2016-11-14 08:19:06 -07:00
" Tests for autocommands
2018-08-14 22:13:38 -07:00
source shared.vim
2018-02-01 17:51:56 -07:00
func! s:cleanup_buffers() abort
2017-03-21 02:15:22 -07:00
for bnr in range(1, bufnr('$'))
if bufloaded(bnr) && bufnr('%') != bnr
execute 'bd! ' . bnr
2018-02-01 17:51:56 -07:00
2017-03-21 02:15:22 -07:00
2016-11-14 08:19:06 -07:00
func Test_vim_did_enter()
call assert_false(v:vim_did_enter)
" This script will never reach the main loop, can't check if v:vim_did_enter
" becomes one.
2016-11-21 14:52:51 -07:00
2016-12-27 15:39:21 -07:00
if has('timers')
func ExitInsertMode(id)
call feedkeys("\<Esc>")
func Test_cursorhold_insert()
2017-03-21 02:19:01 -07:00
" Need to move the cursor.
call feedkeys("ggG", "xt")
2016-12-27 15:39:21 -07:00
let g:triggered = 0
au CursorHoldI * let g:triggered += 1
set updatetime=20
call timer_start(100, 'ExitInsertMode')
call feedkeys('a', 'x!')
call assert_equal(1, g:triggered)
2017-01-04 21:06:09 -07:00
au! CursorHoldI
2017-03-21 02:24:40 -07:00
set updatetime&
2016-12-27 15:39:21 -07:00
func Test_cursorhold_insert_ctrl_x()
let g:triggered = 0
au CursorHoldI * let g:triggered += 1
set updatetime=20
call timer_start(100, 'ExitInsertMode')
" CursorHoldI does not trigger after CTRL-X
call feedkeys("a\<C-X>", 'x!')
call assert_equal(0, g:triggered)
2017-01-04 21:06:09 -07:00
au! CursorHoldI
2017-03-21 02:24:40 -07:00
set updatetime&
2016-12-27 15:39:21 -07:00
2016-11-21 14:52:51 -07:00
2018-02-01 17:51:56 -07:00
func Test_bufunload()
2016-12-27 15:39:21 -07:00
augroup test_bufunload_group
autocmd BufUnload * call add(s:li, "bufunload")
autocmd BufDelete * call add(s:li, "bufdelete")
autocmd BufWipeout * call add(s:li, "bufwipeout")
augroup END
2016-11-21 14:52:51 -07:00
2016-12-27 15:39:21 -07:00
let s:li=[]
setlocal bufhidden=
call assert_equal(["bufunload", "bufdelete"], s:li)
let s:li=[]
setlocal bufhidden=delete
call assert_equal(["bufunload", "bufdelete"], s:li)
let s:li=[]
setlocal bufhidden=unload
call assert_equal(["bufunload", "bufdelete", "bufwipeout"], s:li)
2016-11-21 14:52:51 -07:00
2017-01-04 21:06:09 -07:00
au! test_bufunload_group
2016-12-27 15:39:21 -07:00
augroup! test_bufunload_group
2016-11-21 14:52:51 -07:00
2017-01-04 21:06:09 -07:00
2017-01-07 07:56:51 -07:00
" SEGV occurs in older versions. (At least 7.4.2005 or older)
2018-02-01 17:51:56 -07:00
func Test_autocmd_bufunload_with_tabnext()
2017-01-07 07:56:51 -07:00
augroup test_autocmd_bufunload_with_tabnext_group
autocmd BufUnload <buffer> tabnext
augroup END
call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr('$'))
2017-03-20 06:01:22 -07:00
autocmd! test_autocmd_bufunload_with_tabnext_group
2017-01-07 07:56:51 -07:00
augroup! test_autocmd_bufunload_with_tabnext_group
2018-02-01 17:51:56 -07:00
func Test_autocmd_bufwinleave_with_tabfirst()
2017-03-21 02:39:24 -07:00
augroup sample
autocmd BufWinLeave <buffer> tabfirst
augroup END
call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
edit! a.txt
2017-03-20 06:01:22 -07:00
" SEGV occurs in older versions. (At least 7.4.2321 or older)
2018-02-01 17:51:56 -07:00
func Test_autocmd_bufunload_avoiding_SEGV_01()
2017-03-20 06:01:22 -07:00
split aa.txt
let lastbuf = bufnr('$')
augroup test_autocmd_bufunload
exe 'autocmd BufUnload <buffer> ' . (lastbuf + 1) . 'bwipeout!'
augroup END
call assert_fails('edit bb.txt', 'E937:')
autocmd! test_autocmd_bufunload
augroup! test_autocmd_bufunload
bwipe! aa.txt
bwipe! bb.txt
" SEGV occurs in older versions. (At least 7.4.2321 or older)
2018-02-01 17:51:56 -07:00
func Test_autocmd_bufunload_avoiding_SEGV_02()
2017-03-20 06:01:22 -07:00
setlocal buftype=nowrite
let lastbuf = bufnr('$')
augroup test_autocmd_bufunload
exe 'autocmd BufUnload <buffer> ' . (lastbuf + 1) . 'bwipeout!'
augroup END
normal! i1
call assert_fails('edit a.txt', 'E517:')
call feedkeys("\<CR>")
autocmd! test_autocmd_bufunload
augroup! test_autocmd_bufunload
bwipe! a.txt
2017-01-08 06:05:41 -07:00
func Test_win_tab_autocmd()
let g:record = []
augroup testing
au WinNew * call add(g:record, 'WinNew')
au WinEnter * call add(g:record, 'WinEnter')
au WinLeave * call add(g:record, 'WinLeave')
au TabNew * call add(g:record, 'TabNew')
2017-01-08 08:12:52 -07:00
au TabClosed * call add(g:record, 'TabClosed')
2017-01-08 06:05:41 -07:00
au TabEnter * call add(g:record, 'TabEnter')
au TabLeave * call add(g:record, 'TabLeave')
augroup END
call assert_equal([
\ 'WinLeave', 'WinNew', 'WinEnter',
\ 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinNew', 'WinEnter', 'TabNew', 'TabEnter',
2017-01-08 08:12:52 -07:00
\ 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'TabClosed', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter',
2017-01-08 06:05:41 -07:00
\ 'WinLeave', 'WinEnter'
\ ], g:record)
2017-01-08 08:12:52 -07:00
let g:record = []
tabnew somefile
bwipe somefile
call assert_equal([
\ 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinNew', 'WinEnter', 'TabNew', 'TabEnter',
\ 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter',
\ 'TabClosed'
\ ], g:record)
2017-01-08 06:05:41 -07:00
augroup testing
augroup END
unlet g:record
2017-01-04 21:06:09 -07:00
func s:AddAnAutocmd()
augroup vimBarTest
au BufReadCmd * echo 'hello'
augroup END
call assert_equal(3, len(split(execute('au vimBarTest'), "\n")))
func Test_early_bar()
" test that a bar is recognized before the {event}
call s:AddAnAutocmd()
augroup vimBarTest | au! | augroup END
call assert_equal(1, len(split(execute('au vimBarTest'), "\n")))
call s:AddAnAutocmd()
augroup vimBarTest| au!| augroup END
call assert_equal(1, len(split(execute('au vimBarTest'), "\n")))
" test that a bar is recognized after the {event}
call s:AddAnAutocmd()
augroup vimBarTest| au!BufReadCmd| augroup END
call assert_equal(1, len(split(execute('au vimBarTest'), "\n")))
" test that a bar is recognized after the {group}
call s:AddAnAutocmd()
au! vimBarTest|echo 'hello'
call assert_equal(1, len(split(execute('au vimBarTest'), "\n")))
2017-01-08 17:41:45 -07:00
2017-01-08 20:00:56 -07:00
func RemoveGroup()
autocmd! StartOK
augroup! StartOK
2017-01-08 17:41:45 -07:00
func Test_augroup_warning()
augroup TheWarning
au VimEnter * echo 'entering'
augroup END
call assert_true(match(execute('au VimEnter'), "TheWarning.*VimEnter") >= 0)
redir => res
augroup! TheWarning
redir END
call assert_true(match(res, "W19:") >= 0)
call assert_true(match(execute('au VimEnter'), "-Deleted-.*VimEnter") >= 0)
" check "Another" does not take the pace of the deleted entry
augroup Another
augroup END
call assert_true(match(execute('au VimEnter'), "-Deleted-.*VimEnter") >= 0)
2017-03-21 02:24:40 -07:00
augroup! Another
2017-01-08 20:00:56 -07:00
" no warning for postpone aucmd delete
augroup StartOK
au VimEnter * call RemoveGroup()
augroup END
call assert_true(match(execute('au VimEnter'), "StartOK.*VimEnter") >= 0)
redir => res
doautocmd VimEnter
redir END
call assert_true(match(res, "W19:") < 0)
2017-01-08 21:15:10 -07:00
au! VimEnter
2017-01-08 17:41:45 -07:00
2017-01-08 21:01:50 -07:00
2018-08-14 07:18:08 -07:00
func Test_BufReadCmdHelp()
2018-11-01 11:17:29 -07:00
helptags ALL
2018-08-14 07:18:08 -07:00
" This used to cause access to free memory
au BufReadCmd * e +h
au! BufReadCmd
func Test_BufReadCmdHelpJump()
" This used to cause access to free memory
au BufReadCmd * e +h{
2018-08-14 15:19:56 -07:00
" } to fix highlighting
call assert_fails('help', 'E434:')
2018-08-14 07:18:08 -07:00
au! BufReadCmd
2017-01-08 21:01:50 -07:00
func Test_augroup_deleted()
2017-01-08 21:15:10 -07:00
" This caused a crash before E936 was introduced
2017-01-08 21:01:50 -07:00
augroup x
2017-01-08 21:15:10 -07:00
call assert_fails('augroup! x', 'E936:')
au VimEnter * echo
augroup end
2017-01-08 21:01:50 -07:00
augroup! x
2017-01-08 21:15:10 -07:00
call assert_true(match(execute('au VimEnter'), "-Deleted-.*VimEnter") >= 0)
au! VimEnter
2017-01-08 21:01:50 -07:00
2017-03-20 06:01:22 -07:00
" Tests for autocommands on :close command.
" This used to be in test13.
func Test_three_windows()
2017-03-21 02:15:22 -07:00
" Clean up buffers, because in some cases this function fails.
call s:cleanup_buffers()
2017-03-20 06:01:22 -07:00
" Write three files and open them, each in a window.
" Then go to next window, with autocommand that deletes the previous one.
" Do this twice, writing the file.
e! Xtestje1
call setline(1, 'testje1')
sp Xtestje2
call setline(1, 'testje2')
sp Xtestje3
call setline(1, 'testje3')
wincmd w
au WinLeave Xtestje2 bwipe
wincmd w
call assert_equal('Xtestje1', expand('%'))
au WinLeave Xtestje1 bwipe Xtestje3
call assert_equal('Xtestje1', expand('%'))
" Test deleting the buffer on a Unload event. If this goes wrong there
" will be the ATTENTION prompt.
e Xtestje1
au! BufUnload Xtestje1 bwipe
call assert_fails('e Xtestje3', 'E937:')
call assert_equal('Xtestje3', expand('%'))
e Xtestje2
sp Xtestje1
call assert_fails('e', 'E937:')
call assert_equal('Xtestje2', expand('%'))
" Test changing buffers in a BufWipeout autocommand. If this goes wrong
" there are ml_line errors and/or a Crash.
e Xanother
e Xtestje1
bwipe Xtestje2
bwipe Xtestje3
au BufWipeout Xtestje1 buf Xtestje1
call assert_equal('Xanother', expand('%'))
2017-03-21 17:19:13 -07:00
helptags ALL
2017-03-20 06:01:22 -07:00
wincmd w
call assert_equal('Xanother', expand('%'))
2017-03-21 15:36:27 -07:00
bwipe! Xtestje1
2017-03-20 06:01:22 -07:00
call delete('Xtestje1')
call delete('Xtestje2')
call delete('Xtestje3')
2017-03-20 05:59:11 -07:00
func Test_BufEnter()
au! BufEnter
au Bufenter * let val = val . '+'
let g:val = ''
split NewFile
call assert_equal('+', g:val)
call assert_equal('++', g:val)
" Also get BufEnter when editing a directory
call mkdir('Xdir')
split Xdir
call assert_equal('+++', g:val)
2017-07-30 18:54:18 -07:00
" On MS-Windows we can't edit the directory, make sure we wipe the right
" buffer.
bwipe! Xdir
2017-03-20 05:59:11 -07:00
call delete('Xdir', 'd')
au! BufEnter
2017-03-19 18:48:28 -07:00
" Closing a window might cause an endless loop
" E814 for older Vims
2018-02-01 17:51:56 -07:00
func Test_autocmd_bufwipe_in_SessLoadPost()
2018-02-11 08:15:12 -07:00
edit Xtest
2017-03-19 18:48:28 -07:00
2018-02-11 08:15:12 -07:00
file Xsomething
2017-03-19 18:48:28 -07:00
set noswapfile
2017-07-30 18:54:18 -07:00
let content = ['set nocp noswapfile',
2017-03-19 18:48:28 -07:00
\ 'let v:swapchoice="e"',
\ 'augroup test_autocmd_sessionload',
\ 'autocmd!',
2018-02-11 08:15:12 -07:00
\ 'autocmd SessionLoadPost * exe bufnr("Xsomething") . "bw!"',
2017-03-21 02:47:46 -07:00
\ 'augroup END',
2017-07-30 18:54:18 -07:00
\ '',
\ 'func WriteErrors()',
\ ' call writefile([execute("messages")], "Xerrors")',
\ 'endfunc',
\ 'au VimLeave * call WriteErrors()',
2017-03-19 18:48:28 -07:00
\ ]
call writefile(content, 'Xvimrc')
2017-07-30 18:54:18 -07:00
call system(v:progpath. ' --headless -i NONE -u Xvimrc --noplugins -S Session.vim -c cq')
let errors = join(readfile('Xerrors'))
call assert_match('E814', errors)
2017-03-19 18:48:28 -07:00
set swapfile
2017-07-30 18:54:18 -07:00
for file in ['Session.vim', 'Xvimrc', 'Xerrors']
2017-03-19 18:48:28 -07:00
call delete(file)
" SEGV occurs in older versions.
2018-02-01 17:51:56 -07:00
func Test_autocmd_bufwipe_in_SessLoadPost2()
2017-03-19 18:48:28 -07:00
set noswapfile
let content = ['set nocp noswapfile',
\ 'function! DeleteInactiveBufs()',
\ ' tabfirst',
\ ' let tabblist = []',
\ ' for i in range(1, tabpagenr(''$''))',
\ ' call extend(tabblist, tabpagebuflist(i))',
\ ' endfor',
\ ' for b in range(1, bufnr(''$''))',
\ ' if bufexists(b) && buflisted(b) && (index(tabblist, b) == -1 || bufname(b) =~# ''^$'')',
\ ' exec ''bwipeout '' . b',
\ ' endif',
\ ' endfor',
2017-07-30 18:54:18 -07:00
\ ' echomsg "SessionLoadPost DONE"',
2017-03-19 18:48:28 -07:00
\ 'endfunction',
2017-07-30 18:54:18 -07:00
\ 'au SessionLoadPost * call DeleteInactiveBufs()',
\ '',
\ 'func WriteErrors()',
\ ' call writefile([execute("messages")], "Xerrors")',
\ 'endfunc',
\ 'au VimLeave * call WriteErrors()',
\ ]
2017-03-19 18:48:28 -07:00
call writefile(content, 'Xvimrc')
2017-07-30 18:54:18 -07:00
call system(v:progpath. ' --headless -i NONE -u Xvimrc --noplugins -S Session.vim -c cq')
let errors = join(readfile('Xerrors'))
" This probably only ever matches on unix.
call assert_notmatch('Caught deadly signal SEGV', errors)
call assert_match('SessionLoadPost DONE', errors)
2017-03-19 18:48:28 -07:00
set swapfile
2017-07-30 18:54:18 -07:00
for file in ['Session.vim', 'Xvimrc', 'Xerrors']
2017-03-19 18:48:28 -07:00
call delete(file)
2017-11-22 14:35:20 -07:00
2018-02-01 18:30:21 -07:00
func Test_empty_doau()
doau \|
2018-02-01 17:42:17 -07:00
2018-02-01 17:51:56 -07:00
func s:AutoCommandOptionSet(match)
let item = remove(g:options, 0)
let expected = printf("Option: <%s>, Oldval: <%s>, NewVal: <%s>, Scope: <%s>\n", item[0], item[1], item[2], item[3])
let actual = printf("Option: <%s>, Oldval: <%s>, NewVal: <%s>, Scope: <%s>\n", a:match, v:option_old, v:option_new, v:option_type)
let g:opt = [expected, actual]
"call assert_equal(expected, actual)
func Test_OptionSet()
2018-02-01 18:56:28 -07:00
throw 'skipped: Nvim does not support test_override()'
2018-02-01 17:51:56 -07:00
if !has("eval") || !has("autocmd") || !exists("+autochdir")
call test_override('starting', 1)
set nocp
au OptionSet * :call s:AutoCommandOptionSet(expand("<amatch>"))
" 1: Setting number option"
let g:options=[['number', 0, 1, 'global']]
set nu
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
" 2: Setting local number option"
let g:options=[['number', 1, 0, 'local']]
setlocal nonu
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
" 3: Setting global number option"
let g:options=[['number', 1, 0, 'global']]
setglobal nonu
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
" 4: Setting local autoindent option"
let g:options=[['autoindent', 0, 1, 'local']]
setlocal ai
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
" 5: Setting global autoindent option"
let g:options=[['autoindent', 0, 1, 'global']]
setglobal ai
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
" 6: Setting global autoindent option"
let g:options=[['autoindent', 1, 0, 'global']]
set ai!
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
" Should not print anything, use :noa
" 7: don't trigger OptionSet"
let g:options=[['invalid', 1, 1, 'invalid']]
noa set nonu
call assert_equal([['invalid', 1, 1, 'invalid']], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
" 8: Setting several global list and number option"
let g:options=[['list', 0, 1, 'global'], ['number', 0, 1, 'global']]
set list nu
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
" 9: don't trigger OptionSet"
let g:options=[['invalid', 1, 1, 'invalid'], ['invalid', 1, 1, 'invalid']]
noa set nolist nonu
call assert_equal([['invalid', 1, 1, 'invalid'], ['invalid', 1, 1, 'invalid']], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
" 10: Setting global acd"
let g:options=[['autochdir', 0, 1, 'local']]
setlocal acd
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
" 11: Setting global autoread (also sets local value)"
let g:options=[['autoread', 0, 1, 'global']]
set ar
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
" 12: Setting local autoread"
let g:options=[['autoread', 1, 1, 'local']]
setlocal ar
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
" 13: Setting global autoread"
let g:options=[['autoread', 1, 0, 'global']]
setglobal invar
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
" 14: Setting option backspace through :let"
let g:options=[['backspace', '', 'eol,indent,start', 'global']]
let &bs="eol,indent,start"
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
" 15: Setting option backspace through setbufvar()"
let g:options=[['backup', 0, 1, 'local']]
" try twice, first time, shouldn't trigger because option name is invalid,
" second time, it should trigger
call assert_fails("call setbufvar(1, '&l:bk', 1)", "E355")
" should trigger, use correct option name
call setbufvar(1, '&backup', 1)
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
" 16: Setting number option using setwinvar"
let g:options=[['number', 0, 1, 'local']]
call setwinvar(0, '&number', 1)
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
" 17: Setting key option, shouldn't trigger"
let g:options=[['key', 'invalid', 'invalid1', 'invalid']]
setlocal key=blah
setlocal key=
call assert_equal([['key', 'invalid', 'invalid1', 'invalid']], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
2018-02-01 18:38:10 -07:00
" 18: Setting string option"
let oldval = &tags
let g:options=[['tags', oldval, 'tagpath', 'global']]
set tags=tagpath
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
" 1l: Resetting string option"
let g:options=[['tags', 'tagpath', oldval, 'global']]
set tags&
call assert_equal([], g:options)
call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])
2018-02-01 17:51:56 -07:00
" Cleanup
au! OptionSet
for opt in ['nu', 'ai', 'acd', 'ar', 'bs', 'backup', 'cul', 'cp']
2018-08-08 16:02:32 -07:00
exe printf(":set %s&vim", opt)
2018-02-01 17:51:56 -07:00
call test_override('starting', 0)
delfunc! AutoCommandOptionSet
func Test_OptionSet_diffmode()
2018-02-01 18:56:28 -07:00
throw 'skipped: Nvim does not support test_override()'
2018-02-01 17:51:56 -07:00
call test_override('starting', 1)
" 18: Changing an option when enetering diff mode
au OptionSet diff :let &l:cul=v:option_new
call setline(1, ['buffer 1', 'line2', 'line3', 'line4'])
call assert_equal(0, &l:cul)
call assert_equal(1, &l:cul)
call setline(1, ['buffer 2', 'line 2', 'line 3', 'line4'])
call assert_equal(0, &l:cul)
call assert_equal(1, &l:cul)
call assert_equal(0, &l:cul)
call assert_equal(1, getwinvar(2, '&l:cul'))
call assert_equal(1, &l:cul)
call assert_equal(0, &l:cul)
call assert_equal(0, getwinvar(1, '&l:cul'))
" Cleanup
au! OptionSet
call test_override('starting', 0)
func Test_OptionSet_diffmode_close()
2018-02-01 18:56:28 -07:00
throw 'skipped: Nvim does not support test_override()'
2018-02-01 17:51:56 -07:00
call test_override('starting', 1)
" 19: Try to close the current window when entering diff mode
" should not segfault
au OptionSet diff close
call setline(1, ['buffer 1', 'line2', 'line3', 'line4'])
call assert_fails(':diffthis', 'E788')
call assert_equal(1, &diff)
call setline(1, ['buffer 2', 'line 2', 'line 3', 'line4'])
call assert_fails(':diffthis', 'E788')
call assert_equal(1, &diff)
call assert_fails(':diffoff!', 'E788')
" Cleanup
au! OptionSet
call test_override('starting', 0)
"delfunc! AutoCommandOptionSet
2018-02-01 18:30:21 -07:00
" Test for Bufleave autocommand that deletes the buffer we are about to edit.
func Test_BufleaveWithDelete()
new | edit Xfile1
augroup test_bufleavewithdelete
autocmd BufLeave Xfile1 bwipe Xfile2
augroup END
call assert_fails('edit Xfile2', 'E143:')
call assert_equal('Xfile1', bufname('%'))
autocmd! test_bufleavewithdelete BufLeave Xfile1
augroup! test_bufleavewithdelete
bwipe! Xfile1
" Test for autocommand that changes the buffer list, when doing ":ball".
func Test_Acmd_BufAll()
call writefile(['Test file Xxx1'], 'Xxx1')
call writefile(['Test file Xxx2'], 'Xxx2')
call writefile(['Test file Xxx3'], 'Xxx3')
" Add three files to the buffer list
split Xxx1
split Xxx2
split Xxx3
" Wipe the buffer when the buffer is opened
au BufReadPost Xxx2 bwipe
call append(0, 'Test file Xxx4')
call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
call assert_equal('Xxx1', bufname(winbufnr(winnr('$'))))
wincmd t
au! BufReadPost
call delete('Xxx1')
call delete('Xxx2')
call delete('Xxx3')
enew! | only
" Test for autocommand that changes current buffer on BufEnter event.
" Check if modelines are interpreted for the correct buffer.
func Test_Acmd_BufEnter()
call writefile(['start of test file Xxx1',
\ "\<Tab>this is a test",
\ 'end of test file Xxx1'], 'Xxx1')
call writefile(['start of test file Xxx2',
\ 'vim: set noai :',
\ "\<Tab>this is a test",
\ 'end of test file Xxx2'], 'Xxx2')
au BufEnter Xxx2 brew
set ai modeline modelines=3
edit Xxx1
" edit Xxx2, autocmd will do :brew
edit Xxx2
exe "normal G?this is a\<CR>"
" Append text with autoindent to this file
normal othis should be auto-indented
call assert_equal("\<Tab>this should be auto-indented", getline('.'))
call assert_equal(3, line('.'))
" Remove autocmd and edit Xxx2 again
au! BufEnter Xxx2
buf! Xxx2
exe "normal G?this is a\<CR>"
" append text without autoindent to Xxx
normal othis should be in column 1
call assert_equal("this should be in column 1", getline('.'))
call assert_equal(4, line('.'))
call delete('Xxx1')
call delete('Xxx2')
set ai&vim modeline&vim modelines&vim
" Test for issue #57
" do not move cursor on <c-o> when autoindent is set
func Test_ai_CTRL_O()
set ai
let save_fo = &fo
set fo+=r
exe "normal o# abcdef\<Esc>2hi\<CR>\<C-O>d0\<Esc>"
exe "normal o# abcdef\<Esc>2hi\<C-O>d0\<Esc>"
call assert_equal(['# abc', 'def', 'def'], getline(2, 4))
set ai&vim
let &fo = save_fo
" Test for autocommand that deletes the current buffer on BufLeave event.
" Also test deleting the last buffer, should give a new, empty buffer.
func Test_BufLeave_Wipe()
2018-02-11 06:51:39 -07:00
throw 'skipped: TODO: '
2018-02-01 18:30:21 -07:00
let content = ['start of test file Xxx',
\ 'this is a test',
\ 'end of test file Xxx']
call writefile(content, 'Xxx1')
call writefile(content, 'Xxx2')
au BufLeave Xxx2 bwipe
edit Xxx1
split Xxx2
" delete buffer Xxx2, we should be back to Xxx1
call assert_equal('Xxx1', bufname('%'))
call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
" Create an alternate buffer
%write! test.out
call assert_equal('test.out', bufname('#'))
" delete alternate buffer
bwipe test.out
call assert_equal('Xxx1', bufname('%'))
call assert_equal('', bufname('#'))
au BufLeave Xxx1 bwipe
" delete current buffer, get an empty one
call assert_equal(1, line('$'))
call assert_equal('', bufname('%'))
let g:bufinfo = getbufinfo()
call assert_equal(1, len(g:bufinfo))
call delete('Xxx1')
call delete('Xxx2')
call delete('test.out')
au! BufLeave
" check that bufinfo doesn't contain a pointer to freed memory
call test_garbagecollect_now()
func Test_QuitPre()
edit Xfoo
let winid = win_getid(winnr())
split Xbar
au! QuitPre * let g:afile = expand('<afile>')
" Close the other window, <afile> should be correct.
exe win_id2win(winid) . 'q'
call assert_equal('Xfoo', g:afile)
unlet g:afile
bwipe Xfoo
bwipe Xbar
func Test_Cmdline()
2018-01-31 08:17:05 -07:00
au! CmdlineChanged : let g:text = getcmdline()
let g:text = 0
call feedkeys(":echom 'hello'\<CR>", 'xt')
call assert_equal("echom 'hello'", g:text)
au! CmdlineChanged
au! CmdlineChanged : let g:entered = expand('<afile>')
let g:entered = 0
call feedkeys(":echom 'hello'\<CR>", 'xt')
call assert_equal(':', g:entered)
au! CmdlineChanged
2018-02-01 18:30:21 -07:00
au! CmdlineEnter : let g:entered = expand('<afile>')
au! CmdlineLeave : let g:left = expand('<afile>')
let g:entered = 0
let g:left = 0
call feedkeys(":echo 'hello'\<CR>", 'xt')
call assert_equal(':', g:entered)
call assert_equal(':', g:left)
au! CmdlineEnter
au! CmdlineLeave
au! CmdlineEnter / let g:entered = expand('<afile>')
au! CmdlineLeave / let g:left = expand('<afile>')
let g:entered = 0
let g:left = 0
call setline(1, 'hello')
call feedkeys("/hello\<CR>", 'xt')
call assert_equal('/', g:entered)
call assert_equal('/', g:left)
au! CmdlineEnter
au! CmdlineLeave
" Test for BufWritePre autocommand that deletes or unloads the buffer.
func Test_BufWritePre()
au BufWritePre Xxx1 bunload
au BufWritePre Xxx2 bwipe
call writefile(['start of Xxx1', 'test', 'end of Xxx1'], 'Xxx1')
call writefile(['start of Xxx2', 'test', 'end of Xxx2'], 'Xxx2')
edit Xtest
e! Xxx2
bdel Xtest
e Xxx1
" write it, will unload it and give an error msg
call assert_fails('w', 'E203')
call assert_equal('Xxx2', bufname('%'))
edit Xtest
e! Xxx2
bwipe Xtest
" write it, will delete the buffer and give an error msg
call assert_fails('w', 'E203')
call assert_equal('Xxx1', bufname('%'))
au! BufWritePre
call delete('Xxx1')
call delete('Xxx2')
" Test for BufUnload autocommand that unloads all the other buffers
func Test_bufunload_all()
call writefile(['Test file Xxx1'], 'Xxx1')"
call writefile(['Test file Xxx2'], 'Xxx2')"
let content = [
\ "func UnloadAllBufs()",
\ " let i = 1",
\ " while i <= bufnr('$')",
\ " if i != bufnr('%') && bufloaded(i)",
\ " exe i . 'bunload'",
\ " endif",
\ " let i += 1",
\ " endwhile",
\ "endfunc",
\ "au BufUnload * call UnloadAllBufs()",
\ "au VimLeave * call writefile(['Test Finished'], 'Xout')",
\ "edit Xxx1",
\ "split Xxx2",
\ "q"]
call writefile(content, 'Xtest')
call delete('Xout')
call system(v:progpath. ' -u NORC -i NONE -N -S Xtest')
call assert_true(filereadable('Xout'))
call delete('Xxx1')
call delete('Xxx2')
call delete('Xtest')
call delete('Xout')
" Some tests for buffer-local autocommands
func Test_buflocal_autocmd()
let g:bname = ''
edit xx
au BufLeave <buffer> let g:bname = expand("%")
" here, autocommand for xx should trigger.
" but autocommand shall not apply to buffer named <buffer>.
edit somefile
call assert_equal('xx', g:bname)
let g:bname = ''
" here, autocommand shall be auto-deleted
bwipe xx
" autocmd should not trigger
edit xx
call assert_equal('', g:bname)
" autocmd should not trigger
edit somefile
call assert_equal('', g:bname)
unlet g:bname
" Test for "*Cmd" autocommands
func Test_Cmd_Autocmds()
call writefile(['start of Xxx', "\tabc2", 'end of Xxx'], 'Xxx')
au BufReadCmd XtestA 0r Xxx|$del
edit XtestA " will read text of Xxd instead
call assert_equal('start of Xxx', getline(1))
au BufWriteCmd XtestA call append(line("$"), "write")
write " will append a line to the file
call assert_equal('write', getline('$'))
call assert_fails('read XtestA', 'E484') " should not read anything
call assert_equal('write', getline(4))
" now we have:
" 1 start of Xxx
" 2 abc2
" 3 end of Xxx
" 4 write
au FileReadCmd XtestB '[r Xxx
2r XtestB " will read Xxx below line 2 instead
call assert_equal('start of Xxx', getline(3))
" now we have:
" 1 start of Xxx
" 2 abc2
" 3 start of Xxx
" 4 abc2
" 5 end of Xxx
" 6 end of Xxx
" 7 write
au FileWriteCmd XtestC '[,']copy $
normal 4GA1
4,5w XtestC " will copy lines 4 and 5 to the end
call assert_equal("\tabc21", getline(8))
call assert_fails('r XtestC', 'E484') " should not read anything
call assert_equal("end of Xxx", getline(9))
" now we have:
" 1 start of Xxx
" 2 abc2
" 3 start of Xxx
" 4 abc21
" 5 end of Xxx
" 6 end of Xxx
" 7 write
" 8 abc21
" 9 end of Xxx
let g:lines = []
au FileAppendCmd XtestD call extend(g:lines, getline(line("'["), line("']")))
w >>XtestD " will add lines to 'lines'
call assert_equal(9, len(g:lines))
call assert_fails('$r XtestD', 'E484') " should not read anything
call assert_equal(9, line('$'))
call assert_equal('end of Xxx', getline('$'))
au BufReadCmd XtestE 0r Xxx|$del
sp XtestE " split window with test.out
call assert_equal('end of Xxx', getline(3))
let g:lines = []
exe "normal 2Goasdf\<Esc>\<C-W>\<C-W>"
au BufWriteCmd XtestE call extend(g:lines, getline(0, '$'))
wall " will write other window to 'lines'
call assert_equal(4, len(g:lines), g:lines)
2018-02-01 19:04:09 -07:00
call assert_equal("\tasdf", g:lines[2])
2018-02-01 18:30:21 -07:00
au! BufReadCmd
au! BufWriteCmd
au! FileReadCmd
au! FileWriteCmd
au! FileAppendCmd
call delete('Xxx')
func SetChangeMarks(start, end)
exe a:start. 'mark ['
exe a:end. 'mark ]'
" Verify the effects of autocmds on '[ and ']
func Test_change_mark_in_autocmds()
edit! Xtest
call feedkeys("ia\<CR>b\<CR>c\<CR>d\<C-g>u", 'xtn')
call SetChangeMarks(2, 3)
call assert_equal([1, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
call SetChangeMarks(2, 3)
au BufWritePre * call assert_equal([1, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
au! BufWritePre
if executable('cat')
write XtestFilter
write >> XtestFilter
call SetChangeMarks(2, 3)
" Marks are set to the entire range of the write
au FilterWritePre * call assert_equal([1, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
" '[ is adjusted to just before the line that will receive the filtered
" data
au FilterReadPre * call assert_equal([4, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
" The filtered data is read into the buffer, and the source lines are
" still present, so the range is after the source lines
au FilterReadPost * call assert_equal([5, 12], [line("'["), line("']")])
%!cat XtestFilter
" After the filtered data is read, the original lines are deleted
call assert_equal([1, 8], [line("'["), line("']")])
au! FilterWritePre,FilterReadPre,FilterReadPost
call SetChangeMarks(1, 4)
au FilterWritePre * call assert_equal([2, 3], [line("'["), line("']")])
au FilterReadPre * call assert_equal([3, 3], [line("'["), line("']")])
au FilterReadPost * call assert_equal([4, 11], [line("'["), line("']")])
2,3!cat XtestFilter
call assert_equal([2, 9], [line("'["), line("']")])
au! FilterWritePre,FilterReadPre,FilterReadPost
call delete('XtestFilter')
call SetChangeMarks(1, 4)
au FileWritePre * call assert_equal([2, 3], [line("'["), line("']")])
2,3write Xtest2
au! FileWritePre
call SetChangeMarks(2, 3)
au FileAppendPre * call assert_equal([1, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
write >> Xtest2
au! FileAppendPre
call SetChangeMarks(1, 4)
au FileAppendPre * call assert_equal([2, 3], [line("'["), line("']")])
2,3write >> Xtest2
au! FileAppendPre
call SetChangeMarks(1, 1)
au FileReadPre * call assert_equal([3, 1], [line("'["), line("']")])
au FileReadPost * call assert_equal([4, 11], [line("'["), line("']")])
3read Xtest2
au! FileReadPre,FileReadPost
call SetChangeMarks(4, 4)
" When the line is 0, it's adjusted to 1
au FileReadPre * call assert_equal([1, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
au FileReadPost * call assert_equal([1, 8], [line("'["), line("']")])
0read Xtest2
au! FileReadPre,FileReadPost
call SetChangeMarks(4, 4)
" When the line is 0, it's adjusted to 1
au FileReadPre * call assert_equal([1, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
au FileReadPost * call assert_equal([2, 9], [line("'["), line("']")])
1read Xtest2
au! FileReadPre,FileReadPost
call delete('Xtest')
call delete('Xtest2')
func Test_Filter_noshelltemp()
if !executable('cat')
call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
let shelltemp = &shelltemp
set shelltemp
let g:filter_au = 0
au FilterWritePre * let g:filter_au += 1
au FilterReadPre * let g:filter_au += 1
au FilterReadPost * let g:filter_au += 1
call assert_equal(3, g:filter_au)
if has('filterpipe')
set noshelltemp
let g:filter_au = 0
au FilterWritePre * let g:filter_au += 1
au FilterReadPre * let g:filter_au += 1
au FilterReadPost * let g:filter_au += 1
call assert_equal(0, g:filter_au)
au! FilterWritePre,FilterReadPre,FilterReadPost
let &shelltemp = shelltemp
func Test_TextYankPost()
call setline(1, ['foo'])
let g:event = []
au TextYankPost * let g:event = copy(v:event)
call assert_equal({}, v:event)
call assert_fails('let v:event = {}', 'E46:')
call assert_fails('let v:event.mykey = 0', 'E742:')
norm "ayiw
call assert_equal(
\{'regcontents': ['foo'], 'regname': 'a', 'operator': 'y', 'regtype': 'v'},
norm y_
call assert_equal(
\{'regcontents': ['foo'], 'regname': '', 'operator': 'y', 'regtype': 'V'},
call feedkeys("\<C-V>y", 'x')
call assert_equal(
\{'regcontents': ['f'], 'regname': '', 'operator': 'y', 'regtype': "\x161"},
norm "xciwbar
call assert_equal(
\{'regcontents': ['foo'], 'regname': 'x', 'operator': 'c', 'regtype': 'v'},
norm "bdiw
call assert_equal(
\{'regcontents': ['bar'], 'regname': 'b', 'operator': 'd', 'regtype': 'v'},
call assert_equal({}, v:event)
au! TextYankPost
unlet g:event
func Test_nocatch_wipe_all_buffers()
" Real nasty autocommand: wipe all buffers on any event.
au * * bwipe *
call assert_fails('next x', 'E93')
func Test_nocatch_wipe_dummy_buffer()
" Nasty autocommand: wipe buffer on any event.
au * x bwipe
call assert_fails('lv½ /x', 'E480')
2018-02-11 06:37:14 -07:00
2018-08-14 21:27:03 -07:00
func Test_wipe_cbuffer()
sv x
au * * bw
2018-02-11 06:37:14 -07:00
" Test TextChangedI and TextChangedP
2018-05-19 03:38:14 -07:00
func Test_ChangedP()
2018-05-19 02:44:52 -07:00
" Nvim does not support test_override().
throw 'skipped: see test/functional/viml/completion_spec.lua'
2018-02-11 06:37:14 -07:00
call setline(1, ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar'])
call test_override("char_avail", 1)
set complete=. completeopt=menuone
func! TextChangedAutocmd(char)
let g:autocmd .= a:char
au! TextChanged <buffer> :call TextChangedAutocmd('N')
au! TextChangedI <buffer> :call TextChangedAutocmd('I')
au! TextChangedP <buffer> :call TextChangedAutocmd('P')
call cursor(3, 1)
let g:autocmd = ''
call feedkeys("o\<esc>", 'tnix')
call assert_equal('I', g:autocmd)
let g:autocmd = ''
call feedkeys("Sf", 'tnix')
call assert_equal('II', g:autocmd)
let g:autocmd = ''
call feedkeys("Sf\<C-N>", 'tnix')
call assert_equal('IIP', g:autocmd)
let g:autocmd = ''
call feedkeys("Sf\<C-N>\<C-N>", 'tnix')
call assert_equal('IIPP', g:autocmd)
let g:autocmd = ''
call feedkeys("Sf\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>", 'tnix')
call assert_equal('IIPPP', g:autocmd)
let g:autocmd = ''
call feedkeys("Sf\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>", 'tnix')
call assert_equal('IIPPPP', g:autocmd)
call assert_equal(['foo', 'bar', 'foobar', 'foo'], getline(1, '$'))
" TODO: how should it handle completeopt=noinsert,noselect?
" CleanUp
call test_override("char_avail", 0)
au! TextChanged
au! TextChangedI
au! TextChangedP
delfu TextChangedAutocmd
unlet! g:autocmd
set complete&vim completeopt&vim
2018-08-08 16:02:32 -07:00
let g:setline_handled = v:false
func! SetLineOne()
if !g:setline_handled
call setline(1, "(x)")
let g:setline_handled = v:true
func Test_TextChangedI_with_setline()
throw 'skipped: Nvim does not support test_override()'
call test_override('char_avail', 1)
autocmd TextChangedI <buffer> call SetLineOne()
call feedkeys("i(\<CR>\<Esc>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('(', getline(1))
call assert_equal('x)', getline(2))
call assert_equal('', getline(1))
2018-08-08 16:11:32 -07:00
call assert_equal('', getline(2))
2018-08-08 16:02:32 -07:00
call test_override('starting', 0)
2018-08-14 22:13:38 -07:00
func Test_Changed_FirstTime()
if !has('terminal') || has('gui_running')
" Prepare file for TextChanged event.
call writefile([''], 'Xchanged.txt')
let buf = term_start([GetVimProg(), '--clean', '-c', 'set noswapfile'], {'term_rows': 3})
call assert_equal('running', term_getstatus(buf))
" It's only adding autocmd, so that no event occurs.
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":au! TextChanged <buffer> call writefile(['No'], 'Xchanged.txt')\<cr>")
call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-\\>\<C-N>:qa!\<cr>")
call WaitFor({-> term_getstatus(buf) == 'finished'})
call assert_equal([''], readfile('Xchanged.txt'))
" clean up
call delete('Xchanged.txt')