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" Tests for various functions.
" Must be done first, since the alternate buffer must be unset.
func Test_00_bufexists()
call assert_equal(0, bufexists('does_not_exist'))
call assert_equal(1, bufexists(bufnr('%')))
call assert_equal(0, bufexists(0))
new Xfoo
let bn = bufnr('%')
call assert_equal(1, bufexists(bn))
call assert_equal(1, bufexists('Xfoo'))
call assert_equal(1, bufexists(getcwd() . '/Xfoo'))
call assert_equal(1, bufexists(0))
call assert_equal(0, bufexists(bn))
call assert_equal(0, bufexists('Xfoo'))
func Test_empty()
call assert_equal(1, empty(''))
call assert_equal(0, empty('a'))
call assert_equal(1, empty(0))
call assert_equal(1, empty(-0))
call assert_equal(0, empty(1))
call assert_equal(0, empty(-1))
call assert_equal(1, empty(0.0))
call assert_equal(1, empty(-0.0))
call assert_equal(0, empty(1.0))
call assert_equal(0, empty(-1.0))
call assert_equal(0, empty(1.0/0.0))
call assert_equal(0, empty(0.0/0.0))
call assert_equal(1, empty([]))
call assert_equal(0, empty(['a']))
call assert_equal(1, empty({}))
call assert_equal(0, empty({'a':1}))
call assert_equal(1, empty(v:null))
" call assert_equal(1, empty(v:none))
call assert_equal(1, empty(v:false))
call assert_equal(0, empty(v:true))
if has('channel')
call assert_equal(1, empty(test_null_channel()))
if has('job')
call assert_equal(1, empty(test_null_job()))
call assert_equal(0, empty(function('Test_empty')))
func Test_len()
call assert_equal(1, len(0))
call assert_equal(2, len(12))
call assert_equal(0, len(''))
call assert_equal(2, len('ab'))
call assert_equal(0, len([]))
call assert_equal(2, len([2, 1]))
call assert_equal(0, len({}))
call assert_equal(2, len({'a': 1, 'b': 2}))
" call assert_fails('call len(v:none)', 'E701:')
call assert_fails('call len({-> 0})', 'E701:')
func Test_max()
call assert_equal(0, max([]))
call assert_equal(2, max([2]))
call assert_equal(2, max([1, 2]))
call assert_equal(2, max([1, 2, v:null]))
call assert_equal(0, max({}))
call assert_equal(2, max({'a':1, 'b':2}))
call assert_fails('call max(1)', 'E712:')
" call assert_fails('call max(v:none)', 'E712:')
func Test_min()
call assert_equal(0, min([]))
call assert_equal(2, min([2]))
call assert_equal(1, min([1, 2]))
call assert_equal(0, min([1, 2, v:null]))
call assert_equal(0, min({}))
call assert_equal(1, min({'a':1, 'b':2}))
call assert_fails('call min(1)', 'E712:')
" call assert_fails('call min(v:none)', 'E712:')
func Test_strwidth()
for aw in ['single', 'double']
exe 'set ambiwidth=' . aw
call assert_equal(0, strwidth(''))
call assert_equal(1, strwidth("\t"))
call assert_equal(3, strwidth('Vim'))
call assert_equal(4, strwidth(1234))
call assert_equal(5, strwidth(-1234))
if has('multi_byte')
call assert_equal(2, strwidth('😉'))
call assert_equal(17, strwidth('Eĥoŝanĝo ĉiuĵaŭde'))
call assert_equal((aw == 'single') ? 6 : 7, strwidth('Straße'))
call assert_fails('call strwidth({->0})', 'E729:')
call assert_fails('call strwidth([])', 'E730:')
call assert_fails('call strwidth({})', 'E731:')
call assert_fails('call strwidth(1.2)', 'E806:')
set ambiwidth&
func Test_str2nr()
call assert_equal(0, str2nr(''))
call assert_equal(1, str2nr('1'))
call assert_equal(1, str2nr(' 1 '))
call assert_equal(1, str2nr('+1'))
call assert_equal(1, str2nr('+ 1'))
call assert_equal(1, str2nr(' + 1 '))
call assert_equal(-1, str2nr('-1'))
call assert_equal(-1, str2nr('- 1'))
call assert_equal(-1, str2nr(' - 1 '))
call assert_equal(123456789, str2nr('123456789'))
call assert_equal(-123456789, str2nr('-123456789'))
call assert_equal(5, str2nr('101', 2))
call assert_equal(5, str2nr('0b101', 2))
call assert_equal(5, str2nr('0B101', 2))
call assert_equal(-5, str2nr('-101', 2))
call assert_equal(-5, str2nr('-0b101', 2))
call assert_equal(-5, str2nr('-0B101', 2))
call assert_equal(65, str2nr('101', 8))
call assert_equal(65, str2nr('0101', 8))
call assert_equal(-65, str2nr('-101', 8))
call assert_equal(-65, str2nr('-0101', 8))
call assert_equal(11259375, str2nr('abcdef', 16))
call assert_equal(11259375, str2nr('ABCDEF', 16))
call assert_equal(-11259375, str2nr('-ABCDEF', 16))
call assert_equal(11259375, str2nr('0xabcdef', 16))
call assert_equal(11259375, str2nr('0Xabcdef', 16))
call assert_equal(11259375, str2nr('0XABCDEF', 16))
call assert_equal(-11259375, str2nr('-0xABCDEF', 16))
call assert_equal(0, str2nr('0x10'))
call assert_equal(0, str2nr('0b10'))
call assert_equal(1, str2nr('12', 2))
call assert_equal(1, str2nr('18', 8))
call assert_equal(1, str2nr('1g', 16))
call assert_equal(0, str2nr(v:null))
" call assert_equal(0, str2nr(v:none))
call assert_fails('call str2nr([])', 'E730:')
call assert_fails('call str2nr({->2})', 'E729:')
call assert_fails('call str2nr(1.2)', 'E806:')
call assert_fails('call str2nr(10, [])', 'E474:')
func Test_strftime()
if !exists('*strftime')
" Format of strftime() depends on system. We assume
" that basic formats tested here are available and
" identical on all systems which support strftime().
" The 2nd parameter of strftime() is a local time, so the output day
" of strftime() can be 17 or 18, depending on timezone.
call assert_match('^2017-01-1[78]$', strftime('%Y-%m-%d', 1484695512))
call assert_match('^\d\d\d\d-\(0\d\|1[012]\)-\([012]\d\|3[01]\) \([01]\d\|2[0-3]\):[0-5]\d:\([0-5]\d\|60\)$', strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
call assert_fails('call strftime([])', 'E730:')
call assert_fails('call strftime("%Y", [])', 'E745:')
func Test_resolve()
if !has('unix')
" Xlink1 -> Xlink2
" Xlink2 -> Xlink3
silent !ln -s -f Xlink2 Xlink1
silent !ln -s -f Xlink3 Xlink2
call assert_equal('Xlink3', resolve('Xlink1'))
call assert_equal('./Xlink3', resolve('./Xlink1'))
call assert_equal('Xlink3/', resolve('Xlink2/'))
" FIXME: these tests result in things like "Xlink2/" instead of "Xlink3/"?!
"call assert_equal('Xlink3/', resolve('Xlink1/'))
"call assert_equal('./Xlink3/', resolve('./Xlink1/'))
"call assert_equal(getcwd() . '/Xlink3/', resolve(getcwd() . '/Xlink1/'))
call assert_equal(getcwd() . '/Xlink3', resolve(getcwd() . '/Xlink1'))
" Test resolve() with a symlink cycle.
" Xlink1 -> Xlink2
" Xlink2 -> Xlink3
" Xlink3 -> Xlink1
silent !ln -s -f Xlink1 Xlink3
call assert_fails('call resolve("Xlink1")', 'E655:')
call assert_fails('call resolve("./Xlink1")', 'E655:')
call assert_fails('call resolve("Xlink2")', 'E655:')
call assert_fails('call resolve("Xlink3")', 'E655:')
call delete('Xlink1')
call delete('Xlink2')
call delete('Xlink3')
silent !ln -s -f Xdir//Xfile Xlink
call assert_equal('Xdir/Xfile', resolve('Xlink'))
call delete('Xlink')
silent !ln -s -f Xlink2/ Xlink1
call assert_equal('Xlink2', resolve('Xlink1'))
call assert_equal('Xlink2/', resolve('Xlink1/'))
call delete('Xlink1')
silent !ln -s -f ./Xlink2 Xlink1
call assert_equal('Xlink2', resolve('Xlink1'))
call assert_equal('./Xlink2', resolve('./Xlink1'))
call delete('Xlink1')
func Test_simplify()
call assert_equal('', simplify(''))
call assert_equal('/', simplify('/'))
call assert_equal('/', simplify('/.'))
call assert_equal('/', simplify('/..'))
call assert_equal('/...', simplify('/...'))
call assert_equal('./dir/file', simplify('./dir/file'))
call assert_equal('./dir/file', simplify('.///dir//file'))
call assert_equal('./dir/file', simplify('./dir/./file'))
call assert_equal('./file', simplify('./dir/../file'))
call assert_equal('../dir/file', simplify('dir/../../dir/file'))
call assert_equal('./file', simplify('dir/.././file'))
call assert_fails('call simplify({->0})', 'E729:')
call assert_fails('call simplify([])', 'E730:')
call assert_fails('call simplify({})', 'E731:')
call assert_fails('call simplify(1.2)', 'E806:')
func Test_setbufvar_options()
" This tests that aucmd_prepbuf() and aucmd_restbuf() properly restore the
" window layout.
call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
split dummy_preview
resize 2
set winfixheight winfixwidth
let prev_id = win_getid()
wincmd j
let wh = winheight('.')
let dummy_buf = bufnr('dummy_buf1', v:true)
call setbufvar(dummy_buf, '&buftype', 'nofile')
execute 'belowright vertical split #' . dummy_buf
call assert_equal(wh, winheight('.'))
let dum1_id = win_getid()
wincmd h
let wh = winheight('.')
let dummy_buf = bufnr('dummy_buf2', v:true)
call setbufvar(dummy_buf, '&buftype', 'nofile')
execute 'belowright vertical split #' . dummy_buf
call assert_equal(wh, winheight('.'))
call win_gotoid(prev_id)
call win_gotoid(dum1_id)
func Test_pathshorten()
call assert_equal('', pathshorten(''))
call assert_equal('foo', pathshorten('foo'))
call assert_equal('/foo', pathshorten('/foo'))
call assert_equal('f/', pathshorten('foo/'))
call assert_equal('f/bar', pathshorten('foo/bar'))
call assert_equal('f/b/foobar', pathshorten('foo/bar/foobar'))
call assert_equal('/f/b/foobar', pathshorten('/foo/bar/foobar'))
call assert_equal('.f/bar', pathshorten('.foo/bar'))
call assert_equal('~f/bar', pathshorten('~foo/bar'))
call assert_equal('~.f/bar', pathshorten(''))
call assert_equal('.~f/bar', pathshorten('.~foo/bar'))
call assert_equal('~/f/bar', pathshorten('~/foo/bar'))
func Test_strpart()
call assert_equal('de', strpart('abcdefg', 3, 2))
call assert_equal('ab', strpart('abcdefg', -2, 4))
call assert_equal('abcdefg', strpart('abcdefg', -2))
call assert_equal('fg', strpart('abcdefg', 5, 4))
call assert_equal('defg', strpart('abcdefg', 3))
if has('multi_byte')
call assert_equal('lép', strpart('éléphant', 2, 4))
call assert_equal('léphant', strpart('éléphant', 2))
func Test_tolower()
call assert_equal("", tolower(""))
" Test with all printable ASCII characters.
call assert_equal(' !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~',
\ tolower(' !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'))
if !has('multi_byte')
" Test with a few uppercase diacritics.
call assert_equal("aàáâãäåāăąǎǟǡả", tolower("AÀÁÂÃÄÅĀĂĄǍǞǠẢ"))
call assert_equal("bḃḇ", tolower("BḂḆ"))
call assert_equal("cçćĉċč", tolower("CÇĆĈĊČ"))
call assert_equal("dďđḋḏḑ", tolower("DĎĐḊḎḐ"))
call assert_equal("eèéêëēĕėęěẻẽ", tolower("EÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẺẼ"))
call assert_equal("fḟ ", tolower("FḞ "))
call assert_equal("gĝğġģǥǧǵḡ", tolower("GĜĞĠĢǤǦǴḠ"))
call assert_equal("hĥħḣḧḩ", tolower("HĤĦḢḦḨ"))
call assert_equal("iìíîïĩīĭįiǐỉ", tolower("IÌÍÎÏĨĪĬĮİǏỈ"))
call assert_equal("jĵ", tolower("JĴ"))
call assert_equal("kķǩḱḵ", tolower("KĶǨḰḴ"))
call assert_equal("lĺļľŀłḻ", tolower("LĹĻĽĿŁḺ"))
call assert_equal("mḿṁ", tolower("MḾṀ"))
call assert_equal("nñńņňṅṉ", tolower("NÑŃŅŇṄṈ"))
call assert_equal("oòóôõöøōŏőơǒǫǭỏ", tolower("OÒÓÔÕÖØŌŎŐƠǑǪǬỎ"))
call assert_equal("pṕṗ", tolower("PṔṖ"))
call assert_equal("q", tolower("Q"))
call assert_equal("rŕŗřṙṟ", tolower("RŔŖŘṘṞ"))
call assert_equal("sśŝşšṡ", tolower("SŚŜŞŠṠ"))
call assert_equal("tţťŧṫṯ", tolower("TŢŤŦṪṮ"))
call assert_equal("uùúûüũūŭůűųưǔủ", tolower("UÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲƯǓỦ"))
call assert_equal("vṽ", tolower("VṼ"))
call assert_equal("wŵẁẃẅẇ", tolower("WŴẀẂẄẆ"))
call assert_equal("xẋẍ", tolower("XẊẌ"))
call assert_equal("yýŷÿẏỳỷỹ", tolower("YÝŶŸẎỲỶỸ"))
call assert_equal("zźżžƶẑẕ", tolower("ZŹŻŽƵẐẔ"))
" Test with a few lowercase diacritics, which should remain unchanged.
call assert_equal("aàáâãäåāăąǎǟǡả", tolower("aàáâãäåāăąǎǟǡả"))
call assert_equal("bḃḇ", tolower("bḃḇ"))
call assert_equal("cçćĉċč", tolower("cçćĉċč"))
call assert_equal("dďđḋḏḑ", tolower("dďđḋḏḑ"))
call assert_equal("eèéêëēĕėęěẻẽ", tolower("eèéêëēĕėęěẻẽ"))
call assert_equal("fḟ", tolower("fḟ"))
call assert_equal("gĝğġģǥǧǵḡ", tolower("gĝğġģǥǧǵḡ"))
call assert_equal("hĥħḣḧḩẖ", tolower("hĥħḣḧḩẖ"))
call assert_equal("iìíîïĩīĭįǐỉ", tolower("iìíîïĩīĭįǐỉ"))
call assert_equal("jĵǰ", tolower("jĵǰ"))
call assert_equal("kķǩḱḵ", tolower("kķǩḱḵ"))
call assert_equal("lĺļľŀłḻ", tolower("lĺļľŀłḻ"))
call assert_equal("mḿṁ ", tolower("mḿṁ "))
call assert_equal("nñńņňʼnṅṉ", tolower("nñńņňʼnṅṉ"))
call assert_equal("oòóôõöøōŏőơǒǫǭỏ", tolower("oòóôõöøōŏőơǒǫǭỏ"))
call assert_equal("pṕṗ", tolower("pṕṗ"))
call assert_equal("q", tolower("q"))
call assert_equal("rŕŗřṙṟ", tolower("rŕŗřṙṟ"))
call assert_equal("sśŝşšṡ", tolower("sśŝşšṡ"))
call assert_equal("tţťŧṫṯẗ", tolower("tţťŧṫṯẗ"))
call assert_equal("uùúûüũūŭůűųưǔủ", tolower("uùúûüũūŭůűųưǔủ"))
call assert_equal("vṽ", tolower("vṽ"))
call assert_equal("wŵẁẃẅẇẘ", tolower("wŵẁẃẅẇẘ"))
call assert_equal("ẋẍ", tolower("ẋẍ"))
call assert_equal("yýÿŷẏẙỳỷỹ", tolower("yýÿŷẏẙỳỷỹ"))
call assert_equal("zźżžƶẑẕ", tolower("zźżžƶẑẕ"))
" According to
" Ⱥ (U+023A) and Ⱦ (U+023E) are the *only* code points to increase
" in length (2 to 3 bytes) when lowercased. So let's test them.
call assert_equal("ⱥ ⱦ", tolower("Ⱥ Ⱦ"))
" This call to tolower with invalid utf8 sequence used to cause access to
" invalid memory.
call tolower("\xC0\x80\xC0")
call tolower("123\xC0\x80\xC0")
func Test_toupper()
call assert_equal("", toupper(""))
" Test with all printable ASCII characters.
call assert_equal(' !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~',
\ toupper(' !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'))
if !has('multi_byte')
" Test with a few lowercase diacritics.
call assert_equal("AÀÁÂÃÄÅĀĂĄǍǞǠẢ", toupper("aàáâãäåāăąǎǟǡả"))
call assert_equal("BḂḆ", toupper("bḃḇ"))
call assert_equal("CÇĆĈĊČ", toupper("cçćĉċč"))
call assert_equal("DĎĐḊḎḐ", toupper("dďđḋḏḑ"))
call assert_equal("EÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẺẼ", toupper("eèéêëēĕėęěẻẽ"))
call assert_equal("FḞ", toupper("fḟ"))
call assert_equal("GĜĞĠĢǤǦǴḠ", toupper("gĝğġģǥǧǵḡ"))
call assert_equal("HĤĦḢḦḨẖ", toupper("hĥħḣḧḩẖ"))
call assert_equal("IÌÍÎÏĨĪĬĮǏỈ", toupper("iìíîïĩīĭįǐỉ"))
call assert_equal("JĴǰ", toupper("jĵǰ"))
call assert_equal("KĶǨḰḴ", toupper("kķǩḱḵ"))
call assert_equal("LĹĻĽĿŁḺ", toupper("lĺļľŀłḻ"))
call assert_equal("MḾṀ ", toupper("mḿṁ "))
call assert_equal("NÑŃŅŇʼnṄṈ", toupper("nñńņňʼnṅṉ"))
call assert_equal("OÒÓÔÕÖØŌŎŐƠǑǪǬỎ", toupper("oòóôõöøōŏőơǒǫǭỏ"))
call assert_equal("PṔṖ", toupper("pṕṗ"))
call assert_equal("Q", toupper("q"))
call assert_equal("RŔŖŘṘṞ", toupper("rŕŗřṙṟ"))
call assert_equal("SŚŜŞŠṠ", toupper("sśŝşšṡ"))
call assert_equal("TŢŤŦṪṮẗ", toupper("tţťŧṫṯẗ"))
call assert_equal("UÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲƯǓỦ", toupper("uùúûüũūŭůűųưǔủ"))
call assert_equal("VṼ", toupper("vṽ"))
call assert_equal("WŴẀẂẄẆẘ", toupper("wŵẁẃẅẇẘ"))
call assert_equal("ẊẌ", toupper("ẋẍ"))
call assert_equal("YÝŸŶẎẙỲỶỸ", toupper("yýÿŷẏẙỳỷỹ"))
call assert_equal("ZŹŻŽƵẐẔ", toupper("zźżžƶẑẕ"))
" Test that uppercase diacritics, which should remain unchanged.
call assert_equal("AÀÁÂÃÄÅĀĂĄǍǞǠẢ", toupper("AÀÁÂÃÄÅĀĂĄǍǞǠẢ"))
call assert_equal("BḂḆ", toupper("BḂḆ"))
call assert_equal("CÇĆĈĊČ", toupper("CÇĆĈĊČ"))
call assert_equal("DĎĐḊḎḐ", toupper("DĎĐḊḎḐ"))
call assert_equal("EÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẺẼ", toupper("EÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẺẼ"))
call assert_equal("FḞ ", toupper("FḞ "))
call assert_equal("GĜĞĠĢǤǦǴḠ", toupper("GĜĞĠĢǤǦǴḠ"))
call assert_equal("HĤĦḢḦḨ", toupper("HĤĦḢḦḨ"))
call assert_equal("IÌÍÎÏĨĪĬĮİǏỈ", toupper("IÌÍÎÏĨĪĬĮİǏỈ"))
call assert_equal("JĴ", toupper("JĴ"))
call assert_equal("KĶǨḰḴ", toupper("KĶǨḰḴ"))
call assert_equal("LĹĻĽĿŁḺ", toupper("LĹĻĽĿŁḺ"))
call assert_equal("MḾṀ", toupper("MḾṀ"))
call assert_equal("NÑŃŅŇṄṈ", toupper("NÑŃŅŇṄṈ"))
call assert_equal("OÒÓÔÕÖØŌŎŐƠǑǪǬỎ", toupper("OÒÓÔÕÖØŌŎŐƠǑǪǬỎ"))
call assert_equal("PṔṖ", toupper("PṔṖ"))
call assert_equal("Q", toupper("Q"))
call assert_equal("RŔŖŘṘṞ", toupper("RŔŖŘṘṞ"))
call assert_equal("SŚŜŞŠṠ", toupper("SŚŜŞŠṠ"))
call assert_equal("TŢŤŦṪṮ", toupper("TŢŤŦṪṮ"))
call assert_equal("UÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲƯǓỦ", toupper("UÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲƯǓỦ"))
call assert_equal("VṼ", toupper("VṼ"))
call assert_equal("WŴẀẂẄẆ", toupper("WŴẀẂẄẆ"))
call assert_equal("XẊẌ", toupper("XẊẌ"))
call assert_equal("YÝŶŸẎỲỶỸ", toupper("YÝŶŸẎỲỶỸ"))
call assert_equal("ZŹŻŽƵẐẔ", toupper("ZŹŻŽƵẐẔ"))
call assert_equal("Ⱥ Ⱦ", toupper("ⱥ ⱦ"))
" This call to toupper with invalid utf8 sequence used to cause access to
" invalid memory.
call toupper("\xC0\x80\xC0")
call toupper("123\xC0\x80\xC0")
" Tests for the mode() function
let current_modes = ''
func Save_mode()
let g:current_modes = mode(0) . '-' . mode(1)
return ''
func Test_mode()
call append(0, ["Blue Ball Black", "Brown Band Bowl", ""])
" Only complete from the current buffer.
set complete=.
inoremap <F2> <C-R>=Save_mode()<CR>
normal! 3G
exe "normal i\<F2>\<Esc>"
call assert_equal('i-i', g:current_modes)
" i_CTRL-P: Multiple matches
exe "normal i\<C-G>uBa\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('i-ic', g:current_modes)
" i_CTRL-P: Single match
exe "normal iBro\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('i-ic', g:current_modes)
" i_CTRL-X
exe "normal iBa\<C-X>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('i-ix', g:current_modes)
" i_CTRL-X CTRL-P: Multiple matches
exe "normal iBa\<C-X>\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('i-ic', g:current_modes)
" i_CTRL-X CTRL-P: Single match
exe "normal iBro\<C-X>\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('i-ic', g:current_modes)
" i_CTRL-X CTRL-P + CTRL-P: Single match
exe "normal iBro\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('i-ic', g:current_modes)
" i_CTRL-X CTRL-L: Multiple matches
exe "normal i\<C-X>\<C-L>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('i-ic', g:current_modes)
" i_CTRL-X CTRL-L: Single match
exe "normal iBlu\<C-X>\<C-L>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('i-ic', g:current_modes)
" i_CTRL-P: No match
exe "normal iCom\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('i-ic', g:current_modes)
" i_CTRL-X CTRL-P: No match
exe "normal iCom\<C-X>\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('i-ic', g:current_modes)
" i_CTRL-X CTRL-L: No match
exe "normal iabc\<C-X>\<C-L>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('i-ic', g:current_modes)
" R_CTRL-P: Multiple matches
exe "normal RBa\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('R-Rc', g:current_modes)
" R_CTRL-P: Single match
exe "normal RBro\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('R-Rc', g:current_modes)
exe "normal RBa\<C-X>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('R-Rx', g:current_modes)
" R_CTRL-X CTRL-P: Multiple matches
exe "normal RBa\<C-X>\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('R-Rc', g:current_modes)
" R_CTRL-X CTRL-P: Single match
exe "normal RBro\<C-X>\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('R-Rc', g:current_modes)
" R_CTRL-X CTRL-P + CTRL-P: Single match
exe "normal RBro\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('R-Rc', g:current_modes)
" R_CTRL-X CTRL-L: Multiple matches
exe "normal R\<C-X>\<C-L>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('R-Rc', g:current_modes)
" R_CTRL-X CTRL-L: Single match
exe "normal RBlu\<C-X>\<C-L>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('R-Rc', g:current_modes)
" R_CTRL-P: No match
exe "normal RCom\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('R-Rc', g:current_modes)
" R_CTRL-X CTRL-P: No match
exe "normal RCom\<C-X>\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('R-Rc', g:current_modes)
" R_CTRL-X CTRL-L: No match
exe "normal Rabc\<C-X>\<C-L>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
call assert_equal('R-Rc', g:current_modes)
call assert_equal('n', mode(0))
call assert_equal('n', mode(1))
" How to test operator-pending mode?
call feedkeys("v", 'xt')
call assert_equal('v', mode())
call assert_equal('v', mode(1))
call feedkeys("\<Esc>V", 'xt')
call assert_equal('V', mode())
call assert_equal('V', mode(1))
call feedkeys("\<Esc>\<C-V>", 'xt')
call assert_equal("\<C-V>", mode())
call assert_equal("\<C-V>", mode(1))
call feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'xt')
call feedkeys("gh", 'xt')
call assert_equal('s', mode())
call assert_equal('s', mode(1))
call feedkeys("\<Esc>gH", 'xt')
call assert_equal('S', mode())
call assert_equal('S', mode(1))
call feedkeys("\<Esc>g\<C-H>", 'xt')
call assert_equal("\<C-S>", mode())
call assert_equal("\<C-S>", mode(1))
call feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'xt')
call feedkeys(":echo \<C-R>=Save_mode()\<C-U>\<CR>", 'xt')
call assert_equal('c-c', g:current_modes)
call feedkeys("gQecho \<C-R>=Save_mode()\<CR>\<CR>vi\<CR>", 'xt')
call assert_equal('c-cv', g:current_modes)
" How to test Ex mode?
iunmap <F2>
set complete&
func Test_getbufvar()
let bnr = bufnr('%')
let b:var_num = '1234'
let def_num = '5678'
call assert_equal('1234', getbufvar(bnr, 'var_num'))
call assert_equal('1234', getbufvar(bnr, 'var_num', def_num))
let bd = getbufvar(bnr, '')
call assert_equal('1234', bd['var_num'])
call assert_true(exists("bd['changedtick']"))
call assert_equal(2, len(bd))
let bd2 = getbufvar(bnr, '', def_num)
call assert_equal(bd, bd2)
unlet b:var_num
call assert_equal(def_num, getbufvar(bnr, 'var_num', def_num))
call assert_equal('', getbufvar(bnr, 'var_num'))
let bd = getbufvar(bnr, '')
call assert_equal(1, len(bd))
let bd = getbufvar(bnr, '',def_num)
call assert_equal(1, len(bd))
call assert_equal('', getbufvar(9999, ''))
call assert_equal(def_num, getbufvar(9999, '', def_num))
unlet def_num
call assert_equal(0, getbufvar(bnr, '&autoindent'))
call assert_equal(0, getbufvar(bnr, '&autoindent', 1))
" Open new window with forced option values
set fileformats=unix,dos
new ++ff=dos ++bin ++enc=iso-8859-2
call assert_equal('dos', getbufvar(bufnr('%'), '&fileformat'))
call assert_equal(1, getbufvar(bufnr('%'), '&bin'))
call assert_equal('iso-8859-2', getbufvar(bufnr('%'), '&fenc'))
set fileformats&
func Test_last_buffer_nr()
call assert_equal(bufnr('$'), last_buffer_nr())
func Test_stridx()
call assert_equal(-1, stridx('', 'l'))
call assert_equal(0, stridx('', ''))
call assert_equal(0, stridx('hello', ''))
call assert_equal(-1, stridx('hello', 'L'))
call assert_equal(2, stridx('hello', 'l', -1))
call assert_equal(2, stridx('hello', 'l', 0))
call assert_equal(2, stridx('hello', 'l', 1))
call assert_equal(3, stridx('hello', 'l', 3))
call assert_equal(-1, stridx('hello', 'l', 4))
call assert_equal(-1, stridx('hello', 'l', 10))
call assert_equal(2, stridx('hello', 'll'))
call assert_equal(-1, stridx('hello', 'hello world'))
func Test_strridx()
call assert_equal(-1, strridx('', 'l'))
call assert_equal(0, strridx('', ''))
call assert_equal(5, strridx('hello', ''))
call assert_equal(-1, strridx('hello', 'L'))
call assert_equal(3, strridx('hello', 'l'))
call assert_equal(3, strridx('hello', 'l', 10))
call assert_equal(3, strridx('hello', 'l', 3))
call assert_equal(2, strridx('hello', 'l', 2))
call assert_equal(-1, strridx('hello', 'l', 1))
call assert_equal(-1, strridx('hello', 'l', 0))
call assert_equal(-1, strridx('hello', 'l', -1))
call assert_equal(2, strridx('hello', 'll'))
call assert_equal(-1, strridx('hello', 'hello world'))
func Test_match_func()
call assert_equal(4, match('testing', 'ing'))
call assert_equal(4, match('testing', 'ing', 2))
call assert_equal(-1, match('testing', 'ing', 5))
call assert_equal(-1, match('testing', 'ing', 8))
call assert_equal(1, match(['vim', 'testing', 'execute'], 'ing'))
call assert_equal(-1, match(['vim', 'testing', 'execute'], 'img'))
func Test_matchend()
call assert_equal(7, matchend('testing', 'ing'))
call assert_equal(7, matchend('testing', 'ing', 2))
call assert_equal(-1, matchend('testing', 'ing', 5))
call assert_equal(-1, matchend('testing', 'ing', 8))
call assert_equal(match(['vim', 'testing', 'execute'], 'ing'), matchend(['vim', 'testing', 'execute'], 'ing'))
call assert_equal(match(['vim', 'testing', 'execute'], 'img'), matchend(['vim', 'testing', 'execute'], 'img'))
func Test_matchlist()
call assert_equal(['acd', 'a', '', 'c', 'd', '', '', '', '', ''], matchlist('acd', '\(a\)\?\(b\)\?\(c\)\?\(.*\)'))
call assert_equal(['d', '', '', '', 'd', '', '', '', '', ''], matchlist('acd', '\(a\)\?\(b\)\?\(c\)\?\(.*\)', 2))
call assert_equal([], matchlist('acd', '\(a\)\?\(b\)\?\(c\)\?\(.*\)', 4))
func Test_matchstr()
call assert_equal('ing', matchstr('testing', 'ing'))
call assert_equal('ing', matchstr('testing', 'ing', 2))
call assert_equal('', matchstr('testing', 'ing', 5))
call assert_equal('', matchstr('testing', 'ing', 8))
call assert_equal('testing', matchstr(['vim', 'testing', 'execute'], 'ing'))
call assert_equal('', matchstr(['vim', 'testing', 'execute'], 'img'))
func Test_matchstrpos()
call assert_equal(['ing', 4, 7], matchstrpos('testing', 'ing'))
call assert_equal(['ing', 4, 7], matchstrpos('testing', 'ing', 2))
call assert_equal(['', -1, -1], matchstrpos('testing', 'ing', 5))
call assert_equal(['', -1, -1], matchstrpos('testing', 'ing', 8))
call assert_equal(['ing', 1, 4, 7], matchstrpos(['vim', 'testing', 'execute'], 'ing'))
call assert_equal(['', -1, -1, -1], matchstrpos(['vim', 'testing', 'execute'], 'img'))
func Test_nextnonblank_prevnonblank()
call assert_equal(0, nextnonblank(-1))
call assert_equal(0, nextnonblank(0))
call assert_equal(1, nextnonblank(1))
call assert_equal(4, nextnonblank(2))
call assert_equal(4, nextnonblank(3))
call assert_equal(4, nextnonblank(4))
call assert_equal(6, nextnonblank(5))
call assert_equal(6, nextnonblank(6))
call assert_equal(7, nextnonblank(7))
call assert_equal(0, nextnonblank(8))
call assert_equal(0, prevnonblank(-1))
call assert_equal(0, prevnonblank(0))
call assert_equal(1, prevnonblank(1))
call assert_equal(1, prevnonblank(2))
call assert_equal(1, prevnonblank(3))
call assert_equal(4, prevnonblank(4))
call assert_equal(4, prevnonblank(5))
call assert_equal(6, prevnonblank(6))
call assert_equal(7, prevnonblank(7))
call assert_equal(0, prevnonblank(8))
func Test_byte2line_line2byte()
set endofline
call setline(1, ['a', 'bc', 'd'])
set fileformat=unix
call assert_equal([-1, -1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, -1],
\ map(range(-1, 8), 'byte2line(v:val)'))
call assert_equal([-1, -1, 1, 3, 6, 8, -1],
\ map(range(-1, 5), 'line2byte(v:val)'))
set fileformat=mac
call assert_equal([-1, -1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, -1],
\ map(range(-1, 8), 'byte2line(v:val)'))
call assert_equal([-1, -1, 1, 3, 6, 8, -1],
\ map(range(-1, 5), 'line2byte(v:val)'))
set fileformat=dos
call assert_equal([-1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, -1],
\ map(range(-1, 11), 'byte2line(v:val)'))
call assert_equal([-1, -1, 1, 4, 8, 11, -1],
\ map(range(-1, 5), 'line2byte(v:val)'))
set noendofline nofixendofline
normal a-
for ff in ["unix", "mac", "dos"]
let &fileformat = ff
call assert_equal(1, line2byte(1))
call assert_equal(2, line2byte(2)) " line2byte(line("$") + 1) is the buffer size plus one (as per :help line2byte).
set endofline& fixendofline& fileformat&
func Test_count()
let l = ['a', 'a', 'A', 'b']
call assert_equal(2, count(l, 'a'))
call assert_equal(1, count(l, 'A'))
call assert_equal(1, count(l, 'b'))
call assert_equal(0, count(l, 'B'))
call assert_equal(2, count(l, 'a', 0))
call assert_equal(1, count(l, 'A', 0))
call assert_equal(1, count(l, 'b', 0))
call assert_equal(0, count(l, 'B', 0))
call assert_equal(3, count(l, 'a', 1))
call assert_equal(3, count(l, 'A', 1))
call assert_equal(1, count(l, 'b', 1))
call assert_equal(1, count(l, 'B', 1))
call assert_equal(0, count(l, 'c', 1))
call assert_equal(1, count(l, 'a', 0, 1))
call assert_equal(2, count(l, 'a', 1, 1))
call assert_fails('call count(l, "a", 0, 10)', 'E684:')
let d = {1: 'a', 2: 'a', 3: 'A', 4: 'b'}
call assert_equal(2, count(d, 'a'))
call assert_equal(1, count(d, 'A'))
call assert_equal(1, count(d, 'b'))
call assert_equal(0, count(d, 'B'))
call assert_equal(2, count(d, 'a', 0))
call assert_equal(1, count(d, 'A', 0))
call assert_equal(1, count(d, 'b', 0))
call assert_equal(0, count(d, 'B', 0))
call assert_equal(3, count(d, 'a', 1))
call assert_equal(3, count(d, 'A', 1))
call assert_equal(1, count(d, 'b', 1))
call assert_equal(1, count(d, 'B', 1))
call assert_equal(0, count(d, 'c', 1))
call assert_fails('call count(d, "a", 0, 1)', 'E474:')
call assert_equal(0, count("foo", "bar"))
call assert_equal(1, count("foo", "oo"))
call assert_equal(2, count("foo", "o"))
call assert_equal(0, count("foo", "O"))
call assert_equal(2, count("foo", "O", 1))
call assert_equal(2, count("fooooo", "oo"))
call assert_equal(0, count("foo", ""))
func Test_changenr()
new Xchangenr
call assert_equal(0, changenr())
norm ifoo
call assert_equal(1, changenr())
set undolevels=10
norm Sbar
call assert_equal(2, changenr())
call assert_equal(1, changenr())
call assert_equal(2, changenr())
set undolevels&
func Test_filewritable()
new Xfilewritable
call assert_equal(1, filewritable('Xfilewritable'))
call assert_notequal(0, setfperm('Xfilewritable', 'r--r-----'))
call assert_equal(0, filewritable('Xfilewritable'))
call assert_notequal(0, setfperm('Xfilewritable', 'rw-r-----'))
call assert_equal(1, filewritable('Xfilewritable'))
call assert_equal(0, filewritable('doesnotexist'))
call delete('Xfilewritable')
func Test_Executable()
if has('win32')
call assert_equal(1, executable('notepad'))
call assert_equal(1, executable('notepad.exe'))
call assert_equal(0, executable('notepad.exe.exe'))
call assert_equal(1, executable('shell32.dll'))
call assert_equal(1, executable('win.ini'))
elseif has('unix')
call assert_equal(1, executable('cat'))
call assert_equal(0, executable('nodogshere'))
func Test_hostname()
let hostname_vim = hostname()
if has('unix')
let hostname_system = systemlist('uname -n')[0]
call assert_equal(hostname_vim, hostname_system)
func Test_getpid()
" getpid() always returns the same value within a vim instance.
call assert_equal(getpid(), getpid())
if has('unix')
call assert_equal(systemlist('echo $PPID')[0], string(getpid()))
func Test_hlexists()
call assert_equal(0, hlexists('does_not_exist'))
" call assert_equal(0, hlexists('Number'))
call assert_equal(0, highlight_exists('does_not_exist'))
" call assert_equal(0, highlight_exists('Number'))
syntax on
call assert_equal(0, hlexists('does_not_exist'))
" call assert_equal(1, hlexists('Number'))
call assert_equal(0, highlight_exists('does_not_exist'))
" call assert_equal(1, highlight_exists('Number'))
syntax off
func Test_col()
call setline(1, 'abcdef')
norm gg4|mx6|mY2|
call assert_equal(2, col('.'))
call assert_equal(7, col('$'))
call assert_equal(4, col("'x"))
call assert_equal(6, col("'Y"))
call assert_equal(2, col([1, 2]))
call assert_equal(7, col([1, '$']))
call assert_equal(0, col(''))
call assert_equal(0, col('x'))
call assert_equal(0, col([2, '$']))
call assert_equal(0, col([1, 100]))
call assert_equal(0, col([1]))
func Test_inputlist()
call feedkeys(":let c = inputlist(['Select color:', '1. red', '2. green', '3. blue'])\<cr>1\<cr>", 'tx')
call assert_equal(1, c)
call feedkeys(":let c = inputlist(['Select color:', '1. red', '2. green', '3. blue'])\<cr>2\<cr>", 'tx')
call assert_equal(2, c)
call feedkeys(":let c = inputlist(['Select color:', '1. red', '2. green', '3. blue'])\<cr>3\<cr>", 'tx')
call assert_equal(3, c)
call assert_fails('call inputlist("")', 'E686:')
func Test_balloon_show()
if has('balloon_eval')
" This won't do anything but must not crash either.
call balloon_show('hi!')
func Test_shellescape()
let save_shell = &shell
set shell=bash
call assert_equal("'text'", shellescape('text'))
call assert_equal("'te\"xt'", shellescape('te"xt'))
call assert_equal("'te'\\''xt'", shellescape("te'xt"))
call assert_equal("'te%xt'", shellescape("te%xt"))
call assert_equal("'te\\%xt'", shellescape("te%xt", 1))
call assert_equal("'te#xt'", shellescape("te#xt"))
call assert_equal("'te\\#xt'", shellescape("te#xt", 1))
call assert_equal("'te!xt'", shellescape("te!xt"))
call assert_equal("'te\\!xt'", shellescape("te!xt", 1))
call assert_equal("'te\nxt'", shellescape("te\nxt"))
call assert_equal("'te\\\nxt'", shellescape("te\nxt", 1))
set shell=tcsh
call assert_equal("'te\\!xt'", shellescape("te!xt"))
call assert_equal("'te\\\\!xt'", shellescape("te!xt", 1))
call assert_equal("'te\\\nxt'", shellescape("te\nxt"))
call assert_equal("'te\\\\\nxt'", shellescape("te\nxt", 1))
let &shell = save_shell
func Test_redo_in_nested_functions()
nnoremap g. :set opfunc=Operator<CR>g@
function Operator( type, ... )
let @x = 'XXX'
execute 'normal! g`[' . (a:type ==# 'line' ? 'V' : 'v') . 'g`]' . '"xp'
function! Apply()
5,6normal! .
call setline(1, repeat(['some "quoted" text', 'more "quoted" text'], 3))
1normal g.i"
call assert_equal('some "XXX" text', getline(1))
3,4normal .
call assert_equal('some "XXX" text', getline(3))
call assert_equal('more "XXX" text', getline(4))
call Apply()
call assert_equal('some "XXX" text', getline(5))
call assert_equal('more "XXX" text', getline(6))
nunmap g.
delfunc Operator
delfunc Apply
func Test_trim()
call assert_equal("Testing", trim(" \t\r\r\x0BTesting \t\n\r\n\t\x0B\x0B"))
call assert_equal("Testing", trim(" \t \r\r\n\n\x0BTesting \t\n\r\n\t\x0B\x0B"))
call assert_equal("RESERVE", trim("xyz \twwRESERVEzyww \t\t", " wxyz\t"))
call assert_equal("wRE \tSERVEzyww", trim("wRE \tSERVEzyww"))
call assert_equal("abcd\t xxxx tail", trim(" \tabcd\t xxxx tail"))
call assert_equal("\tabcd\t xxxx tail", trim(" \tabcd\t xxxx tail", " "))
call assert_equal(" \tabcd\t xxxx tail", trim(" \tabcd\t xxxx tail", "abx"))
call assert_equal("RESERVE", trim("你RESERVE好", "你好"))
call assert_equal("您R E SER V E早", trim("你好您R E SER V E早好你你", "你好"))
call assert_equal("你好您R E SER V E早好你你", trim(" \n\r\r 你好您R E SER V E早好你你 \t \x0B", ))
call assert_equal("您R E SER V E早好你你 \t \x0B", trim(" 你好您R E SER V E早好你你 \t \x0B", " 你好"))
call assert_equal("您R E SER V E早好你你 \t \x0B", trim(" tteesstttt你好您R E SER V E早好你你 \t \x0B ttestt", " 你好tes"))
call assert_equal("您R E SER V E早好你你 \t \x0B", trim(" tteesstttt你好您R E SER V E早好你你 \t \x0B ttestt", " 你你你好好好tttsses"))
call assert_equal("留下", trim("这些些不要这些留下这些", "这些不要"))
call assert_equal("", trim("", ""))
call assert_equal("a", trim("a", ""))
call assert_equal("", trim("", "a"))
let chars = join(map(range(1, 0x20) + [0xa0], {n -> nr2char(n)}), '')
call assert_equal("x", trim(chars . "x" . chars))