Software Developer, Philosopher, Ham Radio Operator
+Kevin Cotugno: Software Developer
About me
- I am a software developer interested in philosophy, theology, physics, chemistry, language, visual effects, ham radio, and all varieties of programming. + I am a software developer interested in philosophy, theology, physics, language, visual effects, ham radio, and all varieties of programming. Recently, I gradutated from Thomas Aquinas College where I studied the greatest works of western civilization; here, I found my love of the truth, love of philosophy, love of theology, love of math, and love of my life. - This website—for now—will collect my open source projects. In the future, I may choose to share my philosophical thoughts. (Maybe my thesis) + This website—for now—will collect my open source projects.
Old open source projects
Euclidean Perfection
-Find perfect number based through Euclid.
+Find perfect numbers. Based on Euclid's proof.