* Fixed inability to create xcframework with minimal iOS deployment target newer than iOS 10.x
Creating Clibsodium.xcframework...
error: cannot compute path of binary 'Path(str: "/private/tmp/libsodium-stable/libsodium-apple/macos/lib/libsodium.a")' relative to that of '/tmp/libsodium-stable/libsodium-apple/macos/lib/libsodium.a'
ls: /tmp/libsodium-stable/libsodium-apple/Clibsodium.xcframework: No such file or directory
ls -l /tmp
lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 root wheel 11 12 15 22:43 /tmp -> private/tmp
* Added script to generate all android versions and script to create AAR with prefab
* disable-pie so x86 static lib works. Update AAR to fix bug related to soname field in .so files themselves. Integrate android-all.sh into android-aar.sh
* Missed updated android-build.sh in last commit. This adds --disable-pie to the configure flags
* Added message after android-aar compilation explaining aar usage
* Update android-armv7-a.sh
update HOST_COMPILER variable to be compatible with updated android-build.sh that supports latest ndk and use of prebuilt toolchains.
* Update android-build.sh
update to allow use of prebuilt toolchains in latest ndk. The latest ndk does not support arm prior to armv7a and the HOST_COMPILER for armv7a must now be armv7a not just arm.
* Delete android-arm.sh
arm prior to armv7a is no longer supported by android ndk.
* Update android-build.sh
removing unneeded MAKE_TOOLCHAIN variable
* Update Makefile.am
removing obsolete android targets
* Delete android-mips32.sh
* Delete android-mips64.sh
This stops emscripten from adding a `unhandledRejection` handler on the global `process` object that forcefully exits the process.
This allows fixing jedisct1/emscripten.js#253 because we no longer need to remove these listeners to compensate after the fact.