2013-08-05 11:19:13 -07:00
2014-05-15 00:13:30 -07:00
* Version 0.5.1
2014-05-15 22:20:03 -07:00
- crypto_stream_chacha20*
2014-05-15 00:13:30 -07:00
- crypto_pwhash_scryptxsalsa208sha256*() functions have been renamed
2014-05-25 19:25:44 -07:00
- crypto_box_seed_keypair()
2014-05-15 00:13:30 -07:00
2014-05-08 22:36:28 -07:00
* Version 0.5.0
- sodium_mlock()/sodium_munlock() have been introduced to lock pages
in memory before storing sensitive data, and to zero them before
unlocking them.
- High-level wrappers for crypto_box and crypto_secretbox
(crypto_box_easy and crypto_secretbox_easy) can be used to avoid
dealing with the specific memory layout regular functions depend on.
2014-05-15 00:01:16 -07:00
- crypto_pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256* functions have been added
2014-05-08 22:36:28 -07:00
to derive a key from a password, and for password storage.
- Salsa20 and ed25519 implementations now support overlapping
inputs/keys/outputs (changes imported from supercop-20140505).
- New build scripts for Visual Studio, Emscripten, different Android
architectures and msys2 are available.
- The poly1305-53 implementation has been replaced with Floodyberry's
poly1305-donna32 and poly1305-donna64 implementations.
- sodium_hex2bin() has been added to complement sodium_bin2hex().
- On OpenBSD and Bitrig, arc4random() is used instead of reading
- crypto_auth_hmac_sha512() has been implemented.
- sha256 and sha512 now have a streaming interface.
- hmacsha256, hmacsha512 and hmacsha512256 now support keys of
arbitrary length, and have a streaming interface.
- crypto_verify_64() has been implemented.
2014-05-12 09:40:18 -07:00
- first-class Visual Studio build system, thanks to @evoskuil
2014-05-12 10:49:42 -07:00
- CPU features are now detected at runtime.
2014-05-08 22:36:28 -07:00
2013-10-22 02:57:27 -07:00
* Version 0.4.5
- Restore compatibility with OSX <= 10.6
2013-10-21 20:54:56 -07:00
* Version 0.4.4
- Visual Studio is officially supported (VC 2010 & VC 2013)
- mingw64 is now supported
- big-endian architectures are now supported as well
- The donna_c64 implementation of curve25519_donna_c64 now handles
non-canonical points like the ref implementation
2013-10-21 22:03:37 -07:00
- Missing scalarmult_curve25519 and stream_salsa20 constants are now exported
2013-10-21 20:54:56 -07:00
- A crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_ref() wrapper has been added
2013-09-08 22:34:16 -07:00
* Version 0.4.3
- crypto_sign_seedbytes() and crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES were added.
- crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_implementation_name() was added.
- poly1305-ref has been replaced by a faster implementation,
Floodyberry's poly1305-donna-unrolled.
- Stackmarkings have been added to assembly code, for Hardened Gentoo.
- pkg-config can now be used in order to retrieve compilations flags for
using libsodium.
- crypto_stream_aes256estream_*() can now deal with unaligned input
on platforms that require word alignment.
- portability improvements.
2013-08-05 11:19:13 -07:00
* Version 0.4.2
- All NaCl constants are now also exposed as functions.
- The Android and iOS cross-compilation script have been improved.
- libsodium can now be cross-compiled to Windows from Linux.
- libsodium can now be compiled with emscripten.
- New convenience function (prototyped in utils.h): sodium_bin2hex().
* Version 0.4.1
- sodium_version_*() functions were not exported in version 0.4. They
are now visible as intended.
- sodium_init() now calls randombytes_stir().
- optimized assembly version of salsa20 is now used on amd64.
- further cleanups and enhanced compatibility with non-C99 compilers.
* Version 0.4
- Most constants and operations are now available as actual functions
instead of macros, making it easier to use from other languages.
- New operation: crypto_generichash, featuring a variable key size, a
variable output size, and a streaming API. Currently implemented using
- The package can be compiled in a separate directory.
- aes128ctr functions are exported.
- Optimized versions of curve25519 (curve25519_donna_c64), poly1305
(poly1305_53) and ed25519 (ed25519_ref10) are available. Optionally calling
sodium_init() once before using the library makes it pick the fastest
- New convenience function: sodium_memzero() in order to securely
wipe a memory area.
- A whole bunch of cleanups and portability enhancements.
- On Windows, a .REF file is generated along with the shared library,
for use with Visual Studio. The installation path for these has become
$prefix/bin as expected by MingW.
* Version 0.3
- The crypto_shorthash operation has been added, implemented using
* Version 0.2
- crypto_sign_seed_keypair() has been added
* Version 0.1
- Initial release.