2016-07-22 19:33:38 -07:00
" Tests for editing the command line.
func Test_complete_tab()
call writefile(['testfile'], 'Xtestfile')
2017-08-09 08:02:35 -07:00
call feedkeys(":e Xtestf\t\r", "tx")
2016-07-22 19:33:38 -07:00
call assert_equal('testfile', getline(1))
call delete('Xtestfile')
func Test_complete_list()
" We can't see the output, but at least we check the code runs properly.
call feedkeys(":e test\<C-D>\r", "tx")
call assert_equal('test', expand('%:t'))
func Test_complete_wildmenu()
call writefile(['testfile1'], 'Xtestfile1')
call writefile(['testfile2'], 'Xtestfile2')
set wildmenu
2017-08-09 08:02:35 -07:00
call feedkeys(":e Xtestf\t\t\r", "tx")
2016-07-22 19:33:38 -07:00
call assert_equal('testfile2', getline(1))
call delete('Xtestfile1')
call delete('Xtestfile2')
set nowildmenu
func Test_getcompletion()
if !has('cmdline_compl')
let groupcount = len(getcompletion('', 'event'))
call assert_true(groupcount > 0)
let matchcount = len(getcompletion('File', 'event'))
call assert_true(matchcount > 0)
call assert_true(groupcount > matchcount)
if has('menu')
source $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim
let matchcount = len(getcompletion('', 'menu'))
call assert_true(matchcount > 0)
call assert_equal(['File.'], getcompletion('File', 'menu'))
call assert_true(matchcount > 0)
let matchcount = len(getcompletion('File.', 'menu'))
call assert_true(matchcount > 0)
let l = getcompletion('v:n', 'var')
call assert_true(index(l, 'v:null') >= 0)
2016-08-17 06:24:20 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('v:notexists', 'var')
call assert_equal([], l)
2016-07-22 19:33:38 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('', 'augroup')
call assert_true(index(l, 'END') >= 0)
2016-08-17 06:24:20 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('blahblah', 'augroup')
call assert_equal([], l)
2016-07-22 19:33:38 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('', 'behave')
call assert_true(index(l, 'mswin') >= 0)
2016-08-17 06:24:20 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('not', 'behave')
call assert_equal([], l)
2016-07-22 19:33:38 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('', 'color')
call assert_true(index(l, 'default') >= 0)
2016-08-17 06:24:20 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('dirty', 'color')
call assert_equal([], l)
2016-07-22 19:33:38 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('', 'command')
call assert_true(index(l, 'sleep') >= 0)
2016-08-17 06:24:20 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('awake', 'command')
call assert_equal([], l)
2016-07-22 19:33:38 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('', 'dir')
2016-08-17 06:24:20 -07:00
call assert_true(index(l, 'sautest/') >= 0)
let l = getcompletion('NoMatch', 'dir')
call assert_equal([], l)
2016-07-22 19:33:38 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('exe', 'expression')
call assert_true(index(l, 'executable(') >= 0)
2016-08-17 06:24:20 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('kill', 'expression')
call assert_equal([], l)
2016-07-22 19:33:38 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('tag', 'function')
call assert_true(index(l, 'taglist(') >= 0)
2016-08-17 06:24:20 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('paint', 'function')
call assert_equal([], l)
2016-07-22 19:33:38 -07:00
2016-12-15 12:48:41 -07:00
let Flambda = {-> 'hello'}
let l = getcompletion('', 'function')
let l = filter(l, {i, v -> v =~ 'lambda'})
call assert_equal(0, len(l))
2016-07-22 19:33:38 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('run', 'file')
call assert_true(index(l, 'runtest.vim') >= 0)
2016-08-17 06:24:20 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('walk', 'file')
call assert_equal([], l)
2016-10-01 03:54:59 -07:00
set wildignore=*.vim
let l = getcompletion('run', 'file', 1)
call assert_true(index(l, 'runtest.vim') < 0)
set wildignore&
2016-07-22 19:33:38 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('ha', 'filetype')
call assert_true(index(l, 'hamster') >= 0)
2016-08-17 06:24:20 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('horse', 'filetype')
call assert_equal([], l)
2016-07-22 19:33:38 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('z', 'syntax')
call assert_true(index(l, 'zimbu') >= 0)
2016-08-17 06:24:20 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('emacs', 'syntax')
call assert_equal([], l)
2016-07-22 19:33:38 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('jikes', 'compiler')
call assert_true(index(l, 'jikes') >= 0)
2016-08-17 06:24:20 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('break', 'compiler')
call assert_equal([], l)
helptags ALL
let l = getcompletion('last', 'help')
call assert_true(index(l, ':tablast') >= 0)
let l = getcompletion('giveup', 'help')
call assert_equal([], l)
2016-07-22 19:33:38 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('time', 'option')
call assert_true(index(l, 'timeoutlen') >= 0)
2016-08-17 06:24:20 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('space', 'option')
call assert_equal([], l)
2016-07-22 19:33:38 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('er', 'highlight')
call assert_true(index(l, 'ErrorMsg') >= 0)
2016-08-17 06:24:20 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('dark', 'highlight')
call assert_equal([], l)
2016-07-22 19:33:38 -07:00
2017-07-25 09:30:28 -07:00
let l = getcompletion('', 'messages')
call assert_true(index(l, 'clear') >= 0)
let l = getcompletion('not', 'messages')
call assert_equal([], l)
2016-10-01 03:38:34 -07:00
if has('cscope')
let l = getcompletion('', 'cscope')
let cmds = ['add', 'find', 'help', 'kill', 'reset', 'show']
call assert_equal(cmds, l)
" using cmdline completion must not change the result
call feedkeys(":cscope find \<c-d>\<c-c>", 'xt')
let l = getcompletion('', 'cscope')
call assert_equal(cmds, l)
let keys = ['a', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'i', 's', 't']
let l = getcompletion('find ', 'cscope')
call assert_equal(keys, l)
2016-10-01 03:41:48 -07:00
if has('signs')
sign define Testing linehl=Comment
let l = getcompletion('', 'sign')
let cmds = ['define', 'jump', 'list', 'place', 'undefine', 'unplace']
call assert_equal(cmds, l)
" using cmdline completion must not change the result
call feedkeys(":sign list \<c-d>\<c-c>", 'xt')
let l = getcompletion('', 'sign')
call assert_equal(cmds, l)
let l = getcompletion('list ', 'sign')
call assert_equal(['Testing'], l)
2017-03-27 12:04:52 -07:00
" Command line completion tests
let l = getcompletion('cd ', 'cmdline')
call assert_true(index(l, 'sautest/') >= 0)
let l = getcompletion('cd NoMatch', 'cmdline')
call assert_equal([], l)
let l = getcompletion('let v:n', 'cmdline')
call assert_true(index(l, 'v:null') >= 0)
let l = getcompletion('let v:notexists', 'cmdline')
call assert_equal([], l)
let l = getcompletion('call tag', 'cmdline')
call assert_true(index(l, 'taglist(') >= 0)
let l = getcompletion('call paint', 'cmdline')
call assert_equal([], l)
2016-07-22 19:33:38 -07:00
" For others test if the name is recognized.
let names = ['buffer', 'environment', 'file_in_path',
\ 'mapping', 'shellcmd', 'tag', 'tag_listfiles', 'user']
if has('cmdline_hist')
call add(names, 'history')
if has('gettext')
call add(names, 'locale')
if has('profile')
call add(names, 'syntime')
set tags=Xtags
call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", "word\tfile\tcmd"], 'Xtags')
for name in names
let matchcount = len(getcompletion('', name))
call assert_true(matchcount >= 0, 'No matches for ' . name)
call delete('Xtags')
call assert_fails('call getcompletion("", "burp")', 'E475:')
2016-10-12 14:01:11 -07:00
func Test_expand_star_star()
call mkdir('a/b', 'p')
call writefile(['asdfasdf'], 'a/b/fileXname')
call feedkeys(":find **/fileXname\<Tab>\<CR>", 'xt')
call assert_equal('find a/b/fileXname', getreg(':'))
2017-03-29 07:48:50 -07:00
2016-10-12 14:01:11 -07:00
call delete('a', 'rf')
2017-07-29 16:36:44 -07:00
func Test_paste_in_cmdline()
let @a = "def"
call feedkeys(":abc \<C-R>a ghi\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('"abc def ghi', @:)
call setline(1, 'asdf.x /tmp/some verylongword a;b-c*d ')
call feedkeys(":aaa \<C-R>\<C-W> bbb\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('"aaa asdf bbb', @:)
call feedkeys("ft:aaa \<C-R>\<C-F> bbb\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('"aaa /tmp/some bbb', @:)
set incsearch
call feedkeys("fy:aaa veryl\<C-R>\<C-W> bbb\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('"aaa verylongword bbb', @:)
call feedkeys("f;:aaa \<C-R>\<C-A> bbb\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('"aaa a;b-c*d bbb', @:)
2017-09-03 06:23:09 -07:00
call feedkeys(":\<C-\>etoupper(getline(1))\<CR>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('"ASDF.X /TMP/SOME VERYLONGWORD A;B-C*D ', @:)
2017-07-29 16:36:44 -07:00
2017-08-02 01:22:04 -07:00
2017-09-03 06:23:09 -07:00
func Test_remove_char_in_cmdline()
call feedkeys(":abc def\<S-Left>\<Del>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('"abc ef', @:)
call feedkeys(":abc def\<S-Left>\<BS>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('"abcdef', @:)
call feedkeys(":abc def ghi\<S-Left>\<C-W>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('"abc ghi', @:)
call feedkeys(":abc def\<S-Left>\<C-U>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
call assert_equal('"def', @:)
2017-08-02 01:22:04 -07:00
func Test_illegal_address()