2016-12-02 16:04:47 -07:00
" Tests for window cmd (:wincmd, :split, :vsplit, :resize and etc...)
feat(window/ui): add splitkeep option (#19243)
vim-patch:9.0.0445: when opening/closing window text moves up/down
Problem: When opening/closing window text moves up/down.
Solution: Add the 'splitscroll' option. When off text will keep its
position as much as possible.
vim-patch:9.0.0455: a few problems with 'splitscroll'
Problem: A few problems with 'splitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'splitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11117)
vim-patch:9.0.0461: 'scroll' is not always updated
Problem: 'scroll' is not always updated.
Solution: Call win_init_size() at the right place.
vim-patch:9.0.0465: cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Temporarily set 'splitscroll' when jumping back to the original
window. (closes vim/vim#11128)
vim-patch:9.0.0469: cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Skip win_fix_cursor if called when cmdwin is open or closing.
(Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11134)
vim-patch:9.0.0478: test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time
Problem: Test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time.
Solution: Only test some of the combinations. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11139)
vim-patch:9.0.0486: text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win and help
Problem: Text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win opened and help
window closed.
Solution: Skip win_fix_scroll() in more situations. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11150)
vim-patch:9.0.0505: various problems with 'nosplitscroll'
Problem: Various problems with 'nosplitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'nosplitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11166)
vim-patch:9.0.0555: scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin
Problem: Scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin.
Solution: Invalidate w_cline_row in the right place. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11185)
vim-patch:9.0.0603: with 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly
Problem: With 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly.
Solution: Take care of closed folds when moving the cursor. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0605: dump file missing
Problem: Dump file missing.
Solution: Add the missing dump file. (issue vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0647: the 'splitscroll' option is not a good name
Problem: The 'splitscroll' option is not a good name.
Solution: Rename 'splitscroll' to 'splitkeep' and make it a string option,
also supporting "topline". (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11258)
vim-patch:9.0.0667: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen"
Problem: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen". (Marius Gedminas)
Solution: Check the botline is not too large. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11293, closes vim/vim#11292)
2022-10-05 23:57:52 -07:00
source check.vim
source screendump.vim
2016-12-02 16:04:47 -07:00
func Test_window_cmd_ls0_with_split()
set ls=0
set splitbelow
call assert_equal(0, &lines - &cmdheight - winheight(0))
new | only!
set splitbelow&vim
botright split
call assert_equal(0, &lines - &cmdheight - winheight(0))
new | only!
set ls&vim
2023-04-26 18:07:30 -07:00
func Test_window_cmd_ls0_split_scrolling()
let lines =<< trim END
set laststatus=0
call setline(1, range(1, 100))
normal! G
call writefile(lines, 'XTestLs0SplitScrolling', 'D')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XTestLs0SplitScrolling', #{rows: 10})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":botright split\<CR>")
call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('Bot$', term_getline(buf, 5))})
call assert_equal('100', term_getline(buf, 4))
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
2016-12-02 16:04:47 -07:00
func Test_window_cmd_cmdwin_with_vsp()
2018-07-15 12:39:58 -07:00
let efmt = 'Expected 0 but got %d (in ls=%d, %s window)'
2016-12-02 16:04:47 -07:00
for v in range(0, 2)
exec "set ls=" . v
call feedkeys("q:\<CR>")
let ac = &lines - (&cmdheight + winheight(0) + !!v)
let emsg = printf(efmt, ac, v, 'left')
call assert_equal(0, ac, emsg)
wincmd w
let ac = &lines - (&cmdheight + winheight(0) + !!v)
let emsg = printf(efmt, ac, v, 'right')
call assert_equal(0, ac, emsg)
new | only!
set ls&vim
2022-07-15 20:34:19 -07:00
" Test for jumping to windows
func Test_window_jump()
" jumping to a window with a count greater than the max windows
exe "normal 4\<C-W>w"
call assert_equal(2, winnr())
func Test_window_cmd_wincmd_gf()
2016-12-02 17:28:54 -07:00
let fname = 'test_gf.txt'
let swp_fname = '.' . fname . '.swp'
call writefile([], fname)
call writefile([], swp_fname)
function s:swap_exists()
let v:swapchoice = s:swap_choice
2019-08-17 15:22:25 -07:00
" Remove the catch-all that runtest.vim adds
au! SwapExists
2016-12-02 17:28:54 -07:00
augroup test_window_cmd_wincmd_gf
exec "autocmd SwapExists " . fname . " call s:swap_exists()"
augroup END
call setline(1, fname)
" (E)dit anyway
let s:swap_choice = 'e'
wincmd gf
call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr())
call assert_equal(fname, bufname("%"))
" (Q)uit
let s:swap_choice = 'q'
wincmd gf
call assert_equal(1, tabpagenr())
call assert_notequal(fname, bufname("%"))
new | only!
call delete(fname)
call delete(swp_fname)
augroup! test_window_cmd_wincmd_gf
2017-03-21 15:36:27 -07:00
func Test_window_quit()
e Xa
split Xb
2021-11-01 09:26:19 -07:00
call assert_equal(2, '$'->winnr())
2017-03-21 15:36:27 -07:00
call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(1)))
call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(2)))
wincmd q
call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(1)))
bw Xa Xb
func Test_window_horizontal_split()
call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
3wincmd s
call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
call assert_equal(3, winheight(0))
2021-11-01 09:26:19 -07:00
call assert_equal(winwidth(1), 2->winwidth())
2017-03-21 15:36:27 -07:00
call assert_fails('botright topleft wincmd s', 'E442:')
func Test_window_vertical_split()
call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
3wincmd v
call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
call assert_equal(3, winwidth(0))
call assert_equal(winheight(1), winheight(2))
call assert_fails('botright topleft wincmd v', 'E442:')
2019-09-24 19:53:20 -07:00
" Test the ":wincmd ^" and "<C-W>^" commands.
2017-03-21 15:36:27 -07:00
func Test_window_split_edit_alternate()
2019-09-24 19:53:20 -07:00
" Test for failure when the alternate buffer/file no longer exists.
edit Xfoo | %bw
2023-04-18 19:06:34 -07:00
call assert_fails(':wincmd ^', 'E23:')
2019-09-24 19:53:20 -07:00
" Test for the expected behavior when we have two named buffers.
edit Xfoo | edit Xbar
2017-03-21 15:36:27 -07:00
wincmd ^
2019-09-24 19:53:20 -07:00
call assert_equal('Xfoo', bufname(winbufnr(1)))
call assert_equal('Xbar', bufname(winbufnr(2)))
2017-03-21 15:36:27 -07:00
2019-09-24 19:53:20 -07:00
" Test for the expected behavior when the alternate buffer is not named.
enew | let l:nr1 = bufnr('%')
edit Xfoo | let l:nr2 = bufnr('%')
wincmd ^
call assert_equal(l:nr1, winbufnr(1))
call assert_equal(l:nr2, winbufnr(2))
2019-09-24 20:28:30 -07:00
" FIXME: this currently fails on AppVeyor, but passes locally
if !has('win32')
" Test the Normal mode command.
call feedkeys("\<C-W>\<C-^>", 'tx')
call assert_equal(l:nr2, winbufnr(1))
call assert_equal(l:nr1, winbufnr(2))
2019-09-24 19:53:20 -07:00
" Test the ":[count]wincmd ^" and "[count]<C-W>^" commands.
func Test_window_split_edit_bufnr()
let l:nr = bufnr('%') + 1
2023-04-18 19:06:34 -07:00
call assert_fails(':execute "normal! ' . l:nr . '\<C-W>\<C-^>"', 'E92:')
call assert_fails(':' . l:nr . 'wincmd ^', 'E16:')
call assert_fails(':0wincmd ^', 'E16:')
2019-09-24 19:53:20 -07:00
edit Xfoo | edit Xbar | edit Xbaz
let l:foo_nr = bufnr('Xfoo')
let l:bar_nr = bufnr('Xbar')
let l:baz_nr = bufnr('Xbaz')
2019-09-24 20:30:23 -07:00
" FIXME: this currently fails on AppVeyor, but passes locally
if !has('win32')
call feedkeys(l:foo_nr . "\<C-W>\<C-^>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('Xfoo', bufname(winbufnr(1)))
call assert_equal('Xbaz', bufname(winbufnr(2)))
call feedkeys(l:bar_nr . "\<C-W>\<C-^>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('Xbar', bufname(winbufnr(1)))
call assert_equal('Xfoo', bufname(winbufnr(2)))
execute l:baz_nr . 'wincmd ^'
call assert_equal('Xbaz', bufname(winbufnr(1)))
call assert_equal('Xbar', bufname(winbufnr(2)))
2019-09-24 19:53:20 -07:00
2017-03-21 15:36:27 -07:00
2022-07-14 20:43:42 -07:00
func Test_window_split_no_room()
" N horizontal windows need >= 2*N + 1 lines:
" - 1 line + 1 status line in each window
" - 1 Ex command line
" 2*N + 1 <= &lines
" N <= (lines - 1)/2
" Beyond that number of windows, E36: Not enough room is expected.
let hor_win_count = (&lines - 1)/2
let hor_split_count = hor_win_count - 1
for s in range(1, hor_split_count) | split | endfor
call assert_fails('split', 'E36:')
" N vertical windows need >= 2*(N - 1) + 1 columns:
" - 1 column + 1 separator for each window (except last window)
" - 1 column for the last window which does not have separator
" 2*(N - 1) + 1 <= &columns
" 2*N - 1 <= &columns
" N <= (&columns + 1)/2
let ver_win_count = (&columns + 1)/2
let ver_split_count = ver_win_count - 1
for s in range(1, ver_split_count) | vsplit | endfor
call assert_fails('vsplit', 'E36:')
2017-03-21 15:36:27 -07:00
func Test_window_exchange()
e Xa
" Nothing happens with window exchange when there is 1 window
wincmd x
call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
split Xb
split Xc
call assert_equal('Xc', bufname(winbufnr(1)))
call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(2)))
call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(3)))
" Exchange current window 1 with window 3
3wincmd x
call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(1)))
call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(2)))
call assert_equal('Xc', bufname(winbufnr(3)))
" Exchange window with next when at the top window
wincmd x
call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(1)))
call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(2)))
call assert_equal('Xc', bufname(winbufnr(3)))
" Exchange window with next when at the middle window
wincmd j
wincmd x
call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(1)))
call assert_equal('Xc', bufname(winbufnr(2)))
call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(3)))
" Exchange window with next when at the bottom window.
" When there is no next window, it exchanges with the previous window.
wincmd j
wincmd x
call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(1)))
call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(2)))
call assert_equal('Xc', bufname(winbufnr(3)))
bw Xa Xb Xc
func Test_window_rotate()
e Xa
split Xb
split Xc
call assert_equal('Xc', bufname(winbufnr(1)))
call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(2)))
call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(3)))
" Rotate downwards
wincmd r
call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(1)))
call assert_equal('Xc', bufname(winbufnr(2)))
call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(3)))
2wincmd r
call assert_equal('Xc', bufname(winbufnr(1)))
call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(2)))
call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(3)))
" Rotate upwards
wincmd R
call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(1)))
call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(2)))
call assert_equal('Xc', bufname(winbufnr(3)))
2wincmd R
call assert_equal('Xc', bufname(winbufnr(1)))
call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(2)))
call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(3)))
bot vsplit
call assert_fails('wincmd R', 'E443:')
bw Xa Xb Xc
func Test_window_height()
e Xa
split Xb
let [wh1, wh2] = [winheight(1), winheight(2)]
" Active window (1) should have the same height or 1 more
" than the other window.
call assert_inrange(wh2, wh2 + 1, wh1)
wincmd -
call assert_equal(wh1 - 1, winheight(1))
call assert_equal(wh2 + 1, winheight(2))
wincmd +
call assert_equal(wh1, winheight(1))
2021-11-01 09:26:19 -07:00
call assert_equal(wh2, 2->winheight())
2017-03-21 15:36:27 -07:00
2wincmd _
call assert_equal(2, winheight(1))
call assert_equal(wh1 + wh2 - 2, winheight(2))
wincmd =
call assert_equal(wh1, winheight(1))
call assert_equal(wh2, winheight(2))
2wincmd _
set winfixheight
split Xc
let [wh1, wh2, wh3] = [winheight(1), winheight(2), winheight(3)]
call assert_equal(2, winheight(2))
call assert_inrange(wh3, wh3 + 1, wh1)
3wincmd +
call assert_equal(2, winheight(2))
call assert_equal(wh1 + 3, winheight(1))
call assert_equal(wh3 - 3, winheight(3))
wincmd =
call assert_equal(2, winheight(2))
call assert_equal(wh1, winheight(1))
call assert_equal(wh3, winheight(3))
wincmd j
set winfixheight&
wincmd =
let [wh1, wh2, wh3] = [winheight(1), winheight(2), winheight(3)]
" Current window (2) should have the same height or 1 more
" than the other windows.
call assert_inrange(wh1, wh1 + 1, wh2)
call assert_inrange(wh3, wh3 + 1, wh2)
bw Xa Xb Xc
2022-09-01 05:18:17 -07:00
func Test_wincmd_equal()
edit Xone
below split Xtwo
rightbelow vsplit Xthree
call assert_equal('Xone', bufname(winbufnr(1)))
call assert_equal('Xtwo', bufname(winbufnr(2)))
call assert_equal('Xthree', bufname(winbufnr(3)))
" Xone and Xtwo should be about the same height
let [wh1, wh2] = [winheight(1), winheight(2)]
call assert_inrange(wh1 - 1, wh1 + 1, wh2)
" Xtwo and Xthree should be about the same width
let [ww2, ww3] = [winwidth(2), winwidth(3)]
call assert_inrange(ww2 - 1, ww2 + 1, ww3)
1wincmd w
10wincmd _
2wincmd w
20wincmd |
call assert_equal(10, winheight(1))
call assert_equal(20, winwidth(2))
" equalizing horizontally doesn't change the heights
hor wincmd =
call assert_equal(10, winheight(1))
let [ww2, ww3] = [winwidth(2), winwidth(3)]
call assert_inrange(ww2 - 1, ww2 + 1, ww3)
2wincmd w
20wincmd |
call assert_equal(20, winwidth(2))
" equalizing vertically doesn't change the widths
vert wincmd =
call assert_equal(20, winwidth(2))
let [wh1, wh2] = [winheight(1), winheight(2)]
call assert_inrange(wh1 - 1, wh1 + 1, wh2)
bwipe Xone Xtwo Xthree
2017-03-21 15:36:27 -07:00
func Test_window_width()
e Xa
vsplit Xb
let [ww1, ww2] = [winwidth(1), winwidth(2)]
" Active window (1) should have the same width or 1 more
" than the other window.
call assert_inrange(ww2, ww2 + 1, ww1)
wincmd <
call assert_equal(ww1 - 1, winwidth(1))
call assert_equal(ww2 + 1, winwidth(2))
wincmd >
call assert_equal(ww1, winwidth(1))
call assert_equal(ww2, winwidth(2))
2wincmd |
call assert_equal(2, winwidth(1))
call assert_equal(ww1 + ww2 - 2, winwidth(2))
wincmd =
call assert_equal(ww1, winwidth(1))
call assert_equal(ww2, winwidth(2))
2wincmd |
set winfixwidth
vsplit Xc
let [ww1, ww2, ww3] = [winwidth(1), winwidth(2), winwidth(3)]
2018-02-11 16:00:24 -07:00
call assert_equal(2, winwidth(2))
2017-03-21 15:36:27 -07:00
call assert_inrange(ww3, ww3 + 1, ww1)
3wincmd >
2018-02-11 16:00:24 -07:00
call assert_equal(2, winwidth(2))
2017-03-21 15:36:27 -07:00
call assert_equal(ww1 + 3, winwidth(1))
call assert_equal(ww3 - 3, winwidth(3))
wincmd =
2018-02-11 16:00:24 -07:00
call assert_equal(2, winwidth(2))
2017-03-21 15:36:27 -07:00
call assert_equal(ww1, winwidth(1))
call assert_equal(ww3, winwidth(3))
wincmd l
set winfixwidth&
wincmd =
let [ww1, ww2, ww3] = [winwidth(1), winwidth(2), winwidth(3)]
" Current window (2) should have the same width or 1 more
" than the other windows.
call assert_inrange(ww1, ww1 + 1, ww2)
call assert_inrange(ww3, ww3 + 1, ww2)
2022-09-21 19:48:46 -07:00
" when the current window width is less than the new 'winwidth', the current
" window width should be increased.
enew | only
set winwidth=15
call assert_equal(15, winwidth(0))
2017-03-21 15:36:27 -07:00
2017-06-24 21:43:26 -07:00
func Test_equalalways_on_close()
set equalalways
windo split
wincmd J
" now we have a frame top-left with two windows, a frame top-right with two
" windows and a frame at the bottom, full-width.
let height_1 = winheight(1)
let height_2 = winheight(2)
let height_3 = winheight(3)
let height_4 = winheight(4)
" closing the bottom window causes all windows to be resized.
call assert_notequal(height_1, winheight(1))
call assert_notequal(height_2, winheight(2))
call assert_notequal(height_3, winheight(3))
call assert_notequal(height_4, winheight(4))
call assert_equal(winheight(1), winheight(3))
call assert_equal(winheight(2), winheight(4))
1wincmd w
4wincmd w
resize + 5
" left column has three windows, equalized heights.
" right column has two windows, top one a bit higher
let height_1 = winheight(1)
let height_2 = winheight(2)
let height_4 = winheight(4)
let height_5 = winheight(5)
3wincmd w
" closing window in left column equalizes heights in left column but not in
" the right column
call assert_notequal(height_1, winheight(1))
call assert_notequal(height_2, winheight(2))
call assert_equal(height_4, winheight(3))
call assert_equal(height_5, winheight(4))
set equalalways&
2018-08-15 08:53:38 -07:00
func Test_win_screenpos()
call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
10wincmd _
30wincmd |
call assert_equal([1, 1], win_screenpos(1))
call assert_equal([1, 32], win_screenpos(2))
call assert_equal([12, 1], win_screenpos(3))
call assert_equal([0, 0], win_screenpos(4))
2022-11-04 16:34:06 -07:00
call assert_fails('let l = win_screenpos([])', 'E745:')
2018-08-15 08:53:38 -07:00
2017-03-21 15:36:27 -07:00
func Test_window_jump_tag()
2022-11-04 16:34:06 -07:00
CheckFeature quickfix
2017-03-21 15:36:27 -07:00
call assert_match('^|iccf|', getline('.'))
call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
2wincmd }
call assert_equal(3, winnr('$'))
call assert_match('^|iccf|', getline('.'))
wincmd k
call assert_match('\*iccf\*', getline('.'))
call assert_equal(2, winheight(0))
wincmd z
set previewheight=4
wincmd }
wincmd k
call assert_match('\*bugs\*', getline('.'))
call assert_equal(4, winheight(0))
set previewheight&
func Test_window_newtab()
e Xa
call assert_equal(1, tabpagenr('$'))
call assert_equal("\nAlready only one window", execute('wincmd T'))
split Xb
split Xc
wincmd T
call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr('$'))
call assert_equal(['Xb', 'Xa'], map(tabpagebuflist(1), 'bufname(v:val)'))
2021-10-31 17:28:00 -07:00
call assert_equal(['Xc' ], map(2->tabpagebuflist(), 'bufname(v:val)'))
2022-11-04 03:17:26 -07:00
call assert_equal(['Xc' ], map(tabpagebuflist(), 'bufname(v:val)'))
2017-03-21 15:36:27 -07:00
2019-10-03 00:32:14 -07:00
func Test_next_split_all()
" This was causing an illegal memory access.
n x
norm axxx
2017-03-21 15:36:27 -07:00
2018-07-13 23:04:42 -07:00
" Tests for adjusting window and contents
func GetScreenStr(row)
let str = ""
for c in range(1,3)
let str .= nr2char(screenchar(a:row, c))
return str
func Test_window_contents()
enew! | only | new
call setline(1, range(1,256))
exe "norm! \<C-W>t\<C-W>=1Gzt\<C-W>w\<C-W>+"
2018-07-15 12:39:58 -07:00
let s3 = GetScreenStr(1)
2018-07-13 23:04:42 -07:00
wincmd p
call assert_equal(1, line("w0"))
call assert_equal('1 ', s3)
exe "norm! \<C-W>t\<C-W>=50Gzt\<C-W>w\<C-W>+"
2018-07-15 12:39:58 -07:00
let s3 = GetScreenStr(1)
2018-07-13 23:04:42 -07:00
wincmd p
call assert_equal(50, line("w0"))
call assert_equal('50 ', s3)
exe "norm! \<C-W>t\<C-W>=59Gzt\<C-W>w\<C-W>+"
2018-07-15 12:39:58 -07:00
let s3 = GetScreenStr(1)
2018-07-13 23:04:42 -07:00
wincmd p
call assert_equal(59, line("w0"))
call assert_equal('59 ', s3)
2022-10-25 22:41:43 -07:00
call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three'])
call assert_equal(1, line('w0'))
call assert_equal(3, line('w$'))
2018-07-13 23:04:42 -07:00
call test_garbagecollect_now()
2019-10-03 00:32:14 -07:00
func Test_window_colon_command()
" This was reading invalid memory.
exe "norm! v\<C-W>:\<C-U>echo v:version"
2018-07-15 05:36:46 -07:00
func Test_access_freed_mem()
2022-04-19 19:26:33 -07:00
call assert_equal(&columns, winwidth(0))
2021-01-28 21:06:30 -07:00
" This was accessing freed memory (but with what events?)
au BufEnter,BufLeave,WinEnter,WinLeave 0 vs xxx
2018-07-15 05:36:46 -07:00
arg 0
2022-04-19 19:26:33 -07:00
call assert_fails("all", "E242:")
2018-07-15 05:36:46 -07:00
bwipe xxx
2022-04-19 19:26:33 -07:00
call assert_equal(&columns, winwidth(0))
2018-07-15 05:36:46 -07:00
2018-07-15 06:45:38 -07:00
func Test_visual_cleared_after_window_split()
new | only!
let smd_save = &showmode
set showmode
let ls_save = &laststatus
set laststatus=1
call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', ''])
norm! G
exe "norm! kkvk"
exe "norm! \<C-W>v"
" check if '-- VISUAL --' disappeared from command line
let columns = range(1, &columns)
let cmdlinechars = map(columns, 'nr2char(screenchar(&lines, v:val))')
let cmdline = join(cmdlinechars, '')
let cmdline_ltrim = substitute(cmdline, '^\s*', "", "")
let mode_shown = substitute(cmdline_ltrim, '\s*$', "", "")
call assert_equal('', mode_shown)
let &showmode = smd_save
let &laststatus = ls_save
2018-07-15 12:39:58 -07:00
func Test_winrestcmd()
2021-03-20 20:18:40 -07:00
let restcmd = winrestcmd()
2018-07-15 12:39:58 -07:00
call assert_equal(2, winheight(0))
call assert_equal(3, winwidth(0))
wincmd =
call assert_notequal(2, winheight(0))
call assert_notequal(3, winwidth(0))
2021-03-20 20:18:40 -07:00
exe restcmd
2018-07-15 12:39:58 -07:00
call assert_equal(2, winheight(0))
call assert_equal(3, winwidth(0))
2021-03-20 20:18:40 -07:00
wincmd v
wincmd s
wincmd v
let restcmd = winrestcmd()
wincmd _
wincmd |
exe restcmd
call assert_equal(restcmd, winrestcmd())
2018-07-15 12:39:58 -07:00
2022-02-06 14:34:20 -07:00
func Fun_RenewFile()
2019-08-17 15:05:18 -07:00
" Need to wait a bit for the timestamp to be older.
2021-10-31 17:28:00 -07:00
let old_ftime = getftime("tmp.txt")
while getftime("tmp.txt") == old_ftime
sleep 100m
silent execute '!echo "1" > tmp.txt'
2019-07-13 18:49:13 -07:00
wincmd p
edit! tmp.txt
2022-02-06 14:34:20 -07:00
2019-07-13 18:49:13 -07:00
func Test_window_prevwin()
" Can we make this work on MS-Windows?
if !has('unix')
set hidden autoread
call writefile(['2'], 'tmp.txt')
new tmp.txt
call Fun_RenewFile()
call assert_equal(2, winnr())
wincmd p
call assert_equal(1, winnr())
wincmd p
call Fun_RenewFile()
call assert_equal(2, winnr())
wincmd p
call assert_equal(1, winnr())
wincmd p
" reset
call delete('tmp.txt')
2022-07-09 15:59:58 -07:00
set hidden&vim autoread&vim
2019-07-13 18:49:13 -07:00
delfunc Fun_RenewFile
2019-03-09 15:12:33 -07:00
func Test_relative_cursor_position_in_one_line_window()
call setline(1, range(1, 10000))
normal 50%
let lnum = getcurpos()[1]
" make third window take as many lines as possible, other windows will
" become one line
3wincmd w
for i in range(1, &lines - 6)
wincmd +
" first and second window should show cursor line
let wininfo = getwininfo()
call assert_equal(lnum, wininfo[0].topline)
call assert_equal(lnum, wininfo[1].topline)
2023-04-25 06:32:12 -07:00
call assert_fails('call winrestview(v:_null_dict)', 'E1297:')
2019-03-09 15:12:33 -07:00
func Test_relative_cursor_position_after_move_and_resize()
let so_save = &so
set so=0
call setline(1, range(1, 10000))
normal 50%
1wincmd w
" Move cursor to first line in window
normal H
" Reduce window height to two lines
let height = winheight(0)
while winheight(0) > 2
wincmd -
" move cursor to second/last line in window
normal j
" restore previous height
while winheight(0) < height
wincmd +
" make window two lines again
while winheight(0) > 2
wincmd -
" cursor should be at bottom line
let info = getwininfo(win_getid())[0]
call assert_equal(info.topline + 1, getcurpos()[1])
let &so = so_save
func Test_relative_cursor_position_after_resize()
let so_save = &so
set so=0
call setline(1, range(1, 10000))
normal 50%
1wincmd w
let winid1 = win_getid()
let info = getwininfo(winid1)[0]
" Move cursor to second line in window
exe "normal " . (info.topline + 1) . "G"
let lnum = getcurpos()[1]
" Make the window only two lines high, cursor should end up in top line
2wincmd w
exe (info.height - 2) . "wincmd +"
let info = getwininfo(winid1)[0]
call assert_equal(lnum, info.topline)
let &so = so_save
func Test_relative_cursor_second_line_after_resize()
let so_save = &so
set so=0
call setline(1, range(1, 10000))
normal 50%
1wincmd w
let winid1 = win_getid()
let info = getwininfo(winid1)[0]
" Make the window only two lines high
2wincmd _
" Move cursor to second line in window
normal H
normal j
" Make window size bigger, then back to 2 lines
for i in range(1, 10)
wincmd +
for i in range(1, 10)
wincmd -
" cursor should end up in bottom line
let info = getwininfo(winid1)[0]
call assert_equal(info.topline + 1, getcurpos()[1])
let &so = so_save
2019-05-12 06:08:31 -07:00
func Test_split_noscroll()
let so_save = &so
2019-05-18 15:54:25 -07:00
call setline(1, range(1, 8))
2019-05-12 06:08:31 -07:00
normal 100%
1wincmd w
let winid1 = win_getid()
let info1 = getwininfo(winid1)[0]
2wincmd w
let winid2 = win_getid()
let info2 = getwininfo(winid2)[0]
call assert_equal(1, info1.topline)
call assert_equal(1, info2.topline)
2019-05-18 15:54:25 -07:00
" window that fits all lines by itself, but not when split: closing other
" window should restore fraction.
2019-05-12 06:08:31 -07:00
2019-05-18 15:54:25 -07:00
call setline(1, range(1, &lines - 10))
exe &lines / 4
let winid1 = win_getid()
let info1 = getwininfo(winid1)[0]
call assert_equal(1, info1.topline)
let info1 = getwininfo(winid1)[0]
call assert_equal(1, info1.topline)
2019-05-12 06:08:31 -07:00
let &so = so_save
2019-04-10 01:16:32 -07:00
" Tests for the winnr() function
func Test_winnr()
only | tabonly
call assert_equal(1, winnr('j'))
call assert_equal(1, winnr('k'))
call assert_equal(1, winnr('h'))
call assert_equal(1, winnr('l'))
" create a set of horizontally and vertically split windows
leftabove new | wincmd p
leftabove new | wincmd p
rightbelow new | wincmd p
rightbelow new | wincmd p
leftabove vnew | wincmd p
leftabove vnew | wincmd p
rightbelow vnew | wincmd p
rightbelow vnew | wincmd p
call assert_equal(8, winnr('j'))
call assert_equal(2, winnr('k'))
call assert_equal(4, winnr('h'))
call assert_equal(6, winnr('l'))
call assert_equal(9, winnr('2j'))
call assert_equal(1, winnr('2k'))
call assert_equal(3, winnr('2h'))
call assert_equal(7, winnr('2l'))
" Error cases
call assert_fails("echo winnr('0.2k')", 'E15:')
call assert_equal(2, winnr('-2k'))
call assert_fails("echo winnr('-2xj')", 'E15:')
call assert_fails("echo winnr('j2j')", 'E15:')
call assert_fails("echo winnr('ll')", 'E15:')
call assert_fails("echo winnr('5')", 'E15:')
call assert_equal(4, winnr('0h'))
2022-11-04 16:34:06 -07:00
call assert_fails("let w = winnr([])", 'E730:')
call assert_equal('unknown', win_gettype(-1))
call assert_equal(-1, winheight(-1))
call assert_equal(-1, winwidth(-1))
2019-04-10 01:16:32 -07:00
call assert_equal(8, tabpagewinnr(1, 'j'))
2021-10-31 17:28:00 -07:00
call assert_equal(2, 1->tabpagewinnr('k'))
2019-04-10 01:16:32 -07:00
call assert_equal(4, tabpagewinnr(1, 'h'))
call assert_equal(6, tabpagewinnr(1, 'l'))
only | tabonly
2021-11-01 09:26:19 -07:00
func Test_winrestview()
split runtest.vim
normal 50%
let view = winsaveview()
split runtest.vim
eval view->winrestview()
call assert_equal(view, winsaveview())
2023-04-25 06:32:12 -07:00
call assert_fails('call winrestview(v:_null_dict)', 'E1297:')
2021-11-01 09:26:19 -07:00
2021-03-18 18:51:20 -07:00
func Test_win_splitmove()
2022-11-04 16:34:06 -07:00
CheckFeature quickfix
2021-03-18 18:51:20 -07:00
edit a
leftabove split b
leftabove vsplit c
leftabove split d
call assert_equal(0, win_splitmove(winnr(), winnr('l')))
call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(1)), 'c')
call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(2)), 'd')
call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(3)), 'b')
call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(4)), 'a')
call assert_equal(0, win_splitmove(winnr(), winnr('j'), {'vertical': 1}))
call assert_equal(0, win_splitmove(winnr(), winnr('j'), {'vertical': 1}))
call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(1)), 'c')
call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(2)), 'b')
call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(3)), 'd')
call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(4)), 'a')
call assert_equal(0, win_splitmove(winnr(), winnr('k'), {'vertical': 1}))
call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(1)), 'd')
call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(2)), 'c')
call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(3)), 'b')
call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(4)), 'a')
call assert_equal(0, win_splitmove(winnr(), winnr('j'), {'rightbelow': v:true}))
call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(1)), 'c')
call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(2)), 'b')
call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(3)), 'a')
call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(4)), 'd')
2023-04-25 06:32:12 -07:00
call assert_fails('call win_splitmove(winnr(), winnr("k"), v:_null_dict)', 'E1297:')
2021-03-18 18:51:20 -07:00
only | bd
call assert_fails('call win_splitmove(winnr(), 123)', 'E957:')
call assert_fails('call win_splitmove(123, winnr())', 'E957:')
call assert_fails('call win_splitmove(winnr(), winnr())', 'E957:')
2021-03-18 19:57:27 -07:00
call assert_fails('call win_splitmove(1, win_getid(1, 1))', 'E957:')
2021-03-18 18:51:20 -07:00
2021-03-18 19:40:18 -07:00
func Test_floatwin_splitmove()
let win2 = win_getid()
let popup_winid = nvim_open_win(0, 0, {'relative': 'win',
\ 'row': 3, 'col': 3, 'width': 12, 'height': 3})
call assert_fails('call win_splitmove(popup_winid, win2)', 'E957:')
call assert_fails('call win_splitmove(win2, popup_winid)', 'E957:')
call nvim_win_close(popup_winid, 1)
2022-07-08 02:43:05 -07:00
" Test for the :only command
func Test_window_only()
set modified
call assert_fails('only', 'E445:')
2022-07-11 17:28:56 -07:00
" Test for :only with a count
let wid = win_getid()
call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
call assert_equal(wid, win_getid())
call assert_fails('close', 'E444:')
call assert_fails('%close', 'E16:')
2022-07-08 02:43:05 -07:00
" Test for errors with :wincmd
func Test_wincmd_errors()
call assert_fails('wincmd g', 'E474:')
call assert_fails('wincmd ab', 'E474:')
" Test for errors with :winpos
func Test_winpos_errors()
throw 'Skipped: Nvim does not have :winpos'
if !has("gui_running") && !has('win32')
call assert_fails('winpos', 'E188:')
call assert_fails('winpos 10', 'E466:')
2022-07-11 22:28:17 -07:00
" Test for +cmd in a :split command
func Test_split_cmd()
split +set\ readonly
call assert_equal(1, &readonly)
call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
2022-07-14 19:48:25 -07:00
" Create maximum number of horizontally or vertically split windows and then
" run commands that create a new horizontally/vertically split window
func Run_noroom_for_newwindow_test(dir_arg)
let dir = (a:dir_arg == 'v') ? 'vert ' : ''
" Open as many windows as possible
for i in range(500)
exe dir . 'new'
catch /E36:/
call writefile(['first', 'second', 'third'], 'Xfile1')
call writefile([], 'Xfile2')
call writefile([], 'Xfile3')
" Argument list related commands
args Xfile1 Xfile2 Xfile3
for cmd in ['sargument 2', 'snext', 'sprevious', 'sNext', 'srewind',
\ 'sfirst', 'slast']
call assert_fails(dir .. cmd, 'E36:')
" Buffer related commands
set modified
hide enew
for cmd in ['sbuffer Xfile1', 'sbnext', 'sbprevious', 'sbNext', 'sbrewind',
\ 'sbfirst', 'sblast', 'sball', 'sbmodified', 'sunhide']
call assert_fails(dir .. cmd, 'E36:')
" Window related commands
for cmd in ['split', 'split Xfile2', 'new', 'new Xfile3', 'sview Xfile1',
\ 'sfind runtest.vim']
call assert_fails(dir .. cmd, 'E36:')
" Help
call assert_fails(dir .. 'help', 'E36:')
call assert_fails(dir .. 'helpgrep window', 'E36:')
" Command-line window
if a:dir_arg == 'h'
" Cmd-line window is always a horizontally split window
call assert_beeps('call feedkeys("q:\<CR>", "xt")')
" Quickfix and location list window
if has('quickfix')
cexpr ''
call assert_fails(dir .. 'copen', 'E36:')
lexpr ''
call assert_fails(dir .. 'lopen', 'E36:')
" Preview window
call assert_fails(dir .. 'pedit Xfile2', 'E36:')
call setline(1, 'abc')
call assert_fails(dir .. 'psearch abc', 'E36:')
" Window commands (CTRL-W ^ and CTRL-W f)
if a:dir_arg == 'h'
call assert_fails('call feedkeys("\<C-W>^", "xt")', 'E36:')
call setline(1, 'Xfile1')
call assert_fails('call feedkeys("gg\<C-W>f", "xt")', 'E36:')
" Tag commands (:stag, :stselect and :stjump)
call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
\ "second\tXfile1\t2",
\ "third\tXfile1\t3",],
\ 'Xtags')
set tags=Xtags
call assert_fails(dir .. 'stag second', 'E36:')
call assert_fails('call feedkeys(":" .. dir .. "stselect second\n1\n", "xt")', 'E36:')
call assert_fails(dir .. 'stjump second', 'E36:')
call assert_fails(dir .. 'ptag second', 'E36:')
set tags&
call delete('Xtags')
" :isplit and :dsplit
call setline(1, ['#define FOO 1', 'FOO'])
normal 2G
call assert_fails(dir .. 'isplit FOO', 'E36:')
call assert_fails(dir .. 'dsplit FOO', 'E36:')
" terminal
if has('terminal')
call assert_fails(dir .. 'terminal', 'E36:')
call delete('Xfile1')
call delete('Xfile2')
call delete('Xfile3')
func Test_split_cmds_with_no_room()
call Run_noroom_for_newwindow_test('h')
call Run_noroom_for_newwindow_test('v')
2022-11-04 21:26:17 -07:00
" Test for various wincmd failures
func Test_wincmd_fails()
call assert_beeps("normal \<C-W>w")
call assert_beeps("normal \<C-W>p")
call assert_beeps("normal \<C-W>gk")
call assert_beeps("normal \<C-W>r")
call assert_beeps("normal \<C-W>K")
call assert_beeps("normal \<C-W>H")
call assert_beeps("normal \<C-W>2gt")
2020-09-05 12:31:45 -07:00
func Test_window_resize()
" Vertical :resize (absolute, relative, min and max size).
vert resize 8
call assert_equal(8, winwidth(0))
vert resize +2
call assert_equal(10, winwidth(0))
vert resize -2
call assert_equal(8, winwidth(0))
vert resize
call assert_equal(&columns - 2, winwidth(0))
vert resize 0
call assert_equal(1, winwidth(0))
vert resize 99999
call assert_equal(&columns - 2, winwidth(0))
" Horizontal :resize (with absolute, relative size, min and max size).
resize 8
call assert_equal(8, winheight(0))
resize +2
call assert_equal(10, winheight(0))
resize -2
call assert_equal(8, winheight(0))
call assert_equal(&lines - 4, winheight(0))
resize 0
call assert_equal(1, winheight(0))
resize 99999
call assert_equal(&lines - 4, winheight(0))
" :resize with explicit window number.
let other_winnr = winnr('j')
exe other_winnr .. 'resize 10'
call assert_equal(10, winheight(other_winnr))
call assert_equal(&lines - 10 - 3, winheight(0))
2020-10-17 09:14:14 -07:00
exe other_winnr .. 'resize +1'
exe other_winnr .. 'resize +1'
call assert_equal(12, winheight(other_winnr))
call assert_equal(&lines - 10 - 3 -2, winheight(0))
2020-12-29 19:15:36 -07:00
wincmd l
let other_winnr = winnr('h')
call assert_notequal(winnr(), other_winnr)
2021-01-01 14:20:04 -07:00
exe 'vert ' .. other_winnr .. 'resize -' .. &columns
2020-12-29 19:15:36 -07:00
call assert_equal(0, winwidth(other_winnr))
2020-09-05 12:31:45 -07:00
2022-07-15 20:34:19 -07:00
" Test for adjusting the window width when a window is closed with some
" windows using 'winfixwidth'
func Test_window_width_adjust()
" Three vertical windows. Windows 1 and 2 have 'winfixwidth' set and close
" window 2.
wincmd v
vert resize 10
set winfixwidth
wincmd v
set winfixwidth
wincmd c
call assert_inrange(10, 12, winwidth(1))
" Three vertical windows. Windows 2 and 3 have 'winfixwidth' set and close
" window 3.
set winfixwidth
wincmd v
vert resize 10
set winfixwidth
wincmd v
set nowinfixwidth
wincmd b
wincmd c
call assert_inrange(10, 12, winwidth(2))
new | only
" Test for jumping to a vertical/horizontal neighbor window based on the
" current cursor position
2022-10-23 01:17:45 -07:00
func Test_window_goto_neighbor()
2022-07-15 20:34:19 -07:00
" Vertical window movement
" create the following window layout:
" +--+--+
" |w1|w3|
" +--+ |
" |w2| |
" +--+--+
" |w4 |
" +-----+
" vertically jump from w4
wincmd b
call setline(1, repeat(' ', &columns))
call cursor(1, 1)
wincmd k
call assert_equal(2, winnr())
wincmd b
call cursor(1, &columns)
wincmd k
call assert_equal(3, winnr())
" create the following window layout:
" +--+--+--+
" |w1|w2|w3|
" +--+--+--+
" |w4 |
" +--------+
wincmd b
call setline(1, repeat(' ', &columns))
call cursor(1, 1)
wincmd k
call assert_equal(1, winnr())
wincmd b
call cursor(1, &columns / 2)
wincmd k
call assert_equal(2, winnr())
wincmd b
call cursor(1, &columns)
wincmd k
call assert_equal(3, winnr())
" Horizontal window movement
" create the following window layout:
" +--+--+--+
" |w1|w2|w4|
" +--+--+ |
" |w3 | |
" +-----+--+
4wincmd l
call setline(1, repeat([' '], &lines))
call cursor(1, 1)
wincmd h
call assert_equal(2, winnr())
4wincmd l
call cursor(&lines, 1)
wincmd h
call assert_equal(3, winnr())
" create the following window layout:
" +--+--+
" |w1|w4|
" +--+ +
" |w2| |
" +--+ +
" |w3| |
" +--+--+
wincmd l
call setline(1, repeat([' '], &lines))
call cursor(1, 1)
wincmd h
call assert_equal(1, winnr())
wincmd l
call cursor(&lines / 2, 1)
wincmd h
call assert_equal(2, winnr())
wincmd l
call cursor(&lines, 1)
wincmd h
call assert_equal(3, winnr())
" Test for an autocmd closing the destination window when jumping from one
" window to another.
func Test_close_dest_window()
edit Xfile
" Test for BufLeave
augroup T1
au BufLeave Xfile $wincmd c
augroup END
wincmd b
call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
call assert_equal('Xfile', @%)
augroup T1
augroup END
" Test for WinLeave
wincmd p
augroup T1
au WinLeave * 1wincmd c
augroup END
wincmd t
call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
call assert_equal('Xfile', @%)
augroup T1
augroup END
augroup! T1
2022-01-29 05:37:07 -07:00
func Test_win_move_separator()
edit a
leftabove vsplit b
let w = winwidth(0)
" check win_move_separator from left window on left window
call assert_equal(1, winnr())
for offset in range(5)
call assert_true(win_move_separator(0, offset))
call assert_equal(w + offset, winwidth(0))
call assert_true(0->win_move_separator(-offset))
call assert_equal(w, winwidth(0))
" check win_move_separator from right window on left window number
wincmd l
call assert_notequal(1, winnr())
for offset in range(5)
call assert_true(1->win_move_separator(offset))
call assert_equal(w + offset, winwidth(1))
call assert_true(win_move_separator(1, -offset))
call assert_equal(w, winwidth(1))
" check win_move_separator from right window on left window ID
let id = win_getid(1)
for offset in range(5)
call assert_true(win_move_separator(id, offset))
call assert_equal(w + offset, winwidth(id))
call assert_true(id->win_move_separator(-offset))
call assert_equal(w, winwidth(id))
2022-01-29 05:37:28 -07:00
" check win_move_separator from right window on right window is no-op
let w0 = winwidth(0)
call assert_true(win_move_separator(0, 1))
call assert_equal(w0, winwidth(0))
call assert_true(win_move_separator(0, -1))
call assert_equal(w0, winwidth(0))
2022-11-01 05:22:48 -07:00
2022-01-29 05:37:07 -07:00
" check that win_move_separator doesn't error with offsets beyond moving
" possibility
call assert_true(win_move_separator(id, 5000))
call assert_true(winwidth(id) > w)
call assert_true(win_move_separator(id, -5000))
call assert_true(winwidth(id) < w)
2022-11-01 05:22:48 -07:00
2022-01-29 05:37:07 -07:00
" check that win_move_separator returns false for an invalid window
wincmd =
let w = winwidth(0)
call assert_false(win_move_separator(-1, 1))
call assert_equal(w, winwidth(0))
2022-11-01 05:22:48 -07:00
2022-01-29 05:37:07 -07:00
" check that win_move_separator returns false for a floating window
let id = nvim_open_win(
\ 0, 0, #{relative: 'editor', row: 2, col: 2, width: 5, height: 3})
let w = winwidth(id)
call assert_false(win_move_separator(id, 1))
call assert_equal(w, winwidth(id))
call nvim_win_close(id, 1)
2022-11-01 05:22:48 -07:00
" check that using another tabpage fails without crash
let id = win_getid()
call assert_fails('call win_move_separator(id, -1)', 'E1308:')
2022-01-29 05:37:07 -07:00
func Test_win_move_statusline()
edit a
leftabove split b
let h = winheight(0)
" check win_move_statusline from top window on top window
call assert_equal(1, winnr())
for offset in range(5)
call assert_true(win_move_statusline(0, offset))
call assert_equal(h + offset, winheight(0))
call assert_true(0->win_move_statusline(-offset))
call assert_equal(h, winheight(0))
" check win_move_statusline from bottom window on top window number
wincmd j
call assert_notequal(1, winnr())
for offset in range(5)
call assert_true(1->win_move_statusline(offset))
call assert_equal(h + offset, winheight(1))
call assert_true(win_move_statusline(1, -offset))
call assert_equal(h, winheight(1))
2022-01-29 05:37:28 -07:00
" check win_move_statusline from bottom window on bottom window
let h0 = winheight(0)
for offset in range(5)
call assert_true(0->win_move_statusline(-offset))
call assert_equal(h0 - offset, winheight(0))
call assert_equal(1 + offset, &cmdheight)
call assert_true(win_move_statusline(0, offset))
call assert_equal(h0, winheight(0))
call assert_equal(1, &cmdheight)
2022-07-31 01:06:32 -07:00
" supports cmdheight=0
2022-06-13 02:40:51 -07:00
set cmdheight=0
2022-01-29 05:37:28 -07:00
call assert_true(win_move_statusline(0, 1))
2022-06-13 02:40:51 -07:00
call assert_equal(h0 + 1, winheight(0))
call assert_equal(0, &cmdheight)
set cmdheight&
2022-01-29 05:37:07 -07:00
" check win_move_statusline from bottom window on top window ID
let id = win_getid(1)
for offset in range(5)
call assert_true(win_move_statusline(id, offset))
call assert_equal(h + offset, winheight(id))
call assert_true(id->win_move_statusline(-offset))
call assert_equal(h, winheight(id))
2022-10-31 16:29:55 -07:00
2022-01-29 05:37:07 -07:00
" check that win_move_statusline doesn't error with offsets beyond moving
" possibility
call assert_true(win_move_statusline(id, 5000))
call assert_true(winheight(id) > h)
call assert_true(win_move_statusline(id, -5000))
call assert_true(winheight(id) < h)
2022-10-31 16:29:55 -07:00
2022-01-29 05:37:07 -07:00
" check that win_move_statusline returns false for an invalid window
wincmd =
let h = winheight(0)
call assert_false(win_move_statusline(-1, 1))
call assert_equal(h, winheight(0))
2022-10-31 16:29:55 -07:00
2022-01-29 05:37:07 -07:00
" check that win_move_statusline returns false for a floating window
let id = nvim_open_win(
\ 0, 0, #{relative: 'editor', row: 2, col: 2, width: 5, height: 3})
let h = winheight(id)
call assert_false(win_move_statusline(id, 1))
call assert_equal(h, winheight(id))
call nvim_win_close(id, 1)
2022-10-31 16:29:55 -07:00
" check that using another tabpage fails without crash
let id = win_getid()
call assert_fails('call win_move_statusline(id, -1)', 'E1308:')
2022-01-29 05:37:07 -07:00
2023-02-28 06:01:36 -07:00
" Test for window allocation failure
func Test_window_alloc_failure()
CheckFunction test_alloc_fail
" test for creating a new window above current window
call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('newwin_wvars'), 0, 0)
call assert_fails('above new', 'E342:')
call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
" test for creating a new window below current window
call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('newwin_wvars'), 0, 0)
call assert_fails('below new', 'E342:')
call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
" test for popup window creation failure
call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('newwin_wvars'), 0, 0)
call assert_fails('call popup_create("Hello", {})', 'E342:')
call assert_equal([], popup_list())
call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('newwin_wvars'), 0, 0)
call assert_fails('split', 'E342:')
call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
edit Xfile1
edit Xfile2
call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('newwin_wvars'), 0, 0)
call assert_fails('sb Xfile1', 'E342:')
call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
call assert_equal('Xfile2', @%)
" FIXME: The following test crashes Vim
" test for new tabpage creation failure
" call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('newwin_wvars'), 0, 0)
" call assert_fails('tabnew', 'E342:')
" call assert_equal(1, tabpagenr('$'))
" call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
" This test messes up the internal Vim window/frame information. So the
" Test_window_cmd_cmdwin_with_vsp() test fails after running this test.
" Open a new tab and close everything else to fix this issue.
2022-09-07 09:08:00 -07:00
func Test_win_equal_last_status()
let save_lines = &lines
set lines=20
set splitbelow
set laststatus=0
split | split | quit
call assert_equal(winheight(1), winheight(2))
let &lines = save_lines
set splitbelow&
set laststatus&
feat(window/ui): add splitkeep option (#19243)
vim-patch:9.0.0445: when opening/closing window text moves up/down
Problem: When opening/closing window text moves up/down.
Solution: Add the 'splitscroll' option. When off text will keep its
position as much as possible.
vim-patch:9.0.0455: a few problems with 'splitscroll'
Problem: A few problems with 'splitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'splitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11117)
vim-patch:9.0.0461: 'scroll' is not always updated
Problem: 'scroll' is not always updated.
Solution: Call win_init_size() at the right place.
vim-patch:9.0.0465: cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Temporarily set 'splitscroll' when jumping back to the original
window. (closes vim/vim#11128)
vim-patch:9.0.0469: cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Skip win_fix_cursor if called when cmdwin is open or closing.
(Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11134)
vim-patch:9.0.0478: test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time
Problem: Test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time.
Solution: Only test some of the combinations. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11139)
vim-patch:9.0.0486: text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win and help
Problem: Text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win opened and help
window closed.
Solution: Skip win_fix_scroll() in more situations. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11150)
vim-patch:9.0.0505: various problems with 'nosplitscroll'
Problem: Various problems with 'nosplitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'nosplitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11166)
vim-patch:9.0.0555: scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin
Problem: Scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin.
Solution: Invalidate w_cline_row in the right place. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11185)
vim-patch:9.0.0603: with 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly
Problem: With 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly.
Solution: Take care of closed folds when moving the cursor. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0605: dump file missing
Problem: Dump file missing.
Solution: Add the missing dump file. (issue vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0647: the 'splitscroll' option is not a good name
Problem: The 'splitscroll' option is not a good name.
Solution: Rename 'splitscroll' to 'splitkeep' and make it a string option,
also supporting "topline". (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11258)
vim-patch:9.0.0667: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen"
Problem: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen". (Marius Gedminas)
Solution: Check the botline is not too large. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11293, closes vim/vim#11292)
2022-10-05 23:57:52 -07:00
" Test "screen" and "cursor" values for 'splitkeep' with a sequence of
" split operations for various options: with and without a winbar,
" tabline, for each possible value of 'laststatus', 'scrolloff',
" 'equalalways', and with the cursor at the top, middle and bottom.
func Test_splitkeep_options()
" disallow window resizing
" let save_WS = &t_WS
" set t_WS=
let gui = has("gui_running")
inoremap <expr> c "<cmd>copen<bar>wincmd k<CR>"
for run in range(0, 20)
let &splitkeep = run > 10 ? 'topline' : 'screen'
let &scrolloff = (!(run % 4) ? 0 : run)
let &laststatus = (run % 3)
let &splitbelow = (run % 3)
let &equalalways = (run % 2)
" Nvim: both windows have a winbar after splitting
" let wsb = (run % 2) && &splitbelow
let wsb = 0
let tl = (gui ? 0 : ((run % 5) ? 1 : 0))
let pos = !(run % 3) ? 'H' : ((run % 2) ? 'M' : 'L')
tabnew | tabonly! | redraw
execute (run % 5) ? 'tabnew' : ''
" execute (run % 2) ? 'nnoremenu 1.10 WinBar.Test :echo' : ''
let &winbar = (run % 2) ? '%f' : ''
call setline(1, range(1, 256))
" No scroll for restore_snapshot
norm G
copen | close | colder
catch /E380/
call assert_equal(257 - winheight(0), line("w0"))
" No scroll for firstwin horizontal split
execute 'norm gg' . pos
split | redraw | wincmd k
call assert_equal(1, line("w0"))
call assert_equal(&scroll, winheight(0) / 2)
wincmd j
call assert_equal(&spk == 'topline' ? 1 : win_screenpos(0)[0] - tl - wsb, line("w0"))
" No scroll when resizing windows
wincmd k | resize +2 | redraw
call assert_equal(1, line("w0"))
wincmd j
call assert_equal(&spk == 'topline' ? 1 : win_screenpos(0)[0] - tl - wsb, line("w0"))
" No scroll when dragging statusline
call win_move_statusline(1, -3)
call assert_equal(&spk == 'topline' ? 1 : win_screenpos(0)[0] - tl - wsb, line("w0"))
wincmd k
call assert_equal(1, line("w0"))
" No scroll when changing shellsize
set lines+=2
call assert_equal(1, line("w0"))
wincmd j
call assert_equal(&spk == 'topline' ? 1 : win_screenpos(0)[0] - tl - wsb, line("w0"))
set lines-=2
call assert_equal(&spk == 'topline' ? 1 : win_screenpos(0)[0] - tl - wsb, line("w0"))
wincmd k
call assert_equal(1, line("w0"))
" No scroll when equalizing windows
wincmd =
call assert_equal(1, line("w0"))
wincmd j
call assert_equal(&spk == 'topline' ? 1 : win_screenpos(0)[0] - tl - wsb, line("w0"))
wincmd k
call assert_equal(1, line("w0"))
" No scroll in windows split multiple times
vsplit | split | 4wincmd w
call assert_equal(&spk == 'topline' ? 1 : win_screenpos(0)[0] - tl - wsb, line("w0"))
1wincmd w | quit | wincmd l | split
call assert_equal(&spk == 'topline' ? 1 : win_screenpos(0)[0] - tl - wsb, line("w0"))
wincmd j
call assert_equal(&spk == 'topline' ? 1 : win_screenpos(0)[0] - tl - wsb, line("w0"))
" No scroll in small window
2wincmd w | only | 5split | wincmd k
call assert_equal(1, line("w0"))
wincmd j
call assert_equal(&spk == 'topline' ? 1 : win_screenpos(0)[0] - tl - wsb, line("w0"))
" No scroll for vertical split
quit | vsplit | wincmd l
call assert_equal(1, line("w0"))
wincmd h
call assert_equal(1, line("w0"))
" No scroll in windows split and quit multiple times
quit | redraw | split | split | quit | redraw
call assert_equal(&spk == 'topline' ? 1 : win_screenpos(0)[0] - tl - wsb, line("w0"))
" No scroll for new buffer
1wincmd w | only | copen | wincmd k
call assert_equal(1, line("w0"))
call assert_equal(1, line("w0"))
above copen | wincmd j
call assert_equal(&spk == 'topline' ? 1 : win_screenpos(0)[0] - tl, line("w0"))
" No scroll when opening cmdwin, and no cursor move when closing cmdwin.
only | norm ggL
let curpos = getcurpos()
norm q:
call assert_equal(1, line("w0"))
call assert_equal(curpos, getcurpos())
2023-02-15 16:41:09 -07:00
" Scroll when cursor becomes invalid in insert mode.
feat(window/ui): add splitkeep option (#19243)
vim-patch:9.0.0445: when opening/closing window text moves up/down
Problem: When opening/closing window text moves up/down.
Solution: Add the 'splitscroll' option. When off text will keep its
position as much as possible.
vim-patch:9.0.0455: a few problems with 'splitscroll'
Problem: A few problems with 'splitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'splitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11117)
vim-patch:9.0.0461: 'scroll' is not always updated
Problem: 'scroll' is not always updated.
Solution: Call win_init_size() at the right place.
vim-patch:9.0.0465: cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Temporarily set 'splitscroll' when jumping back to the original
window. (closes vim/vim#11128)
vim-patch:9.0.0469: cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Skip win_fix_cursor if called when cmdwin is open or closing.
(Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11134)
vim-patch:9.0.0478: test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time
Problem: Test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time.
Solution: Only test some of the combinations. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11139)
vim-patch:9.0.0486: text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win and help
Problem: Text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win opened and help
window closed.
Solution: Skip win_fix_scroll() in more situations. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11150)
vim-patch:9.0.0505: various problems with 'nosplitscroll'
Problem: Various problems with 'nosplitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'nosplitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11166)
vim-patch:9.0.0555: scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin
Problem: Scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin.
Solution: Invalidate w_cline_row in the right place. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11185)
vim-patch:9.0.0603: with 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly
Problem: With 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly.
Solution: Take care of closed folds when moving the cursor. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0605: dump file missing
Problem: Dump file missing.
Solution: Add the missing dump file. (issue vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0647: the 'splitscroll' option is not a good name
Problem: The 'splitscroll' option is not a good name.
Solution: Rename 'splitscroll' to 'splitkeep' and make it a string option,
also supporting "topline". (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11258)
vim-patch:9.0.0667: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen"
Problem: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen". (Marius Gedminas)
Solution: Check the botline is not too large. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11293, closes vim/vim#11292)
2022-10-05 23:57:52 -07:00
norm Lic
2023-02-15 16:41:39 -07:00
call assert_equal(curpos, getcurpos(), 'run ' .. run)
feat(window/ui): add splitkeep option (#19243)
vim-patch:9.0.0445: when opening/closing window text moves up/down
Problem: When opening/closing window text moves up/down.
Solution: Add the 'splitscroll' option. When off text will keep its
position as much as possible.
vim-patch:9.0.0455: a few problems with 'splitscroll'
Problem: A few problems with 'splitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'splitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11117)
vim-patch:9.0.0461: 'scroll' is not always updated
Problem: 'scroll' is not always updated.
Solution: Call win_init_size() at the right place.
vim-patch:9.0.0465: cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Temporarily set 'splitscroll' when jumping back to the original
window. (closes vim/vim#11128)
vim-patch:9.0.0469: cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Skip win_fix_cursor if called when cmdwin is open or closing.
(Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11134)
vim-patch:9.0.0478: test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time
Problem: Test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time.
Solution: Only test some of the combinations. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11139)
vim-patch:9.0.0486: text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win and help
Problem: Text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win opened and help
window closed.
Solution: Skip win_fix_scroll() in more situations. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11150)
vim-patch:9.0.0505: various problems with 'nosplitscroll'
Problem: Various problems with 'nosplitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'nosplitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11166)
vim-patch:9.0.0555: scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin
Problem: Scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin.
Solution: Invalidate w_cline_row in the right place. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11185)
vim-patch:9.0.0603: with 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly
Problem: With 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly.
Solution: Take care of closed folds when moving the cursor. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0605: dump file missing
Problem: Dump file missing.
Solution: Add the missing dump file. (issue vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0647: the 'splitscroll' option is not a good name
Problem: The 'splitscroll' option is not a good name.
Solution: Rename 'splitscroll' to 'splitkeep' and make it a string option,
also supporting "topline". (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11258)
vim-patch:9.0.0667: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen"
Problem: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen". (Marius Gedminas)
Solution: Check the botline is not too large. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11293, closes vim/vim#11292)
2022-10-05 23:57:52 -07:00
" No scroll when topline not equal to 1
only | execute "norm gg5\<C-e>" | split | wincmd k
call assert_equal(6, line("w0"))
wincmd j
call assert_equal(&spk == 'topline' ? 6 : 5 + win_screenpos(0)[0] - tl - wsb, line("w0"))
tabnew | tabonly! | %bwipeout!
iunmap c
set scrolloff&
set splitbelow&
set laststatus&
set equalalways&
set splitkeep&
" let &t_WS = save_WS
2023-04-28 15:16:37 -07:00
func Test_splitkeep_cmdwin_cursor_position()
feat(window/ui): add splitkeep option (#19243)
vim-patch:9.0.0445: when opening/closing window text moves up/down
Problem: When opening/closing window text moves up/down.
Solution: Add the 'splitscroll' option. When off text will keep its
position as much as possible.
vim-patch:9.0.0455: a few problems with 'splitscroll'
Problem: A few problems with 'splitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'splitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11117)
vim-patch:9.0.0461: 'scroll' is not always updated
Problem: 'scroll' is not always updated.
Solution: Call win_init_size() at the right place.
vim-patch:9.0.0465: cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Temporarily set 'splitscroll' when jumping back to the original
window. (closes vim/vim#11128)
vim-patch:9.0.0469: cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Skip win_fix_cursor if called when cmdwin is open or closing.
(Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11134)
vim-patch:9.0.0478: test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time
Problem: Test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time.
Solution: Only test some of the combinations. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11139)
vim-patch:9.0.0486: text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win and help
Problem: Text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win opened and help
window closed.
Solution: Skip win_fix_scroll() in more situations. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11150)
vim-patch:9.0.0505: various problems with 'nosplitscroll'
Problem: Various problems with 'nosplitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'nosplitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11166)
vim-patch:9.0.0555: scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin
Problem: Scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin.
Solution: Invalidate w_cline_row in the right place. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11185)
vim-patch:9.0.0603: with 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly
Problem: With 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly.
Solution: Take care of closed folds when moving the cursor. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0605: dump file missing
Problem: Dump file missing.
Solution: Add the missing dump file. (issue vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0647: the 'splitscroll' option is not a good name
Problem: The 'splitscroll' option is not a good name.
Solution: Rename 'splitscroll' to 'splitkeep' and make it a string option,
also supporting "topline". (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11258)
vim-patch:9.0.0667: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen"
Problem: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen". (Marius Gedminas)
Solution: Check the botline is not too large. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11293, closes vim/vim#11292)
2022-10-05 23:57:52 -07:00
set splitkeep=screen
call setline(1, range(&lines))
" No scroll when cursor is at near bottom of window and cusor position
" recompution (done by line('w0') in this test) happens while in cmdwin.
normal! G
let firstline = line('w0')
autocmd CmdwinEnter * ++once autocmd WinEnter * ++once call line('w0')
execute "normal! q:\<C-w>q"
call assert_equal(firstline, line('w0'))
" User script can change cursor position successfully while in cmdwin and it
" shouldn't be changed when closing cmdwin.
execute "normal! Gq:\<Cmd>call win_execute(winnr('#')->win_getid(), 'call cursor(1, 1)')\<CR>\<C-w>q"
call assert_equal(1, line('.'))
call assert_equal(1, col('.'))
execute "normal! Gq:\<Cmd>autocmd WinEnter * ++once call cursor(1, 1)\<CR>\<C-w>q"
call assert_equal(1, line('.'))
call assert_equal(1, col('.'))
set splitkeep&
2023-04-28 15:16:37 -07:00
feat(window/ui): add splitkeep option (#19243)
vim-patch:9.0.0445: when opening/closing window text moves up/down
Problem: When opening/closing window text moves up/down.
Solution: Add the 'splitscroll' option. When off text will keep its
position as much as possible.
vim-patch:9.0.0455: a few problems with 'splitscroll'
Problem: A few problems with 'splitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'splitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11117)
vim-patch:9.0.0461: 'scroll' is not always updated
Problem: 'scroll' is not always updated.
Solution: Call win_init_size() at the right place.
vim-patch:9.0.0465: cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Temporarily set 'splitscroll' when jumping back to the original
window. (closes vim/vim#11128)
vim-patch:9.0.0469: cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Skip win_fix_cursor if called when cmdwin is open or closing.
(Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11134)
vim-patch:9.0.0478: test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time
Problem: Test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time.
Solution: Only test some of the combinations. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11139)
vim-patch:9.0.0486: text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win and help
Problem: Text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win opened and help
window closed.
Solution: Skip win_fix_scroll() in more situations. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11150)
vim-patch:9.0.0505: various problems with 'nosplitscroll'
Problem: Various problems with 'nosplitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'nosplitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11166)
vim-patch:9.0.0555: scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin
Problem: Scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin.
Solution: Invalidate w_cline_row in the right place. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11185)
vim-patch:9.0.0603: with 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly
Problem: With 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly.
Solution: Take care of closed folds when moving the cursor. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0605: dump file missing
Problem: Dump file missing.
Solution: Add the missing dump file. (issue vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0647: the 'splitscroll' option is not a good name
Problem: The 'splitscroll' option is not a good name.
Solution: Rename 'splitscroll' to 'splitkeep' and make it a string option,
also supporting "topline". (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11258)
vim-patch:9.0.0667: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen"
Problem: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen". (Marius Gedminas)
Solution: Check the botline is not too large. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11293, closes vim/vim#11292)
2022-10-05 23:57:52 -07:00
2023-04-28 15:16:37 -07:00
func Test_splitkeep_misc()
feat(window/ui): add splitkeep option (#19243)
vim-patch:9.0.0445: when opening/closing window text moves up/down
Problem: When opening/closing window text moves up/down.
Solution: Add the 'splitscroll' option. When off text will keep its
position as much as possible.
vim-patch:9.0.0455: a few problems with 'splitscroll'
Problem: A few problems with 'splitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'splitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11117)
vim-patch:9.0.0461: 'scroll' is not always updated
Problem: 'scroll' is not always updated.
Solution: Call win_init_size() at the right place.
vim-patch:9.0.0465: cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Temporarily set 'splitscroll' when jumping back to the original
window. (closes vim/vim#11128)
vim-patch:9.0.0469: cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Skip win_fix_cursor if called when cmdwin is open or closing.
(Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11134)
vim-patch:9.0.0478: test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time
Problem: Test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time.
Solution: Only test some of the combinations. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11139)
vim-patch:9.0.0486: text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win and help
Problem: Text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win opened and help
window closed.
Solution: Skip win_fix_scroll() in more situations. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11150)
vim-patch:9.0.0505: various problems with 'nosplitscroll'
Problem: Various problems with 'nosplitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'nosplitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11166)
vim-patch:9.0.0555: scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin
Problem: Scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin.
Solution: Invalidate w_cline_row in the right place. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11185)
vim-patch:9.0.0603: with 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly
Problem: With 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly.
Solution: Take care of closed folds when moving the cursor. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0605: dump file missing
Problem: Dump file missing.
Solution: Add the missing dump file. (issue vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0647: the 'splitscroll' option is not a good name
Problem: The 'splitscroll' option is not a good name.
Solution: Rename 'splitscroll' to 'splitkeep' and make it a string option,
also supporting "topline". (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11258)
vim-patch:9.0.0667: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen"
Problem: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen". (Marius Gedminas)
Solution: Check the botline is not too large. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11293, closes vim/vim#11292)
2022-10-05 23:57:52 -07:00
set splitkeep=screen
call setline(1, range(1, &lines))
2023-06-02 08:26:41 -07:00
" Cursor is adjusted to start and end of buffer
norm M
wincmd s
resize 1
call assert_equal(1, line('.'))
wincmd j
norm GM
resize 1
call assert_equal(&lines, line('.'))
set splitbelow
feat(window/ui): add splitkeep option (#19243)
vim-patch:9.0.0445: when opening/closing window text moves up/down
Problem: When opening/closing window text moves up/down.
Solution: Add the 'splitscroll' option. When off text will keep its
position as much as possible.
vim-patch:9.0.0455: a few problems with 'splitscroll'
Problem: A few problems with 'splitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'splitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11117)
vim-patch:9.0.0461: 'scroll' is not always updated
Problem: 'scroll' is not always updated.
Solution: Call win_init_size() at the right place.
vim-patch:9.0.0465: cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Temporarily set 'splitscroll' when jumping back to the original
window. (closes vim/vim#11128)
vim-patch:9.0.0469: cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Skip win_fix_cursor if called when cmdwin is open or closing.
(Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11134)
vim-patch:9.0.0478: test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time
Problem: Test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time.
Solution: Only test some of the combinations. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11139)
vim-patch:9.0.0486: text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win and help
Problem: Text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win opened and help
window closed.
Solution: Skip win_fix_scroll() in more situations. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11150)
vim-patch:9.0.0505: various problems with 'nosplitscroll'
Problem: Various problems with 'nosplitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'nosplitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11166)
vim-patch:9.0.0555: scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin
Problem: Scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin.
Solution: Invalidate w_cline_row in the right place. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11185)
vim-patch:9.0.0603: with 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly
Problem: With 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly.
Solution: Take care of closed folds when moving the cursor. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0605: dump file missing
Problem: Dump file missing.
Solution: Add the missing dump file. (issue vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0647: the 'splitscroll' option is not a good name
Problem: The 'splitscroll' option is not a good name.
Solution: Rename 'splitscroll' to 'splitkeep' and make it a string option,
also supporting "topline". (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11258)
vim-patch:9.0.0667: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen"
Problem: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen". (Marius Gedminas)
Solution: Check the botline is not too large. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11293, closes vim/vim#11292)
2022-10-05 23:57:52 -07:00
norm Gzz
let top = line('w0')
" No scroll when aucmd_win is opened
call setbufvar(bufnr("test", 1) , '&buftype', 'nofile')
call assert_equal(top, line('w0'))
" No scroll when tab is changed/closed
tab help | close
call assert_equal(top, line('w0'))
" No scroll when help is closed and buffer line count < window height
norm ggdG
call setline(1, range(1, &lines - 10))
norm G
let top = line('w0')
help | quit
call assert_equal(top, line('w0'))
" No error when resizing window in autocmd and buffer length changed
autocmd FileType qf exe "resize" line('$')
cexpr getline(1, '$')
wincmd p
norm dd
cexpr getline(1, '$')
set splitbelow&
set splitkeep&
2023-08-20 17:58:18 -07:00
func Test_splitkeep_cursor()
let lines =<< trim END
set splitkeep=screen
autocmd CursorMoved * wincmd p | wincmd p
call setline(1, range(1, 200))
func CursorEqualize()
call cursor(100, 1)
wincmd =
wincmd s
call CursorEqualize()
call writefile(lines, 'XTestSplitkeepCallback', 'D')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XTestSplitkeepCallback', #{rows: 8})
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_splitkeep_cursor_1', {})
call term_sendkeys(buf, "j")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_splitkeep_cursor_2', {})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set scrolloff=0\<CR>G")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_splitkeep_cursor_3', {})
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
2023-04-28 15:16:37 -07:00
func Test_splitkeep_callback()
feat(window/ui): add splitkeep option (#19243)
vim-patch:9.0.0445: when opening/closing window text moves up/down
Problem: When opening/closing window text moves up/down.
Solution: Add the 'splitscroll' option. When off text will keep its
position as much as possible.
vim-patch:9.0.0455: a few problems with 'splitscroll'
Problem: A few problems with 'splitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'splitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11117)
vim-patch:9.0.0461: 'scroll' is not always updated
Problem: 'scroll' is not always updated.
Solution: Call win_init_size() at the right place.
vim-patch:9.0.0465: cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Temporarily set 'splitscroll' when jumping back to the original
window. (closes vim/vim#11128)
vim-patch:9.0.0469: cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Skip win_fix_cursor if called when cmdwin is open or closing.
(Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11134)
vim-patch:9.0.0478: test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time
Problem: Test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time.
Solution: Only test some of the combinations. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11139)
vim-patch:9.0.0486: text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win and help
Problem: Text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win opened and help
window closed.
Solution: Skip win_fix_scroll() in more situations. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11150)
vim-patch:9.0.0505: various problems with 'nosplitscroll'
Problem: Various problems with 'nosplitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'nosplitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11166)
vim-patch:9.0.0555: scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin
Problem: Scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin.
Solution: Invalidate w_cline_row in the right place. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11185)
vim-patch:9.0.0603: with 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly
Problem: With 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly.
Solution: Take care of closed folds when moving the cursor. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0605: dump file missing
Problem: Dump file missing.
Solution: Add the missing dump file. (issue vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0647: the 'splitscroll' option is not a good name
Problem: The 'splitscroll' option is not a good name.
Solution: Rename 'splitscroll' to 'splitkeep' and make it a string option,
also supporting "topline". (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11258)
vim-patch:9.0.0667: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen"
Problem: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen". (Marius Gedminas)
Solution: Check the botline is not too large. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11293, closes vim/vim#11292)
2022-10-05 23:57:52 -07:00
let lines =<< trim END
set splitkeep=screen
call setline(1, range(&lines))
function C1(a, b)
split | wincmd p
function C2(a, b)
close | split
nn j <cmd>call job_start([&sh, &shcf, "true"], { 'exit_cb': 'C1' })<CR>
nn t <cmd>call popup_create(term_start([&sh, &shcf, "true"],
\ { 'hidden': 1, 'exit_cb': 'C2' }), {})<CR>
call writefile(lines, 'XTestSplitkeepCallback', 'D')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XTestSplitkeepCallback', #{rows: 8})
call term_sendkeys(buf, "j")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_splitkeep_callback_1', {})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":quit\<CR>Ht")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_splitkeep_callback_2', {})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set sb\<CR>:quit\<CR>Gj")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_splitkeep_callback_3', {})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":quit\<CR>Gt")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_splitkeep_callback_4', {})
2023-01-14 04:52:44 -07:00
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
feat(window/ui): add splitkeep option (#19243)
vim-patch:9.0.0445: when opening/closing window text moves up/down
Problem: When opening/closing window text moves up/down.
Solution: Add the 'splitscroll' option. When off text will keep its
position as much as possible.
vim-patch:9.0.0455: a few problems with 'splitscroll'
Problem: A few problems with 'splitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'splitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11117)
vim-patch:9.0.0461: 'scroll' is not always updated
Problem: 'scroll' is not always updated.
Solution: Call win_init_size() at the right place.
vim-patch:9.0.0465: cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Temporarily set 'splitscroll' when jumping back to the original
window. (closes vim/vim#11128)
vim-patch:9.0.0469: cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Skip win_fix_cursor if called when cmdwin is open or closing.
(Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11134)
vim-patch:9.0.0478: test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time
Problem: Test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time.
Solution: Only test some of the combinations. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11139)
vim-patch:9.0.0486: text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win and help
Problem: Text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win opened and help
window closed.
Solution: Skip win_fix_scroll() in more situations. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11150)
vim-patch:9.0.0505: various problems with 'nosplitscroll'
Problem: Various problems with 'nosplitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'nosplitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11166)
vim-patch:9.0.0555: scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin
Problem: Scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin.
Solution: Invalidate w_cline_row in the right place. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11185)
vim-patch:9.0.0603: with 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly
Problem: With 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly.
Solution: Take care of closed folds when moving the cursor. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0605: dump file missing
Problem: Dump file missing.
Solution: Add the missing dump file. (issue vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0647: the 'splitscroll' option is not a good name
Problem: The 'splitscroll' option is not a good name.
Solution: Rename 'splitscroll' to 'splitkeep' and make it a string option,
also supporting "topline". (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11258)
vim-patch:9.0.0667: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen"
Problem: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen". (Marius Gedminas)
Solution: Check the botline is not too large. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11293, closes vim/vim#11292)
2022-10-05 23:57:52 -07:00
2023-04-28 15:16:37 -07:00
func Test_splitkeep_fold()
feat(window/ui): add splitkeep option (#19243)
vim-patch:9.0.0445: when opening/closing window text moves up/down
Problem: When opening/closing window text moves up/down.
Solution: Add the 'splitscroll' option. When off text will keep its
position as much as possible.
vim-patch:9.0.0455: a few problems with 'splitscroll'
Problem: A few problems with 'splitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'splitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11117)
vim-patch:9.0.0461: 'scroll' is not always updated
Problem: 'scroll' is not always updated.
Solution: Call win_init_size() at the right place.
vim-patch:9.0.0465: cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Temporarily set 'splitscroll' when jumping back to the original
window. (closes vim/vim#11128)
vim-patch:9.0.0469: cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off
Problem: Cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
Solution: Skip win_fix_cursor if called when cmdwin is open or closing.
(Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11134)
vim-patch:9.0.0478: test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time
Problem: Test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time.
Solution: Only test some of the combinations. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11139)
vim-patch:9.0.0486: text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win and help
Problem: Text scrolled with 'nosplitscroll', autocmd win opened and help
window closed.
Solution: Skip win_fix_scroll() in more situations. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11150)
vim-patch:9.0.0505: various problems with 'nosplitscroll'
Problem: Various problems with 'nosplitscroll'.
Solution: Fix 'nosplitscroll' problems. (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11166)
vim-patch:9.0.0555: scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin
Problem: Scrolling with 'nosplitscroll' in callback changing curwin.
Solution: Invalidate w_cline_row in the right place. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11185)
vim-patch:9.0.0603: with 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly
Problem: With 'nosplitscroll' folds are not handled correctly.
Solution: Take care of closed folds when moving the cursor. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0605: dump file missing
Problem: Dump file missing.
Solution: Add the missing dump file. (issue vim/vim#11234)
vim-patch:9.0.0647: the 'splitscroll' option is not a good name
Problem: The 'splitscroll' option is not a good name.
Solution: Rename 'splitscroll' to 'splitkeep' and make it a string option,
also supporting "topline". (Luuk van Baal, closes vim/vim#11258)
vim-patch:9.0.0667: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen"
Problem: ml_get error when 'splitkeep' is "screen". (Marius Gedminas)
Solution: Check the botline is not too large. (Luuk van Baal,
closes vim/vim#11293, closes vim/vim#11292)
2022-10-05 23:57:52 -07:00
let lines =<< trim END
set splitkeep=screen
set foldmethod=marker
set number
let line = 1
for n in range(1, &lines)
call setline(line, ['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, '}/*}}}*/',
\ 'after fold'])
let line += 8
call writefile(lines, 'XTestSplitkeepFold', 'D')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XTestSplitkeepFold', #{rows: 10})
call term_sendkeys(buf, "L:wincmd s\<CR>")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_splitkeep_fold_1', {})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":quit\<CR>")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_splitkeep_fold_2', {})
call term_sendkeys(buf, "H:below split\<CR>")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_splitkeep_fold_3', {})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":wincmd k\<CR>:quit\<CR>")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_splitkeep_fold_4', {})
2023-01-14 04:52:44 -07:00
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
2023-04-28 15:16:37 -07:00
2022-09-07 09:08:00 -07:00
2023-04-28 15:16:37 -07:00
func Test_splitkeep_status()
2022-11-28 10:41:20 -07:00
let lines =<< trim END
call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
set nomodified
set splitkeep=screen
let win = winnr()
wincmd s
wincmd j
call writefile(lines, 'XTestSplitkeepStatus', 'D')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XTestSplitkeepStatus', #{rows: 10})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call win_move_statusline(win, 1)\<CR>")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_splitkeep_status_1', {})
2023-01-14 04:52:44 -07:00
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
2023-04-28 15:16:37 -07:00
2022-11-28 10:41:20 -07:00
2023-05-06 10:24:45 -07:00
" skipcol is not reset unnecessarily and is copied to new window
func Test_splitkeep_skipcol()
let lines =<< trim END
set splitkeep=topline smoothscroll splitbelow scrolloff=0
call setline(1, 'with lots of text in one line '->repeat(6))
norm 2
wincmd s
call writefile(lines, 'XTestSplitkeepSkipcol', 'D')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XTestSplitkeepSkipcol', #{rows: 12, cols: 40})
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_splitkeep_skipcol_1', {})
2023-04-28 15:16:37 -07:00
func Test_new_help_window_on_error()
2022-12-13 07:43:54 -07:00
help change.txt
execute "normal! /CTRL-@\<CR>"
silent! execute "normal! \<C-W>]"
let wincount = winnr('$')
help 'mod'
call assert_equal(wincount, winnr('$'))
call assert_equal(expand("<cword>"), "'mod'")
2023-04-28 15:16:37 -07:00
func Test_smoothscroll_in_zero_width_window()
let save_lines = &lines
let save_columns = &columns
winsize 0 24
set cpo+=n
exe "noremap 0 \<C-W>n\<C-W>L"
norm 000000
set number smoothscroll
exe "norm \<C-Y>"
let &lines = save_lines
let &columns = save_columns
set cpo-=n
unmap 0
set nonumber nosmoothscroll
2022-12-13 07:43:54 -07:00
2017-03-14 01:58:13 -07:00
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab