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local t = require('test.testutil')
local n = require('test.functional.testnvim')()
local clear = n.clear
local eq, ok = t.eq, t.ok
local fn = n.fn
local api = n.api
local command, eval, next_msg = n.command, n.eval, n.next_msg
local nvim_prog = n.nvim_prog
local pcall_err = t.pcall_err
2024-01-12 04:41:09 -07:00
local sleep = vim.uv.sleep
local write_file = t.write_file
local origlines = {
'original line 1',
'original line 2',
'original line 3',
'original line 4',
'original line 5',
'original line 6',
2018-01-26 12:25:53 -07:00
local function expectn(name, args)
-- expect the next message to be the specified notification event
2018-04-24 12:41:59 -07:00
eq({ 'notification', name, args }, next_msg())
2018-01-26 12:25:53 -07:00
local function sendkeys(keys)
-- Wait for Nvim to fully process pending input before possibly sending
-- more key presses - otherwise they all pile up in the queue and get
-- processed at once
2018-01-26 12:25:53 -07:00
local function open(activate, lines)
local filename = t.tmpname()
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
write_file(filename, table.concat(lines, '\n') .. '\n', true)
command('edit ' .. filename)
local b = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
-- what is the value of b:changedtick?
local tick = eval('b:changedtick')
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
-- Enable buffer events, ensure that the nvim_buf_lines_event messages
-- arrive as expected
if activate then
local firstline = 0
ok(api.nvim_buf_attach(b, true, {}))
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, firstline, -1, lines, false })
return b, tick, filename
2018-01-26 12:25:53 -07:00
local function editoriginal(activate, lines)
if not lines then
lines = origlines
-- load up the file with the correct contents
2018-01-26 12:25:53 -07:00
return open(activate, lines)
local function reopen(buf, expectedlines)
2018-05-18 01:09:11 -07:00
expectn('nvim_buf_detach_event', { buf })
-- for some reason the :edit! increments tick by 2
local tick = eval('b:changedtick')
ok(api.nvim_buf_attach(buf, true, {}))
local firstline = 0
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { buf, tick, firstline, -1, expectedlines, false })
command('normal! gg')
return tick
2018-01-26 12:25:53 -07:00
local function reopenwithfolds(b)
-- discard any changes to the buffer
local tick = reopen(b, origlines)
-- use markers for folds, make all folds open by default
command('setlocal foldmethod=marker foldlevel=20 commentstring=/*%s*/')
-- add a fold
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', {
'original line 2/*{{{*/',
'original line 3',
'original line 4/*}}}*/',
-- make a new fold that wraps lines 1-6
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', {
'original line 1/*{{{*/',
'original line 2/*{{{*/',
'original line 3',
'original line 4/*}}}*/',
'original line 5',
'original line 6/*}}}*/',
return tick
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
describe('API: buffer events:', function()
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
it('when lines are added', function()
local b, tick = editoriginal(true)
-- add a new line at the start of the buffer
command('normal! GyyggP')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 0, { 'original line 6' }, false })
-- add multiple lines at the start of the file
command('normal! GkkyGggP')
tick = tick + 1
{ b, tick, 0, 0, { 'original line 4', 'original line 5', 'original line 6' }, false }
-- add one line to the middle of the file, several times
command('normal! ggYjjp')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 3, 3, { 'original line 4' }, false })
command('normal! p')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 4, 4, { 'original line 4' }, false })
command('normal! p')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 5, 5, { 'original line 4' }, false })
-- add multiple lines to the middle of the file
command('normal! gg4Yjjp')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', {
'original line 4',
'original line 5',
'original line 6',
'original line 4',
-- add one line to the end of the file
command('normal! ggYGp')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 17, 17, { 'original line 4' }, false })
-- add one line to the end of the file, several times
command('normal! ggYGppp')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 18, 18, { 'original line 4' }, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 19, 19, { 'original line 4' }, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 20, 20, { 'original line 4' }, false })
-- add several lines to the end of the file, several times
command('normal! gg4YGp')
command('normal! Gp')
command('normal! Gp')
2018-01-26 12:25:53 -07:00
local firstfour = { 'original line 4', 'original line 5', 'original line 6', 'original line 4' }
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 21, 21, firstfour, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 25, 25, firstfour, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 29, 29, firstfour, false })
-- delete the current buffer to turn off buffer events
2018-05-18 01:09:11 -07:00
expectn('nvim_buf_detach_event', { b })
-- add a line at the start of an empty file
2018-01-26 12:25:53 -07:00
tick = eval('b:changedtick')
local b2 = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
ok(api.nvim_buf_attach(b2, true, {}))
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b2, tick, 0, -1, { '' }, false })
eval('append(0, ["new line 1"])')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b2, tick, 0, 0, { 'new line 1' }, false })
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
-- turn off buffer events manually
2018-05-18 01:09:11 -07:00
expectn('nvim_buf_detach_event', { b2 })
-- add multiple lines to a blank file
local b3 = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
ok(api.nvim_buf_attach(b3, true, {}))
tick = eval('b:changedtick')
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b3, tick, 0, -1, { '' }, false })
eval('append(0, ["new line 1", "new line 2", "new line 3"])')
tick = tick + 1
{ b3, tick, 0, 0, { 'new line 1', 'new line 2', 'new line 3' }, false }
-- use the API itself to add a line to the start of the buffer
api.nvim_buf_set_lines(b3, 0, 0, true, { 'New First Line' })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b3, tick, 0, 0, { 'New First Line' }, false })
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
it('when lines are removed', function()
local b, tick = editoriginal(true)
-- remove one line from start of file
command('normal! dd')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 1, {}, false })
-- remove multiple lines from the start of the file
command('normal! 4dd')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 4, {}, false })
-- remove multiple lines from middle of file
tick = reopen(b, origlines)
command('normal! jj3dd')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 2, 5, {}, false })
-- remove one line from the end of the file
tick = reopen(b, origlines)
command('normal! Gdd')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 5, 6, {}, false })
-- remove multiple lines from the end of the file
tick = reopen(b, origlines)
command('normal! 4G3dd')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 3, 6, {}, false })
-- pretend to remove heaps lines from the end of the file but really
-- just remove two
tick = reopen(b, origlines)
command('normal! Gk5dd')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 4, 6, {}, false })
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
it('when text is changed', function()
local b, tick = editoriginal(true)
-- some normal text editing
command('normal! A555')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 1, { 'original line 1555' }, false })
command('normal! jj8X')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 2, 3, { 'origin3' }, false })
-- modify multiple lines at once using visual block mode
tick = reopen(b, origlines)
command('normal! jjw')
2018-02-12 14:49:35 -07:00
tick = tick + 1
{ b, tick, 2, 5, { 'original e 3', 'original e 4', 'original e 5' }, false }
-- replace part of a line line using :s
tick = reopen(b, origlines)
command('3s/line 3/foo/')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 2, 3, { 'original foo' }, false })
-- replace parts of several lines line using :s
tick = reopen(b, origlines)
command('%s/line [35]/foo/')
tick = tick + 1
{ b, tick, 2, 5, { 'original foo', 'original line 4', 'original foo' }, false }
-- type text into the first line of a blank file, one character at a time
tick = 2
2018-05-18 01:09:11 -07:00
expectn('nvim_buf_detach_event', { b })
local bnew = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
ok(api.nvim_buf_attach(bnew, true, {}))
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { bnew, tick, 0, -1, { '' }, false })
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { bnew, tick + 1, 0, 1, { 'h' }, false })
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { bnew, tick + 2, 0, 1, { 'he' }, false })
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { bnew, tick + 3, 0, 1, { 'hel' }, false })
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { bnew, tick + 4, 0, 1, { 'hell' }, false })
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { bnew, tick + 5, 0, 1, { 'hello' }, false })
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { bnew, tick + 6, 0, 1, { 'hello', '' }, false })
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { bnew, tick + 7, 1, 2, { 'world' }, false })
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
it('when lines are replaced', function()
local b, tick = editoriginal(true)
-- blast away parts of some lines with visual mode
command('normal! jjwvjjllx')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 2, 3, { 'original ' }, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 3, 4, {}, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 3, 4, { 'e 5' }, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 2, 3, { 'original e 5' }, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 3, 4, {}, false })
-- blast away a few lines using :g
tick = reopen(b, origlines)
command('global/line [35]/delete')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 2, 3, {}, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 3, 4, {}, false })
it('visual paste split empty line', function()
local b, tick = editoriginal(true, { 'abc', '{', 'def', '}' })
command('normal! ggyyjjvi{p')
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick + 1, 2, 3, { '' }, false })
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick + 2, 2, 3, { '}' }, false })
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick + 3, 3, 4, {}, false })
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick + 3, 2, 3, { '' }, false })
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick + 4, 3, 3, { 'abc', '}' }, false })
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
it('when lines are filtered', function()
-- Test filtering lines with !cat
local b, tick = editoriginal(true, { 'A', 'C', 'E', 'B', 'D', 'F' })
command('silent 2,5!cat')
-- the change comes through as two changes:
-- 1) addition of the new lines after the filtered lines
-- 2) removal of the original lines
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 5, 5, { 'C', 'E', 'B', 'D' }, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 1, 5, {}, false })
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
it('when you use "o"', function()
2018-01-26 12:25:53 -07:00
local b, tick = editoriginal(true, { 'AAA', 'BBB' })
command('set noautoindent nosmartindent')
-- use 'o' to start a new line from a line with no indent
command('normal! o')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 1, 1, { '' }, false })
-- undo the change, indent line 1 a bit, and try again
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 1, 2, {}, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_changedtick_event', { b, tick })
command('set autoindent')
command('normal! >>')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 1, { '\tAAA' }, false })
command('normal! ommm')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 1, 1, { '\t' }, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 1, 2, { '\tmmm' }, false })
-- undo the change, and try again with 'O'
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 1, 2, { '\t' }, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 1, 2, {}, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_changedtick_event', { b, tick })
command('normal! ggOmmm')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 0, { '\t' }, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 1, { '\tmmm' }, false })
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
it('deactivates if the buffer is changed externally', function()
-- Test changing file from outside vim and reloading using :edit
local lines = { 'Line 1', 'Line 2' }
local b, tick, filename = editoriginal(true, lines)
command('normal! x')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 1, { 'ine 1' }, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 1, { 'Line 1' }, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_changedtick_event', { b, tick })
-- change the file directly
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
write_file(filename, 'another line\n', true, true)
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
-- reopen the file and watch buffer events shut down
2018-05-18 01:09:11 -07:00
expectn('nvim_buf_detach_event', { b })
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
it('channel can watch many buffers at once', function()
-- edit 3 buffers, make sure they all have windows visible so that when we
-- move between buffers, none of them are unloaded
2018-01-26 12:25:53 -07:00
local b1, tick1 = editoriginal(true, { 'A1', 'A2' })
local b1nr = eval('bufnr("")')
2018-01-26 12:25:53 -07:00
local b2, tick2 = open(true, { 'B1', 'B2' })
local b2nr = eval('bufnr("")')
2018-01-26 12:25:53 -07:00
local b3, tick3 = open(true, { 'C1', 'C2' })
local b3nr = eval('bufnr("")')
-- make a new window for moving between buffers
command('b' .. b1nr)
command('normal! x')
tick1 = tick1 + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b1, tick1, 0, 1, { '1' }, false })
tick1 = tick1 + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b1, tick1, 0, 1, { 'A1' }, false })
tick1 = tick1 + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_changedtick_event', { b1, tick1 })
command('b' .. b2nr)
command('normal! x')
tick2 = tick2 + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b2, tick2, 0, 1, { '1' }, false })
tick2 = tick2 + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b2, tick2, 0, 1, { 'B1' }, false })
tick2 = tick2 + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_changedtick_event', { b2, tick2 })
command('b' .. b3nr)
command('normal! x')
tick3 = tick3 + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b3, tick3, 0, 1, { '1' }, false })
tick3 = tick3 + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b3, tick3, 0, 1, { 'C1' }, false })
tick3 = tick3 + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_changedtick_event', { b3, tick3 })
it('does not get confused if enabled/disabled many times', function()
local channel = api.nvim_get_chan_info(0).id
local b, tick = editoriginal(false)
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
-- Enable buffer events many times.
ok(api.nvim_buf_attach(b, true, {}))
ok(api.nvim_buf_attach(b, true, {}))
ok(api.nvim_buf_attach(b, true, {}))
ok(api.nvim_buf_attach(b, true, {}))
ok(api.nvim_buf_attach(b, true, {}))
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, -1, origlines, false })
eval('rpcnotify(' .. channel .. ', "Hello There")')
expectn('Hello There', {})
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
-- Disable buffer events many times.
2018-05-18 01:09:11 -07:00
expectn('nvim_buf_detach_event', { b })
eval('rpcnotify(' .. channel .. ', "Hello Again")')
expectn('Hello Again', {})
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
it('can notify several channels at once', function()
-- create several new sessions, in addition to our main API
2018-01-26 12:25:53 -07:00
local sessions = {}
local pipe = n.new_pipename()
eval("serverstart('" .. pipe .. "')")
sessions[1] = n.connect(pipe)
sessions[2] = n.connect(pipe)
sessions[3] = n.connect(pipe)
2018-01-26 12:25:53 -07:00
local function request(sessionnr, method, ...)
local status, rv = sessions[sessionnr]:request(method, ...)
if not status then
return rv
2018-01-26 12:25:53 -07:00
local function wantn(sessionid, name, args)
local session = sessions[sessionid]
2018-07-01 07:35:35 -07:00
eq({ 'notification', name, args }, session:next_message(10000))
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
-- Edit a new file, but don't enable buffer events.
local lines = { 'AAA', 'BBB' }
local b, tick = open(false, lines)
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
-- Enable buffer events for sessions 1, 2 and 3.
2018-05-21 11:42:59 -07:00
ok(request(1, 'nvim_buf_attach', b, true, {}))
ok(request(2, 'nvim_buf_attach', b, true, {}))
ok(request(3, 'nvim_buf_attach', b, true, {}))
wantn(1, 'nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, -1, lines, false })
wantn(2, 'nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, -1, lines, false })
wantn(3, 'nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, -1, lines, false })
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
-- Change the buffer.
command('normal! x')
tick = tick + 1
wantn(1, 'nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 1, { 'AA' }, false })
wantn(2, 'nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 1, { 'AA' }, false })
wantn(3, 'nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 1, { 'AA' }, false })
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
-- Stop watching on channel 1.
2018-02-11 14:51:29 -07:00
ok(request(1, 'nvim_buf_detach', b))
2018-05-18 01:09:11 -07:00
wantn(1, 'nvim_buf_detach_event', { b })
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
-- Undo the change to buffer 1.
tick = tick + 1
wantn(2, 'nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 1, { 'AAA' }, false })
wantn(3, 'nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 1, { 'AAA' }, false })
tick = tick + 1
wantn(2, 'nvim_buf_changedtick_event', { b, tick })
wantn(3, 'nvim_buf_changedtick_event', { b, tick })
-- make sure there are no other pending nvim_buf_lines_event messages going to
-- channel 1
local channel1 = request(1, 'nvim_get_chan_info', 0).id
eval('rpcnotify(' .. channel1 .. ', "Hello")')
wantn(1, 'Hello', {})
2018-05-18 01:09:11 -07:00
-- close the buffer and channels 2 and 3 should get a nvim_buf_detach_event
-- notification
2018-05-18 01:09:11 -07:00
wantn(2, 'nvim_buf_detach_event', { b })
wantn(3, 'nvim_buf_detach_event', { b })
-- make sure there are no other pending nvim_buf_lines_event messages going to
-- channel 1
channel1 = request(1, 'nvim_get_chan_info', 0).id
eval('rpcnotify(' .. channel1 .. ', "Hello Again")')
wantn(1, 'Hello Again', {})
it('works with :diffput and :diffget', function()
local b1, tick1 = editoriginal(true, { 'AAA', 'BBB' })
local channel = api.nvim_get_chan_info(0).id
command('rightbelow vsplit')
local b2, tick2 = open(true, { 'BBB', 'CCC' })
-- go back to first buffer, and push the 'AAA' line to the second buffer
command('1wincmd w')
command('normal! gg')
tick2 = tick2 + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b2, tick2, 0, 0, { 'AAA' }, false })
-- use :diffget to grab the other change from buffer 2
command('normal! G')
tick1 = tick1 + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b1, tick1, 2, 2, { 'CCC' }, false })
eval('rpcnotify(' .. channel .. ', "Goodbye")')
expectn('Goodbye', {})
it('works with :sort', function()
-- test for :sort
local b, tick = editoriginal(true, { 'B', 'D', 'C', 'A', 'E' })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 5, { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E' }, false })
it('works with :left', function()
local b, tick = editoriginal(true, { ' A', ' B', 'B', '\tB', '\t\tC' })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 1, 4, { 'B', 'B', 'B' }, false })
it('works with :right', function()
local b, tick = editoriginal(true, { ' A', '\t B', '\t \tBB', ' \tB', '\t\tC' })
command('set ts=2 et')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 1, 4, { ' B', ' BB', ' B' }, false })
it('works with :move', function()
local b, tick = editoriginal(true, origlines)
-- move text down towards the end of the file
command('2,3move 4')
tick = tick + 2
{ b, tick, 4, 4, { 'original line 2', 'original line 3' }, false }
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 1, 3, {}, false })
-- move text up towards the start of the file
tick = reopen(b, origlines)
command('4,5move 2')
tick = tick + 2
{ b, tick, 2, 2, { 'original line 4', 'original line 5' }, false }
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 5, 7, {}, false })
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
it('when you manually add/remove folds', function()
2018-01-26 12:25:53 -07:00
local b = editoriginal(true)
local tick = reopenwithfolds(b)
-- delete the inner fold
command('normal! zR3Gzd')
tick = tick + 1
{ b, tick, 1, 4, { 'original line 2', 'original line 3', 'original line 4' }, false }
-- delete the outer fold
command('normal! zd')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 6, origlines, false })
-- discard changes and put the folds back
tick = reopenwithfolds(b)
-- remove both folds at once
command('normal! ggzczD')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 6, origlines, false })
-- discard changes and put the folds back
tick = reopenwithfolds(b)
-- now delete all folds at once
command('normal! zE')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 6, origlines, false })
-- create a fold from line 4 to the end of the file
command('normal! 4GA/*{{{*/')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 3, 4, { 'original line 4/*{{{*/' }, false })
-- delete the fold which only has one marker
command('normal! Gzd')
tick = tick + 1
{ b, tick, 3, 6, { 'original line 4', 'original line 5', 'original line 6' }, false }
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
it('detaches if the buffer is closed', function()
local b, tick = editoriginal(true, { 'AAA' })
local channel = api.nvim_get_chan_info(0).id
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
-- Test that buffer events are working.
command('normal! x')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 1, { 'AA' }, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 1, { 'AAA' }, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_changedtick_event', { b, tick })
-- close our buffer and create a new one
2018-05-18 01:09:11 -07:00
expectn('nvim_buf_detach_event', { b })
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
-- Reopen the original buffer, make sure there are no buffer events sent.
command('normal! x')
eval('rpcnotify(' .. channel .. ', "Hello There")')
expectn('Hello There', {})
2018-01-26 12:25:53 -07:00
it(':edit! (reload) causes detach #9642', function()
local b, tick = editoriginal(true, { 'AAA', 'BBB' })
command('set undoreload=1')
command('normal! x')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 1, { 'AA' }, false })
expectn('nvim_buf_detach_event', { b })
it(':enew! does not detach hidden buffer', function()
local b, tick = editoriginal(true, { 'AAA', 'BBB' })
local channel = api.nvim_get_chan_info(0).id
command('set undoreload=1 hidden')
command('normal! x')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 1, { 'AA' }, false })
eval('rpcnotify(' .. channel .. ', "Hello There")')
expectn('Hello There', {})
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
it('stays attached if the buffer is hidden', function()
local b, tick = editoriginal(true, { 'AAA' })
local channel = api.nvim_get_chan_info(0).id
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
-- Test that buffer events are working.
command('normal! x')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 1, { 'AA' }, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 1, { 'AAA' }, false })
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_changedtick_event', { b, tick })
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
-- Close our buffer by creating a new one.
command('set hidden')
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
-- Assert that no nvim_buf_detach_event is sent.
eval('rpcnotify(' .. channel .. ', "Hello There")')
expectn('Hello There', {})
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
-- Reopen the original buffer, assert that buffer events are still active.
command('normal! x')
tick = tick + 1
expectn('nvim_buf_lines_event', { b, tick, 0, 1, { 'AA' }, false })
it('detaches if the buffer is unloaded/deleted/wiped', function()
-- start with a blank nvim
-- need to make a new window with a buffer because :bunload doesn't let you
-- unload the last buffer
2018-01-26 12:25:53 -07:00
for _, cmd in ipairs({ 'bunload', 'bdelete', 'bwipeout' }) do
-- open a brand spanking new file
2018-01-26 12:25:53 -07:00
local b = open(true, { 'AAA' })
-- call :bunload or whatever the command is, and then check that we
2018-05-18 01:09:11 -07:00
-- receive a nvim_buf_detach_event
2018-05-18 01:09:11 -07:00
expectn('nvim_buf_detach_event', { b })
2018-06-08 01:13:04 -07:00
it('does not send the buffer content if not requested', function()
local b, tick = editoriginal(false)
ok(api.nvim_buf_attach(b, false, {}))
expectn('nvim_buf_changedtick_event', { b, tick })
2018-05-21 11:42:59 -07:00
it('returns a proper error on nonempty options dict', function()
2018-05-21 11:42:59 -07:00
local b = editoriginal(false)
eq("Invalid key: 'builtin'", pcall_err(api.nvim_buf_attach, b, false, { builtin = 'asfd' }))
2018-05-21 11:42:59 -07:00
it('nvim_buf_attach returns response after delay #8634', function()
-- response
eq(true, n.request('nvim_buf_attach', 0, false, {}))
-- notification
[1] = 'notification',
[2] = 'nvim_buf_changedtick_event',
[3] = {
[1] = 1,
[2] = 2,
}, next_msg())
describe('API: buffer events:', function()
local function lines_subset(first, second)
for i = 1, #first do
-- need to ignore trailing spaces
if first[i]:gsub(' +$', '') ~= second[i]:gsub(' +$', '') then
return false
return true
local function lines_equal(f, s)
return lines_subset(f, s) and lines_subset(s, f)
local function assert_match_somewhere(expected_lines, buffer_lines)
local msg = next_msg()
while msg ~= nil do
local event = msg[2]
if event == 'nvim_buf_lines_event' then
local args = msg[3]
local starts = args[3]
local newlines = args[5]
-- Size of the contained nvim instance is 23 lines, this might change
-- with the test setup. Note updates are contiguous.
assert(#newlines <= 23)
for i = 1, #newlines do
buffer_lines[starts + i] = newlines[i]
-- we don't compare the msg area of the embedded nvim, it's too flakey
buffer_lines[23] = nil
if lines_equal(buffer_lines, expected_lines) then
-- OK
msg = next_msg()
assert(false, 'did not match/receive expected nvim_buf_lines_event lines')
it('when :terminal lines change', function()
local buffer_lines = {}
local expected_lines = {}
fn.termopen({ nvim_prog, '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '-n', '-c', 'set shortmess+=A' }, {
env = { VIMRUNTIME = os.getenv('VIMRUNTIME') },
local b = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
ok(api.nvim_buf_attach(b, true, {}))
for _ = 1, 22 do
table.insert(expected_lines, '~')
expected_lines[1] = ''
expected_lines[22] = ('tmp_terminal_nvim' .. (' '):rep(45) .. '0,0-1 All')
sendkeys('i:e tmp_terminal_nvim<Enter>')
assert_match_somewhere(expected_lines, buffer_lines)
expected_lines[1] = 'Blarg'
expected_lines[22] = ('tmp_terminal_nvim [+]' .. (' '):rep(41) .. '1,6 All')
assert_match_somewhere(expected_lines, buffer_lines)
for i = 1, 21 do
expected_lines[i] = 'xyz'
expected_lines[22] = ('tmp_terminal_nvim [+]' .. (' '):rep(41) .. '31,4 Bot')
local s = string.rep('\nxyz', 30)
assert_match_somewhere(expected_lines, buffer_lines)