2019-04-26 19:38:15 -07:00
" Tests for the Vim script debug commands
source shared.vim
2020-04-28 20:13:23 -07:00
source screendump.vim
2019-04-26 19:38:15 -07:00
" Run a Vim debugger command
" If the expected output argument is supplied, then check for it.
func RunDbgCmd(buf, cmd, ...)
call term_sendkeys(a:buf, a:cmd . "\r")
call term_wait(a:buf)
if a:0 != 0
" Verify the expected output
let lnum = 20 - len(a:1)
for l in a:1
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(l, term_getline(a:buf, lnum))})
let lnum += 1
" Debugger tests
func Test_Debugger()
if !CanRunVimInTerminal()
2019-08-19 18:07:42 -07:00
throw 'Skipped: cannot run Vim in a terminal window'
2019-04-26 19:38:15 -07:00
" Create a Vim script with some functions
2019-10-12 00:48:48 -07:00
let lines =<< trim END
func Foo()
let var1 = 1
let var2 = Bar(var1) + 9
return var2
func Bar(var)
let var1 = 2 + a:var
let var2 = Bazz(var1) + 4
return var2
func Bazz(var)
let var1 = 3 + a:var
let var3 = "another var"
let var3 = "value2"
let var4 = "exception"
return var1
call writefile(lines, 'Xtest.vim')
2019-04-26 19:38:15 -07:00
" Start Vim in a terminal
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xtest.vim', {})
" Start the Vim debugger
2019-08-11 04:18:29 -07:00
call RunDbgCmd(buf, ':debug echo Foo()', ['cmd: echo Foo()'])
2019-04-26 19:38:15 -07:00
" Create a few stack frames by stepping through functions
2019-08-11 04:18:29 -07:00
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'step', ['line 1: let var1 = 1'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'step', ['line 2: let var2 = Bar(var1) + 9'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'step', ['line 1: let var1 = 2 + a:var'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'step', ['line 2: let var2 = Bazz(var1) + 4'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'step', ['line 1: try'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'step', ['line 2: let var1 = 3 + a:var'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'step', ['line 3: let var3 = "another var"'])
2019-04-26 19:38:15 -07:00
" check backtrace
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'backtrace', [
\ ' 2 function Foo[2]',
\ ' 1 Bar[2]',
\ '->0 Bazz',
2019-06-08 15:10:33 -07:00
\ 'line 3: let var3 = "another var"'])
2019-04-26 19:38:15 -07:00
" Check variables in different stack frames
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'echo var1', ['6'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'up')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'back', [
\ ' 2 function Foo[2]',
\ '->1 Bar[2]',
\ ' 0 Bazz',
2019-06-08 15:10:33 -07:00
\ 'line 3: let var3 = "another var"'])
2019-04-26 19:38:15 -07:00
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'echo var1', ['3'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'u')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'bt', [
\ '->2 function Foo[2]',
\ ' 1 Bar[2]',
\ ' 0 Bazz',
2019-06-08 15:10:33 -07:00
\ 'line 3: let var3 = "another var"'])
2019-04-26 19:38:15 -07:00
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'echo var1', ['1'])
" Undefined variables
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'step')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'frame 2')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'echo var3', [
\ 'Error detected while processing function Foo[2]..Bar[2]..Bazz:',
2019-06-08 15:10:33 -07:00
\ 'line 4:',
2019-04-26 19:38:15 -07:00
\ 'E121: Undefined variable: var3'])
" var3 is defined in this level with some other value
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'fr 0')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'echo var3', ['another var'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'step')
2019-06-08 15:10:33 -07:00
call RunDbgCmd(buf, '')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, '')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, '')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, '')
2019-04-26 19:38:15 -07:00
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'step', [
\ 'function Foo[2]..Bar',
\ 'line 3: End of function'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'up')
" Undefined var2
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'echo var2', [
\ 'Error detected while processing function Foo[2]..Bar:',
\ 'line 3:',
\ 'E121: Undefined variable: var2'])
" Var2 is defined with 10
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'down')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'echo var2', ['10'])
" Backtrace movements
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'b', [
\ ' 1 function Foo[2]',
\ '->0 Bar',
\ 'line 3: End of function'])
" next command cannot go down, we are on bottom
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'down', ['frame is zero'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'up')
" next command cannot go up, we are on top
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'up', ['frame at highest level: 1'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'where', [
\ '->1 function Foo[2]',
\ ' 0 Bar',
\ 'line 3: End of function'])
" fil is not frame or finish, it is file
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'fil', ['"[No Name]" --No lines in buffer--'])
" relative backtrace movement
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'fr -1')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'frame', [
\ ' 1 function Foo[2]',
\ '->0 Bar',
\ 'line 3: End of function'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'fr +1')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'fram', [
\ '->1 function Foo[2]',
\ ' 0 Bar',
\ 'line 3: End of function'])
" go beyond limits does not crash
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'fr 100', ['frame at highest level: 1'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'fra', [
\ '->1 function Foo[2]',
\ ' 0 Bar',
\ 'line 3: End of function'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'frame -40', ['frame is zero'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'fram', [
\ ' 1 function Foo[2]',
\ '->0 Bar',
\ 'line 3: End of function'])
" final result 19
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'cont', ['19'])
" breakpoints tests
" Start a debug session, so that reading the last line from the terminal
" works properly.
call RunDbgCmd(buf, ':debug echo Foo()')
" No breakpoints
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakl', ['No breakpoints defined'])
" Place some breakpoints
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breaka func Bar')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breaklis', [' 1 func Bar line 1'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakadd func 3 Bazz')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breaklist', [' 1 func Bar line 1',
\ ' 2 func Bazz line 3'])
" Check whether the breakpoints are hit
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'cont', [
\ 'Breakpoint in "Bar" line 1',
\ 'function Foo[2]..Bar',
\ 'line 1: let var1 = 2 + a:var'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'cont', [
\ 'Breakpoint in "Bazz" line 3',
\ 'function Foo[2]..Bar[2]..Bazz',
2019-06-08 15:10:33 -07:00
\ 'line 3: let var3 = "another var"'])
2019-04-26 19:38:15 -07:00
" Delete the breakpoints
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakd 1')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakli', [' 2 func Bazz line 3'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakdel func 3 Bazz')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakl', ['No breakpoints defined'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'cont')
" Make sure the breakpoints are removed
call RunDbgCmd(buf, ':echo Foo()', ['19'])
" Delete a non-existing breakpoint
call RunDbgCmd(buf, ':breakdel 2', ['E161: Breakpoint not found: 2'])
" Expression breakpoint
call RunDbgCmd(buf, ':breakadd func 2 Bazz')
2019-06-08 15:10:33 -07:00
call RunDbgCmd(buf, ':echo Bazz(1)', [
\ 'Entering Debug mode. Type "cont" to continue.',
\ 'function Bazz',
\ 'line 2: let var1 = 3 + a:var'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'step')
2019-04-26 19:38:15 -07:00
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'step')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breaka expr var3')
2019-06-08 15:10:33 -07:00
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakl', [' 3 func Bazz line 2',
\ ' 4 expr var3'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'cont', ['Breakpoint in "Bazz" line 5',
2019-04-26 19:38:15 -07:00
\ 'Oldval = "''another var''"',
\ 'Newval = "''value2''"',
\ 'function Bazz',
2019-06-08 15:10:33 -07:00
\ 'line 5: catch'])
2019-04-26 19:38:15 -07:00
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakdel *')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakl', ['No breakpoints defined'])
2019-06-08 15:10:33 -07:00
" Check for error cases
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakadd abcd', [
\ 'Error detected while processing function Bazz:',
\ 'line 5:',
\ 'E475: Invalid argument: abcd'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakadd func', ['E475: Invalid argument: func'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakadd func 2', ['E475: Invalid argument: func 2'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breaka func a()', ['E475: Invalid argument: func a()'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakd abcd', ['E475: Invalid argument: abcd'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakd func', ['E475: Invalid argument: func'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakd func a()', ['E475: Invalid argument: func a()'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakd func a', ['E161: Breakpoint not found: func a'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakd expr', ['E475: Invalid argument: expr'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakd expr x', [
\ 'E121: Undefined variable: x',
\ 'E161: Breakpoint not found: expr x'])
2019-04-26 19:38:15 -07:00
" finish the current function
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'finish', [
\ 'function Bazz',
2019-06-08 15:10:33 -07:00
\ 'line 8: End of function'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'cont')
" Test for :next
call RunDbgCmd(buf, ':debug echo Bar(1)')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'step')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'next')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, '', [
\ 'function Bar',
\ 'line 3: return var2'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'c')
" Test for :interrupt
call RunDbgCmd(buf, ':debug echo Bazz(1)')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'step')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'step')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'interrupt', [
\ 'Exception thrown: Vim:Interrupt',
\ 'function Bazz',
\ 'line 5: catch'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'c')
" Test for :quit
call RunDbgCmd(buf, ':debug echo Foo()')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakdel *')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakadd func 3 Foo')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakadd func 3 Bazz')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'cont', [
\ 'Breakpoint in "Bazz" line 3',
\ 'function Foo[2]..Bar[2]..Bazz',
\ 'line 3: let var3 = "another var"'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'quit', [
\ 'Breakpoint in "Foo" line 3',
\ 'function Foo',
\ 'line 3: return var2'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'breakdel *')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'quit')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'enew! | only!')
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
" Tests for :breakadd file and :breakadd here
" Breakpoints should be set before sourcing the file
2019-10-12 00:48:48 -07:00
let lines =<< trim END
let var1 = 10
let var2 = 20
let var3 = 30
let var4 = 40
call writefile(lines, 'Xtest.vim')
2019-06-08 15:10:33 -07:00
" Start Vim in a terminal
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('Xtest.vim', {})
call RunDbgCmd(buf, ':breakadd file 2 Xtest.vim')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, ':4 | breakadd here')
call RunDbgCmd(buf, ':source Xtest.vim', ['line 2: let var2 = 20'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'cont', ['line 4: let var4 = 40'])
2019-04-26 19:38:15 -07:00
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'cont')
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
call delete('Xtest.vim')
2020-08-12 15:23:36 -07:00
" Test for setting a breakpoint on a :endif where the :if condition is false
" and then quit the script. This should generate an interrupt.
func Test_breakpt_endif_intr()
func F()
let g:Xpath ..= 'a'
if v:false
let g:Xpath ..= 'b'
let g:Xpath = ''
breakadd func 4 F
let caught_intr = 0
call feedkeys(":call F()\<CR>quit\<CR>", "xt")
call F()
catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/
call assert_match('\.F, line 4', v:throwpoint)
let caught_intr = 1
call assert_equal(1, caught_intr)
call assert_equal('a', g:Xpath)
breakdel *
delfunc F
" Test for setting a breakpoint on a :else where the :if condition is false
" and then quit the script. This should generate an interrupt.
func Test_breakpt_else_intr()
func F()
let g:Xpath ..= 'a'
if v:false
let g:Xpath ..= 'b'
let g:Xpath = ''
breakadd func 4 F
let caught_intr = 0
call feedkeys(":call F()\<CR>quit\<CR>", "xt")
call F()
catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/
call assert_match('\.F, line 4', v:throwpoint)
let caught_intr = 1
call assert_equal(1, caught_intr)
call assert_equal('a', g:Xpath)
breakdel *
delfunc F
" Test for setting a breakpoint on a :endwhile where the :while condition is
" false and then quit the script. This should generate an interrupt.
func Test_breakpt_endwhile_intr()
func F()
let g:Xpath ..= 'a'
while v:false
let g:Xpath ..= 'b'
let g:Xpath = ''
breakadd func 4 F
let caught_intr = 0
call feedkeys(":call F()\<CR>quit\<CR>", "xt")
call F()
catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/
call assert_match('\.F, line 4', v:throwpoint)
let caught_intr = 1
call assert_equal(1, caught_intr)
call assert_equal('a', g:Xpath)
breakdel *
delfunc F
" Test for setting a breakpoint on an :endtry where an exception is pending to
" be processed and then quit the script. This should generate an interrupt and
" the thrown exception should be ignored.
func Test_breakpt_endtry_intr()
func F()
let g:Xpath ..= 'a'
throw "abc"
let g:Xpath = ''
breakadd func 4 F
let caught_intr = 0
let caught_abc = 0
call feedkeys(":call F()\<CR>quit\<CR>", "xt")
call F()
catch /abc/
let caught_abc = 1
catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/
call assert_match('\.F, line 4', v:throwpoint)
let caught_intr = 1
call assert_equal(1, caught_intr)
call assert_equal(0, caught_abc)
call assert_equal('a', g:Xpath)
breakdel *
delfunc F
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab