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synced 2024-12-20 19:25:11 -07:00
217 lines
10 KiB
217 lines
10 KiB
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Moodle GIFT (General Import Format Template)
" Maintainer: Selim Temizer (http://selimtemizer.com)
" Creation: November 28, 2020
" Latest Revision: December 21, 2020
" Note: The order of entities in this file is important!
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
setlocal conceallevel=1
" GIFT entities
syn match giftS "\~" contained "GIFT special characters
syn match giftS "=" contained
syn match giftS "#" contained
syn match giftS "{" contained
syn match giftS "}" contained
syn match giftS ":" contained
syn match giftES "\\\~" contained conceal cchar=~ "GIFT escaped special characters
syn match giftES "\\=" contained conceal cchar==
syn match giftES "\\#" contained conceal cchar=#
syn match giftES "\\{" contained conceal cchar={
syn match giftES "\\}" contained conceal cchar=}
syn match giftES "\\:" contained conceal cchar=:
syn match giftEN "\\n" contained conceal cchar=n "GIFT escaped newline
syn match giftFormat "\[html]" contained "GIFT formats
syn match giftFormat "\[plain]" contained
syn match giftFormat "\[moodle]" contained
syn match giftFormat "\[markdown]" contained
" HTML entities
syn match giftH "<" contained "HTML characters that might need to be handled/escaped
syn match giftH ">" contained
syn match giftH "&" contained
syn match giftEH "<" contained conceal cchar=< "HTML escaped characters
syn match giftEH ">" contained conceal cchar=>
syn match giftEH "&" contained conceal cchar=&
syn match giftEH " " contained conceal cchar=_
" Answer components: Feedback and general feedback
syn match giftFB "#\_.\{-}\(\_^\|[^\\]\)\ze\(=\|\~\|#\|####\|}\)" contained contains=giftF "Feedback block
syn match giftF "#\zs\_.\{-}\(\_^\|[^\\]\)\ze\(=\|\~\|#\|####\|}\)" contained contains=@giftCEF "Feedback
syn match giftGFB "####\_.\{-}\(\_^\|[^\\]\)\ze}" contained contains=giftGF "General feedback block
syn match giftGF "####\zs\_.\{-}\(\_^\|[^\\]\)\ze}" contained contains=@giftCEF "General feedback
" Answer components: Other components
syn keyword giftTF T TRUE F FALSE contained
syn match giftNum1 "[-+]\=[.0-9]\+" contained "Something matching a number
syn match giftNum2 "[-+]\=[.0-9]\+\s*:\s*[-+]\=[.0-9]\+" contained contains=giftNum2D "Number with error margin
syn match giftNum2D ":" contained "Associated delimiter
syn match giftNum3 "[-+]\=[.0-9]\+\s*\.\.\s*[-+]\=[.0-9]\+" contained contains=giftNum3D "Number as min/max range
syn match giftNum3D "\.\." contained "Associated delimiter
syn match giftWeightB "%-*[0-9]\{1,2}\.\?[0-9]*%" contained contains=giftWeight "Weight block
syn match giftWeight "%\zs-*[0-9]\{1,2}\.\?[0-9]*\ze%" contained "Weight
" Answer choices
syn match giftWrongNum "\~\zs\_.\{-}\(\_^\|[^\\]\)\ze\(####\|}\)" contained contains=@giftCEFF "Wrong numeric choice
syn match giftRightNum "=\zs\_.\{-}\(\_^\|[^\\]\)\ze\(=\|\~\|####\|}\)" contained contains=@giftCEFFW,@giftNums "Right numeric choice
syn match giftWrong "\~\zs\_.\{-}\(\_^\|[^\\]\)\ze\(=\|\~\|####\|}\)" contained contains=@giftCEFFW "Wrong choice
syn match giftRight "=\zs\_.\{-}\(\ze->\|\(\_^\|[^\\]\)\ze\(=\|\~\|####\|}\)\)" contained contains=@giftCEFFW "Right choice
syn match giftMatchB "->\_.\{-}\(\_^\|[^\\]\)\ze\(=\|\~\|####\|}\)" contained contains=giftMatch "Match choice block
syn match giftMatch "->\zs\_.\{-}\(\_^\|[^\\]\)\ze\(=\|\~\|####\|}\)" contained contains=@giftCE "Match choice
" Answer
syn match giftAnswer "{\_.\{-}\(\_^\|[^\\]\)}" contained keepend contains=@giftA "General answer
syn match giftAnswer "{}" contained "Minimal answer
syn match giftAnswerNum "{\_[[:space:]]*#\_[^#]\_.\{-}\(\_^\|[^\\]\)}" contained keepend contains=@giftANum "Numeric answer
syn match giftAnswerNumD "{\zs\_[[:space:]]*#" contained "Associated delimiter
" Question
" The first pattern matches the last question at the end of the file (in case there is no empty line coming after).
" However, it slows down parsing (and especially scrolling up), therefore it is commented out.
"syn match giftQuestion "[^{[:space:]]\_.\{-}\%$" keepend contains=@giftCEF,giftAnswer,giftAnswerNum
syn match giftQuestion "[^{[:space:]]\_.\{-}\n\(\s*\n\)\+" keepend contains=@giftCEF,giftAnswer,giftAnswerNum
" Question name
syn match giftName "::\_.\{-}::" contains=@giftCE,giftNameD "Question name
syn match giftNameD "::" contained "Associated delimiter
" Category
syn match giftCategoryB "^\s*\$CATEGORY:.*\n\+" contains=giftCategory "Category block
syn match giftCategory "^\s*\$CATEGORY:\zs.*\ze\n" contained "Category
" Comments (may need to be the last entity)
syn keyword giftTodo FIXME TODO NOTE FIX XXX contained
syn match giftIdB "\[id:\(\\]\|[^][:cntrl:]]\)\+]" contained contains=giftId "Id block
syn match giftId "\[id:\zs\(\\]\|[^][:cntrl:]]\)\+\ze]" contained "Id
syn match giftTagB "\[tag:\(\\]\|[^]<>`[:cntrl:]]\)\+]" contained contains=giftTag "Tag block
syn match giftTag "\[tag:\zs\(\\]\|[^]<>`[:cntrl:]]\)\+\ze]" contained "Tag
syn match giftComment "^\s*//.*" contains=giftTodo,giftIdB,giftTagB
" Clusters
"Comments and entities (to be escaped)
syn cluster giftCE contains=giftComment,giftS,giftES,giftEN,giftH,giftEH
"The above plus format
syn cluster giftCEF contains=@giftCE,giftFormat
"The above plus feedback block
syn cluster giftCEFF contains=@giftCEF,giftFB
"The above plus weight block
syn cluster giftCEFFW contains=@giftCEFF,giftWeightB
"Possible numerical representations
syn cluster giftNums contains=giftNum1,giftNum2,giftNum3
"Possible contents of answers
syn cluster giftA contains=giftComment,giftTF,giftWrong,giftRight,giftMatchB,giftFB,giftGFB
"Possible contents of numerical answers
syn cluster giftANum contains=giftAnswerNumD,giftComment,@giftNums,giftWrongNum,giftRightNum,giftFB,giftGFB
let b:current_syntax = "gift"
hi Conceal ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=Blue guibg=NONE guifg=Blue
hi Feedback ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=DarkCyan guibg=NONE guifg=DarkCyan
hi GFeedback ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=DarkGreen guibg=NONE guifg=DarkGreen
hi WeightB ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=DarkYellow guibg=NONE guifg=DarkYellow
hi def link giftS Error
hi def link giftES Conceal
hi def link giftEN Conceal
hi def link giftFormat LineNr
hi def link giftH Error
hi def link giftEH Conceal
hi def link giftFB PreProc
hi def link giftF Feedback
hi def link giftGFB Title
hi def link giftGF GFeedback
hi def link giftTF Question
hi def link giftNum1 Question
hi def link giftNum2 Question
hi def link giftNum2D Special
hi def link giftNum3 Question
hi def link giftNum3D Special
hi def link giftWeightB WeightB
hi def link giftWeight Identifier
hi def link giftWrongNum Constant
hi def link giftRightNum Question
hi def link giftWrong Constant
hi def link giftRight Question
hi def link giftMatchB ModeMsg
hi def link giftMatch Constant
hi def link giftAnswer MoreMsg
hi def link giftAnswerNum MoreMsg
hi def link giftAnswerNumD Identifier
hi def link giftQuestion Identifier
hi def link giftName PreProc
hi def link giftNameD Directory
hi def link giftCategoryB LineNr
hi def link giftCategory Directory
hi def link giftTodo Todo
hi def link giftIdB LineNr
hi def link giftId Title
hi def link giftTagB LineNr
hi def link giftTag Constant
hi def link giftComment Comment