFunc1',\ [10])
call setline(1, 'one')
LET g:OmniFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[10, 1, ''], [10, 0, 'one']], g:OmniFunc1Args)
#" Using a funcref variable to set 'omnifunc'
VAR Fn = function('g:OmniFunc1', [11])
LET &omnifunc = Fn
call setline(1, 'two')
LET g:OmniFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[11, 1, ''], [11, 0, 'two']], g:OmniFunc1Args)
#" Using a string(funcref_variable) to set 'omnifunc'
LET Fn = function('g:OmniFunc1', [12])
LET &omnifunc = string(Fn)
call setline(1, 'two')
LET g:OmniFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[12, 1, ''], [12, 0, 'two']], g:OmniFunc1Args)
#" Test for using a funcref()
set omnifunc=funcref('g:OmniFunc1',\ [13])
call setline(1, 'three')
LET g:OmniFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[13, 1, ''], [13, 0, 'three']], g:OmniFunc1Args)
#" Use let to set 'omnifunc' to a funcref
LET Fn = funcref('g:OmniFunc1', [14])
LET &omnifunc = Fn
call setline(1, 'four')
LET g:OmniFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[14, 1, ''], [14, 0, 'four']], g:OmniFunc1Args)
#" Using a string(funcref) to set 'omnifunc'
LET Fn = funcref("g:OmniFunc1", [15])
LET &omnifunc = string(Fn)
call setline(1, 'four')
LET g:OmniFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[15, 1, ''], [15, 0, 'four']], g:OmniFunc1Args)
#" Test for using a lambda function with set
VAR optval = "LSTART a, b LMIDDLE OmniFunc1(16, a, b) LEND"
LET optval = substitute(optval, ' ', '\\ ', 'g')
exe "set omnifunc=" .. optval
call setline(1, 'five')
LET g:OmniFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[16, 1, ''], [16, 0, 'five']], g:OmniFunc1Args)
#" Set 'omnifunc' to a lambda expression
LET &omnifunc = LSTART a, b LMIDDLE OmniFunc1(17, a, b) LEND
call setline(1, 'six')
LET g:OmniFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[17, 1, ''], [17, 0, 'six']], g:OmniFunc1Args)
#" Set 'omnifunc' to a string(lambda_expression)
LET &omnifunc = 'LSTART a, b LMIDDLE OmniFunc1(18, a, b) LEND'
call setline(1, 'six')
LET g:OmniFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[18, 1, ''], [18, 0, 'six']], g:OmniFunc1Args)
#" Set 'omnifunc' to a variable with a lambda expression
VAR Lambda = LSTART a, b LMIDDLE OmniFunc1(19, a, b) LEND
LET &omnifunc = Lambda
call setline(1, 'seven')
LET g:OmniFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[19, 1, ''], [19, 0, 'seven']], g:OmniFunc1Args)
#" Set 'omnifunc' to a string(variable with a lambda expression)
LET Lambda = LSTART a, b LMIDDLE OmniFunc1(20, a, b) LEND
LET &omnifunc = string(Lambda)
call setline(1, 'seven')
LET g:OmniFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[20, 1, ''], [20, 0, 'seven']], g:OmniFunc1Args)
#" Test for using a lambda function with incorrect return value
LET Lambda = LSTART a, b LMIDDLE strlen(a) LEND
LET &omnifunc = Lambda
call setline(1, 'eight')
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
#" Test for clearing the 'omnifunc' option
set omnifunc=''
set omnifunc&
call assert_fails("set omnifunc=function('abc')", "E700:")
call assert_fails("set omnifunc=funcref('abc')", "E700:")
#" set 'omnifunc' to a non-existing function
set omnifunc=OmniFunc2
call setline(1, 'nine')
call assert_fails("set omnifunc=function('NonExistingFunc')", 'E700:')
call assert_fails("LET &omnifunc = function('NonExistingFunc')", 'E700:')
LET g:OmniFunc2Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[1, ''], [0, 'nine']], g:OmniFunc2Args)
call CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines)
" Test for using a script-local function name
func s:OmniFunc3(findstart, base)
call add(g:OmniFunc3Args, [a:findstart, a:base])
return a:findstart ? 0 : []
set omnifunc=s:OmniFunc3
call setline(1, 'script1')
let g:OmniFunc3Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[1, ''], [0, 'script1']], g:OmniFunc3Args)
let &omnifunc = 's:OmniFunc3'
call setline(1, 'script2')
let g:OmniFunc3Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[1, ''], [0, 'script2']], g:OmniFunc3Args)
delfunc s:OmniFunc3
" invalid return value
let &omnifunc = {a -> 'abc'}
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
" Using Vim9 lambda expression in legacy context should fail
" set omnifunc=(a,\ b)\ =>\ OmniFunc1(21,\ a,\ b)
new | only
let g:OmniFunc1Args = []
" call assert_fails('call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", "x")', 'E117:')
call assert_equal([], g:OmniFunc1Args)
" set 'omnifunc' to a partial with dict. This used to cause a crash.
func SetOmniFunc()
let params = {'omni': function('g:DictOmniFunc')}
let &omnifunc = params.omni
func g:DictOmniFunc(_) dict
call SetOmniFunc()
call SetOmniFunc()
call test_garbagecollect_now()
set omnifunc=
wincmd w
set omnifunc=
delfunc g:DictOmniFunc
delfunc SetOmniFunc
" Vim9 tests
let lines =<< trim END
def Vim9omniFunc(callnr: number, findstart: number, base: string): any
add(g:Vim9omniFunc_Args, [callnr, findstart, base])
return findstart ? 0 : []
# Test for using a def function with omnifunc
set omnifunc=function('Vim9omniFunc',\ [60])
new | only
setline(1, 'one')
g:Vim9omniFunc_Args = []
feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
assert_equal([[60, 1, ''], [60, 0, 'one']], g:Vim9omniFunc_Args)
# Test for using a global function name
&omnifunc = g:OmniFunc2
new | only
setline(1, 'two')
g:OmniFunc2Args = []
feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
assert_equal([[1, ''], [0, 'two']], g:OmniFunc2Args)
# Test for using a script-local function name
def LocalOmniFunc(findstart: number, base: string): any
add(g:LocalOmniFuncArgs, [findstart, base])
return findstart ? 0 : []
&omnifunc = LocalOmniFunc
new | only
setline(1, 'three')
g:LocalOmniFuncArgs = []
feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<Esc>", 'x')
assert_equal([[1, ''], [0, 'three']], g:LocalOmniFuncArgs)
call CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
" cleanup
set omnifunc&
delfunc OmniFunc1
delfunc OmniFunc2
unlet g:OmniFunc1Args g:OmniFunc2Args
" Test for different ways of setting the 'thesaurusfunc' option
func Test_thesaurusfunc_callback()
func TsrFunc1(callnr, findstart, base)
call add(g:TsrFunc1Args, [a:callnr, a:findstart, a:base])
return a:findstart ? 0 : []
func TsrFunc2(findstart, base)
call add(g:TsrFunc2Args, [a:findstart, a:base])
return a:findstart ? 0 : ['sunday']
let lines =<< trim END
#" Test for using a function name
LET &thesaurusfunc = 'g:TsrFunc2'
call setline(1, 'zero')
LET g:TsrFunc2Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[1, ''], [0, 'zero']], g:TsrFunc2Args)
#" Test for using a function()
set thesaurusfunc=function('g:TsrFunc1',\ [10])
call setline(1, 'one')
LET g:TsrFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[10, 1, ''], [10, 0, 'one']], g:TsrFunc1Args)
#" Using a funcref variable to set 'thesaurusfunc'
VAR Fn = function('g:TsrFunc1', [11])
LET &thesaurusfunc = Fn
call setline(1, 'two')
LET g:TsrFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[11, 1, ''], [11, 0, 'two']], g:TsrFunc1Args)
#" Using a string(funcref_variable) to set 'thesaurusfunc'
LET Fn = function('g:TsrFunc1', [12])
LET &thesaurusfunc = string(Fn)
call setline(1, 'two')
LET g:TsrFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[12, 1, ''], [12, 0, 'two']], g:TsrFunc1Args)
#" Test for using a funcref()
set thesaurusfunc=funcref('g:TsrFunc1',\ [13])
call setline(1, 'three')
LET g:TsrFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[13, 1, ''], [13, 0, 'three']], g:TsrFunc1Args)
#" Using a funcref variable to set 'thesaurusfunc'
LET Fn = funcref('g:TsrFunc1', [14])
LET &thesaurusfunc = Fn
call setline(1, 'four')
LET g:TsrFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[14, 1, ''], [14, 0, 'four']], g:TsrFunc1Args)
#" Using a string(funcref_variable) to set 'thesaurusfunc'
LET Fn = funcref('g:TsrFunc1', [15])
LET &thesaurusfunc = string(Fn)
call setline(1, 'four')
LET g:TsrFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[15, 1, ''], [15, 0, 'four']], g:TsrFunc1Args)
#" Test for using a lambda function
VAR optval = "LSTART a, b LMIDDLE TsrFunc1(16, a, b) LEND"
LET optval = substitute(optval, ' ', '\\ ', 'g')
exe "set thesaurusfunc=" .. optval
call setline(1, 'five')
LET g:TsrFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[16, 1, ''], [16, 0, 'five']], g:TsrFunc1Args)
#" Test for using a lambda function with set
LET &thesaurusfunc = LSTART a, b LMIDDLE TsrFunc1(17, a, b) LEND
call setline(1, 'six')
LET g:TsrFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[17, 1, ''], [17, 0, 'six']], g:TsrFunc1Args)
#" Set 'thesaurusfunc' to a string(lambda expression)
LET &thesaurusfunc = 'LSTART a, b LMIDDLE TsrFunc1(18, a, b) LEND'
call setline(1, 'six')
LET g:TsrFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[18, 1, ''], [18, 0, 'six']], g:TsrFunc1Args)
#" Set 'thesaurusfunc' to a variable with a lambda expression
VAR Lambda = LSTART a, b LMIDDLE TsrFunc1(19, a, b) LEND
LET &thesaurusfunc = Lambda
call setline(1, 'seven')
LET g:TsrFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[19, 1, ''], [19, 0, 'seven']], g:TsrFunc1Args)
#" Set 'thesaurusfunc' to a string(variable with a lambda expression)
LET Lambda = LSTART a, b LMIDDLE TsrFunc1(20, a, b) LEND
LET &thesaurusfunc = string(Lambda)
call setline(1, 'seven')
LET g:TsrFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[20, 1, ''], [20, 0, 'seven']], g:TsrFunc1Args)
#" Test for using a lambda function with incorrect return value
LET Lambda = LSTART a, b LMIDDLE strlen(a) LEND
LET &thesaurusfunc = Lambda
call setline(1, 'eight')
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", 'x')
#" Test for clearing the 'thesaurusfunc' option
set thesaurusfunc=''
set thesaurusfunc&
call assert_fails("set thesaurusfunc=function('abc')", "E700:")
call assert_fails("set thesaurusfunc=funcref('abc')", "E700:")
#" set 'thesaurusfunc' to a non-existing function
set thesaurusfunc=TsrFunc2
call setline(1, 'ten')
call assert_fails("set thesaurusfunc=function('NonExistingFunc')", 'E700:')
call assert_fails("LET &thesaurusfunc = function('NonExistingFunc')", 'E700:')
LET g:TsrFunc2Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[1, ''], [0, 'ten']], g:TsrFunc2Args)
#" Use a buffer-local value and a global value
set thesaurusfunc&
setlocal thesaurusfunc=function('g:TsrFunc1',\ [22])
call setline(1, 'sun')
LET g:TsrFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", "x")
call assert_equal('sun', getline(1))
call assert_equal([[22, 1, ''], [22, 0, 'sun']], g:TsrFunc1Args)
call setline(1, 'sun')
LET g:TsrFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", "x")
call assert_equal('sun', getline(1))
call assert_equal([], g:TsrFunc1Args)
set thesaurusfunc=function('g:TsrFunc1',\ [23])
wincmd w
call setline(1, 'sun')
LET g:TsrFunc1Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", "x")
call assert_equal('sun', getline(1))
call assert_equal([[22, 1, ''], [22, 0, 'sun']], g:TsrFunc1Args)
call CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines)
" Test for using a script-local function name
func s:TsrFunc3(findstart, base)
call add(g:TsrFunc3Args, [a:findstart, a:base])
return a:findstart ? 0 : []
set tsrfu=s:TsrFunc3
call setline(1, 'script1')
let g:TsrFunc3Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[1, ''], [0, 'script1']], g:TsrFunc3Args)
let &tsrfu = 's:TsrFunc3'
call setline(1, 'script2')
let g:TsrFunc3Args = []
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", 'x')
call assert_equal([[1, ''], [0, 'script2']], g:TsrFunc3Args)
delfunc s:TsrFunc3
" invalid return value
let &thesaurusfunc = {a -> 'abc'}
call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", 'x')
" Using Vim9 lambda expression in legacy context should fail
" set thesaurusfunc=(a,\ b)\ =>\ TsrFunc1(21,\ a,\ b)
new | only
let g:TsrFunc1Args = []
" call assert_fails('call feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", "x")', 'E117:')
call assert_equal([], g:TsrFunc1Args)
" set 'thesaurusfunc' to a partial with dict. This used to cause a crash.
func SetTsrFunc()
let params = {'thesaurus': function('g:DictTsrFunc')}
let &thesaurusfunc = params.thesaurus
func g:DictTsrFunc(_) dict
call SetTsrFunc()
call SetTsrFunc()
call test_garbagecollect_now()
set thesaurusfunc=
wincmd w
delfunc SetTsrFunc
" set buffer-local 'thesaurusfunc' to a partial with dict. This used to
" cause a crash.
func SetLocalTsrFunc()
let params = {'thesaurus': function('g:DictTsrFunc')}
let &l:thesaurusfunc = params.thesaurus
call SetLocalTsrFunc()
call test_garbagecollect_now()
call SetLocalTsrFunc()
set thesaurusfunc=
delfunc g:DictTsrFunc
delfunc SetLocalTsrFunc
" Vim9 tests
let lines =<< trim END
def Vim9tsrFunc(callnr: number, findstart: number, base: string): any
add(g:Vim9tsrFunc_Args, [callnr, findstart, base])
return findstart ? 0 : []
# Test for using a def function with thesaurusfunc
set thesaurusfunc=function('Vim9tsrFunc',\ [60])
new | only
setline(1, 'one')
g:Vim9tsrFunc_Args = []
feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", 'x')
assert_equal([[60, 1, ''], [60, 0, 'one']], g:Vim9tsrFunc_Args)
# Test for using a global function name
&thesaurusfunc = g:TsrFunc2
new | only
setline(1, 'two')
g:TsrFunc2Args = []
feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", 'x')
assert_equal([[1, ''], [0, 'two']], g:TsrFunc2Args)
# Test for using a script-local function name
def LocalTsrFunc(findstart: number, base: string): any
add(g:LocalTsrFuncArgs, [findstart, base])
return findstart ? 0 : []
&thesaurusfunc = LocalTsrFunc
new | only
setline(1, 'three')
g:LocalTsrFuncArgs = []
feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-T>\<Esc>", 'x')
assert_equal([[1, ''], [0, 'three']], g:LocalTsrFuncArgs)
call CheckScriptSuccess(lines)
" cleanup
set thesaurusfunc&
delfunc TsrFunc1
delfunc TsrFunc2
unlet g:TsrFunc1Args g:TsrFunc2Args
func FooBarComplete(findstart, base)
if a:findstart
return col('.') - 1
return ["Foo", "Bar", "}"]
func Test_complete_smartindent()
setlocal smartindent completefunc=FooBarComplete
exe "norm! o{\<cr>\<c-x>\<c-u>\<c-p>}\<cr>\<esc>"
let result = getline(1,'$')
call assert_equal(['', '{','}',''], result)
delfunction! FooBarComplete
func Test_complete_overrun()
" this was going past the end of the copied text
sil norm si”0s0 
func Test_infercase_very_long_line()
" this was truncating the line when inferring case
let longLine = "blah "->repeat(300)
let verylongLine = "blah "->repeat(400)
call setline(1, verylongLine)
call setline(2, longLine)
set ic infercase
exe "normal 2Go\<C-X>\<C-L>\<Esc>"
call assert_equal(longLine, getline(3))
" check that the too long text is NUL terminated
norm o
norm 1987ax
exec "norm ox\<C-X>\<C-L>"
call assert_equal(repeat('x', 1987), getline(3))
set noic noinfercase
func Test_ins_complete_add()
" this was reading past the end of allocated memory
norm o
norm 7o€€
sil! norm o
func Test_ins_complete_end_of_line()
" this was reading past the end of the line
norm 8o€ý 
sil! norm o
func s:Tagfunc(t,f,o)
return []
" This was using freed memory, since 'complete' was in a wiped out buffer.
" Also using a window that was closed.
func Test_tagfunc_wipes_out_buffer()
set complete=.,t,w,b,u,i
se tagfunc=s:Tagfunc
sil norm i
func Test_ins_complete_popup_position()
let lines =<< trim END
set nowrap
setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'this is line ', 'four'])
prop_type_add('test', {highlight: 'Error'})
prop_add(3, 0, {
text_align: 'above',
text: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog',
type: 'test'
call writefile(lines, 'XinsPopup', 'D')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XinsPopup', #{rows: 10})
call term_sendkeys(buf, "3GA\<C-N>")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_ins_complete_popup_position_1', {})
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
func GetCompleteInfo()
let g:compl_info = complete_info()
return ''
func Test_completion_restart()
set complete=. completeopt=menuone backspace=2
call setline(1, 'workhorse workhorse')
exe "normal $a\<C-N>\<BS>\<BS>\<C-R>=GetCompleteInfo()\<CR>"
call assert_equal(1, len(g:compl_info['items']))
call assert_equal('workhorse', g:compl_info['items'][0]['word'])
set complete& completeopt& backspace&
func Test_complete_info_index()
call setline(1, ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc", "ddd", "eee", "fff"])
inoremap <buffer><F5> <C-R>=GetCompleteInfo()<CR>
" Ensure 'index' in complete_info() is coherent with the 'items' array.
set completeopt=menu,preview
vim-patch:9.0.2074: Completion menu may be wrong Problem: Completion menu may be wrong Solution: Check for the original direction of the completion menu, add more tests, make it work with 'noselect' completion: move in right direction when filling completion_info() When moving through the insert completion menu and switching directions, we need to make sure we start at the correct position in the list and move correctly forward/backwards through it, so that we do not skip entries and the selected item points to the correct entry in the list of completion entries generated by the completion_info() function. The general case is this: 1) CTRL-X CTRL-N, we will traverse the list starting from compl_first_match and then go forwards (using the cp->next pointer) through the list (skipping the very first entry, which has the CP_ORIGINAL_TEXT flag set (since that is the empty/non-selected entry 2) CTRL-X CTRL-P, we will traverse the list starting from compl_first_match (which now points to the last entry). The previous entry will have the CP_ORIGINAL_TEXT flag set, so we need to start traversing the list from the second prev pointer. There are in fact 2 special cases after starting the completion menu with CTRL-X: 3) CTRL-N and then going backwards by pressing CTRL-P again. compl_first_match will point to the same entry as in step 1 above, but since compl_dir_foward() has been switched by pressing CTRL-P to backwards we need to pretend to be in still in case 1 and still traverse the list in forward direction using the cp_next pointer 4) CTRL-P and then going forwards by pressing CTRL-N again. compl_first_match will point to the same entry as in step 2 above, but since compl_dir_foward() has been switched by pressing CTRL-N to forwards we need to pretend to be in still in case 2 and still traverse the list in backward direction using the cp_prev pointer For the 'noselect' case however, this is slightly different again. When going backwards, we only need to go one cp_prev pointer back. And resting of the direction works again slightly different. So we need to take the noselect option into account when deciding in which direction to iterate through the list of matches. related: vim/vim#13402 related: vim/vim#12971 closes: vim/vim#13408 Co-authored-by: Christian Brabandt <>
2023-10-27 15:13:57 -07:00
" Search forward
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-N>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal("aaa", g:compl_info['items'][g:compl_info['selected']]['word'])
vim-patch:9.0.2074: Completion menu may be wrong Problem: Completion menu may be wrong Solution: Check for the original direction of the completion menu, add more tests, make it work with 'noselect' completion: move in right direction when filling completion_info() When moving through the insert completion menu and switching directions, we need to make sure we start at the correct position in the list and move correctly forward/backwards through it, so that we do not skip entries and the selected item points to the correct entry in the list of completion entries generated by the completion_info() function. The general case is this: 1) CTRL-X CTRL-N, we will traverse the list starting from compl_first_match and then go forwards (using the cp->next pointer) through the list (skipping the very first entry, which has the CP_ORIGINAL_TEXT flag set (since that is the empty/non-selected entry 2) CTRL-X CTRL-P, we will traverse the list starting from compl_first_match (which now points to the last entry). The previous entry will have the CP_ORIGINAL_TEXT flag set, so we need to start traversing the list from the second prev pointer. There are in fact 2 special cases after starting the completion menu with CTRL-X: 3) CTRL-N and then going backwards by pressing CTRL-P again. compl_first_match will point to the same entry as in step 1 above, but since compl_dir_foward() has been switched by pressing CTRL-P to backwards we need to pretend to be in still in case 1 and still traverse the list in forward direction using the cp_next pointer 4) CTRL-P and then going forwards by pressing CTRL-N again. compl_first_match will point to the same entry as in step 2 above, but since compl_dir_foward() has been switched by pressing CTRL-N to forwards we need to pretend to be in still in case 2 and still traverse the list in backward direction using the cp_prev pointer For the 'noselect' case however, this is slightly different again. When going backwards, we only need to go one cp_prev pointer back. And resting of the direction works again slightly different. So we need to take the noselect option into account when deciding in which direction to iterate through the list of matches. related: vim/vim#13402 related: vim/vim#12971 closes: vim/vim#13408 Co-authored-by: Christian Brabandt <>
2023-10-27 15:13:57 -07:00
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal("bbb", g:compl_info['items'][g:compl_info['selected']]['word'])
vim-patch:9.0.2074: Completion menu may be wrong Problem: Completion menu may be wrong Solution: Check for the original direction of the completion menu, add more tests, make it work with 'noselect' completion: move in right direction when filling completion_info() When moving through the insert completion menu and switching directions, we need to make sure we start at the correct position in the list and move correctly forward/backwards through it, so that we do not skip entries and the selected item points to the correct entry in the list of completion entries generated by the completion_info() function. The general case is this: 1) CTRL-X CTRL-N, we will traverse the list starting from compl_first_match and then go forwards (using the cp->next pointer) through the list (skipping the very first entry, which has the CP_ORIGINAL_TEXT flag set (since that is the empty/non-selected entry 2) CTRL-X CTRL-P, we will traverse the list starting from compl_first_match (which now points to the last entry). The previous entry will have the CP_ORIGINAL_TEXT flag set, so we need to start traversing the list from the second prev pointer. There are in fact 2 special cases after starting the completion menu with CTRL-X: 3) CTRL-N and then going backwards by pressing CTRL-P again. compl_first_match will point to the same entry as in step 1 above, but since compl_dir_foward() has been switched by pressing CTRL-P to backwards we need to pretend to be in still in case 1 and still traverse the list in forward direction using the cp_next pointer 4) CTRL-P and then going forwards by pressing CTRL-N again. compl_first_match will point to the same entry as in step 2 above, but since compl_dir_foward() has been switched by pressing CTRL-N to forwards we need to pretend to be in still in case 2 and still traverse the list in backward direction using the cp_prev pointer For the 'noselect' case however, this is slightly different again. When going backwards, we only need to go one cp_prev pointer back. And resting of the direction works again slightly different. So we need to take the noselect option into account when deciding in which direction to iterate through the list of matches. related: vim/vim#13402 related: vim/vim#12971 closes: vim/vim#13408 Co-authored-by: Christian Brabandt <>
2023-10-27 15:13:57 -07:00
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal("ccc", g:compl_info['items'][g:compl_info['selected']]['word'])
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal("ddd", g:compl_info['items'][g:compl_info['selected']]['word'])
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal("eee", g:compl_info['items'][g:compl_info['selected']]['word'])
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal("fff", g:compl_info['items'][g:compl_info['selected']]['word'])
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
" Search forward: unselected item
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
call assert_equal(-1 , g:compl_info['selected'])
vim-patch:9.0.2074: Completion menu may be wrong Problem: Completion menu may be wrong Solution: Check for the original direction of the completion menu, add more tests, make it work with 'noselect' completion: move in right direction when filling completion_info() When moving through the insert completion menu and switching directions, we need to make sure we start at the correct position in the list and move correctly forward/backwards through it, so that we do not skip entries and the selected item points to the correct entry in the list of completion entries generated by the completion_info() function. The general case is this: 1) CTRL-X CTRL-N, we will traverse the list starting from compl_first_match and then go forwards (using the cp->next pointer) through the list (skipping the very first entry, which has the CP_ORIGINAL_TEXT flag set (since that is the empty/non-selected entry 2) CTRL-X CTRL-P, we will traverse the list starting from compl_first_match (which now points to the last entry). The previous entry will have the CP_ORIGINAL_TEXT flag set, so we need to start traversing the list from the second prev pointer. There are in fact 2 special cases after starting the completion menu with CTRL-X: 3) CTRL-N and then going backwards by pressing CTRL-P again. compl_first_match will point to the same entry as in step 1 above, but since compl_dir_foward() has been switched by pressing CTRL-P to backwards we need to pretend to be in still in case 1 and still traverse the list in forward direction using the cp_next pointer 4) CTRL-P and then going forwards by pressing CTRL-N again. compl_first_match will point to the same entry as in step 2 above, but since compl_dir_foward() has been switched by pressing CTRL-N to forwards we need to pretend to be in still in case 2 and still traverse the list in backward direction using the cp_prev pointer For the 'noselect' case however, this is slightly different again. When going backwards, we only need to go one cp_prev pointer back. And resting of the direction works again slightly different. So we need to take the noselect option into account when deciding in which direction to iterate through the list of matches. related: vim/vim#13402 related: vim/vim#12971 closes: vim/vim#13408 Co-authored-by: Christian Brabandt <>
2023-10-27 15:13:57 -07:00
" Search backward
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-P>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal("fff", g:compl_info['items'][g:compl_info['selected']]['word'])
vim-patch:9.0.2074: Completion menu may be wrong Problem: Completion menu may be wrong Solution: Check for the original direction of the completion menu, add more tests, make it work with 'noselect' completion: move in right direction when filling completion_info() When moving through the insert completion menu and switching directions, we need to make sure we start at the correct position in the list and move correctly forward/backwards through it, so that we do not skip entries and the selected item points to the correct entry in the list of completion entries generated by the completion_info() function. The general case is this: 1) CTRL-X CTRL-N, we will traverse the list starting from compl_first_match and then go forwards (using the cp->next pointer) through the list (skipping the very first entry, which has the CP_ORIGINAL_TEXT flag set (since that is the empty/non-selected entry 2) CTRL-X CTRL-P, we will traverse the list starting from compl_first_match (which now points to the last entry). The previous entry will have the CP_ORIGINAL_TEXT flag set, so we need to start traversing the list from the second prev pointer. There are in fact 2 special cases after starting the completion menu with CTRL-X: 3) CTRL-N and then going backwards by pressing CTRL-P again. compl_first_match will point to the same entry as in step 1 above, but since compl_dir_foward() has been switched by pressing CTRL-P to backwards we need to pretend to be in still in case 1 and still traverse the list in forward direction using the cp_next pointer 4) CTRL-P and then going forwards by pressing CTRL-N again. compl_first_match will point to the same entry as in step 2 above, but since compl_dir_foward() has been switched by pressing CTRL-N to forwards we need to pretend to be in still in case 2 and still traverse the list in backward direction using the cp_prev pointer For the 'noselect' case however, this is slightly different again. When going backwards, we only need to go one cp_prev pointer back. And resting of the direction works again slightly different. So we need to take the noselect option into account when deciding in which direction to iterate through the list of matches. related: vim/vim#13402 related: vim/vim#12971 closes: vim/vim#13408 Co-authored-by: Christian Brabandt <>
2023-10-27 15:13:57 -07:00
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal("eee", g:compl_info['items'][g:compl_info['selected']]['word'])
vim-patch:9.0.2074: Completion menu may be wrong Problem: Completion menu may be wrong Solution: Check for the original direction of the completion menu, add more tests, make it work with 'noselect' completion: move in right direction when filling completion_info() When moving through the insert completion menu and switching directions, we need to make sure we start at the correct position in the list and move correctly forward/backwards through it, so that we do not skip entries and the selected item points to the correct entry in the list of completion entries generated by the completion_info() function. The general case is this: 1) CTRL-X CTRL-N, we will traverse the list starting from compl_first_match and then go forwards (using the cp->next pointer) through the list (skipping the very first entry, which has the CP_ORIGINAL_TEXT flag set (since that is the empty/non-selected entry 2) CTRL-X CTRL-P, we will traverse the list starting from compl_first_match (which now points to the last entry). The previous entry will have the CP_ORIGINAL_TEXT flag set, so we need to start traversing the list from the second prev pointer. There are in fact 2 special cases after starting the completion menu with CTRL-X: 3) CTRL-N and then going backwards by pressing CTRL-P again. compl_first_match will point to the same entry as in step 1 above, but since compl_dir_foward() has been switched by pressing CTRL-P to backwards we need to pretend to be in still in case 1 and still traverse the list in forward direction using the cp_next pointer 4) CTRL-P and then going forwards by pressing CTRL-N again. compl_first_match will point to the same entry as in step 2 above, but since compl_dir_foward() has been switched by pressing CTRL-N to forwards we need to pretend to be in still in case 2 and still traverse the list in backward direction using the cp_prev pointer For the 'noselect' case however, this is slightly different again. When going backwards, we only need to go one cp_prev pointer back. And resting of the direction works again slightly different. So we need to take the noselect option into account when deciding in which direction to iterate through the list of matches. related: vim/vim#13402 related: vim/vim#12971 closes: vim/vim#13408 Co-authored-by: Christian Brabandt <>
2023-10-27 15:13:57 -07:00
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal("ddd", g:compl_info['items'][g:compl_info['selected']]['word'])
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal("ccc", g:compl_info['items'][g:compl_info['selected']]['word'])
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal("bbb", g:compl_info['items'][g:compl_info['selected']]['word'])
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal("aaa", g:compl_info['items'][g:compl_info['selected']]['word'])
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
" search backwards: unselected item
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
call assert_equal(-1 , g:compl_info['selected'])
" switch direction: forwards, then backwards
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal("fff", g:compl_info['items'][g:compl_info['selected']]['word'])
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
" switch direction: forwards, then backwards, then forwards again
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-N>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal("aaa", g:compl_info['items'][g:compl_info['selected']]['word'])
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
" switch direction: backwards, then forwards
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal("aaa", g:compl_info['items'][g:compl_info['selected']]['word'])
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
" switch direction: backwards, then forwards, then backwards again
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-P>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal("fff", g:compl_info['items'][g:compl_info['selected']]['word'])
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
" Add 'noselect', check that 'selected' is -1 when nothing is selected.
set completeopt+=noselect
" Search forward.
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-N>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal(-1, g:compl_info['selected'])
" Search backward.
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-P>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal(-1, g:compl_info['selected'])
vim-patch:9.0.2074: Completion menu may be wrong Problem: Completion menu may be wrong Solution: Check for the original direction of the completion menu, add more tests, make it work with 'noselect' completion: move in right direction when filling completion_info() When moving through the insert completion menu and switching directions, we need to make sure we start at the correct position in the list and move correctly forward/backwards through it, so that we do not skip entries and the selected item points to the correct entry in the list of completion entries generated by the completion_info() function. The general case is this: 1) CTRL-X CTRL-N, we will traverse the list starting from compl_first_match and then go forwards (using the cp->next pointer) through the list (skipping the very first entry, which has the CP_ORIGINAL_TEXT flag set (since that is the empty/non-selected entry 2) CTRL-X CTRL-P, we will traverse the list starting from compl_first_match (which now points to the last entry). The previous entry will have the CP_ORIGINAL_TEXT flag set, so we need to start traversing the list from the second prev pointer. There are in fact 2 special cases after starting the completion menu with CTRL-X: 3) CTRL-N and then going backwards by pressing CTRL-P again. compl_first_match will point to the same entry as in step 1 above, but since compl_dir_foward() has been switched by pressing CTRL-P to backwards we need to pretend to be in still in case 1 and still traverse the list in forward direction using the cp_next pointer 4) CTRL-P and then going forwards by pressing CTRL-N again. compl_first_match will point to the same entry as in step 2 above, but since compl_dir_foward() has been switched by pressing CTRL-N to forwards we need to pretend to be in still in case 2 and still traverse the list in backward direction using the cp_prev pointer For the 'noselect' case however, this is slightly different again. When going backwards, we only need to go one cp_prev pointer back. And resting of the direction works again slightly different. So we need to take the noselect option into account when deciding in which direction to iterate through the list of matches. related: vim/vim#13402 related: vim/vim#12971 closes: vim/vim#13408 Co-authored-by: Christian Brabandt <>
2023-10-27 15:13:57 -07:00
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-P>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal(0, g:compl_info['selected'])
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
call assert_equal("fff", g:compl_info['items'][g:compl_info['selected']]['word'])
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal("aaa", g:compl_info['items'][g:compl_info['selected']]['word'])
vim-patch:9.0.2074: Completion menu may be wrong Problem: Completion menu may be wrong Solution: Check for the original direction of the completion menu, add more tests, make it work with 'noselect' completion: move in right direction when filling completion_info() When moving through the insert completion menu and switching directions, we need to make sure we start at the correct position in the list and move correctly forward/backwards through it, so that we do not skip entries and the selected item points to the correct entry in the list of completion entries generated by the completion_info() function. The general case is this: 1) CTRL-X CTRL-N, we will traverse the list starting from compl_first_match and then go forwards (using the cp->next pointer) through the list (skipping the very first entry, which has the CP_ORIGINAL_TEXT flag set (since that is the empty/non-selected entry 2) CTRL-X CTRL-P, we will traverse the list starting from compl_first_match (which now points to the last entry). The previous entry will have the CP_ORIGINAL_TEXT flag set, so we need to start traversing the list from the second prev pointer. There are in fact 2 special cases after starting the completion menu with CTRL-X: 3) CTRL-N and then going backwards by pressing CTRL-P again. compl_first_match will point to the same entry as in step 1 above, but since compl_dir_foward() has been switched by pressing CTRL-P to backwards we need to pretend to be in still in case 1 and still traverse the list in forward direction using the cp_next pointer 4) CTRL-P and then going forwards by pressing CTRL-N again. compl_first_match will point to the same entry as in step 2 above, but since compl_dir_foward() has been switched by pressing CTRL-N to forwards we need to pretend to be in still in case 2 and still traverse the list in backward direction using the cp_prev pointer For the 'noselect' case however, this is slightly different again. When going backwards, we only need to go one cp_prev pointer back. And resting of the direction works again slightly different. So we need to take the noselect option into account when deciding in which direction to iterate through the list of matches. related: vim/vim#13402 related: vim/vim#12971 closes: vim/vim#13408 Co-authored-by: Christian Brabandt <>
2023-10-27 15:13:57 -07:00
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
call feedkeys("Go\<C-X>\<C-N>\<F5>\<Esc>_dd", 'tx')
call assert_equal(-1, g:compl_info['selected'])
call assert_equal(6 , len(g:compl_info['items']))
vim-patch:9.0.2074: Completion menu may be wrong Problem: Completion menu may be wrong Solution: Check for the original direction of the completion menu, add more tests, make it work with 'noselect' completion: move in right direction when filling completion_info() When moving through the insert completion menu and switching directions, we need to make sure we start at the correct position in the list and move correctly forward/backwards through it, so that we do not skip entries and the selected item points to the correct entry in the list of completion entries generated by the completion_info() function. The general case is this: 1) CTRL-X CTRL-N, we will traverse the list starting from compl_first_match and then go forwards (using the cp->next pointer) through the list (skipping the very first entry, which has the CP_ORIGINAL_TEXT flag set (since that is the empty/non-selected entry 2) CTRL-X CTRL-P, we will traverse the list starting from compl_first_match (which now points to the last entry). The previous entry will have the CP_ORIGINAL_TEXT flag set, so we need to start traversing the list from the second prev pointer. There are in fact 2 special cases after starting the completion menu with CTRL-X: 3) CTRL-N and then going backwards by pressing CTRL-P again. compl_first_match will point to the same entry as in step 1 above, but since compl_dir_foward() has been switched by pressing CTRL-P to backwards we need to pretend to be in still in case 1 and still traverse the list in forward direction using the cp_next pointer 4) CTRL-P and then going forwards by pressing CTRL-N again. compl_first_match will point to the same entry as in step 2 above, but since compl_dir_foward() has been switched by pressing CTRL-N to forwards we need to pretend to be in still in case 2 and still traverse the list in backward direction using the cp_prev pointer For the 'noselect' case however, this is slightly different again. When going backwards, we only need to go one cp_prev pointer back. And resting of the direction works again slightly different. So we need to take the noselect option into account when deciding in which direction to iterate through the list of matches. related: vim/vim#13402 related: vim/vim#12971 closes: vim/vim#13408 Co-authored-by: Christian Brabandt <>
2023-10-27 15:13:57 -07:00
set completeopt&
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab