Per section 4.c. of the IETF Trust Legal Provisions, "Code Components" in IETF Documents are licensed on the terms of the BSD-3-Clause license: https://trustee.ietf.org/documents/trust-legal-provisions/tlp-5/ The term "Code Components" specifically includes ASN.1 modules: https://trustee.ietf.org/documents/trust-legal-provisions/code-components-list-3/ Add an SPDX identifier as well as a copyright notice pursuant to section 6.d. of the Trust Legal Provisions to all ASN.1 modules in the tree which are derived from IETF Documents. Section 4.d. of the Trust Legal Provisions requests that each Code Component identify the RFC from which it is taken, so link that RFC in every ASN.1 module. Signed-off-by: Lukas Wunner <lukas@wunner.de> Signed-off-by: Herbert Xu <herbert@gondor.apana.org.au>
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-- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-- Copyright (C) 2009 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors
-- of the code
-- https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5652#section-3
PKCS7ContentInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
contentType ContentType ({ pkcs7_check_content_type }),
content [0] EXPLICIT SignedData OPTIONAL
ContentType ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER ({ pkcs7_note_OID })
SignedData ::= SEQUENCE {
version INTEGER ({ pkcs7_note_signeddata_version }),
digestAlgorithms DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers,
contentInfo ContentInfo ({ pkcs7_note_content }),
certificates CHOICE {
certSet [0] IMPLICIT ExtendedCertificatesAndCertificates,
certSequence [2] IMPLICIT Certificates
} OPTIONAL ({ pkcs7_note_certificate_list }),
crls CHOICE {
crlSet [1] IMPLICIT CertificateRevocationLists,
crlSequence [3] IMPLICIT CRLSequence
signerInfos SignerInfos
ContentInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
contentType ContentType ({ pkcs7_note_OID }),
content [0] EXPLICIT Data OPTIONAL
Data ::= ANY ({ pkcs7_note_data })
DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers ::= CHOICE {
daSet SET OF DigestAlgorithmIdentifier,
daSequence SEQUENCE OF DigestAlgorithmIdentifier
DigestAlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
algorithm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ({ pkcs7_note_OID }),
parameters ANY OPTIONAL
-- Certificates and certificate lists
ExtendedCertificatesAndCertificates ::= SET OF ExtendedCertificateOrCertificate
ExtendedCertificateOrCertificate ::= CHOICE {
certificate Certificate, -- X.509
extendedCertificate [0] IMPLICIT ExtendedCertificate -- PKCS#6
ExtendedCertificate ::= Certificate -- cheating
Certificates ::= SEQUENCE OF Certificate
CertificateRevocationLists ::= SET OF CertificateList
CertificateList ::= SEQUENCE OF Certificate -- This may be defined incorrectly
CRLSequence ::= SEQUENCE OF CertificateList
Certificate ::= ANY ({ pkcs7_extract_cert }) -- X.509
-- Signer information
SignerInfos ::= CHOICE {
siSet SET OF SignerInfo,
siSequence SEQUENCE OF SignerInfo
SignerInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
version INTEGER ({ pkcs7_note_signerinfo_version }),
sid SignerIdentifier, -- CMS variant, not PKCS#7
digestAlgorithm DigestAlgorithmIdentifier ({ pkcs7_sig_note_digest_algo }),
authenticatedAttributes CHOICE {
aaSet [0] IMPLICIT SetOfAuthenticatedAttribute
({ pkcs7_sig_note_set_of_authattrs }),
aaSequence [2] EXPLICIT SEQUENCE OF AuthenticatedAttribute
-- Explicit because easier to compute digest on
-- sequence of attributes and then reuse encoded
-- sequence in aaSequence.
DigestEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier ({ pkcs7_sig_note_pkey_algo }),
encryptedDigest EncryptedDigest,
unauthenticatedAttributes CHOICE {
uaSet [1] IMPLICIT SET OF UnauthenticatedAttribute,
uaSequence [3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF UnauthenticatedAttribute
} ({ pkcs7_note_signed_info })
SignerIdentifier ::= CHOICE {
-- RFC5652 sec 5.3
issuerAndSerialNumber IssuerAndSerialNumber,
subjectKeyIdentifier [0] IMPLICIT SubjectKeyIdentifier
IssuerAndSerialNumber ::= SEQUENCE {
issuer Name ({ pkcs7_sig_note_issuer }),
serialNumber CertificateSerialNumber ({ pkcs7_sig_note_serial })
CertificateSerialNumber ::= INTEGER
SubjectKeyIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING ({ pkcs7_sig_note_skid })
SetOfAuthenticatedAttribute ::= SET OF AuthenticatedAttribute
AuthenticatedAttribute ::= SEQUENCE {
type OBJECT IDENTIFIER ({ pkcs7_note_OID }),
values SET OF ANY ({ pkcs7_sig_note_authenticated_attr })
UnauthenticatedAttribute ::= SEQUENCE {
values SET OF ANY
DigestEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
algorithm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ({ pkcs7_note_OID }),
parameters ANY OPTIONAL
EncryptedDigest ::= OCTET STRING ({ pkcs7_sig_note_signature })
--- X.500 Name
Name ::= SEQUENCE OF RelativeDistinguishedName
RelativeDistinguishedName ::= SET OF AttributeValueAssertion
AttributeValueAssertion ::= SEQUENCE {
attributeType OBJECT IDENTIFIER ({ pkcs7_note_OID }),
attributeValue ANY