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" Test for textobjects
if !has('textobjects')
func CpoM(line, useM, expected)
if a:useM
set cpoptions+=M
set cpoptions-=M
call setline(1, a:line)
call setreg('"', '')
normal! ggfrmavi)y
call assert_equal(getreg('"'), a:expected[0])
call setreg('"', '')
normal! `afbmavi)y
call assert_equal(getreg('"'), a:expected[1])
call setreg('"', '')
normal! `afgmavi)y
call assert_equal(getreg('"'), a:expected[2])
func Test_inner_block_without_cpo_M()
call CpoM('(red \(blue) green)', 0, ['red \(blue', 'red \(blue', ''])
func Test_inner_block_with_cpo_M_left_backslash()
call CpoM('(red \(blue) green)', 1, ['red \(blue) green', 'blue', 'red \(blue) green'])
func Test_inner_block_with_cpo_M_right_backslash()
call CpoM('(red (blue\) green)', 1, ['red (blue\) green', 'blue\', 'red (blue\) green'])
func Test_inner_block_single_char()
call setline(1, "(a)")
set selection=inclusive
let @" = ''
call assert_nobeep('norm! 0faviby')
call assert_equal('a', @")
set selection=exclusive
let @" = ''
call assert_nobeep('norm! 0faviby')
call assert_equal('a', @")
set selection&
func Test_quote_selection_selection_exclusive()
call setline(1, "a 'bcde' f")
set selection=exclusive
exe "norm! fdvhi'y"
call assert_equal('bcde', @")
let @" = 'dummy'
exe "norm! $gevi'y"
call assert_equal('bcde', @")
let @" = 'dummy'
exe "norm! 0fbhvi'y"
call assert_equal('bcde', @")
set selection&vim
func Test_quote_selection_selection_exclusive_abort()
set selection=exclusive
call setline(1, "'abzzc'")
let exp_curs = [0, 1, 6, 0]
call cursor(1,1)
exe 'norm! fcdvi"'
" make sure to end visual mode to have a clear state
exe "norm! \<esc>"
call assert_equal(exp_curs, getpos('.'))
call cursor(1,1)
exe 'norm! fcvi"'
exe "norm! \<esc>"
call assert_equal(exp_curs, getpos('.'))
call cursor(1,2)
exe 'norm! vfcoi"'
exe "norm! \<esc>"
let exp_curs = [0, 1, 2, 0]
let exp_visu = [0, 1, 7, 0]
call assert_equal(exp_curs, getpos('.'))
call assert_equal(exp_visu, getpos("'>"))
set selection&vim
" Tests for string and html text objects
func Test_string_html_objects()
" Nvim only supports set encoding=utf-8
" for e in ['utf-8', 'latin1', 'cp932']
for e in ['utf-8']
exe 'set enc=' .. e
let t = '"wo\"rd\\" foo'
put =t
normal! da"
call assert_equal('foo', getline('.'), e)
let t = "'foo' 'bar' 'piep'"
put =t
normal! 0va'a'rx
call assert_equal("xxxxxxxxxxxx'piep'", getline('.'), e)
let t = "bla bla `quote` blah"
put =t
normal! 02f`da`
call assert_equal("bla bla blah", getline('.'), e)
let t = 'out " in "noXno"'
put =t
normal! 0fXdi"
call assert_equal('out " in ""', getline('.'), e)
let t = "\"'\" 'blah' rep 'buh'"
put =t
normal! 03f'vi'ry
call assert_equal("\"'\" 'blah'yyyyy'buh'", getline('.'), e)
set quoteescape=+*-
let t = "bla `s*`d-`+++`l**` b`la"
put =t
normal! di`
call assert_equal("bla `` b`la", getline('.'), e)
let t = 'voo "nah" sdf " asdf" sdf " sdf" sd'
put =t
normal! $F"va"oha"i"rz
call assert_equal('voo "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsd', getline('.'), e)
let t = "-<b>asdf<i>Xasdf</i>asdf</b>-"
put =t
normal! fXdit
call assert_equal('-<b>asdf<i></i>asdf</b>-', getline('.'), e)
let t = "-<b>asdX<i>a<i />sdf</i>asdf</b>-"
put =t
normal! 0fXdit
call assert_equal('-<b></b>-', getline('.'), e)
let t = "-<b>asdf<i>Xasdf</i>asdf</b>-"
put =t
normal! fXdat
call assert_equal('-<b>asdfasdf</b>-', getline('.'), e)
let t = "-<b>asdX<i>as<b />df</i>asdf</b>-"
put =t
normal! 0fXdat
call assert_equal('--', getline('.'), e)
let t = "-<b>\ninnertext object\n</b>"
put =t
normal! dit
call assert_equal('-<b></b>', getline('.'), e)
" copy the tag block from leading indentation before the start tag
let t = " <b>\ntext\n</b>"
$put =t
normal! 2kvaty
call assert_equal("<b>\ntext\n</b>", @", e)
" copy the tag block from the end tag
let t = "<title>\nwelcome\n</title>"
$put =t
normal! $vaty
call assert_equal("<title>\nwelcome\n</title>", @", e)
" copy the outer tag block from a tag without an end tag
let t = "<html>\n<title>welcome\n</html>"
$put =t
normal! k$vaty
call assert_equal("<html>\n<title>welcome\n</html>", @", e)
" nested tag that has < in a different line from >
let t = "<div><div\n></div></div>"
$put =t
normal! k0vaty
call assert_equal("<div><div\n></div></div>", @", e)
" nested tag with attribute that has < in a different line from >
let t = "<div><div\nattr=\"attr\"\n></div></div>"
$put =t
normal! 2k0vaty
call assert_equal("<div><div\nattr=\"attr\"\n></div></div>", @", e)
set quoteescape&
" this was going beyond the end of the line
sil! norm i"\
sil! norm i"\
sil! norm i"\
call assert_equal('"\', getline(1))
set enc=utf-8
func Test_empty_html_tag()
call setline(1, '<div></div>')
normal 0citxxx
call assert_equal('<div>xxx</div>', getline(1))
call setline(1, '<div></div>')
normal 0f<cityyy
call assert_equal('<div>yyy</div>', getline(1))
call setline(1, '<div></div>')
normal 0f<vitsaaa
call assert_equal('aaa', getline(1))
" Tests for match() and matchstr()
func Test_match()
call assert_equal("b", matchstr("abcd", ".", 0, 2))
call assert_equal("bc", matchstr("abcd", "..", 0, 2))
call assert_equal("c", matchstr("abcd", ".", 2, 0))
call assert_equal("a", matchstr("abcd", ".", 0, -1))
call assert_equal(-1, match("abcd", ".", 0, 5))
call assert_equal(0 , match("abcd", ".", 0, -1))
call assert_equal(0 , match('abc', '.', 0, 1))
call assert_equal(1 , match('abc', '.', 0, 2))
call assert_equal(2 , match('abc', '.', 0, 3))
call assert_equal(-1, match('abc', '.', 0, 4))
call assert_equal(1 , match('abc', '.', 1, 1))
call assert_equal(2 , match('abc', '.', 2, 1))
call assert_equal(-1, match('abc', '.', 3, 1))
call assert_equal(3 , match('abc', '$', 0, 1))
call assert_equal(-1, match('abc', '$', 0, 2))
call assert_equal(3 , match('abc', '$', 1, 1))
call assert_equal(3 , match('abc', '$', 2, 1))
call assert_equal(3 , match('abc', '$', 3, 1))
call assert_equal(-1, match('abc', '$', 4, 1))
call assert_equal(0 , match('abc', '\zs', 0, 1))
call assert_equal(1 , match('abc', '\zs', 0, 2))
call assert_equal(2 , match('abc', '\zs', 0, 3))
call assert_equal(3 , match('abc', '\zs', 0, 4))
call assert_equal(-1, match('abc', '\zs', 0, 5))
call assert_equal(1 , match('abc', '\zs', 1, 1))
call assert_equal(2 , match('abc', '\zs', 2, 1))
call assert_equal(3 , match('abc', '\zs', 3, 1))
call assert_equal(-1, match('abc', '\zs', 4, 1))
" This was causing an illegal memory access
func Test_inner_tag()
norm ixxx
call feedkeys("v", 'xt')
norm it
func Test_sentence()
call setline(1, 'A sentence. A sentence? A sentence!')
normal yis
call assert_equal('A sentence.', @")
normal yas
call assert_equal('A sentence. ', @")
normal )
normal yis
call assert_equal('A sentence?', @")
normal yas
call assert_equal('A sentence? ', @")
normal )
normal yis
call assert_equal('A sentence!', @")
normal yas
call assert_equal(' A sentence!', @")
normal 0
normal 2yis
call assert_equal('A sentence. ', @")
normal 3yis
call assert_equal('A sentence. A sentence?', @")
normal 2yas
call assert_equal('A sentence. A sentence? ', @")
%delete _
func Test_sentence_with_quotes()
call setline(1, 'A "sentence." A sentence.')
normal yis
call assert_equal('A "sentence."', @")
normal yas
call assert_equal('A "sentence." ', @")
normal )
normal yis
call assert_equal('A sentence.', @")
normal yas
call assert_equal(' A sentence.', @")
%delete _
func Test_sentence_with_cursor_on_delimiter()
call setline(1, "A '([sentence.])' A sentence.")
normal! 15|yis
call assert_equal("A '([sentence.])'", @")
normal! 15|yas
call assert_equal("A '([sentence.])' ", @")
normal! 16|yis
call assert_equal("A '([sentence.])'", @")
normal! 16|yas
call assert_equal("A '([sentence.])' ", @")
normal! 17|yis
call assert_equal("A '([sentence.])'", @")
normal! 17|yas
call assert_equal("A '([sentence.])' ", @")
" don't get stuck on a quote at the start of a sentence
%delete _
call setline(1, ['A sentence.', '"A sentence"?', 'A sentence!'])
normal gg))
call assert_equal(3, getcurpos()[1])
%delete _
call setline(1, ['A sentence.', "'A sentence'?", 'A sentence!'])
normal gg))
call assert_equal(3, getcurpos()[1])
%delete _
" Test for quote (', " and `) textobjects
func Test_textobj_quote()
" Test for i" when cursor is in front of a quoted object
call append(0, 'foo "bar"')
norm! 1gg0di"
call assert_equal(['foo ""', ''], getline(1,'$'))
" Test for visually selecting an inner quote
" extend visual selection from one quote to the next
call setline(1, 'color "red" color "blue"')
call cursor(1, 7)
normal v4li"y
call assert_equal('"red" color "blue', @")
" try to extend visual selection from one quote to a non-existing quote
call setline(1, 'color "red" color blue')
call cursor(1, 7)
call feedkeys('v4li"y', 'xt')
call assert_equal('"red"', @")
" try to extend visual selection from one quote to a next partial quote
call setline(1, 'color "red" color "blue')
call cursor(1, 7)
normal v4li"y
call assert_equal('"red" color ', @")
" select a quote backwards in visual mode
call cursor(1, 12)
normal vhi"y
call assert_equal('red" ', @")
call assert_equal(8, col('.'))
" select a quote backwards in visual mode from outside the quote
call cursor(1, 17)
normal v2hi"y
call assert_equal('red', @")
call assert_equal(8, col('.'))
" visually selecting a quote with 'selection' set to 'exclusive'
call setline(1, 'He said "How are you?"')
set selection=exclusive
normal 012lv2li"y
call assert_equal('How are you?', @")
set selection&
" try copy a quote object with a single quote in the line
call setline(1, "Smith's car")
call cursor(1, 6)
call assert_beeps("normal yi'")
call assert_beeps("normal 2lyi'")
" selecting space before and after a quoted string
call setline(1, "some 'special' string")
normal 0ya'
call assert_equal("'special' ", @")
call setline(1, "some 'special'string")
normal 0ya'
call assert_equal(" 'special'", @")
" quoted string with odd or even number of backslashes.
call setline(1, 'char *s = "foo\"bar"')
normal $hhyi"
call assert_equal('foo\"bar', @")
call setline(1, 'char *s = "foo\\"bar"')
normal $hhyi"
call assert_equal('bar', @")
call setline(1, 'char *s = "foo\\\"bar"')
normal $hhyi"
call assert_equal('foo\\\"bar', @")
call setline(1, 'char *s = "foo\\\\"bar"')
normal $hhyi"
call assert_equal('bar', @")
" Test for i(, i<, etc. when cursor is in front of a block
func Test_textobj_find_paren_forward()
" i< and a> when cursor is in front of a block
call setline(1, '#include <foo.h>')
normal 0yi<
call assert_equal('foo.h', @")
normal 0ya>
call assert_equal('<foo.h>', @")
" 2i(, 3i( in front of a block enters second/third nested '('
call setline(1, 'foo (bar (baz (quux)))')
normal 0yi)
call assert_equal('bar (baz (quux))', @")
normal 02yi)
call assert_equal('baz (quux)', @")
normal 03yi)
call assert_equal('quux', @")
" 3i( in front of a block doesn't enter third but un-nested '('
call setline(1, 'foo (bar (baz) (quux))')
normal 03di)
call assert_equal('foo (bar (baz) (quux))', getline(1))
normal 02di)
call assert_equal('foo (bar () (quux))', getline(1))
normal 0di)
call assert_equal('foo ()', getline(1))
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab