mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 14:41:06 -07:00
3361 lines
84 KiB
3361 lines
84 KiB
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Oblivion Language (obl)
" Original Creator: Ulthar Seramis
" Maintainer: Kat <katisntgood@gmail.com>
" Latest Revision: 13 November 2022
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" obse is case insensitive
syntax case ignore
" Statements {{{
syn keyword obseStatement set let to skipwhite
" the second part needs to be separate as to not mess up the next group
syn match obseStatementTwo ":="
" }}}
" Regex matched objects {{{
" these are matched with regex and thus must be set first
syn match obseNames '\w\+'
syn match obseScriptNameRegion '\i\+' contained
syn match obseVariable '\w*\S' contained
syn match obseReference '\zs\w\+\>\ze\.'
" }}}
" Operators {{{
syn match obseOperator "\v\*"
syn match obseOperator "\v\-"
syn match obseOperator "\v\+"
syn match obseOperator "\v\/"
syn match obseOperator "\v\^"
syn match obseOperator "\v\="
syn match obseOperator "\v\>"
syn match obseOperator "\v\<"
syn match obseOperator "\v\!"
syn match obseOperator "\v\&"
syn match obseOperator "\v\|"
" }}}
" Numbers {{{
syn match obseInt '\d\+'
syn match obseInt '[-+]\d\+'
syn match obseFloat '\d\+\.\d*'
syn match obseFloat '[-+]\d\+\.\d*'
" }}}
" Comments and strings {{{
syn region obseComment start=";" end="$" keepend fold contains=obseToDo
syn region obseString start=/"/ end=/"/ keepend fold contains=obseStringFormatting
syn match obseStringFormatting "%%" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%a" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%B" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%b" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%c" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%e" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%g" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%i" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%k" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%n" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%p" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%ps" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%pp" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%po" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%q" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%r" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%v" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%x" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%z" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%{" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%}" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%\d*.\d*f" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "% \d*.\d*f" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%-\d*.\d*f" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%+\d*.\d*f" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%\d*.\d*e" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%-\d*.\d*e" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "% \d*.\d*e" contained
syn match obseStringFormatting "%+\d*.\d*e" contained
syn keyword obseToDo contained TODO todo Todo ToDo FIXME fixme NOTE note
" }}}
" Conditionals {{{
syn match obseCondition "If"
syn match obseCondition "Eval"
syn match obseCondition "Return"
syn match obseCondition "EndIf"
syn match obseCondition "ElseIf"
syn match obseCondition "Else"
" }}}
" Repeat loops {{{
syn match obseRepeat "Label"
syn match obseRepeat "GoTo"
syn match obseRepeat "While"
syn match obseRepeat "Loop"
syn match obseRepeat "ForEach"
syn match obseRepeat "Break"
syn match obseRepeat "Continue"
" }}}
" Basic Types {{{
syn keyword obseTypes array_var float int long ref reference short string_var nextgroup=obseNames skipwhite
syn keyword obseOtherKey Player player playerRef playerREF PlayerRef PlayerREF
syn keyword obseScriptName ScriptName scriptname Scriptname scn nextgroup=obseScriptNameRegion skipwhite
syn keyword obseBlock Begin End
" }}}
" Fold {{{
setlocal foldmethod=syntax
syn cluster obseNoFold contains=obseComment,obseString
syn region obseFoldIfContainer
\ start="^\s*\<if\>"
\ end="^\s*\<endif\>"
\ keepend extend
\ containedin=ALLBUT,@obseNoFold
\ contains=ALLBUT,obseScriptName,obseScriptNameRegion
syn region obseFoldIf
\ start="^\s*\<if\>"
\ end="^\s*\<endif\>"
\ fold
\ keepend
\ contained containedin=obseFoldIfContainer
\ nextgroup=obseFoldElseIf,obseFoldElse
\ contains=TOP,NONE
syn region obseFoldElseIf
\ start="^\s*\<elseif\>"
\ end="^\s*\<endif\>"
\ fold
\ keepend
\ contained containedin=obseFoldIfContainer
\ nextgroup=obseFoldElseIf,obseFoldElse
\ contains=TOP
syn region obseFoldElse
\ start="^\s*\<else\>"
\ end="^\s*\<endif\>"
\ fold
\ keepend
\ contained containedin=obseFoldIfContainer
\ contains=TOP
syn region obseFoldWhile
\ start="^\s*\<while\>"
\ end="^\s*\<loop\>"
\ fold
\ keepend extend
\ contains=TOP
\ containedin=ALLBUT,@obseNoFold
" fold for loops
syn region obseFoldFor
\ start="^\s*\<foreach\>"
\ end="^\s*\<loop\>"
\ fold
\ keepend extend
\ contains=TOP
\ containedin=ALLBUT,@obseNoFold
\ nextgroup=obseVariable
" }}}
" Skills and Attributes {{{
syn keyword skillAttribute
\ Strength
\ Willpower
\ Speed
\ Personality
\ Intelligence
\ Agility
\ Endurance
\ Luck
\ Armorer
\ Athletics
\ Blade
\ Block
\ Blunt
\ HandToHand
\ HeavyArmor
\ Alchemy
\ Alteration
\ Conjuration
\ Destruction
\ Illusion
\ Mysticism
\ Restoration
\ Acrobatics
\ LightArmor
\ Marksman
\ Mercantile
\ Security
\ Sneak
\ Speechcraft
" }}}
" Block Types {{{
syn keyword obseBlockType
\ ExitGame
\ ExitToMainMenu
\ Function
\ GameMode
\ LoadGame
\ MenuMode
\ OnActivate
\ OnActorDrop
\ OnActorEquip
\ OnActorUnequip
\ OnAdd
\ OnAlarm
\ OnAlarmTrespass
\ OnAlarmVictim
\ OnAttack
\ OnBlock
\ OnBowAttack
\ OnClick
\ OnClose
\ OnCreatePotion
\ OnCreateSpell
\ OnDeath
\ OnDodge
\ OnDrinkPotion
\ OnDrop
\ OnEatIngredient
\ OnEnchant
\ OnEquip
\ OnFallImpact
\ OnHealthDamage
\ OnHit
\ OnHitWith
\ OnKnockout
\ OnLoad
\ OnMagicApply
\ OnMagicCast
\ OnMagicEffectHit
\ OnMagicEffectHit2
\ OnMapMarkerAdd
\ OnMouseover
\ OnMurder
\ OnNewGame
\ OnOpen
\ OnPackageChange
\ OnPackageDone
\ OnPackageStart
\ OnQuestComplete
\ OnRecoil
\ OnRelease
\ OnReset
\ OnSaveIni
\ OnScriptedSkillUp
\ OnScrollCast
\ OnSell
\ OnSkillUp
\ OnSoulTrap
\ OnSpellCast
\ OnStagger
\ OnStartCombat
\ OnTrigger
\ OnTriggerActor
\ OnTriggerMob
\ OnUnequip
\ OnVampireFeed
\ OnWaterDive
\ OnWaterSurface
\ PostLoadGame
\ SaveGame
\ ScriptEffectFinish
\ ScriptEffectStart
\ ScriptEffectUpdate
" }}}
" Functions {{{
" CS functions {{{
syn keyword csFunction
\ Activate
\ AddAchievement
\ AddFlames
\ AddItem
\ AddScriptPackage
\ AddSpell
\ AddTopic
\ AdvSkill
\ AdvancePCLevel
\ AdvancePCSkill
\ Autosave
\ CanHaveFlames
\ CanPayCrimeGold
\ Cast
\ ClearOwnership
\ CloseCurrentOblivionGate
\ CloseOblivionGate
\ CompleteQuest
\ CreateFullActorCopy
\ DeleteFullActorCopy
\ Disable
\ DisableLinkedPathPoints
\ DisablePlayerControls
\ Dispel
\ DispelAllSpells
\ Drop
\ DropMe
\ DuplicateAllItems
\ DuplicateNPCStats
\ Enable
\ EnableFastTravel
\ EnableLinkedPathPoints
\ EnablePlayerControls
\ EquipItem
\ EssentialDeathReload
\ EvaluatePackage
\ ForceAV
\ ForceActorValue
\ ForceCloseOblivionGate
\ ForceFlee
\ ForceTakeCover
\ ForceWeather
\ GetAV
\ GetActionRef
\ GetActorValue
\ GetAlarmed
\ GetAmountSoldStolen
\ GetAngle
\ GetArmorRating
\ GetArmorRatingUpperBody
\ GetAttacked
\ GetBarterGold
\ GetBaseAV
\ GetBaseActorValue
\ GetButtonPressed
\ GetClassDefaultMatch
\ GetClothingValue
\ GetContainer
\ GetCrime
\ GetCrimeGold
\ GetCrimeKnown
\ GetCurrentAIPackage
\ GetCurrentAIProcedure
\ GetCurrentTime
\ GetCurrentWeatherPercent
\ GetDayOfWeek
\ GetDead
\ GetDeadCount
\ GetDestroyed
\ GetDetected
\ GetDetectionLevel
\ GetDisabled
\ GetDisposition
\ GetDistance
\ GetDoorDefaultOpen
\ GetEquipped
\ GetFactionRank
\ GetFactionRankDifference
\ GetFactionReaction
\ GetFatiguePercentage
\ GetForceRun
\ GetForceSneak
\ GetFriendHit
\ GetFurnitureMarkerID
\ GetGS
\ GetGameSetting
\ GetGlobalValue
\ GetGold
\ GetHeadingAngle
\ GetIdleDoneOnce
\ GetIgnoreFriendlyHits
\ GetInCell
\ GetInCellParam
\ GetInFaction
\ GetInSameCell
\ GetInWorldspace
\ GetInvestmentGold
\ GetIsAlerted
\ GetIsClass
\ GetIsClassDefault
\ GetIsCreature
\ GetIsCurrentPackage
\ GetIsCurrentWeather
\ GetIsGhost
\ GetIsID
\ GetIsPlayableRace
\ GetIsPlayerBirthsign
\ GetIsRace
\ GetIsReference
\ GetIsSex
\ GetIsUsedItem
\ GetIsUsedItemType
\ GetItemCount
\ GetKnockedState
\ GetLOS
\ GetLevel
\ GetLockLevel
\ GetLocked
\ GetMenuHasTrait
\ GetName
\ GetNoRumors
\ GetOffersServicesNow
\ GetOpenState
\ GetPCExpelled
\ GetPCFactionAttack
\ GetPCFactionMurder
\ GetPCFactionSteal
\ GetPCFactionSubmitAuthority
\ GetPCFame
\ GetPCInFaction
\ GetPCInfamy
\ GetPCIsClass
\ GetPCIsRace
\ GetPCIsSex
\ GetPCMiscStat
\ GetPCSleepHours
\ GetPackageTarget
\ GetParentRef
\ GetPersuasionNumber
\ GetPlayerControlsDisabled
\ GetPlayerHasLastRiddenHorse
\ GetPlayerInSEWorld
\ GetPos
\ GetQuestRunning
\ GetQuestVariable
\ GetRandomPercent
\ GetRestrained
\ GetScale
\ GetScriptVariable
\ GetSecondsPassed
\ GetSelf
\ GetShouldAttack
\ GetSitting
\ GetSleeping
\ GetStage
\ GetStageDone
\ GetStartingAngle
\ GetStartingPos
\ GetTalkedToPC
\ GetTalkedToPCParam
\ GetTimeDead
\ GetTotalPersuasionNumber
\ GetTrespassWarningLevel
\ GetUnconscious
\ GetUsedItemActivate
\ GetUsedItemLevel
\ GetVampire
\ GetWalkSpeed
\ GetWeaponAnimType
\ GetWeaponSkillType
\ GetWindSpeed
\ GoToJail
\ HasFlames
\ HasMagicEffect
\ HasVampireFed
\ IsActionRef
\ IsActor
\ IsActorAVictim
\ IsActorDetected
\ IsActorEvil
\ IsActorUsingATorch
\ IsActorsAIOff
\ IsAnimPlayer
\ IsCellOwner
\ IsCloudy
\ IsContinuingPackagePCNear
\ IsCurrentFurnitureObj
\ IsCurrentFurnitureRef
\ IsEssential
\ IsFacingUp
\ IsGuard
\ IsHorseStolen
\ IsIdlePlaying
\ IsInCombat
\ IsInDangerousWater
\ IsInInterior
\ IsInMyOwnedCell
\ IsLeftUp
\ IsOwner
\ IsPCAMurderer
\ IsPCSleeping
\ IsPlayerInJail
\ IsPlayerMovingIntoNewSpace
\ IsPlayersLastRiddenHorse
\ IsPleasant
\ IsRaining
\ IsRidingHorse
\ IsRunning
\ IsShieldOut
\ IsSneaking
\ IsSnowing
\ IsSpellTarget
\ IsSwimming
\ IsTalking
\ IsTimePassing
\ IsTorchOut
\ IsTrespassing
\ IsTurnArrest
\ IsWaiting
\ IsWeaponOut
\ IsXBox
\ IsYielding
\ Kill
\ KillActor
\ KillAllActors
\ Lock
\ Look
\ LoopGroup
\ Message
\ MessageBox
\ ModAV
\ ModActorValue
\ ModAmountSoldStolen
\ ModBarterGold
\ ModCrimeGold
\ ModDisposition
\ ModFactionRank
\ ModFactionReaction
\ ModPCAttribute
\ ModPCA
\ ModPCFame
\ ModPCInfamy
\ ModPCMiscStat
\ ModPCSkill
\ ModPCS
\ ModScale
\ MoveTo
\ MoveToMarker
\ PayFine
\ PayFineThief
\ PickIdle
\ PlaceAtMe
\ PlayBink
\ PlayGroup
\ PlayMagicEffectVisuals
\ PlayMagicShaderVisuals
\ PlaySound
\ PlaySound3D
\ PositionCell
\ PositionWorld
\ PreloadMagicEffect
\ PurgeCellBuffers
\ PushActorAway
\ RefreshTopicList
\ ReleaseWeatherOverride
\ RemoveAllItems
\ RemoveFlames
\ RemoveItem
\ RemoveMe
\ RemoveScriptPackage
\ RemoveSpell
\ Reset3DState
\ ResetFallDamageTimer
\ ResetHealth
\ ResetInterior
\ Resurrect
\ Rotate
\ SCAOnActor
\ SameFaction
\ SameFactionAsPC
\ SameRace
\ SameRaceAsPC
\ SameSex
\ SameSexAsPC
\ Say
\ SayTo
\ ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds
\ SelectPlayerSpell
\ SendTrespassAlarm
\ SetAV
\ SetActorAlpha
\ SetActorFullName
\ SetActorRefraction
\ SetActorValue
\ SetActorsAI
\ SetAlert
\ SetAllReachable
\ SetAllVisible
\ SetAngle
\ SetAtStart
\ SetBarterGold
\ SetCellFullName
\ SetCellOwnership
\ SetCellPublicFlag
\ SetClass
\ SetCrimeGold
\ SetDestroyed
\ SetDoorDefaultOpen
\ SetEssential
\ SetFactionRank
\ SetFactionReaction
\ SetForceRun
\ SetForceSneak
\ SetGhost
\ SetIgnoreFriendlyHits
\ SetInCharGen
\ SetInvestmentGold
\ SetItemValue
\ SetLevel
\ SetNoAvoidance
\ SetNoRumors
\ SetOpenState
\ SetOwnership
\ SetPCExpelled
\ SetPCFactionAttack
\ SetPCFactionMurder
\ SetPCFactionSteal
\ SetPCFactionSubmitAuthority
\ SetPCFame
\ SetPCInfamy
\ SetPCSleepHours
\ SetPackDuration
\ SetPlayerBirthsign
\ SetPlayerInSEWorld
\ SetPos
\ SetQuestObject
\ SetRestrained
\ SetRigidBodyMass
\ SetScale
\ SetSceneIsComplex
\ SetShowQuestItems
\ SetSize
\ SetStage
\ SetUnconscious
\ SetWeather
\ ShowBirthsignMenu
\ ShowClassMenu
\ ShowDialogSubtitles
\ ShowEnchantment
\ ShowMap
\ ShowRaceMenu
\ ShowSpellMaking
\ SkipAnim
\ StartCombat
\ StartConversation
\ StartQuest
\ StopCombat
\ StopCombatAlarmOnActor
\ StopLook
\ StopMagicEffectVisuals
\ StopMagicShaderVisuals
\ StopQuest
\ StopWaiting
\ StreamMusic
\ This
\ ToggleActorsAI
\ TrapUpdate
\ TriggerHitShader
\ UnequipItem
\ Unlock
\ VampireFeed
\ Wait
\ WakeUpPC
\ WhichServiceMenu
\ Yield
\ evp
\ pms
\ saa
\ sms
" }}}
" OBSE Functions {{{
syn keyword obseFunction
\ abs
\ acos
\ activate2
\ actorvaluetocode
\ actorvaluetostring
\ actorvaluetostringc
\ addeffectitem
\ addeffectitemc
\ addfulleffectitem
\ addfulleffectitemc
\ additemns
\ addmagiceffectcounter
\ addmagiceffectcounterc
\ addmecounter
\ addmecounterc
\ addspellns
\ addtoleveledlist
\ ahammerkey
\ animpathincludes
\ appendtoname
\ asciitochar
\ asin
\ atan
\ atan2
\ avstring
\ calcleveleditem
\ calclevitemnr
\ calclevitems
\ cancastpower
\ cancorpsecheck
\ canfasttravelfromworld
\ cantraveltomapmarker
\ ceil
\ chartoascii
\ clearactivequest
\ clearhotkey
\ clearleveledlist
\ clearownershipt
\ clearplayerslastriddenhorse
\ clickmenubutton
\ cloneform
\ closeallmenus
\ closetextinput
\ colvec
\ comparefemalebipedpath
\ comparefemalegroundpath
\ comparefemaleiconpath
\ compareiconpath
\ comparemalebipedpath
\ comparemalegroundpath
\ comparemaleiconpath
\ comparemodelpath
\ comparename
\ comparenames
\ comparescripts
\ con_cal
\ con_getinisetting
\ con_hairtint
\ con_loadgame
\ con_modwatershader
\ con_playerspellbook
\ con_quitgame
\ con_refreshini
\ con_runmemorypass
\ con_save
\ con_saveini
\ con_setcamerafov
\ con_setclipdist
\ con_setfog
\ con_setgamesetting
\ con_setgamma
\ con_sethdrparam
\ con_setimagespaceglow
\ con_setinisetting
\ con_setskyparam
\ con_settargetrefraction
\ con_settargetrefractionfire
\ con_sexchange
\ con_tcl
\ con_tfc
\ con_tgm
\ con_toggleai
\ con_togglecombatai
\ con_toggledetection
\ con_togglemapmarkers
\ con_togglemenus
\ con_waterdeepcolor
\ con_waterreflectioncolor
\ con_watershallowcolor
\ copyalleffectitems
\ copyeyes
\ copyfemalebipedpath
\ copyfemalegroundpath
\ copyfemaleiconpath
\ copyhair
\ copyiconpath
\ copyir
\ copymalebipedpath
\ copymalegroundpath
\ copymaleiconpath
\ copymodelpath
\ copyname
\ copyntheffectitem
\ copyrace
\ cos
\ cosh
\ createtempref
\ creaturehasnohead
\ creaturehasnoleftarm
\ creaturehasnomovement
\ creaturehasnorightarm
\ creaturenocombatinwater
\ creatureusesweaponandshield
\ dacos
\ dasin
\ datan
\ datan2
\ dcos
\ dcosh
\ debugprint
\ deletefrominputtext
\ deletereference
\ disablecontrol
\ disablekey
\ disablemouse
\ dispatchevent
\ dispelnthactiveeffect
\ dispelnthae
\ dsin
\ dsinh
\ dtan
\ dtanh
\ enablecontrol
\ enablekey
\ enablemouse
\ equipitem2
\ equipitem2ns
\ equipitemns
\ equipitemsilent
\ equipme
\ eval
\ evaluatepackage
\ eventhandlerexist
\ exp
\ factionhasspecialcombat
\ fileexists
\ floor
\ fmod
\ forcecolumnvector
\ forcerowvector
\ generateidentitymatrix
\ generaterotationmatrix
\ generatezeromatrix
\ getactiveeffectcasters
\ getactiveeffectcodes
\ getactiveeffectcount
\ getactivemenucomponentid
\ getactivemenufilter
\ getactivemenumode
\ getactivemenuobject
\ getactivemenuref
\ getactivemenuselection
\ getactivequest
\ getactiveuicomponentfullname
\ getactiveuicomponentid
\ getactiveuicomponentname
\ getactoralpha
\ getactorbaselevel
\ getactorlightamount
\ getactormaxlevel
\ getactormaxswimbreath
\ getactorminlevel
\ getactorpackages
\ getactorsoullevel
\ getactorvaluec
\ getalchmenuapparatus
\ getalchmenuingredient
\ getalchmenuingredientcount
\ getallies
\ getallmodlocaldata
\ getaltcontrol2
\ getapbowench
\ getapench
\ getapparatustype
\ getappoison
\ getarmorar
\ getarmortype
\ getarrayvariable
\ getarrowprojectilebowenchantment
\ getarrowprojectileenchantment
\ getarrowprojectilepoison
\ getattackdamage
\ getavc
\ getavforbaseactor
\ getavforbaseactorc
\ getavmod
\ getavmodc
\ getavskillmastery
\ getavskillmasteryc
\ getbarteritem
\ getbarteritemquantity
\ getbaseactorvaluec
\ getbaseav2
\ getbaseav2c
\ getbaseav3
\ getbaseav3c
\ getbaseitems
\ getbaseobject
\ getbipediconpath
\ getbipedmodelpath
\ getbipedslotmask
\ getbirthsignspells
\ getbookcantbetaken
\ getbookisscroll
\ getbooklength
\ getbookskilltaught
\ getbooktext
\ getboundingbox
\ getboundingradius
\ getcalcalllevels
\ getcalceachincount
\ getcallingscript
\ getcellbehavesasexterior
\ getcellchanged
\ getcellclimate
\ getcelldetachtime
\ getcellfactionrank
\ getcelllighting
\ getcellmusictype
\ getcellnorthrotation
\ getcellresethours
\ getcellwatertype
\ getchancenone
\ getclass
\ getclassattribute
\ getclassmenuhighlightedclass
\ getclassmenuselectedclass
\ getclassskill
\ getclassskills
\ getclassspecialization
\ getclimatehasmasser
\ getclimatehassecunda
\ getclimatemoonphaselength
\ getclimatesunrisebegin
\ getclimatesunriseend
\ getclimatesunsetbegin
\ getclimatesunsetend
\ getclimatevolatility
\ getclosesound
\ getcloudspeedlower
\ getcloudspeedupper
\ getcombatspells
\ getcombatstyle
\ getcombatstyleacrobaticsdodgechance
\ getcombatstyleattackchance
\ getcombatstyleattackduringblockmult
\ getcombatstyleattacknotunderattackmult
\ getcombatstyleattackskillmodbase
\ getcombatstyleattackskillmodmult
\ getcombatstyleattackunderattackmult
\ getcombatstyleblockchance
\ getcombatstyleblocknotunderattackmult
\ getcombatstyleblockskillmodbase
\ getcombatstyleblockskillmodmult
\ getcombatstyleblockunderattackmult
\ getcombatstylebuffstandoffdist
\ getcombatstyledodgebacknotunderattackmult
\ getcombatstyledodgebacktimermax
\ getcombatstyledodgebacktimermin
\ getcombatstyledodgebackunderattackmult
\ getcombatstyledodgechance
\ getcombatstyledodgefatiguemodbase
\ getcombatstyledodgefatiguemodmult
\ getcombatstyledodgefwattackingmult
\ getcombatstyledodgefwnotattackingmult
\ getcombatstyledodgefwtimermax
\ getcombatstyledodgefwtimermin
\ getcombatstyledodgelrchance
\ getcombatstyledodgelrtimermax
\ getcombatstyledodgelrtimermin
\ getcombatstyledodgenotunderattackmult
\ getcombatstyledodgeunderattackmult
\ getcombatstyleencumberedspeedmodbase
\ getcombatstyleencumberedspeedmodmult
\ getcombatstylefleeingdisabled
\ getcombatstylegroupstandoffdist
\ getcombatstyleh2hbonustoattack
\ getcombatstyleholdtimermax
\ getcombatstyleholdtimermin
\ getcombatstyleidletimermax
\ getcombatstyleidletimermin
\ getcombatstyleignorealliesinarea
\ getcombatstylekobonustoattack
\ getcombatstylekobonustopowerattack
\ getcombatstylemeleealertok
\ getcombatstylepowerattackchance
\ getcombatstylepowerattackfatiguemodbase
\ getcombatstylepowerattackfatiguemodmult
\ getcombatstyleprefersranged
\ getcombatstylerangedstandoffdist
\ getcombatstylerangemaxmult
\ getcombatstylerangeoptimalmult
\ getcombatstylerejectsyields
\ getcombatstylerushattackchance
\ getcombatstylerushattackdistmult
\ getcombatstylestaggerbonustoattack
\ getcombatstylestaggerbonustopowerattack
\ getcombatstyleswitchdistmelee
\ getcombatstyleswitchdistranged
\ getcombatstylewillyield
\ getcombattarget
\ getcompletedquests
\ getcontainermenuview
\ getcontainerrespawns
\ getcontrol
\ getcreaturebasescale
\ getcreaturecombatskill
\ getcreatureflies
\ getcreaturemagicskill
\ getcreaturemodelpaths
\ getcreaturereach
\ getcreaturesoullevel
\ getcreaturesound
\ getcreaturesoundbase
\ getcreaturestealthskill
\ getcreatureswims
\ getcreaturetype
\ getcreaturewalks
\ getcrosshairref
\ getcurrentcharge
\ getcurrentclimateid
\ getcurrenteditorpackage
\ getcurrenteventname
\ getcurrenthealth
\ getcurrentpackage
\ getcurrentpackageprocedure
\ getcurrentquests
\ getcurrentregion
\ getcurrentregions
\ getcurrentscript
\ getcurrentsoullevel
\ getcurrentweatherid
\ getcursorpos
\ getdebugselection
\ getdescription
\ getdoorteleportrot
\ getdoorteleportx
\ getdoorteleporty
\ getdoorteleportz
\ geteditorid
\ geteditorsize
\ getenchantment
\ getenchantmentcharge
\ getenchantmentcost
\ getenchantmenttype
\ getenchmenubaseitem
\ getenchmenuenchitem
\ getenchmenusoulgem
\ getequipmentslot
\ getequipmentslotmask
\ getequippedcurrentcharge
\ getequippedcurrenthealth
\ getequippeditems
\ getequippedobject
\ getequippedtorchtimeleft
\ getequippedweaponpoison
\ geteyes
\ getfactions
\ getfalltimer
\ getfirstref
\ getfirstrefincell
\ getfogdayfar
\ getfogdaynear
\ getfognightfar
\ getfognightnear
\ getfollowers
\ getformfrommod
\ getformidstring
\ getfps
\ getfullgoldvalue
\ getgamedifficulty
\ getgameloaded
\ getgamerestarted
\ getgodmode
\ getgoldvalue
\ getgridstoload
\ getgroundsurfacematerial
\ gethair
\ gethaircolor
\ gethdrvalue
\ gethidesamulet
\ gethidesrings
\ gethighactors
\ gethorse
\ gethotkeyitem
\ geticonpath
\ getignoresresistance
\ getingredient
\ getingredientchance
\ getinputtext
\ getinventoryobject
\ getinvrefsforitem
\ getitems
\ getkeyname
\ getkeypress
\ getlastcreatedpotion
\ getlastcreatedspell
\ getlastenchanteditem
\ getlastsigilstonecreateditem
\ getlastsigilstoneenchanteditem
\ getlastss
\ getlastsscreated
\ getlastssitem
\ getlasttransactionitem
\ getlasttransactionquantity
\ getlastuniquecreatedpotion
\ getlastusedsigilstone
\ getlevcreaturetemplate
\ getleveledspells
\ getlevitembylevel
\ getlevitemindexbyform
\ getlevitemindexbylevel
\ getlightduration
\ getlightningfrequency
\ getlightradius
\ getlightrgb
\ getlinkeddoor
\ getloadedtypearray
\ getlocalgravity
\ getloopsound
\ getlowactors
\ getluckmodifiedskill
\ getmagiceffectareasound
\ getmagiceffectareasoundc
\ getmagiceffectbarterfactor
\ getmagiceffectbarterfactorc
\ getmagiceffectbasecost
\ getmagiceffectbasecostc
\ getmagiceffectboltsound
\ getmagiceffectboltsoundc
\ getmagiceffectcastingsound
\ getmagiceffectcastingsoundc
\ getmagiceffectchars
\ getmagiceffectcharsc
\ getmagiceffectcode
\ getmagiceffectcounters
\ getmagiceffectcountersc
\ getmagiceffectenchantfactor
\ getmagiceffectenchantfactorc
\ getmagiceffectenchantshader
\ getmagiceffectenchantshaderc
\ getmagiceffecthitshader
\ getmagiceffecthitshaderc
\ getmagiceffecthitsound
\ getmagiceffecthitsoundc
\ getmagiceffecticon
\ getmagiceffecticonc
\ getmagiceffectlight
\ getmagiceffectlightc
\ getmagiceffectmodel
\ getmagiceffectmodelc
\ getmagiceffectname
\ getmagiceffectnamec
\ getmagiceffectnumcounters
\ getmagiceffectnumcountersc
\ getmagiceffectotheractorvalue
\ getmagiceffectotheractorvaluec
\ getmagiceffectprojectilespeed
\ getmagiceffectprojectilespeedc
\ getmagiceffectresistvalue
\ getmagiceffectresistvaluec
\ getmagiceffectschool
\ getmagiceffectschoolc
\ getmagiceffectusedobject
\ getmagiceffectusedobjectc
\ getmagicitemeffectcount
\ getmagicitemtype
\ getmagicprojectilespell
\ getmapmarkers
\ getmapmarkertype
\ getmapmenumarkername
\ getmapmenumarkerref
\ getmaxav
\ getmaxavc
\ getmaxlevel
\ getmeareasound
\ getmeareasoundc
\ getmebarterc
\ getmebasecost
\ getmebasecostc
\ getmeboltsound
\ getmeboltsoundc
\ getmecastingsound
\ getmecastingsoundc
\ getmecounters
\ getmecountersc
\ getmeebarter
\ getmeebarterc
\ getmeenchant
\ getmeenchantc
\ getmeenchantshader
\ getmeenchantshaderc
\ getmehitshader
\ getmehitshaderc
\ getmehitsound
\ getmehitsoundc
\ getmeicon
\ getmeiconc
\ getmelight
\ getmelightc
\ getmemodel
\ getmemodelc
\ getmename
\ getmenamec
\ getmenufloatvalue
\ getmenumcounters
\ getmenumcountersc
\ getmenustringvalue
\ getmeotheractorvalue
\ getmeotheractorvaluec
\ getmeprojspeed
\ getmeprojspeedc
\ getmerchantcontainer
\ getmeresistvalue
\ getmeresistvaluec
\ getmeschool
\ getmeschoolc
\ getmessageboxtype
\ getmeusedobject
\ getmeusedobjectc
\ getmiddlehighactors
\ getmieffectcount
\ getminlevel
\ getmitype
\ getmodelpath
\ getmodindex
\ getmodlocaldata
\ getmousebuttonpress
\ getmousebuttonsswapped
\ getmpspell
\ getnextref
\ getnthacitveeffectmagnitude
\ getnthactiveeffectactorvalue
\ getnthactiveeffectbounditem
\ getnthactiveeffectcaster
\ getnthactiveeffectcode
\ getnthactiveeffectdata
\ getnthactiveeffectduration
\ getnthactiveeffectenchantobject
\ getnthactiveeffectmagicenchantobject
\ getnthactiveeffectmagicitem
\ getnthactiveeffectmagicitemindex
\ getnthactiveeffectmagnitude
\ getnthactiveeffectsummonref
\ getnthactiveeffecttimeelapsed
\ getnthaeav
\ getnthaebounditem
\ getnthaecaster
\ getnthaecode
\ getnthaedata
\ getnthaeduration
\ getnthaeindex
\ getnthaemagicenchantobject
\ getnthaemagicitem
\ getnthaemagnitude
\ getnthaesummonref
\ getnthaetime
\ getnthchildref
\ getnthdetectedactor
\ getntheffectitem
\ getntheffectitemactorvalue
\ getntheffectitemarea
\ getntheffectitemcode
\ getntheffectitemduration
\ getntheffectitemmagnitude
\ getntheffectitemname
\ getntheffectitemrange
\ getntheffectitemscript
\ getntheffectitemscriptname
\ getntheffectitemscriptschool
\ getntheffectitemscriptvisualeffect
\ getntheiarea
\ getntheiav
\ getntheicode
\ getntheiduration
\ getntheimagnitude
\ getntheiname
\ getntheirange
\ getntheiscript
\ getntheisschool
\ getntheisvisualeffect
\ getnthexplicitref
\ getnthfaction
\ getnthfactionrankname
\ getnthfollower
\ getnthlevitem
\ getnthlevitemcount
\ getnthlevitemlevel
\ getnthmagiceffectcounter
\ getnthmagiceffectcounterc
\ getnthmecounter
\ getnthmecounterc
\ getnthmodname
\ getnthpackage
\ getnthplayerspell
\ getnthracebonusskill
\ getnthracespell
\ getnthspell
\ getnumchildrefs
\ getnumdetectedactors
\ getnumericinisetting
\ getnumexplicitrefs
\ getnumfactions
\ getnumfollowers
\ getnumitems
\ getnumkeyspressed
\ getnumlevitems
\ getnumloadedmods
\ getnumloadedplugins
\ getnummousebuttonspressed
\ getnumpackages
\ getnumranks
\ getnumrefs
\ getnumrefsincell
\ getobjectcharge
\ getobjecthealth
\ getobjecttype
\ getobliviondirectory
\ getoblrevision
\ getoblversion
\ getopenkey
\ getopensound
\ getowner
\ getowningfactionrank
\ getowningfactionrequiredrank
\ getpackageallowfalls
\ getpackageallowswimming
\ getpackagealwaysrun
\ getpackagealwayssneak
\ getpackagearmorunequipped
\ getpackagecontinueifpcnear
\ getpackagedata
\ getpackagedefensivecombat
\ getpackagelocationdata
\ getpackagelockdoorsatend
\ getpackagelockdoorsatlocation
\ getpackagelockdoorsatstart
\ getpackagemustcomplete
\ getpackagemustreachlocation
\ getpackagenoidleanims
\ getpackageoffersservices
\ getpackageonceperday
\ getpackagescheduledata
\ getpackageskipfalloutbehavior
\ getpackagetargetdata
\ getpackageunlockdoorsatend
\ getpackageunlockdoorsatlocation
\ getpackageunlockdoorsatstart
\ getpackageusehorse
\ getpackageweaponsunequipped
\ getparentcell
\ getparentcellowner
\ getparentcellowningfactionrank
\ getparentcellowningfactionrequiredrank
\ getparentcellwaterheight
\ getparentworldspace
\ getpathnodelinkedref
\ getpathnodepos
\ getpathnodesinradius
\ getpathnodesinrect
\ getpcattributebonus
\ getpcattributebonusc
\ getpclastdroppeditem
\ getpclastdroppeditemref
\ getpclasthorse
\ getpclastloaddoor
\ getpcmajorskillups
\ getpcmovementspeedmodifier
\ getpcspelleffectivenessmodifier
\ getpctrainingsessionsused
\ getplayerbirthsign
\ getplayerskilladvances
\ getplayerskilladvancesc
\ getplayerskilluse
\ getplayerskillusec
\ getplayerslastactivatedloaddoor
\ getplayerslastriddenhorse
\ getplayerspell
\ getplayerspellcount
\ getpluginversion
\ getplyerspellcount
\ getprocesslevel
\ getprojectile
\ getprojectiledistancetraveled
\ getprojectilelifetime
\ getprojectilesource
\ getprojectilespeed
\ getprojectiletype
\ getqmcurrent
\ getqmitem
\ getqmmaximum
\ getqr
\ getquality
\ getquantitymenucurrentquantity
\ getquantitymenuitem
\ getquantitymenumaximumquantity
\ getrace
\ getraceattribute
\ getraceattributec
\ getracedefaulthair
\ getraceeyes
\ getracehairs
\ getracereaction
\ getracescale
\ getraceskillbonus
\ getraceskillbonusc
\ getracespellcount
\ getracevoice
\ getraceweight
\ getrawformidstring
\ getrefcount
\ getrefvariable
\ getrequiredskillexp
\ getrequiredskillexpc
\ getrider
\ getscript
\ getscriptactiveeffectindex
\ getselectedspells
\ getservicesmask
\ getsigilstoneuses
\ getskillgoverningattribute
\ getskillgoverningattributec
\ getskillspecialization
\ getskillspecializationc
\ getskilluseincrement
\ getskilluseincrementc
\ getsoulgemcapacity
\ getsoullevel
\ getsoundattenuation
\ getsoundplaying
\ getsourcemodindex
\ getspecialanims
\ getspellareaeffectignoreslos
\ getspellcount
\ getspelldisallowabsorbreflect
\ getspelleffectiveness
\ getspellexplodeswithnotarget
\ getspellhostile
\ getspellimmunetosilence
\ getspellmagickacost
\ getspellmasterylevel
\ getspellpcstart
\ getspells
\ getspellschool
\ getspellscripteffectalwaysapplies
\ getspelltype
\ getstageentries
\ getstageids
\ getstringgamesetting
\ getstringinisetting
\ getsundamage
\ getsunglare
\ gettailmodelpath
\ gettargets
\ gettelekinesisref
\ getteleportcell
\ getteleportcellname
\ getterrainheight
\ gettextinputcontrolpressed
\ gettextinputcursorpos
\ gettexturepath
\ gettilechildren
\ gettiletraits
\ gettimeleft
\ gettotalactiveeffectmagnitude
\ gettotalactiveeffectmagnitudec
\ gettotalaeabilitymagnitude
\ gettotalaeabilitymagnitudec
\ gettotalaealchemymagnitude
\ gettotalaealchemymagnitudec
\ gettotalaeallspellsmagnitude
\ gettotalaeallspellsmagnitudec
\ gettotalaediseasemagnitude
\ gettotalaediseasemagnitudec
\ gettotalaeenchantmentmagnitude
\ gettotalaeenchantmentmagnitudec
\ gettotalaelesserpowermagnitude
\ gettotalaelesserpowermagnitudec
\ gettotalaemagnitude
\ gettotalaemagnitudec
\ gettotalaenonabilitymagnitude
\ gettotalaenonabilitymagnitudec
\ gettotalaepowermagnitude
\ gettotalaepowermagnitudec
\ gettotalaespellmagnitude
\ gettotalaespellmagnitudec
\ gettotalpcattributebonus
\ gettrainerlevel
\ gettrainerskill
\ gettransactioninfo
\ gettransdelta
\ gettravelhorse
\ getusedpowers
\ getusertime
\ getvariable
\ getvelocity
\ getverticalvelocity
\ getwaterheight
\ getwatershader
\ getweahtercloudspeedupper
\ getweaponreach
\ getweaponspeed
\ getweapontype
\ getweatherclassification
\ getweathercloudspeedlower
\ getweathercloudspeedupper
\ getweathercolor
\ getweatherfogdayfar
\ getweatherfogdaynear
\ getweatherfognightfar
\ getweatherfognightnear
\ getweatherhdrvalue
\ getweatherlightningfrequency
\ getweatheroverride
\ getweathersundamage
\ getweathersunglare
\ getweathertransdelta
\ getweatherwindspeed
\ getweight
\ getworldparentworld
\ getworldspaceparentworldspace
\ globalvariableexists
\ hammerkey
\ hasbeenpickedup
\ haseffectshader
\ haslowlevelprocessing
\ hasmodel
\ hasname
\ hasnopersuasion
\ hasspell
\ hastail
\ hasvariable
\ haswater
\ holdkey
\ iconpathincludes
\ identitymat
\ incrementplayerskilluse
\ incrementplayerskillusec
\ ininvertfasttravel
\ insertininputtext
\ isactivatable
\ isactivator
\ isactorrespawning
\ isalchemyitem
\ isammo
\ isanimgroupplaying
\ isanimplaying
\ isapparatus
\ isarmor
\ isattacking
\ isautomaticdoor
\ isbartermenuactive
\ isbipediconpathvalid
\ isbipedmodelpathvalid
\ isblocking
\ isbook
\ iscantwait
\ iscasting
\ iscellpublic
\ isclassattribute
\ isclassattributec
\ isclassskill
\ isclassskillc
\ isclonedform
\ isclothing
\ isconsoleopen
\ iscontainer
\ iscontrol
\ iscontroldisabled
\ iscontrolpressed
\ iscreature
\ iscreaturebiped
\ isdigit
\ isdiseased
\ isdodging
\ isdoor
\ isequipped
\ isfactionevil
\ isfactionhidden
\ isfemale
\ isflora
\ isflying
\ isfood
\ isformvalid
\ isfurniture
\ isgamemessagebox
\ isglobalcollisiondisabled
\ isharvested
\ ishiddendoor
\ isiconpathvalid
\ isinair
\ isingredient
\ isinoblivion
\ isjumping
\ iskey
\ iskeydisabled
\ iskeypressed
\ iskeypressed2
\ iskeypressed3
\ isletter
\ islight
\ islightcarriable
\ isloaddoor
\ ismagiceffectcanrecover
\ ismagiceffectcanrecoverc
\ ismagiceffectdetrimental
\ ismagiceffectdetrimentalc
\ ismagiceffectforenchanting
\ ismagiceffectforenchantingc
\ ismagiceffectforspellmaking
\ ismagiceffectforspellmakingc
\ ismagiceffecthostile
\ ismagiceffecthostilec
\ ismagiceffectmagnitudepercent
\ ismagiceffectmagnitudepercentc
\ ismagiceffectonselfallowed
\ ismagiceffectonselfallowedc
\ ismagiceffectontargetallowed
\ ismagiceffectontargetallowedc
\ ismagiceffectontouchallowed
\ ismagiceffectontouchallowedc
\ ismagicitemautocalc
\ ismajor
\ ismajorc
\ ismajorref
\ ismapmarkervisible
\ ismecanrecover
\ ismecanrecoverc
\ ismedetrimental
\ ismedetrimentalc
\ ismeforenchanting
\ ismeforenchantingc
\ ismeforspellmaking
\ ismeforspellmakingc
\ ismehostile
\ ismehostilec
\ ismemagnitudepercent
\ ismemagnitudepercentc
\ ismeonselfallowed
\ ismeonselfallowedc
\ ismeontargetallowed
\ ismeontargetallowedc
\ ismeontouchallowed
\ ismeontouchallowedc
\ isminimalusedoor
\ ismiscitem
\ ismodelpathvalid
\ ismodloaded
\ ismovingbackward
\ ismovingforward
\ ismovingleft
\ ismovingright
\ isnaked
\ isnthactiveeffectapplied
\ isntheffectitemscripted
\ isntheffectitemscripthostile
\ isntheishostile
\ isobliviongate
\ isoblivioninterior
\ isoblivionworld
\ isofflimits
\ isonground
\ ispathnodedisabled
\ ispcleveloffset
\ ispersistent
\ isplayable
\ isplayable2
\ isplugininstalled
\ ispoison
\ ispotion
\ ispowerattacking
\ isprintable
\ ispunctuation
\ isquestcomplete
\ isquestitem
\ isracebonusskill
\ isracebonusskillc
\ israceplayable
\ isrecoiling
\ isrefdeleted
\ isreference
\ isrefessential
\ isscripted
\ issigilstone
\ issoulgem
\ isspellhostile
\ isstaggered
\ issummonable
\ istaken
\ istextinputinuse
\ isthirdperson
\ isturningleft
\ isturningright
\ isunderwater
\ isunsaferespawns
\ isuppercase
\ isweapon
\ leftshift
\ linktodoor
\ loadgameex
\ log
\ log10
\ logicaland
\ logicalnot
\ logicalor
\ logicalxor
\ magiceffectcodefromchars
\ magiceffectfromchars
\ magiceffectfromcode
\ magiceffectfxpersists
\ magiceffectfxpersistsc
\ magiceffecthasnoarea
\ magiceffecthasnoareac
\ magiceffecthasnoduration
\ magiceffecthasnodurationc
\ magiceffecthasnohiteffect
\ magiceffecthasnohiteffectc
\ magiceffecthasnoingredient
\ magiceffecthasnoingredientc
\ magiceffecthasnomagnitude
\ magiceffecthasnomagnitudec
\ magiceffectusesarmor
\ magiceffectusesarmorc
\ magiceffectusesattribute
\ magiceffectusesattributec
\ magiceffectusescreature
\ magiceffectusescreaturec
\ magiceffectusesotheractorvalue
\ magiceffectusesotheractorvaluec
\ magiceffectusesskill
\ magiceffectusesskillc
\ magiceffectusesweapon
\ magiceffectusesweaponc
\ magichaseffect
\ magichaseffectc
\ magicitemhaseffect
\ magicitemhaseffectcode
\ magicitemhaseffectcount
\ magicitemhaseffectcountc
\ magicitemhaseffectcountcode
\ magicitemhaseffectitemscript
\ matadd
\ matchpotion
\ matinv
\ matmult
\ matrixadd
\ matrixdeterminant
\ matrixinvert
\ matrixmultiply
\ matrixrref
\ matrixscale
\ matrixsubtract
\ matrixtrace
\ matrixtranspose
\ matscale
\ matsubtract
\ mecodefromchars
\ mefxpersists
\ mefxpersistsc
\ mehasnoarea
\ mehasnoareac
\ mehasnoduration
\ mehasnodurationc
\ mehasnohiteffect
\ mehasnohiteffectc
\ mehasnoingredient
\ mehasnoingredientc
\ mehasnomagnitude
\ mehasnomagnitudec
\ menuholdkey
\ menumode
\ menureleasekey
\ menutapkey
\ messageboxex
\ messageex
\ meusesarmor
\ meusesarmorc
\ meusesattribute
\ meusesattributec
\ meusescreature
\ meusescreaturec
\ meusesotheractorvalue
\ meusesotheractorvaluec
\ meusesskill
\ meusesskillc
\ meusesweapon
\ meusesweaponc
\ modactorvalue2
\ modactorvaluec
\ modarmorar
\ modattackdamage
\ modav2
\ modavc
\ modavmod
\ modavmodc
\ modcurrentcharge
\ modelpathincludes
\ modenchantmentcharge
\ modenchantmentcost
\ modequippedcurrentcharge
\ modequippedcurrenthealth
\ modfemalebipedpath
\ modfemalegroundpath
\ modfemaleiconpath
\ modgoldvalue
\ modiconpath
\ modlocaldataexists
\ modmalebipedpath
\ modmalegroundpath
\ modmaleiconpath
\ modmodelpath
\ modname
\ modnthactiveeffectmagnitude
\ modnthaemagnitude
\ modntheffectitemarea
\ modntheffectitemduration
\ modntheffectitemmagnitude
\ modntheffectitemscriptname
\ modntheiarea
\ modntheiduration
\ modntheimagnitude
\ modntheisname
\ modobjectcharge
\ modobjecthealth
\ modpcmovementspeed
\ modpcspelleffectiveness
\ modplayerskillexp
\ modplayerskillexpc
\ modquality
\ modsigilstoneuses
\ modspellmagickacost
\ modweaponreach
\ modweaponspeed
\ modweight
\ movemousex
\ movemousey
\ movetextinputcursor
\ nameincludes
\ numtohex
\ offersapparatus
\ offersarmor
\ offersbooks
\ offersclothing
\ offersingredients
\ offerslights
\ offersmagicitems
\ offersmiscitems
\ offerspotions
\ offersrecharging
\ offersrepair
\ offersservicesc
\ offersspells
\ offerstraining
\ offersweapons
\ oncontroldown
\ onkeydown
\ opentextinput
\ outputlocalmappicturesoverride
\ overrideactorswimbreath
\ parentcellhaswater
\ pathedgeexists
\ playidle
\ pow
\ print
\ printactivetileinfo
\ printc
\ printd
\ printtileinfo
\ printtoconsole
\ questexists
\ racos
\ rand
\ rasin
\ ratan
\ ratan2
\ rcos
\ rcosh
\ refreshcurrentclimate
\ releasekey
\ removealleffectitems
\ removebasespell
\ removeenchantment
\ removeequippedweaponpoison
\ removeeventhandler
\ removefromleveledlist
\ removeitemns
\ removelevitembylevel
\ removemeir
\ removemodlocaldata
\ removentheffect
\ removentheffectitem
\ removenthlevitem
\ removenthmagiceffectcounter
\ removenthmagiceffectcounterc
\ removenthmecounter
\ removenthmecounterc
\ removescript
\ removescr
\ removespellns
\ resetallvariables
\ resetfalrior
\ resolvemodindex
\ rightshift
\ rotmat
\ rowvec
\ rsin
\ rsinh
\ rtan
\ rtanh
\ runbatchscript
\ runscriptline
\ saespassalarm
\ setactivequest
\ setactrfullname
\ setactormaxswimbreath
\ setactorrespawns
\ setactorswimbreath
\ setactorvaluec
\ setalvisible
\ setaltcontrol2
\ setapparatustype
\ setarmorar
\ setarmortype
\ setarrowprojectilebowenchantment
\ setarrowprojectileenchantment
\ setarrowprojectilepoison
\ setattackdamage
\ setavc
\ setavmod
\ setavmodc
\ setbaseform
\ setbipediconpathex
\ setbipedmodelpathex
\ setbipedslotmask
\ setbookcantbetaken
\ setbookisscroll
\ setbookskilltaught
\ setbuttonpressed
\ setcalcalllevels
\ setcamerafov2
\ setcancastpower
\ setcancorpsecheck
\ setcanfasttravelfromworld
\ setcantraveltomapmarker
\ setcantwait
\ setcellbehavesasexterior
\ setcellclimate
\ setcellhaswater
\ setcellispublic
\ setcelllighting
\ setcellmusictype
\ setcellublicflag
\ setcellresethours
\ setcellwaterheight
\ setcellwatertype
\ setchancenone
\ setclassattribute
\ setclassattributec
\ setclassskills
\ setclassskills2
\ setclassspecialization
\ setclimatehasmasser
\ setclimatehasmassser
\ setclimatehassecunda
\ setclimatemoonphaselength
\ setclimatesunrisebegin
\ setclimatesunriseend
\ setclimatesunsetbegin
\ setclimatesunsetend
\ setclimatevolatility
\ setclosesound
\ setcloudspeedlower
\ setcloudspeedupper
\ setcombatstyle
\ setcombatstyleacrobaticsdodgechance
\ setcombatstyleattackchance
\ setcombatstyleattackduringblockmult
\ setcombatstyleattacknotunderattackmult
\ setcombatstyleattackskillmodbase
\ setcombatstyleattackskillmodmult
\ setcombatstyleattackunderattackmult
\ setcombatstyleblockchance
\ setcombatstyleblocknotunderattackmult
\ setcombatstyleblockskillmodbase
\ setcombatstyleblockskillmodmult
\ setcombatstyleblockunderattackmult
\ setcombatstylebuffstandoffdist
\ setcombatstyledodgebacknotunderattackmult
\ setcombatstyledodgebacktimermax
\ setcombatstyledodgebacktimermin
\ setcombatstyledodgebackunderattackmult
\ setcombatstyledodgechance
\ setcombatstyledodgefatiguemodbase
\ setcombatstyledodgefatiguemodmult
\ setcombatstyledodgefwattackingmult
\ setcombatstyledodgefwnotattackingmult
\ setcombatstyledodgefwtimermax
\ setcombatstyledodgefwtimermin
\ setcombatstyledodgelrchance
\ setcombatstyledodgelrtimermax
\ setcombatstyledodgelrtimermin
\ setcombatstyledodgenotunderattackmult
\ setcombatstyledodgeunderattackmult
\ setcombatstyleencumberedspeedmodbase
\ setcombatstyleencumberedspeedmodmult
\ setcombatstylefleeingdisabled
\ setcombatstylegroupstandoffdist
\ setcombatstyleh2hbonustoattack
\ setcombatstyleholdtimermax
\ setcombatstyleholdtimermin
\ setcombatstyleidletimermax
\ setcombatstyleidletimermin
\ setcombatstyleignorealliesinarea
\ setcombatstylekobonustoattack
\ setcombatstylekobonustopowerattack
\ setcombatstylemeleealertok
\ setcombatstylepowerattackchance
\ setcombatstylepowerattackfatiguemodbase
\ setcombatstylepowerattackfatiguemodmult
\ setcombatstyleprefersranged
\ setcombatstylerangedstandoffdist
\ setcombatstylerangemaxmult
\ setcombatstylerangeoptimalmult
\ setcombatstylerejectsyields
\ setcombatstylerushattackchance
\ setcombatstylerushattackdistmult
\ setcombatstylestaggerbonustoattack
\ setcombatstylestaggerbonustopowerattack
\ setcombatstyleswitchdistmelee
\ setcombatstyleswitchdistranged
\ setcombatstylewillyield
\ setcontainerrespawns
\ setcontrol
\ setcreatureskill
\ setcreaturesoundbase
\ setcreaturetype
\ setcurrentcharge
\ setcurrenthealth
\ setcurrentsoullevel
\ setdebugmode
\ setdescription
\ setdetectionstate
\ setdisableglobalcollision
\ setdoorteleport
\ setenchantment
\ setenchantmentcharge
\ setenchantmentcost
\ setenchantmenttype
\ setequipmentslot
\ setequippedcurrentcharge
\ setequippedcurrenthealth
\ setequippedweaponpoison
\ seteventhandler
\ seteyes
\ setfactionevil
\ setfactionhasspecialcombat
\ setfactionhidden
\ setfactonreaction
\ setfactionspecialcombat
\ setfemale
\ setfemalebipedpath
\ setfemalegroundpath
\ setfemaleiconpath
\ setflycameraspeedmult
\ setfogdayfar
\ setfogdaynear
\ setfognightfar
\ setfognightnear
\ setforcsneak
\ setfunctionvalue
\ setgamedifficulty
\ setgoldvalue
\ setgoldvalue_t
\ setgoldvaluet
\ sethair
\ setharvested
\ sethasbeenpickedup
\ sethdrvalue
\ sethidesamulet
\ sethidesrings
\ sethotkeyitem
\ seticonpath
\ setignoresresistance
\ setingredient
\ setingredientchance
\ setinputtext
\ setinvertfasttravel
\ setisautomaticdoor
\ setiscontrol
\ setisfood
\ setishiddendoor
\ setisminimalusedoor
\ setisobliviongate
\ setisplayable
\ setlevcreaturetemplate
\ setlightduration
\ setlightningfrequency
\ setlightradius
\ setlightrgb
\ setlocalgravity
\ setlocalgravityvector
\ setloopsound
\ setlowlevelprocessing
\ setmaagiceffectuseactorvalue
\ setmagiceffectareasound
\ setmagiceffectareasoundc
\ setmagiceffectbarterfactor
\ setmagiceffectbarterfactorc
\ setmagiceffectbasecost
\ setmagiceffectbasecostc
\ setmagiceffectboltsound
\ setmagiceffectboltsoundc
\ setmagiceffectcanrecover
\ setmagiceffectcanrecoverc
\ setmagiceffectcastingsound
\ setmagiceffectcastingsoundc
\ setmagiceffectcounters
\ setmagiceffectcountersc
\ setmagiceffectenchantfactor
\ setmagiceffectenchantfactorc
\ setmagiceffectenchantshader
\ setmagiceffectenchantshaderc
\ setmagiceffectforenchanting
\ setmagiceffectforenchantingc
\ setmagiceffectforspellmaking
\ setmagiceffectforspellmakingc
\ setmagiceffectfxpersists
\ setmagiceffectfxpersistsc
\ setmagiceffecthitshader
\ setmagiceffecthitshaderc
\ setmagiceffecthitsound
\ setmagiceffecthitsoundc
\ setmagiceffecticon
\ setmagiceffecticonc
\ setmagiceffectisdetrimental
\ setmagiceffectisdetrimentalc
\ setmagiceffectishostile
\ setmagiceffectishostilec
\ setmagiceffectlight
\ setmagiceffectlightc
\ setmagiceffectmagnitudepercent
\ setmagiceffectmagnitudepercentc
\ setmagiceffectmodel
\ setmagiceffectmodelc
\ setmagiceffectname
\ setmagiceffectnamec
\ setmagiceffectnoarea
\ setmagiceffectnoareac
\ setmagiceffectnoduration
\ setmagiceffectnodurationc
\ setmagiceffectnohiteffect
\ setmagiceffectnohiteffectc
\ setmagiceffectnoingredient
\ setmagiceffectnoingredientc
\ setmagiceffectnomagnitude
\ setmagiceffectnomagnitudec
\ setmagiceffectonselfallowed
\ setmagiceffectonselfallowedc
\ setmagiceffectontargetallowed
\ setmagiceffectontargetallowedc
\ setmagiceffectontouchallowed
\ setmagiceffectontouchallowedc
\ setmagiceffectotheractorvalue
\ setmagiceffectotheractorvaluec
\ setmagiceffectprojectilespeed
\ setmagiceffectprojectilespeedc
\ setmagiceffectresistvalue
\ setmagiceffectresistvaluec
\ setmagiceffectschool
\ setmagiceffectschoolc
\ setmagiceffectuseactorvaluec
\ setmagiceffectusedobject
\ setmagiceffectusedobjectc
\ setmagiceffectusesactorvalue
\ setmagiceffectusesactorvaluec
\ setmagiceffectusesarmor
\ setmagiceffectusesarmorc
\ setmagiceffectusesattribute
\ setmagiceffectusesattributec
\ setmagiceffectusescreature
\ setmagiceffectusescreaturec
\ setmagiceffectusesskill
\ setmagiceffectusesskillc
\ setmagiceffectusesweapon
\ setmagiceffectusesweaponc
\ setmagicitemautocalc
\ setmagicprojectilespell
\ setmalebipedpath
\ setmalegroundpath
\ setmaleiconpath
\ setmapmarkertype
\ setmapmarkervisible
\ setmeareasound
\ setmeareasoundc
\ setmebarterfactor
\ setmebarterfactorc
\ setmebasecost
\ setmebasecostc
\ setmeboltsound
\ setmeboltsoundc
\ setmecanrecover
\ setmecanrecoverc
\ setmecastingsound
\ setmecastingsoundc
\ setmeenchantfactor
\ setmeenchantfactorc
\ setmeenchantshader
\ setmeenchantshaderc
\ setmeforenchanting
\ setmeforenchantingc
\ setmeforspellmaking
\ setmeforspellmakingc
\ setmefxpersists
\ setmefxpersistsc
\ setmehitshader
\ setmehitshaderc
\ setmehitsound
\ setmehitsoundc
\ setmeicon
\ setmeiconc
\ setmeisdetrimental
\ setmeisdetrimentalc
\ setmeishostile
\ setmeishostilec
\ setmelight
\ setmelightc
\ setmemagnitudepercent
\ setmemagnitudepercentc
\ setmemodel
\ setmemodelc
\ setmename
\ setmenamec
\ setmenoarea
\ setmenoareac
\ setmenoduration
\ setmenodurationc
\ setmenohiteffect
\ setmenohiteffectc
\ setmenoingredient
\ setmenoingredientc
\ setmenomagnitude
\ setmenomagnitudec
\ setmenufloatvalue
\ setmenustringvalue
\ setmeonselfallowed
\ setmeonselfallowedc
\ setmeontargetallowed
\ setmeontargetallowedc
\ setmeontouchallowed
\ setmeontouchallowedc
\ setmeotheractorvalue
\ setmeotheractorvaluec
\ setmeprojectilespeed
\ setmeprojectilespeedc
\ setmerchantcontainer
\ setmeresistvalue
\ setmeresistvaluec
\ setmeschool
\ setmeschoolc
\ setmessageicon
\ setmessagesound
\ setmeuseactorvalue
\ setmeuseactorvaluec
\ setmeusedobject
\ setmeusedobjectc
\ setmeusesarmor
\ setmeusesarmorc
\ setmeusesattribute
\ setmeusesattributec
\ setmeusescreature
\ setmeusescreaturec
\ setmeusesskill
\ setmeusesskillc
\ setmeusesweapon
\ setmeusesweaponc
\ setmodelpath
\ setmodlocaldata
\ setmousespeedx
\ setmousespeedy
\ setmpspell
\ setname
\ setnameex
\ setnopersuasion
\ setnthactiveeffectmagnitude
\ setnthaemagnitude
\ setntheffectitemactorvalue
\ setntheffectitemactorvaluec
\ setntheffectitemarea
\ setntheffectitemduration
\ setntheffectitemmagnitude
\ setntheffectitemrange
\ setntheffectitemscript
\ setntheffectitemscripthostile
\ setntheffectitemscriptname
\ setntheffectitemscriptnameex
\ setntheffectitemscriptschool
\ setntheffectitemscriptvisualeffect
\ setntheffectitemscriptvisualeffectc
\ setntheiarea
\ setntheiav
\ setntheiavc
\ setntheiduration
\ setntheimagnitude
\ setntheirange
\ setntheiscript
\ setntheishostile
\ setntheisname
\ setntheisschool
\ setntheisvisualeffect
\ setntheisvisualeffectc
\ setnthfactionranknameex
\ setnumericgamesetting
\ setnumericinisetting
\ setobjectcharge
\ setobjecthealth
\ setoffersapparatus
\ setoffersarmor
\ setoffersbooks
\ setoffersclothing
\ setoffersingredients
\ setofferslights
\ setoffersmagicitems
\ setoffersmiscitems
\ setofferspotions
\ setoffersrecharging
\ setoffersrepair
\ setoffersservicesc
\ setoffersspells
\ setofferstraining
\ setoffersweapons
\ setolmpgrids
\ setopenkey
\ setopensound
\ setopenstip
\ setownership_t
\ setowningrequiredrank
\ setpackageallowfalls
\ setpackageallowswimming
\ setpackagealwaysrun
\ setpackagealwayssneak
\ setpackagearmorunequipped
\ setpackagecontinueifpcnear
\ setpackagedata
\ setpackagedefensivecombat
\ setpackagelocationdata
\ setpackagelockdoorsatend
\ setpackagelockdoorsatlocation
\ setpackagelockdoorsatstart
\ setpackagemustcomplete
\ setpackagemustreachlocation
\ setpackagenoidleanims
\ setpackageoffersservices
\ setpackageonceperday
\ setpackagescheduledata
\ setpackageskipfalloutbehavior
\ setpackagetarget
\ setpackagetargetdata
\ setpackageunlockdoorsatend
\ setpackageunlockdoorsatlocation
\ setpackageunlockdoorsatstart
\ setpackageusehorse
\ setpackageweaponsunequipped
\ setparentcellowningfactionrequiredrank
\ setpathnodedisabled
\ setpcamurderer
\ setpcattributebonus
\ setpcattributebonusc
\ setpcexpy
\ setpcleveloffset
\ setpcmajorskillups
\ setpctrainingsessionsused
\ setplayerbseworld
\ setplayerprojectile
\ setplayerskeletonpath
\ setplayerskilladvances
\ setplayerskilladvancesc
\ setplayerslastriddenhorse
\ setpos_t
\ setpowertimer
\ setprojectilesource
\ setprojectilespeed
\ setquality
\ setquestitem
\ setracealias
\ setraceplayable
\ setracescale
\ setracevoice
\ setraceweight
\ setrefcount
\ setrefessential
\ setreale
\ setscaleex
\ setscript
\ setsigilstoneuses
\ setskillgoverningattribute
\ setskillgoverningattributec
\ setskillspecialization
\ setskillspecializationc
\ setskilluseincrement
\ setskilluseincrementc
\ setsoulgemcapacity
\ setsoullevel
\ setsoundattenuation
\ setspellareaeffectignoreslos
\ setspelldisallowabsorbreflect
\ setspellexplodeswithnotarget
\ setspellhostile
\ setspellimmunetosilence
\ setspellmagickacost
\ setspellmasterylevel
\ setspellpcstart
\ setspellscripteffectalwaysapplies
\ setspelltype
\ setstagedate
\ setstagetext
\ setstringgamesettingex
\ setstringinisetting
\ setsummonable
\ setsundamage
\ setsunglare
\ settaken
\ settextinputcontrolhandler
\ settextinputdefaultcontrolsdisabled
\ settextinputhandler
\ settexturepath
\ settimeleft
\ settrainerlevel
\ settrainerskill
\ settransdelta
\ settravelhorse
\ setunsafecontainer
\ setvelocity
\ setverticalvelocity
\ setweaponreach
\ setweaponspeed
\ setweapontype
\ setweathercloudspeedlower
\ setweathercloudspeedupper
\ setweathercolor
\ setweatherfogdayfar
\ setweatherfogdaynear
\ setweatherfognightfar
\ setweatherfognightnear
\ setweatherhdrvalue
\ setweatherlightningfrequency
\ setweathersundamage
\ setweathersunglare
\ setweathertransdelta
\ setweatherwindspeed
\ setweight
\ setwindspeed
\ showellmaking
\ sin
\ sinh
\ skipansqrt
\ squareroot
\ startcc
\ stringtoactorvalue
\ tan
\ tanh
\ tapcontrol
\ tapkey
\ testexpr
\ thiactorsai
\ togglecreaturemodel
\ togglefirstperson
\ toggleskillperk
\ togglespecialanim
\ tolower
\ tonumber
\ tostring
\ toupper
\ trapuphitshader
\ triggerplayerskilluse
\ triggerplayerskillusec
\ typeof
\ uncompletequest
\ unequipitemns
\ unequipitemsilent
\ unequipme
\ unhammerkey
\ unsetstagetext
\ update3d
\ updatecontainermenu
\ updatespellpurchasemenu
\ updatetextinput
\ vecmag
\ vecnorm
\ vectorcross
\ vectordot
\ vectormagnitude
\ vectornormalize
\ zeromat
" }}}
" Array Functions {{{
syn keyword obseArrayFunction
\ ar_Append
\ ar_BadNumericIndex
\ ar_BadStringIndex
\ ar_Construct
\ ar_Copy
\ ar_CustomSort
\ ar_DeepCopy
\ ar_Dump
\ ar_DumpID
\ ar_Erase
\ ar_Find
\ ar_First
\ ar_HasKey
\ ar_Insert
\ ar_InsertRange
\ ar_Keys
\ ar_Last
\ ar_List
\ ar_Map
\ ar_Next
\ ar_Null
\ ar_Prev
\ ar_Range
\ ar_Resize
\ ar_Size
\ ar_Sort
\ ar_SortAlpha
" }}}
" String Functions {{{
syn keyword obseStringFunction
\ sv_ToLower
\ sv_ToUpper
\ sv_Compare
\ sv_Construct
\ sv_Count
\ sv_Destruct
\ sv_Erase
\ sv_Find
\ sv_Insert
\ sv_Length
\ sv_Percentify
\ sv_Replace
\ sv_Split
\ sv_ToNumeric
" }}}
" Pluggy Functions {{{
syn keyword pluggyFunction
\ ArrayCmp
\ ArrayCount
\ ArrayEsp
\ ArrayProtect
\ ArraySize
\ AutoSclHudS
\ AutoSclHudT
\ CopyArray
\ CopyString
\ CreateArray
\ CreateEspBook
\ CreateString
\ DelAllHudSs
\ DelAllHudTs
\ DelFile
\ DelHudS
\ DelHudT
\ DelTxtFile
\ DestroyAllArrays
\ DestroyAllStrings
\ DestroyArray
\ DestroyString
\ DupArray
\ EspToString
\ FileToString
\ FindFirstFile
\ FindFloatInArray
\ FindInArray
\ FindNextFile
\ FindRefInArray
\ FirstFreeInArray
\ FirstInArray
\ FixName
\ FixNameEx
\ FloatToString
\ FmtString
\ FromOBSEString
\ FromTSFC
\ GetEsp
\ GetFileSize
\ GetInArray
\ GetRefEsp
\ GetTypeInArray
\ Halt
\ HasFixedName
\ HudSEsp
\ HudSProtect
\ HudS_Align
\ HudS_L
\ HudS_Opac
\ HudS_SclX
\ HudS_SclY
\ HudS_Show
\ HudS_Tex
\ HudS_X
\ HudS_Y
\ HudTEsp
\ HudTInfo
\ HudTProtect
\ HudT_Align
\ HudT_Font
\ HudT_L
\ HudT_Opac
\ HudT_SclX
\ HudT_SclY
\ HudT_Show
\ HudT_Text
\ HudT_X
\ HudT_Y
\ HudsInfo
\ IniDelKey
\ IniGetNthSection
\ IniKeyExists
\ IniReadFloat
\ IniReadInt
\ IniReadRef
\ IniReadString
\ IniSectionsCount
\ IniWriteFloat
\ IniWriteInt
\ IniWriteRef
\ IniWriteString
\ IntToHex
\ IntToString
\ IsHUDEnabled
\ IsPluggyDataReset
\ KillMenu
\ LC
\ LongToRef
\ ModRefEsp
\ NewHudS
\ NewHudT
\ PackArray
\ PauseBox
\ PlgySpcl
\ RefToLong
\ RefToString
\ RemInArray
\ RenFile
\ RenTxtFile
\ ResetName
\ RunBatString
\ SanString
\ ScreenInfo
\ SetFloatInArray
\ SetHudT
\ SetInArray
\ SetRefInArray
\ SetString
\ StrLC
\ StringCat
\ StringCmp
\ StringEsp
\ StringGetName
\ StringGetNameEx
\ StringIns
\ StringLen
\ StringMsg
\ StringMsgBox
\ StringPos
\ StringProtect
\ StringRep
\ StringSetName
\ StringSetNameEx
\ StringToFloat
\ StringToInt
\ StringToRef
\ StringToTxtFile
\ ToOBSEString
\ TxtFileExists
\ UserFileExists
\ csc
\ rcsc
" }}}
" tfscFunction {{{
syn keyword tfscFunction
\ StrAddNewLine
\ StrAppend
\ StrAppendCharCode
\ StrCat
\ StrClear
\ StrClearLast
\ StrCompare
\ StrCopy
\ StrDel
\ StrDeleteAll
\ StrExpr
\ StrGetFemaleBipedPath
\ StrGetFemaleGroundPath
\ StrGetFemaleIconPath
\ StrGetMaleBipedPath
\ StrGetMaleIconPath
\ StrGetModelPath
\ StrGetName
\ StrGetNthEffectItemScriptName
\ StrGetNthFactionRankName
\ StrGetRandomName
\ StrIDReplace
\ StrLength
\ StrLoad
\ StrMessageBox
\ StrNew
\ StrPrint
\ StrReplace
\ StrSave
\ StrSet
\ StrSetFemaleBipedPath
\ StrSetFemaleGroundPath
\ StrSetFemaleIconPath
\ StrSetMaleBipedPath
\ StrSetMaleIconPath
\ StrSetModelPath
\ StrSetName
\ StrSetNthEffectItemScriptName
" }}}
" Blockhead Functions {{{
syn keyword blockheadFunction
\ GetBodyAssetOverride
\ GetFaceGenAge
\ GetHeadAssetOverride
\ RefreshAnimData
\ RegisterEquipmentOverrideHandler
\ ResetAgeTextureOverride
\ ResetBodyAssetOverride
\ ResetHeadAssetOverride
\ SetAgeTextureOverride
\ SetBodyAssetOverride
\ SetFaceGenAge
\ SetHeadAssetOverride
\ ToggleAnimOverride
\ UnregisterEquipmentOverrideHandler
" }}}
" switchNightEyeShaderFunction {{{
syn keyword switchNightEyeShaderFunction
\ EnumNightEyeShader
\ SetNightEyeShader
" }}}
" Oblivion Reloaded Functions {{{
syn keyword obseivionReloadedFunction
\ cameralookat
\ cameralookatposition
\ camerareset
\ camerarotate
\ camerarotatetoposition
\ cameratranslate
\ cameratranslatetoposition
\ getlocationname
\ getsetting
\ getversion
\ getweathername
\ isthirdperson
\ setcustomconstant
\ setextraeffectenabled
\ setsetting
" }}}
" menuQue Functions {{{
syn keyword menuQueFunction
\ GetAllSkills
\ GetAVSkillMasteryLevelC
\ GetAVSkillMasteryLevelF
\ GetFontLoaded
\ GetGenericButtonPressed
\ GetLoadedFonts
\ GetLocalMapSeen
\ GetMenuEventType
\ GetMenuFloatValue
\ GetMenuStringValue
\ GetMouseImage
\ GetMousePos
\ GetPlayerSkillAdvancesF
\ GetPlayerSkillUseF
\ GetRequiredSkillExpC
\ GetRequiredSkillExpF
\ GetSkillCode
\ GetSkillForm
\ GetSkillGoverningAttributeF
\ GetSkillSpecializationC
\ GetSkillSpecializationF
\ GetSkillUseIncrementF
\ GetTextEditBox
\ GetTextEditString
\ GetTrainingMenuCost
\ GetTrainingMenuLevel
\ GetTrainingMenuSkill
\ GetWorldMapData
\ GetWorldMapDoor
\ IncrementPlayerSkillUseF
\ InsertXML
\ InsertXMLTemplate
\ IsTextEditInUse
\ Kyoma_Test
\ ModPlayerSkillExpF
\ mqCreateMenuFloatValue
\ mqCreateMenuStringValue
\ mqGetActiveQuest
\ mqGetActiveQuestTargets
\ mqGetCompletedQuests
\ mqGetCurrentQuests
\ mqGetEnchMenuBaseItem
\ mqGetHighlightedClass
\ mqGetMapMarkers
\ mqGetMenuActiveChildIndex
\ mqGetMenuActiveFloatValue
\ mqGetMenuActiveStringValue
\ mqGetMenuChildCount
\ mqGetMenuChildFloatValue
\ mqGetMenuChildHasTrait
\ mqGetMenuChildName
\ mqGetMenuChildStringValue
\ mqGetMenuGlobalFloatValue
\ mqGetMenuGlobalStringValue
\ mqGetQuestCompleted
\ mqGetSelectedClass
\ mqSetActiveQuest
\ mqSetMenuActiveFloatValue
\ mqSetMenuActiveStringValue
\ mqSetMenuChildFloatValue
\ mqSetMenuChildStringValue
\ mqSetMenuGlobalStringValue
\ mqSetMenuGlobalFloatValue
\ mqSetMessageBoxSource
\ mqUncompleteQuest
\ RemoveMenuEventHandler
\ SetMenuEventHandler
\ SetMouseImage
\ SetPlayerSkillAdvancesF
\ SetSkillGoverningAttributeF
\ SetSkillSpecializationC
\ SetSkillSpecializationF
\ SetSkillUseIncrementF
\ SetTextEditString
\ SetTrainerSkillC
\ SetWorldMapData
\ ShowGenericMenu
\ ShowLevelUpMenu
\ ShowMagicPopupMenu
\ ShowTextEditMenu
\ ShowTrainingMenu
\ tile_FadeFloat
\ tile_GetFloat
\ tile_GetInfo
\ tile_GetName
\ tile_GetString
\ tile_GetVar
\ tile_HasTrait
\ tile_SetFloat
\ tile_SetString
\ TriggerPlayerSkillUseF
\ UpdateLocalMap
" }}}
" eaxFunction {{{
syn keyword eaxFunction
\ CreateEAXeffect
\ DeleteEAXeffect
\ DisableEAX
\ EAXcopyEffect
\ EAXeffectExists
\ EAXeffectsAreEqual
\ EAXgetActiveEffect
\ EAXnumEffects
\ EAXpushEffect
\ EAXpopEffect
\ EAXremoveAllInstances
\ EAXremoveFirstInstance
\ EAXstackIsEmpty
\ EAXstackSize
\ EnableEAX
\ GetEAXAirAbsorptionHF
\ GetEAXDecayHFRatio
\ GetEAXDecayTime
\ GetEAXEnvironment
\ GetEAXEnvironmentSize
\ GetEAXEnvironmentDiffusion
\ GetEAXReflections
\ GetEAXReflectionsDelay
\ GetEAXReverb
\ GetEAXReverbDelay
\ GetEAXRoom
\ GetEAXRoomHF
\ GetEAXRoomRolloffFactor
\ InitializeEAX
\ IsEAXEnabled
\ IsEAXInitialized
\ SetEAXAirAbsorptionHF
\ SetEAXallProperties
\ SetEAXDecayTime
\ SetEAXDecayHFRatio
\ SetEAXEnvironment
\ SetEAXEnvironmentSize
\ SetEAXEnvironmentDiffusion
\ SetEAXReflections
\ SetEAXReflectionsDelay
\ SetEAXReverb
\ SetEAXReverbDelay
\ SetEAXRoom
\ SetEAXRoomHF
\ SetEAXRoomRolloffFactor
" }}}
" networkPipeFunction {{{
syn keyword networkPipeFunction
\ NetworkPipe_CreateClient
\ NetworkPipe_GetData
\ NetworkPipe_IsNewGame
\ NetworkPipe_KillClient
\ NetworkPipe_Receive
\ NetworkPipe_SetData
\ NetworkPipe_Send
\ NetworkPipe_StartService
\ NetworkPipe_StopService
" }}}
" nifseFunction {{{
syn keyword nifseFunction
\ BSFurnitureMarkerGetPositionRefs
\ BSFurnitureMarkerSetPositionRefs
\ GetNifTypeIndex
\ NiAVObjectAddProperty
\ NiAVObjectClearCollisionObject
\ NiAVObjectCopyCollisionObject
\ NiAVObjectDeleteProperty
\ NiAVObjectGetCollisionMode
\ NiAVObjectGetCollisionObject
\ NiAVObjectGetLocalRotation
\ NiAVObjectGetLocalScale
\ NiAVObjectGetLocalTransform
\ NiAVObjectGetLocalTranslation
\ NiAVObjectGetNumProperties
\ NiAVObjectGetProperties
\ NiAVObjectGetPropertyByType
\ NiAVObjectSetCollisionMode
\ NiAVObjectSetLocalRotation
\ NiAVObjectSetLocalScale
\ NiAVObjectSetLocalTransform
\ NiAVObjectSetLocalTranslation
\ NiAlphaPropertyGetBlendState
\ NiAlphaPropertyGetDestinationBlendFunction
\ NiAlphaPropertyGetSourceBlendFunction
\ NiAlphaPropertyGetTestFunction
\ NiAlphaPropertyGetTestState
\ NiAlphaPropertyGetTestThreshold
\ NiAlphaPropertyGetTriangleSortMode
\ NiAlphaPropertySetBlendState
\ NiAlphaPropertySetDestinationBlendFunction
\ NiAlphaPropertySetSourceBlendFunction
\ NiAlphaPropertySetTestFunction
\ NiAlphaPropertySetTestState
\ NiAlphaPropertySetTestThreshold
\ NiAlphaPropertySetTriangleSortMode
\ NiExtraDataGetArray
\ NiExtraDataGetName
\ NiExtraDataGetNumber
\ NiExtraDataGetString
\ NiExtraDataSetArray
\ NiExtraDataSetName
\ NiExtraDataSetNumber
\ NiExtraDataSetString
\ NiMaterialPropertyGetAmbientColor
\ NiMaterialPropertyGetDiffuseColor
\ NiMaterialPropertyGetEmissiveColor
\ NiMaterialPropertyGetGlossiness
\ NiMaterialPropertyGetSpecularColor
\ NiMaterialPropertyGetTransparency
\ NiMaterialPropertySetAmbientColor
\ NiMaterialPropertySetDiffuseColor
\ NiMaterialPropertySetEmissiveColor
\ NiMaterialPropertySetGlossiness
\ NiMaterialPropertySetSpecularColor
\ NiMaterialPropertySetTransparency
\ NiNodeAddChild
\ NiNodeCopyChild
\ NiNodeDeleteChild
\ NiNodeGetChildByName
\ NiNodeGetChildren
\ NiNodeGetNumChildren
\ NiObjectGetType
\ NiObjectGetTypeName
\ NiObjectNETAddExtraData
\ NiObjectNETDeleteExtraData
\ NiObjectNETGetExtraData
\ NiObjectNETGetExtraDataByName
\ NiObjectNETGetName
\ NiObjectNETGetNumExtraData
\ NiObjectNETSetName
\ NiObjectTypeDerivesFrom
\ NiSourceTextureGetFile
\ NiSourceTextureIsExternal
\ NiSourceTextureSetExternalTexture
\ NiStencilPropertyGetFaceDrawMode
\ NiStencilPropertyGetFailAction
\ NiStencilPropertyGetPassAction
\ NiStencilPropertyGetStencilFunction
\ NiStencilPropertyGetStencilMask
\ NiStencilPropertyGetStencilRef
\ NiStencilPropertyGetStencilState
\ NiStencilPropertyGetZFailAction
\ NiStencilPropertySetFaceDrawMode
\ NiStencilPropertySetFailAction
\ NiStencilPropertySetPassAction
\ NiStencilPropertySetStencilFunction
\ NiStencilPropertySetStencilMask
\ NiStencilPropertySetStencilRef
\ NiStencilPropertySetStencilState
\ NiStencilPropertySetZFailAction
\ NiTexturingPropertyAddTextureSource
\ NiTexturingPropertyDeleteTextureSource
\ NiTexturingPropertyGetTextureCenterOffset
\ NiTexturingPropertyGetTextureClampMode
\ NiTexturingPropertyGetTextureCount
\ NiTexturingPropertyGetTextureFilterMode
\ NiTexturingPropertyGetTextureFlags
\ NiTexturingPropertyGetTextureRotation
\ NiTexturingPropertyGetTextureSource
\ NiTexturingPropertyGetTextureTiling
\ NiTexturingPropertyGetTextureTranslation
\ NiTexturingPropertyGetTextureUVSet
\ NiTexturingPropertyHasTexture
\ NiTexturingPropertySetTextureCenterOffset
\ NiTexturingPropertySetTextureClampMode
\ NiTexturingPropertySetTextureCount
\ NiTexturingPropertySetTextureFilterMode
\ NiTexturingPropertySetTextureFlags
\ NiTexturingPropertySetTextureHasTransform
\ NiTexturingPropertySetTextureRotation
\ NiTexturingPropertySetTextureTiling
\ NiTexturingPropertySetTextureTranslation
\ NiTexturingPropertySetTextureUVSet
\ NiTexturingPropertyTextureHasTransform
\ NiVertexColorPropertyGetLightingMode
\ NiVertexColorPropertyGetVertexMode
\ NiVertexColorPropertySetLightingMode
\ NiVertexColorPropertySetVertexMode
\ NifClose
\ NifGetAltGrip
\ NifGetBackShield
\ NifGetNumBlocks
\ NifGetOffHand
\ NifGetOriginalPath
\ NifGetPath
\ NifOpen
\ NifWriteToDisk
" }}}
" reidFunction {{{
syn keyword reidFunction
\ GetRuntimeEditorID
" }}}
" runtimeDebuggerFunction {{{
syn keyword runtimeDebuggerFunction
\ DebugBreak
\ ToggleDebugBreaking
" }}}
" addActorValuesFunction {{{
syn keyword addActorValuesFunction
\ DumpActorValueC
\ DumpActorValueF
\ GetActorValueBaseCalcC
\ GetActorValueBaseCalcF
\ GetActorValueCurrentC
\ GetActorValueCurrentF
\ GetActorValueMaxC
\ GetActorValueMaxF
\ GetActorValueModC
\ GetActorValueModF
\ ModActorValueModC
\ ModActorValueModF
\ SetActorValueModC
\ SetActorValueModF
\ DumpAVC
\ DumpAVF
\ GetAVModC
\ GetAVModF
\ ModAVModC
\ ModAVModF
\ SetAVModC
\ SetAVModF
\ GetAVBaseCalcC
\ GetAVBaseCalcF
\ GetAVMaxC
\ GetAVMaxF
\ GetAVCurrentC
\ GetAVCurrent
" }}}
" memoryDumperFunction {{{
syn keyword memoryDumperFunction
\ SetDumpAddr
\ SetDumpType
\ SetFadeAmount
\ SetObjectAddr
\ ShowMemoryDump
" }}}
" algoholFunction {{{
syn keyword algoholFunction
\ QFromAxisAngle
\ QFromEuler
\ QInterpolate
\ QMultQuat
\ QMultVector3
\ QNormalize
\ QToEuler
\ V3Crossproduct
\ V3Length
\ V3Normalize
" }}}
" soundCommandsFunction {{{
syn keyword soundCommandsFunction
\ FadeMusic
\ GetEffectsVolume
\ GetFootVolume
\ GetMasterVolume
\ GetMusicVolume
\ GetVoiceVolume
\ PlayMusicFile
\ SetEffectsVolume
\ SetFootVolume
\ SetMasterVolume
\ SetMusicVolume
\ SetVoiceVolume
" }}}
" emcFunction {{{
syn keyword emcFunction
\ emcAddPathToPlaylist
\ emcCreatePlaylist
\ emcGetAllPlaylists
\ emcGetAfterBattleDelay
\ emcGetBattleDelay
\ emcGetEffectsVolume
\ emcGetFadeTime
\ emcGetFootVolume
\ emcGetMasterVolume
\ emcGetMaxRestoreTime
\ emcGetMusicSpeed
\ emcGetMusicType
\ emcGetMusicVolume
\ emcGetPauseTime
\ emcGetPlaylist
\ emcGetPlaylistTracks
\ emcGetTrackName
\ emcGetTrackDuration
\ emcGetTrackPosition
\ emcGetVoiceVolume
\ emcIsBattleOverridden
\ emcIsMusicOnHold
\ emcIsMusicSwitching
\ emcIsPlaylistActive
\ emcMusicNextTrack
\ emcMusicPause
\ emcMusicRestart
\ emcMusicResume
\ emcMusicStop
\ emcPlaylistExists
\ emcPlayTrack
\ emcRestorePlaylist
\ emcSetAfterBattleDelay
\ emcSetBattleDelay
\ emcSetBattleOverride
\ emcSetEffectsVolume
\ emcSetFadeTime
\ emcSetFootVolume
\ emcSetMasterVolume
\ emcSetMaxRestoreTime
\ emcSetMusicHold
\ emcSetMusicSpeed
\ emcSetMusicVolume
\ emcSetPauseTime
\ emcSetPlaylist
\ emcSetTrackPosition
\ emcSetMusicType
\ emcSetVoiceVolume
" }}}
" vipcxjFunction {{{
syn keyword vipcxjFunction
\ vcAddMark
\ vcGetFilePath
\ vcGetHairColorRGB
\ vcGetValueNumeric
\ vcGetValueString
\ vcIsMarked
\ vcPrintIni
\ vcSetActorState
\ vcSetHairColor
\ vcSetHairColorRGB
\ vcSetHairColorRGB3P
" }}}
" cameraCommandsFunction {{{
syn keyword cameraCommandsFunction
\ CameraGetRef
\ CameraLookAt
\ CameraLookAtPosition
\ CameraMove
\ CameraMoveToPosition
\ CameraReset
\ CameraRotate
\ CameraRotateToPosition
\ CameraSetRef
\ CameraStopLook
" }}}
" obmeFunction {{{
syn keyword obmeFunction
\ ClearNthEIBaseCost
\ ClearNthEIEffectName
\ ClearNthEIHandlerParam
\ ClearNthEIHostility
\ ClearNthEIIconPath
\ ClearNthEIResistAV
\ ClearNthEISchool
\ ClearNthEIVFXCode
\ CreateMgef
\ GetMagicEffectHandlerC
\ GetMagicEffectHandlerParamC
\ GetMagicEffectHostilityC
\ GetNthEIBaseCost
\ GetNthEIEffectName
\ GetNthEIHandlerParam
\ GetNthEIHostility
\ GetNthEIIconPath
\ GetNthEIResistAV
\ GetNthEISchool
\ GetNthEIVFXCode
\ ResolveMgefCode
\ SetMagicEffectHandlerC
\ SetMagicEffectHandlerIntParamC
\ SetMagicEffectHandlerRefParamC
\ SetMagicEffectHostilityC
\ SetNthEIBaseCost
\ SetNthEIEffectName
\ SetNthEIHandlerIntParam
\ SetNthEIHandlerRefParam
\ SetNthEIHostility
\ SetNthEIIconPath
\ SetNthEIResistAV
\ SetNthEISchool
\ SetNthEIVFXCode
" }}}
" conscribeFunction {{{
syn keyword conscribeFunction
\ DeleteLinesFromLog
\ GetLogLineCount
\ GetRegisteredLogNames
\ ReadFromLog
\ RegisterLog
\ Scribe
\ UnregisterLog
" }}}
" systemDialogFunction {{{
syn keyword systemDialogFunction
\ Sysdlg_Browser
\ Sysdlg_ReadBrowser
\ Sysdlg_TextInput
" }}}
" csiFunction {{{
syn keyword csiFunction
\ ClearSpellIcon
\ HasAssignedIcon
\ OverwriteSpellIcon
\ SetSpellIcon
" }}}
" haelFunction {{{
syn keyword haelFunction
\ GetHUDActiveEffectLimit
\ SetHUDActiveEffectLimit
" }}}
" lcdFunction {{{
syn keyword lcdFunction
\ lcd_addinttobuffer
\ lcd_addtexttobuffer
\ lcd_clearrect
\ lcd_cleartextbuffer
\ lcd_close
\ lcd_drawcircle
\ lcd_drawgrid
\ lcd_drawint
\ lcd_drawline
\ lcd_drawprogressbarh
\ lcd_drawprogressbarv
\ lcd_drawprogresscircle
\ lcd_drawrect
\ lcd_drawtext
\ lcd_drawtextbuffer
\ lcd_drawtexture
\ lcd_flush
\ lcd_getbuttonstate
\ lcd_getheight
\ lcd_getwidth
\ lcd_ismulti
\ lcd_isopen
\ lcd_open
\ lcd_refresh
\ lcd_savebuttonsnapshot
\ lcd_scale
\ lcd_setfont
" }}}
" Deprecated: {{{
syn keyword obDeprecated
\ SetAltControl
\ GetAltControl
\ RefreshControlMap
" }}}
" }}}
if !exists("did_obl_inits")
let did_obl_inits = 1
hi def link obseStatement Statement
hi def link obseStatementTwo Statement
hi def link obseDescBlock String
hi def link obseComment Comment
hi def link obseString String
hi def link obseStringFormatting Keyword
hi def link obseFloat Float
hi def link obseInt Number
hi def link obseToDo Todo
hi def link obseTypes Type
hi def link obseCondition Conditional
hi def link obseOperator Operator
hi def link obseOtherKey Special
hi def link obseScriptName Special
hi def link obseBlock Conditional
hi def link obseBlockType Structure
hi def link obseScriptNameRegion Underlined
hi def link obseNames Identifier
hi def link obseVariable Identifier
hi def link obseReference Special
hi def link obseRepeat Repeat
hi def link csFunction Function
hi def link obseFunction Function
hi def link obseArrayFunction Function
hi def link pluggyFunction Function
hi def link obseStringFunction Function
hi def link obseArrayFunction Function
hi def link tsfcFunction Function
hi def link blockheadFunction Function
hi def link switchNightEyeShaderFunction Function
hi def link obseivionReloadedFunction Function
hi def link menuQueFunction Function
hi def link eaxFunction Function
hi def link networkPipeFunction Function
hi def link nifseFunction Function
hi def link reidFunction Function
hi def link runtimeDebuggerFunction Function
hi def link addActorValuesFunction Function
hi def link memoryDumperFunction Function
hi def link algoholFunction Function
hi def link soundCommandsFunction Function
hi def link emcFunction Function
hi def link vipcxjFunction Function
hi def link cameraCommands Function
hi def link obmeFunction Function
hi def link conscribeFunction Function
hi def link systemDialogFunction Function
hi def link csiFunction Function
hi def link haelFunction Function
hi def link lcdFunction Function
hi def link skillAttribute String
hi def link obDeprecated WarningMsg
let b:current_syntax = 'obse'
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save