
146 lines
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$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
Set-PSDebug -Strict -Trace 1
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
$isPullRequest = ($env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_HEAD_COMMIT -ne $null)
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
$env:CONFIGURATION -match '^(?<compiler>\w+)_(?<bits>32|64)(?:-(?<option>\w+))?$'
$compiler = $Matches.compiler
$compileOption = $Matches.option
$bits = $Matches.bits
$cmakeBuildType = $(if ($env:CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE -ne $null) {$env:CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} else {'RelWithDebInfo'});
$buildDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath("$(pwd)")
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
$depsCmakeVars = @{
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = $cmakeBuildType;
$nvimCmakeVars = @{
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = $cmakeBuildType;
DEPS_BUILD_DIR=$(if ($env:DEPS_BUILD_DIR -ne $null) {$env:DEPS_BUILD_DIR} else {".deps"});
DEPS_PREFIX=$(if ($env:DEPS_PREFIX -ne $null) {$env:DEPS_PREFIX} else {".deps/usr"});
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
$uploadToCodeCov = $false
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
function exitIfFailed() {
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
Set-PSDebug -Off
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
exit $LastExitCode
if (-Not (Test-Path -PathType container $nvimCmakeVars["DEPS_BUILD_DIR"])) {
write-host "cache dir not found: $($nvimCmakeVars['DEPS_BUILD_DIR'])"
mkdir $nvimCmakeVars["DEPS_BUILD_DIR"]
} else {
write-host "cache dir $($nvimCmakeVars['DEPS_BUILD_DIR']) size: $(Get-ChildItem $nvimCmakeVars['DEPS_BUILD_DIR'] -recurse | Measure-Object -property length -sum | Select -expand sum)"
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
if ($compiler -eq 'MINGW') {
if ($bits -eq 32) {
$arch = 'i686'
elseif ($bits -eq 64) {
$arch = 'x86_64'
if ($compileOption -eq 'gcov') {
$nvimCmakeVars['USE_GCOV'] = 'ON'
$uploadToCodecov = $true
# These are native MinGW builds, but they use the toolchain inside
# MSYS2, this allows using all the dependencies and tools available
# in MSYS2, but we cannot build inside the MSYS2 shell.
2018-08-12 04:39:46 -07:00
$cmakeGenerator = 'Ninja'
$cmakeGeneratorArgs = '-v'
$mingwPackages = @('ninja', 'cmake', 'perl', 'diffutils', 'unibilium').ForEach({
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
# Add MinGW to the PATH
$env:PATH = "C:\msys64\mingw$bits\bin;$env:PATH"
# Avoid pacman "warning" which causes non-zero return code.
& C:\msys64\usr\bin\mkdir -p /var/cache/pacman/pkg
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
# Build third-party dependencies
C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "pacman --verbose --noconfirm -Su" ; exitIfFailed
2018-08-12 04:39:46 -07:00
C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "pacman --verbose --noconfirm --needed -S $mingwPackages" ; exitIfFailed
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
elseif ($compiler -eq 'MSVC') {
$cmakeGeneratorArgs = '/verbosity:normal'
if ($bits -eq 32) {
$cmakeGenerator = 'Visual Studio 15 2017'
elseif ($bits -eq 64) {
$cmakeGenerator = 'Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64'
# Setup python (use AppVeyor system python)
C:\Python27\python.exe -m pip install pynvim ; exitIfFailed
C:\Python35\python.exe -m pip install pynvim ; exitIfFailed
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
# Disambiguate python3
move c:\Python35\python.exe c:\Python35\python3.exe
$env:PATH = "C:\Python35;C:\Python27;$env:PATH"
# Sanity check
python -c "import pynvim; print(str(pynvim))" ; exitIfFailed
python3 -c "import pynvim; print(str(pynvim))" ; exitIfFailed
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
$env:PATH = "C:\Ruby24\bin;$env:PATH"
gem.cmd install neovim
Get-Command -CommandType Application neovim-ruby-host.bat
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
npm.cmd install -g neovim
Get-Command -CommandType Application neovim-node-host.cmd
npm.cmd link neovim
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
function convertToCmakeArgs($vars) {
return $vars.GetEnumerator() | foreach { "-D$($_.Key)=$($_.Value)" }
cd $nvimCmakeVars["DEPS_BUILD_DIR"]
cmake -G $cmakeGenerator $(convertToCmakeArgs($depsCmakeVars)) "$buildDir/third-party/" ; exitIfFailed
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
cmake --build . --config $cmakeBuildType -- $cmakeGeneratorArgs ; exitIfFailed
cd $buildDir
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
# Build Neovim
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G $cmakeGenerator $(convertToCmakeArgs($nvimCmakeVars)) .. ; exitIfFailed
cmake --build . --config $cmakeBuildType -- $cmakeGeneratorArgs ; exitIfFailed
.\bin\nvim --version ; exitIfFailed
# Ensure that the "win32" feature is set.
.\bin\nvim -u NONE --headless -c 'exe !has(\"win32\").\"cq\"' ; exitIfFailed
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
# Functional tests
# The $LastExitCode from MSBuild can't be trusted
$failed = $false
# Temporarily turn off tracing to reduce log file output
Set-PSDebug -Off
cmake --build . --config $cmakeBuildType --target functionaltest -- $cmakeGeneratorArgs 2>&1 |
foreach { $failed = $failed -or
$_ -match 'functional tests failed with error'; $_ }
if ($failed) {
exit $LastExitCode
Set-PSDebug -Strict -Trace 1
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
if ($uploadToCodecov) {
C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "cd /c/projects/neovim; bash <(curl -s -c || echo 'codecov upload failed.'"
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
# Old tests
# Add MSYS to path, required for e.g. `find` used in test scripts.
# But would break functionaltests, where its `more` would be used then.
$env:PATH = "C:\msys64\usr\bin;$env:PATH"
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
& "C:\msys64\mingw$bits\bin\mingw32-make.exe" -C $(Convert-Path ..\src\nvim\testdir) VERBOSE=1
if ($uploadToCodecov) {
C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "cd /c/projects/neovim; bash <(curl -s -c || echo 'codecov upload failed.'"
2018-03-11 15:44:07 -07:00
# Build artifacts
cpack -G ZIP -C RelWithDebInfo
if ($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME -ne $null) {
cpack -G NSIS -C RelWithDebInfo