mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 14:41:06 -07:00
266 lines
11 KiB
266 lines
11 KiB
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Erlang (http://www.erlang.org)
" Maintainer: Csaba Hoch <csaba.hoch@gmail.com>
" Last Update: 2013-Jul-25
" License: Vim license
" URL: https://github.com/hcs42/vim-erlang
" Acknowledgements: This script was originally created by Kresimir Marzic [1].
" The script was then revamped by Csaba Hoch [2]. During the revamp, the new
" highlighting style and some code was taken from the Erlang syntax script
" that is part of vimerl [3], created by Oscar Hellström [4] and improved by
" Ricardo Catalinas Jiménez [5].
" [1]: Kreąimir Marľić (Kresimir Marzic) <kmarzic@fly.srk.fer.hr>
" [2]: Csaba Hoch <csaba.hoch@gmail.com>
" [3]: https://github.com/jimenezrick/vimerl
" [4]: Oscar Hellström <oscar@oscarh.net> (http://oscar.hellstrom.st)
" [5]: Ricardo Catalinas Jiménez <jimenezrick@gmail.com>
" Customization:
" To use the old highlighting style, add this to your .vimrc:
" let g:erlang_old_style_highlight = 1
" To highlight further module attributes, add them to
" ~/.vim/after/syntax/erlang.vim:
" syn keyword erlangAttribute myattr1 myattr2 contained
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" Case sensitive
syn case match
if version >= 600
setlocal iskeyword+=$,@-@
" Comments
syn match erlangComment '%.*$' contains=erlangCommentAnnotation,erlangTodo
syn match erlangCommentAnnotation ' \@<=@\%(clear\|docfile\|end\|headerfile\|todo\|TODO\|type\|author\|copyright\|doc\|reference\|see\|since\|title\|version\|deprecated\|hidden\|private\|equiv\|spec\|throws\)' contained
syn match erlangCommentAnnotation /`[^']*'/ contained
syn keyword erlangTodo TODO FIXME XXX contained
syn match erlangShebang '^#!.*'
" Numbers (minimum base is 2, maximum is 36.)
syn match erlangNumberInteger '\<\d\+\>'
syn match erlangNumberInteger '\<\%([2-9]\|[12]\d\|3[0-6]\)\+#[[:alnum:]]\+\>'
syn match erlangNumberFloat '\<\d\+\.\d\+\%([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\=\>'
" Strings, atoms, characters
syn region erlangString start=/"/ end=/"/ contains=erlangStringModifier
syn region erlangQuotedAtom start=/'/ end=/'/ contains=erlangQuotedAtomModifier
syn match erlangStringModifier '\~\a\|\\\%(\o\{1,3}\|x\x\x\|x{\x\+}\|\^.\|.\)' contained
syn match erlangQuotedAtomModifier '\~\a\|\\\%(\o\{1,3}\|x\x\x\|x{\x\+}\|\^.\|.\)' contained
syn match erlangModifier '\$\%([^\\]\|\\\%(\o\{1,3}\|x\x\x\|x{\x\+}\|\^.\|.\)\)'
" Operators, separators
syn match erlangOperator '==\|=:=\|/=\|=/=\|<\|=<\|>\|>=\|++\|--\|=\|!\|<-\|+\|-\|\*\|\/'
syn keyword erlangOperator div rem or xor bor bxor bsl bsr and band not bnot andalso orelse
syn match erlangBracket '{\|}\|\[\|]\||\|||'
syn match erlangPipe '|'
syn match erlangRightArrow '->'
" Atoms, function calls (order is important)
syn match erlangAtom '\<\l[[:alnum:]_@]*' contains=erlangBoolean
syn keyword erlangBoolean true false contained
syn match erlangLocalFuncCall '\<\a[[:alnum:]_@]*\>\%(\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*(\)\@=' contains=erlangBIF
syn match erlangLocalFuncRef '\<\a[[:alnum:]_@]*\>\%(\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*/\)\@='
syn match erlangGlobalFuncCall '\<\%(\a[[:alnum:]_@]*\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*\.\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*\)*\a[[:alnum:]_@]*\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*:\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*\a[[:alnum:]_@]*\>\%(\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*(\)\@=' contains=erlangComment
syn match erlangGlobalFuncRef '\<\%(\a[[:alnum:]_@]*\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*\.\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*\)*\a[[:alnum:]_@]*\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*:\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*\a[[:alnum:]_@]*\>\%(\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*/\)\@=' contains=erlangComment
" Variables, macros, records
syn match erlangVariable '\<[A-Z_][[:alnum:]_@]*'
syn match erlangMacro '??\=[[:alnum:]_@]\+'
syn match erlangMacro '\%(-define(\)\@<=[[:alnum:]_@]\+'
syn match erlangRecord '#\s*\l[[:alnum:]_@]*'
" Bitstrings
syn match erlangBitType '\%(\/\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*\)\@<=\%(integer\|float\|binary\|bytes\|bitstring\|bits\|binary\|utf8\|utf16\|utf32\|signed\|unsigned\|big\|little\|native\|unit\)\%(\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*-\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*\%(integer\|float\|binary\|bytes\|bitstring\|bits\|binary\|utf8\|utf16\|utf32\|signed\|unsigned\|big\|little\|native\|unit\)\)*' contains=erlangComment
" Constants and Directives
syn match erlangUnknownAttribute '^\s*-\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*\l[[:alnum:]_@]*' contains=erlangComment
syn match erlangAttribute '^\s*-\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*\%(behaviou\=r\|compile\|export\(_type\)\=\|file\|import\|module\|author\|copyright\|doc\|vsn\|on_load\)\>' contains=erlangComment
syn match erlangInclude '^\s*-\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*\%(include\|include_lib\)\>' contains=erlangComment
syn match erlangRecordDef '^\s*-\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*record\>' contains=erlangComment
syn match erlangDefine '^\s*-\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*\%(define\|undef\)\>' contains=erlangComment
syn match erlangPreCondit '^\s*-\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*\%(ifdef\|ifndef\|else\|endif\)\>' contains=erlangComment
syn match erlangType '^\s*-\%(\s\|\n\|%.*\n\)*\%(spec\|type\|opaque\|callback\)\>' contains=erlangComment
" Keywords
syn keyword erlangKeyword after begin case catch cond end fun if let of query
syn keyword erlangKeyword receive when try
" Build-in-functions (BIFs)
syn keyword erlangBIF abs alive apply atom_to_binary atom_to_list contained
syn keyword erlangBIF binary_part binary_to_atom contained
syn keyword erlangBIF binary_to_existing_atom binary_to_float contained
syn keyword erlangBIF binary_to_integer bitstring_to_list contained
syn keyword erlangBIF binary_to_list binary_to_term bit_size contained
syn keyword erlangBIF byte_size check_old_code check_process_code contained
syn keyword erlangBIF concat_binary date delete_module demonitor contained
syn keyword erlangBIF disconnect_node element erase error exit contained
syn keyword erlangBIF float float_to_binary float_to_list contained
syn keyword erlangBIF garbage_collect get get_keys group_leader contained
syn keyword erlangBIF halt hd integer_to_binary integer_to_list contained
syn keyword erlangBIF iolist_to_binary iolist_size is_alive contained
syn keyword erlangBIF is_atom is_binary is_bitstring is_boolean contained
syn keyword erlangBIF is_float is_function is_integer is_list contained
syn keyword erlangBIF is_number is_pid is_port is_process_alive contained
syn keyword erlangBIF is_record is_reference is_tuple length link contained
syn keyword erlangBIF list_to_atom list_to_binary contained
syn keyword erlangBIF list_to_bitstring list_to_existing_atom contained
syn keyword erlangBIF list_to_float list_to_integer list_to_pid contained
syn keyword erlangBIF list_to_tuple load_module make_ref max min contained
syn keyword erlangBIF module_loaded monitor monitor_node node contained
syn keyword erlangBIF nodes now open_port pid_to_list port_close contained
syn keyword erlangBIF port_command port_connect pre_loaded contained
syn keyword erlangBIF process_flag process_flag process_info contained
syn keyword erlangBIF process purge_module put register registered contained
syn keyword erlangBIF round self setelement size spawn spawn_link contained
syn keyword erlangBIF spawn_monitor spawn_opt split_binary contained
syn keyword erlangBIF statistics term_to_binary throw time tl contained
syn keyword erlangBIF trunc tuple_size tuple_to_list unlink contained
syn keyword erlangBIF unregister whereis contained
" Sync at the beginning of functions: if this is not used, multiline string
" are not always recognized, and the indentation script cannot use the
" "searchpair" (because it would not always skip strings and comments when
" looking for keywords and opening parens/brackets).
syn sync match erlangSync grouphere NONE "^[a-z]\s*("
let b:erlang_syntax_synced = 1
" Define the default highlighting. See ":help group-name" for the groups and
" their colors.
let s:old_style = (exists("g:erlang_old_style_highlight") &&
\g:erlang_old_style_highlight == 1)
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_erlang_inits")
if version < 508
let did_erlang_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
" Comments
HiLink erlangComment Comment
HiLink erlangCommentAnnotation Special
HiLink erlangTodo Todo
HiLink erlangShebang Comment
" Numbers
HiLink erlangNumberInteger Number
HiLink erlangNumberFloat Float
" Strings, atoms, characters
HiLink erlangString String
if s:old_style
HiLink erlangQuotedAtom Type
HiLink erlangQuotedAtom String
HiLink erlangStringModifier Special
HiLink erlangQuotedAtomModifier Special
HiLink erlangModifier Special
" Operators, separators
HiLink erlangOperator Operator
HiLink erlangRightArrow Operator
if s:old_style
HiLink erlangBracket Normal
HiLink erlangPipe Normal
HiLink erlangBracket Delimiter
HiLink erlangPipe Delimiter
" Atoms, functions, variables, macros
if s:old_style
HiLink erlangAtom Normal
HiLink erlangLocalFuncCall Normal
HiLink erlangLocalFuncRef Normal
HiLink erlangGlobalFuncCall Function
HiLink erlangGlobalFuncRef Function
HiLink erlangVariable Normal
HiLink erlangMacro Normal
HiLink erlangRecord Normal
HiLink erlangAtom String
HiLink erlangLocalFuncCall Normal
HiLink erlangLocalFuncRef Normal
HiLink erlangGlobalFuncCall Normal
HiLink erlangGlobalFuncRef Normal
HiLink erlangVariable Identifier
HiLink erlangMacro Macro
HiLink erlangRecord Structure
" Bitstrings
if !s:old_style
HiLink erlangBitType Type
" Constants and Directives
if s:old_style
HiLink erlangAttribute Type
HiLink erlangMacroDef Type
HiLink erlangUnknownAttribute Normal
HiLink erlangInclude Type
HiLink erlangRecordDef Type
HiLink erlangDefine Type
HiLink erlangPreCondit Type
HiLink erlangType Type
HiLink erlangAttribute Keyword
HiLink erlangMacroDef Macro
HiLink erlangUnknownAttribute Normal
HiLink erlangInclude Include
HiLink erlangRecordDef Keyword
HiLink erlangDefine Define
HiLink erlangPreCondit PreCondit
HiLink erlangType Type
" Keywords
HiLink erlangKeyword Keyword
" Build-in-functions (BIFs)
HiLink erlangBIF Function
if s:old_style
HiLink erlangBoolean Statement
HiLink erlangExtra Statement
HiLink erlangSignal Statement
HiLink erlangBoolean Boolean
HiLink erlangExtra Statement
HiLink erlangSignal Statement
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "erlang"
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
" vim: sw=2 et