Daniel Nephin f20b4e9c32 Refactor TakesArgs to use an interface for arg validation.
Fix some typos in README and comments.
Move arg validation to after flag validation so that the help flag is run first.
Pass the same args to ValidateArgs as the Run methods receive.
Update README.

Signed-off-by: Daniel Nephin <>
2017-07-23 09:57:27 +02:00

1306 lines
36 KiB

// Copyright © 2013 Steve Francia <>.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package cobra is a commander providing a simple interface to create powerful modern CLI interfaces.
// In addition to providing an interface, Cobra simultaneously provides a controller to organize your application code.
package cobra
import (
flag ""
// Command is just that, a command for your application.
// E.g. 'go run ...' - 'run' is the command. Cobra requires
// you to define the usage and description as part of your command
// definition to ensure usability.
type Command struct {
// Use is the one-line usage message.
Use string
// Aliases is an array of aliases that can be used instead of the first word in Use.
Aliases []string
// SuggestFor is an array of command names for which this command will be suggested -
// similar to aliases but only suggests.
SuggestFor []string
// Short is the short description shown in the 'help' output.
Short string
// Long is the long message shown in the 'help <this-command>' output.
Long string
// Example is examples of how to use the command.
Example string
// ValidArgs is list of all valid non-flag arguments that are accepted in bash completions
ValidArgs []string
// ArgAliases is List of aliases for ValidArgs.
// These are not suggested to the user in the bash completion,
// but accepted if entered manually.
ArgAliases []string
// Expected arguments
Args PositionalArgs
// BashCompletionFunction is custom functions used by the bash autocompletion generator.
BashCompletionFunction string
// Deprecated defines, if this command is deprecated and should print this string when used.
Deprecated string
// Hidden defines, if this command is hidden and should NOT show up in the list of available commands.
Hidden bool
// Annotations are key/value pairs that can be used by applications to identify or
// group commands.
Annotations map[string]string
// The *Run functions are executed in the following order:
// * PersistentPreRun()
// * PreRun()
// * Run()
// * PostRun()
// * PersistentPostRun()
// All functions get the same args, the arguments after the command name.
// PersistentPreRun: children of this command will inherit and execute.
PersistentPreRun func(cmd *Command, args []string)
// PersistentPreRunE: PersistentPreRun but returns an error.
PersistentPreRunE func(cmd *Command, args []string) error
// PreRun: children of this command will not inherit.
PreRun func(cmd *Command, args []string)
// PreRunE: PreRun but returns an error.
PreRunE func(cmd *Command, args []string) error
// Run: Typically the actual work function. Most commands will only implement this.
Run func(cmd *Command, args []string)
// RunE: Run but returns an error.
RunE func(cmd *Command, args []string) error
// PostRun: run after the Run command.
PostRun func(cmd *Command, args []string)
// PostRunE: PostRun but returns an error.
PostRunE func(cmd *Command, args []string) error
// PersistentPostRun: children of this command will inherit and execute after PostRun.
PersistentPostRun func(cmd *Command, args []string)
// PersistentPostRunE: PersistentPostRun but returns an error.
PersistentPostRunE func(cmd *Command, args []string) error
// SilenceErrors is an option to quiet errors down stream.
SilenceErrors bool
// SilenceUsage is an option to silence usage when an error occurs.
SilenceUsage bool
// DisableFlagParsing disables the flag parsing.
// If this is true all flags will be passed to the command as arguments.
DisableFlagParsing bool
// DisableAutoGenTag defines, if gen tag ("Auto generated by spf13/cobra...")
// will be printed by generating docs for this command.
DisableAutoGenTag bool
// DisableSuggestions disables the suggestions based on Levenshtein distance
// that go along with 'unknown command' messages.
DisableSuggestions bool
// SuggestionsMinimumDistance defines minimum levenshtein distance to display suggestions.
// Must be > 0.
SuggestionsMinimumDistance int
// name is the command name, usually the executable's name.
name string
// commands is the list of commands supported by this program.
commands []*Command
// parent is a parent command for this command.
parent *Command
// Max lengths of commands' string lengths for use in padding.
commandsMaxUseLen int
commandsMaxCommandPathLen int
commandsMaxNameLen int
// commandsAreSorted defines, if command slice are sorted or not.
commandsAreSorted bool
// args is actual args parsed from flags.
args []string
// flagErrorBuf contains all error messages from pflag.
flagErrorBuf *bytes.Buffer
// flags is full set of flags.
flags *flag.FlagSet
// pflags contains persistent flags.
pflags *flag.FlagSet
// lflags contains local flags.
lflags *flag.FlagSet
// iflags contains inherited flags.
iflags *flag.FlagSet
// parentsPflags is all persistent flags of cmd's parents.
parentsPflags *flag.FlagSet
// globNormFunc is the global normalization function
// that we can use on every pflag set and children commands
globNormFunc func(f *flag.FlagSet, name string) flag.NormalizedName
// output is an output writer defined by user.
output io.Writer
// usageFunc is usage func defined by user.
usageFunc func(*Command) error
// usageTemplate is usage template defined by user.
usageTemplate string
// flagErrorFunc is func defined by user and it's called when the parsing of
// flags returns an error.
flagErrorFunc func(*Command, error) error
// helpTemplate is help template defined by user.
helpTemplate string
// helpFunc is help func defined by user.
helpFunc func(*Command, []string)
// helpCommand is command with usage 'help'. If it's not defined by user,
// cobra uses default help command.
helpCommand *Command
// SetArgs sets arguments for the command. It is set to os.Args[1:] by default, if desired, can be overridden
// particularly useful when testing.
func (c *Command) SetArgs(a []string) {
c.args = a
// SetOutput sets the destination for usage and error messages.
// If output is nil, os.Stderr is used.
func (c *Command) SetOutput(output io.Writer) {
c.output = output
// SetUsageFunc sets usage function. Usage can be defined by application.
func (c *Command) SetUsageFunc(f func(*Command) error) {
c.usageFunc = f
// SetUsageTemplate sets usage template. Can be defined by Application.
func (c *Command) SetUsageTemplate(s string) {
c.usageTemplate = s
// SetFlagErrorFunc sets a function to generate an error when flag parsing
// fails.
func (c *Command) SetFlagErrorFunc(f func(*Command, error) error) {
c.flagErrorFunc = f
// SetHelpFunc sets help function. Can be defined by Application.
func (c *Command) SetHelpFunc(f func(*Command, []string)) {
c.helpFunc = f
// SetHelpCommand sets help command.
func (c *Command) SetHelpCommand(cmd *Command) {
c.helpCommand = cmd
// SetHelpTemplate sets help template to be used. Application can use it to set custom template.
func (c *Command) SetHelpTemplate(s string) {
c.helpTemplate = s
// SetGlobalNormalizationFunc sets a normalization function to all flag sets and also to child commands.
// The user should not have a cyclic dependency on commands.
func (c *Command) SetGlobalNormalizationFunc(n func(f *flag.FlagSet, name string) flag.NormalizedName) {
c.globNormFunc = n
for _, command := range c.commands {
// OutOrStdout returns output to stdout.
func (c *Command) OutOrStdout() io.Writer {
return c.getOut(os.Stdout)
// OutOrStderr returns output to stderr
func (c *Command) OutOrStderr() io.Writer {
return c.getOut(os.Stderr)
func (c *Command) getOut(def io.Writer) io.Writer {
if c.output != nil {
return c.output
if c.HasParent() {
return c.parent.getOut(def)
return def
// UsageFunc returns either the function set by SetUsageFunc for this command
// or a parent, or it returns a default usage function.
func (c *Command) UsageFunc() (f func(*Command) error) {
if c.usageFunc != nil {
return c.usageFunc
if c.HasParent() {
return c.Parent().UsageFunc()
return func(c *Command) error {
err := tmpl(c.OutOrStderr(), c.UsageTemplate(), c)
if err != nil {
return err
// Usage puts out the usage for the command.
// Used when a user provides invalid input.
// Can be defined by user by overriding UsageFunc.
func (c *Command) Usage() error {
return c.UsageFunc()(c)
// HelpFunc returns either the function set by SetHelpFunc for this command
// or a parent, or it returns a function with default help behavior.
func (c *Command) HelpFunc() func(*Command, []string) {
if c.helpFunc != nil {
return c.helpFunc
if c.HasParent() {
return c.Parent().HelpFunc()
return func(c *Command, a []string) {
err := tmpl(c.OutOrStdout(), c.HelpTemplate(), c)
if err != nil {
// Help puts out the help for the command.
// Used when a user calls help [command].
// Can be defined by user by overriding HelpFunc.
func (c *Command) Help() error {
c.HelpFunc()(c, []string{})
return nil
// UsageString return usage string.
func (c *Command) UsageString() string {
tmpOutput := c.output
bb := new(bytes.Buffer)
c.output = tmpOutput
return bb.String()
// FlagErrorFunc returns either the function set by SetFlagErrorFunc for this
// command or a parent, or it returns a function which returns the original
// error.
func (c *Command) FlagErrorFunc() (f func(*Command, error) error) {
if c.flagErrorFunc != nil {
return c.flagErrorFunc
if c.HasParent() {
return c.parent.FlagErrorFunc()
return func(c *Command, err error) error {
return err
var minUsagePadding = 25
// UsagePadding return padding for the usage.
func (c *Command) UsagePadding() int {
if c.parent == nil || minUsagePadding > c.parent.commandsMaxUseLen {
return minUsagePadding
return c.parent.commandsMaxUseLen
var minCommandPathPadding = 11
// CommandPathPadding return padding for the command path.
func (c *Command) CommandPathPadding() int {
if c.parent == nil || minCommandPathPadding > c.parent.commandsMaxCommandPathLen {
return minCommandPathPadding
return c.parent.commandsMaxCommandPathLen
var minNamePadding = 11
// NamePadding returns padding for the name.
func (c *Command) NamePadding() int {
if c.parent == nil || minNamePadding > c.parent.commandsMaxNameLen {
return minNamePadding
return c.parent.commandsMaxNameLen
// UsageTemplate returns usage template for the command.
func (c *Command) UsageTemplate() string {
if c.usageTemplate != "" {
return c.usageTemplate
if c.HasParent() {
return c.parent.UsageTemplate()
return `Usage:{{if .Runnable}}
{{.UseLine}}{{end}}{{if .HasAvailableSubCommands}}
{{.CommandPath}} [command]{{end}}{{if gt (len .Aliases) 0}}
{{.NameAndAliases}}{{end}}{{if .HasExample}}
{{.Example}}{{end}}{{if .HasAvailableSubCommands}}
Available Commands:{{range .Commands}}{{if (or .IsAvailableCommand (eq .Name "help"))}}
{{rpad .Name .NamePadding }} {{.Short}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{if .HasAvailableLocalFlags}}
{{.LocalFlags.FlagUsages | trimTrailingWhitespaces}}{{end}}{{if .HasAvailableInheritedFlags}}
Global Flags:
{{.InheritedFlags.FlagUsages | trimTrailingWhitespaces}}{{end}}{{if .HasHelpSubCommands}}
Additional help topics:{{range .Commands}}{{if .IsAdditionalHelpTopicCommand}}
{{rpad .CommandPath .CommandPathPadding}} {{.Short}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{if .HasAvailableSubCommands}}
Use "{{.CommandPath}} [command] --help" for more information about a command.{{end}}
// HelpTemplate return help template for the command.
func (c *Command) HelpTemplate() string {
if c.helpTemplate != "" {
return c.helpTemplate
if c.HasParent() {
return c.parent.HelpTemplate()
return `{{with (or .Long .Short)}}{{. | trimTrailingWhitespaces}}
{{end}}{{if or .Runnable .HasSubCommands}}{{.UsageString}}{{end}}`
func hasNoOptDefVal(name string, fs *flag.FlagSet) bool {
flag := fs.Lookup(name)
if flag == nil {
return false
return flag.NoOptDefVal != ""
func shortHasNoOptDefVal(name string, fs *flag.FlagSet) bool {
if len(name) == 0 {
return false
flag := fs.ShorthandLookup(name[:1])
if flag == nil {
return false
return flag.NoOptDefVal != ""
func stripFlags(args []string, c *Command) []string {
if len(args) == 0 {
return args
commands := []string{}
flags := c.Flags()
for len(args) > 0 {
s := args[0]
args = args[1:]
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(s, "--") && !strings.Contains(s, "=") && !hasNoOptDefVal(s[2:], flags):
// If '--flag arg' then
// delete arg from args.
fallthrough // (do the same as below)
case strings.HasPrefix(s, "-") && !strings.Contains(s, "=") && len(s) == 2 && !shortHasNoOptDefVal(s[1:], flags):
// If '-f arg' then
// delete 'arg' from args or break the loop if len(args) <= 1.
if len(args) <= 1 {
break Loop
} else {
args = args[1:]
case s != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(s, "-"):
commands = append(commands, s)
return commands
// argsMinusFirstX removes only the first x from args. Otherwise, commands that look like
// openshift admin policy add-role-to-user admin my-user, lose the admin argument (arg[4]).
func argsMinusFirstX(args []string, x string) []string {
for i, y := range args {
if x == y {
ret := []string{}
ret = append(ret, args[:i]...)
ret = append(ret, args[i+1:]...)
return ret
return args
// Find the target command given the args and command tree
// Meant to be run on the highest node. Only searches down.
func (c *Command) Find(args []string) (*Command, []string, error) {
if c == nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Called find() on a nil Command")
var innerfind func(*Command, []string) (*Command, []string)
innerfind = func(c *Command, innerArgs []string) (*Command, []string) {
argsWOflags := stripFlags(innerArgs, c)
if len(argsWOflags) == 0 {
return c, innerArgs
nextSubCmd := argsWOflags[0]
matches := make([]*Command, 0)
for _, cmd := range c.commands {
if cmd.Name() == nextSubCmd || cmd.HasAlias(nextSubCmd) { // exact name or alias match
return innerfind(cmd, argsMinusFirstX(innerArgs, nextSubCmd))
if EnablePrefixMatching {
if strings.HasPrefix(cmd.Name(), nextSubCmd) { // prefix match
matches = append(matches, cmd)
for _, x := range cmd.Aliases {
if strings.HasPrefix(x, nextSubCmd) {
matches = append(matches, cmd)
// only accept a single prefix match - multiple matches would be ambiguous
if len(matches) == 1 {
return innerfind(matches[0], argsMinusFirstX(innerArgs, argsWOflags[0]))
return c, innerArgs
commandFound, a := innerfind(c, args)
if commandFound.Args == nil {
return commandFound, a, legacyArgs(commandFound, stripFlags(a, commandFound))
return commandFound, a, nil
func (c *Command) findSuggestions(arg string) string {
if c.DisableSuggestions {
return ""
if c.SuggestionsMinimumDistance <= 0 {
c.SuggestionsMinimumDistance = 2
suggestionsString := ""
if suggestions := c.SuggestionsFor(arg); len(suggestions) > 0 {
suggestionsString += "\n\nDid you mean this?\n"
for _, s := range suggestions {
suggestionsString += fmt.Sprintf("\t%v\n", s)
return suggestionsString
// SuggestionsFor provides suggestions for the typedName.
func (c *Command) SuggestionsFor(typedName string) []string {
suggestions := []string{}
for _, cmd := range c.commands {
if cmd.IsAvailableCommand() {
levenshteinDistance := ld(typedName, cmd.Name(), true)
suggestByLevenshtein := levenshteinDistance <= c.SuggestionsMinimumDistance
suggestByPrefix := strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(cmd.Name()), strings.ToLower(typedName))
if suggestByLevenshtein || suggestByPrefix {
suggestions = append(suggestions, cmd.Name())
for _, explicitSuggestion := range cmd.SuggestFor {
if strings.EqualFold(typedName, explicitSuggestion) {
suggestions = append(suggestions, cmd.Name())
return suggestions
// VisitParents visits all parents of the command and invokes fn on each parent.
func (c *Command) VisitParents(fn func(*Command)) {
if c.HasParent() {
// Root finds root command.
func (c *Command) Root() *Command {
if c.HasParent() {
return c.Parent().Root()
return c
// ArgsLenAtDash will return the length of f.Args at the moment when a -- was
// found during arg parsing. This allows your program to know which args were
// before the -- and which came after. (Description from
func (c *Command) ArgsLenAtDash() int {
return c.Flags().ArgsLenAtDash()
func (c *Command) execute(a []string) (err error) {
if c == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Called Execute() on a nil Command")
if len(c.Deprecated) > 0 {
c.Printf("Command %q is deprecated, %s\n", c.Name(), c.Deprecated)
// initialize help flag as the last point possible to allow for user
// overriding
err = c.ParseFlags(a)
if err != nil {
return c.FlagErrorFunc()(c, err)
// If help is called, regardless of other flags, return we want help.
// Also say we need help if the command isn't runnable.
helpVal, err := c.Flags().GetBool("help")
if err != nil {
// should be impossible to get here as we always declare a help
// flag in InitDefaultHelpFlag()
c.Println("\"help\" flag declared as non-bool. Please correct your code")
return err
if helpVal || !c.Runnable() {
return flag.ErrHelp
argWoFlags := c.Flags().Args()
if c.DisableFlagParsing {
argWoFlags = a
if err := c.ValidateArgs(argWoFlags); err != nil {
return err
for p := c; p != nil; p = p.Parent() {
if p.PersistentPreRunE != nil {
if err := p.PersistentPreRunE(c, argWoFlags); err != nil {
return err
} else if p.PersistentPreRun != nil {
p.PersistentPreRun(c, argWoFlags)
if c.PreRunE != nil {
if err := c.PreRunE(c, argWoFlags); err != nil {
return err
} else if c.PreRun != nil {
c.PreRun(c, argWoFlags)
if c.RunE != nil {
if err := c.RunE(c, argWoFlags); err != nil {
return err
} else {
c.Run(c, argWoFlags)
if c.PostRunE != nil {
if err := c.PostRunE(c, argWoFlags); err != nil {
return err
} else if c.PostRun != nil {
c.PostRun(c, argWoFlags)
for p := c; p != nil; p = p.Parent() {
if p.PersistentPostRunE != nil {
if err := p.PersistentPostRunE(c, argWoFlags); err != nil {
return err
} else if p.PersistentPostRun != nil {
p.PersistentPostRun(c, argWoFlags)
return nil
func (c *Command) preRun() {
for _, x := range initializers {
// Execute uses the args (os.Args[1:] by default)
// and run through the command tree finding appropriate matches
// for commands and then corresponding flags.
func (c *Command) Execute() error {
_, err := c.ExecuteC()
return err
// ExecuteC executes the command.
func (c *Command) ExecuteC() (cmd *Command, err error) {
// Regardless of what command execute is called on, run on Root only
if c.HasParent() {
return c.Root().ExecuteC()
// windows hook
if preExecHookFn != nil {
// initialize help as the last point possible to allow for user
// overriding
var args []string
// Workaround FAIL with "go test -v" or "cobra.test -test.v", see #155
if c.args == nil && filepath.Base(os.Args[0]) != "cobra.test" {
args = os.Args[1:]
} else {
args = c.args
cmd, flags, err := c.Find(args)
if err != nil {
// If found parse to a subcommand and then failed, talk about the subcommand
if cmd != nil {
c = cmd
if !c.SilenceErrors {
c.Println("Error:", err.Error())
c.Printf("Run '%v --help' for usage.\n", c.CommandPath())
return c, err
err = cmd.execute(flags)
if err != nil {
// Always show help if requested, even if SilenceErrors is in
// effect
if err == flag.ErrHelp {
cmd.HelpFunc()(cmd, args)
return cmd, nil
// If root command has SilentErrors flagged,
// all subcommands should respect it
if !cmd.SilenceErrors && !c.SilenceErrors {
c.Println("Error:", err.Error())
// If root command has SilentUsage flagged,
// all subcommands should respect it
if !cmd.SilenceUsage && !c.SilenceUsage {
return cmd, err
func (c *Command) ValidateArgs(args []string) error {
if c.Args == nil {
return nil
return c.Args(c, args)
// InitDefaultHelpFlag adds default help flag to c.
// It is called automatically by executing the c or by calling help and usage.
// If c already has help flag, it will do nothing.
func (c *Command) InitDefaultHelpFlag() {
if c.Flags().Lookup("help") == nil {
usage := "help for "
if c.Name() == "" {
usage += "this command"
} else {
usage += c.Name()
c.Flags().BoolP("help", "h", false, usage)
// InitDefaultHelpCmd adds default help command to c.
// It is called automatically by executing the c or by calling help and usage.
// If c already has help command or c has no subcommands, it will do nothing.
func (c *Command) InitDefaultHelpCmd() {
if !c.HasSubCommands() {
if c.helpCommand == nil {
c.helpCommand = &Command{
Use: "help [command]",
Short: "Help about any command",
Long: `Help provides help for any command in the application.
Simply type ` + c.Name() + ` help [path to command] for full details.`,
Run: func(c *Command, args []string) {
cmd, _, e := c.Root().Find(args)
if cmd == nil || e != nil {
c.Printf("Unknown help topic %#q\n", args)
} else {
cmd.InitDefaultHelpFlag() // make possible 'help' flag to be shown
// ResetCommands used for testing.
func (c *Command) ResetCommands() {
c.commands = nil
c.helpCommand = nil
c.parentsPflags = nil
// Sorts commands by their names.
type commandSorterByName []*Command
func (c commandSorterByName) Len() int { return len(c) }
func (c commandSorterByName) Swap(i, j int) { c[i], c[j] = c[j], c[i] }
func (c commandSorterByName) Less(i, j int) bool { return c[i].Name() < c[j].Name() }
// Commands returns a sorted slice of child commands.
func (c *Command) Commands() []*Command {
// do not sort commands if it already sorted or sorting was disabled
if EnableCommandSorting && !c.commandsAreSorted {
c.commandsAreSorted = true
return c.commands
// AddCommand adds one or more commands to this parent command.
func (c *Command) AddCommand(cmds ...*Command) {
for i, x := range cmds {
if cmds[i] == c {
panic("Command can't be a child of itself")
cmds[i].parent = c
// update max lengths
usageLen := len(x.Use)
if usageLen > c.commandsMaxUseLen {
c.commandsMaxUseLen = usageLen
commandPathLen := len(x.CommandPath())
if commandPathLen > c.commandsMaxCommandPathLen {
c.commandsMaxCommandPathLen = commandPathLen
nameLen := len(x.Name())
if nameLen > c.commandsMaxNameLen {
c.commandsMaxNameLen = nameLen
// If global normalization function exists, update all children
if c.globNormFunc != nil {
c.commands = append(c.commands, x)
c.commandsAreSorted = false
// RemoveCommand removes one or more commands from a parent command.
func (c *Command) RemoveCommand(cmds ...*Command) {
commands := []*Command{}
for _, command := range c.commands {
for _, cmd := range cmds {
if command == cmd {
command.parent = nil
continue main
commands = append(commands, command)
c.commands = commands
// recompute all lengths
c.commandsMaxUseLen = 0
c.commandsMaxCommandPathLen = 0
c.commandsMaxNameLen = 0
for _, command := range c.commands {
usageLen := len(command.Use)
if usageLen > c.commandsMaxUseLen {
c.commandsMaxUseLen = usageLen
commandPathLen := len(command.CommandPath())
if commandPathLen > c.commandsMaxCommandPathLen {
c.commandsMaxCommandPathLen = commandPathLen
nameLen := len(command.Name())
if nameLen > c.commandsMaxNameLen {
c.commandsMaxNameLen = nameLen
// Print is a convenience method to Print to the defined output, fallback to Stderr if not set.
func (c *Command) Print(i ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprint(c.OutOrStderr(), i...)
// Println is a convenience method to Println to the defined output, fallback to Stderr if not set.
func (c *Command) Println(i ...interface{}) {
// Printf is a convenience method to Printf to the defined output, fallback to Stderr if not set.
func (c *Command) Printf(format string, i ...interface{}) {
c.Print(fmt.Sprintf(format, i...))
// CommandPath returns the full path to this command.
func (c *Command) CommandPath() string {
if c.HasParent() {
return c.Parent().CommandPath() + " " + c.Name()
return c.Name()
// UseLine puts out the full usage for a given command (including parents).
func (c *Command) UseLine() string {
var useline string
if c.HasParent() {
useline = c.parent.CommandPath() + " " + c.Use
} else {
useline = c.Use
if c.HasAvailableFlags() && !strings.Contains(useline, "[flags]") {
useline += " [flags]"
return useline
// DebugFlags used to determine which flags have been assigned to which commands
// and which persist.
func (c *Command) DebugFlags() {
c.Println("DebugFlags called on", c.Name())
var debugflags func(*Command)
debugflags = func(x *Command) {
if x.HasFlags() || x.HasPersistentFlags() {
if x.HasFlags() {
x.flags.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {
if x.HasPersistentFlags() && x.persistentFlag(f.Name) != nil {
c.Println(" -"+f.Shorthand+",", "--"+f.Name, "["+f.DefValue+"]", "", f.Value, " [LP]")
} else {
c.Println(" -"+f.Shorthand+",", "--"+f.Name, "["+f.DefValue+"]", "", f.Value, " [L]")
if x.HasPersistentFlags() {
x.pflags.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {
if x.HasFlags() {
if x.flags.Lookup(f.Name) == nil {
c.Println(" -"+f.Shorthand+",", "--"+f.Name, "["+f.DefValue+"]", "", f.Value, " [P]")
} else {
c.Println(" -"+f.Shorthand+",", "--"+f.Name, "["+f.DefValue+"]", "", f.Value, " [P]")
if x.HasSubCommands() {
for _, y := range x.commands {
// Name returns the command's name: the first word in the use line.
func (c *Command) Name() string {
if == "" {
name := c.Use
i := strings.Index(name, " ")
if i >= 0 {
name = name[:i]
} = name
// HasAlias determines if a given string is an alias of the command.
func (c *Command) HasAlias(s string) bool {
for _, a := range c.Aliases {
if a == s {
return true
return false
// NameAndAliases returns string containing name and all aliases
func (c *Command) NameAndAliases() string {
return strings.Join(append([]string{c.Name()}, c.Aliases...), ", ")
// HasExample determines if the command has example.
func (c *Command) HasExample() bool {
return len(c.Example) > 0
// Runnable determines if the command is itself runnable.
func (c *Command) Runnable() bool {
return c.Run != nil || c.RunE != nil
// HasSubCommands determines if the command has children commands.
func (c *Command) HasSubCommands() bool {
return len(c.commands) > 0
// IsAvailableCommand determines if a command is available as a non-help command
// (this includes all non deprecated/hidden commands).
func (c *Command) IsAvailableCommand() bool {
if len(c.Deprecated) != 0 || c.Hidden {
return false
if c.HasParent() && c.Parent().helpCommand == c {
return false
if c.Runnable() || c.HasAvailableSubCommands() {
return true
return false
// IsAdditionalHelpTopicCommand determines if a command is an additional
// help topic command; additional help topic command is determined by the
// fact that it is NOT runnable/hidden/deprecated, and has no sub commands that
// are runnable/hidden/deprecated.
// Concrete example:
func (c *Command) IsAdditionalHelpTopicCommand() bool {
// if a command is runnable, deprecated, or hidden it is not a 'help' command
if c.Runnable() || len(c.Deprecated) != 0 || c.Hidden {
return false
// if any non-help sub commands are found, the command is not a 'help' command
for _, sub := range c.commands {
if !sub.IsAdditionalHelpTopicCommand() {
return false
// the command either has no sub commands, or no non-help sub commands
return true
// HasHelpSubCommands determines if a command has any available 'help' sub commands
// that need to be shown in the usage/help default template under 'additional help
// topics'.
func (c *Command) HasHelpSubCommands() bool {
// return true on the first found available 'help' sub command
for _, sub := range c.commands {
if sub.IsAdditionalHelpTopicCommand() {
return true
// the command either has no sub commands, or no available 'help' sub commands
return false
// HasAvailableSubCommands determines if a command has available sub commands that
// need to be shown in the usage/help default template under 'available commands'.
func (c *Command) HasAvailableSubCommands() bool {
// return true on the first found available (non deprecated/help/hidden)
// sub command
for _, sub := range c.commands {
if sub.IsAvailableCommand() {
return true
// the command either has no sub comamnds, or no available (non deprecated/help/hidden)
// sub commands
return false
// HasParent determines if the command is a child command.
func (c *Command) HasParent() bool {
return c.parent != nil
// GlobalNormalizationFunc returns the global normalization function or nil if doesn't exists.
func (c *Command) GlobalNormalizationFunc() func(f *flag.FlagSet, name string) flag.NormalizedName {
return c.globNormFunc
// Flags returns the complete FlagSet that applies
// to this command (local and persistent declared here and by all parents).
func (c *Command) Flags() *flag.FlagSet {
if c.flags == nil {
c.flags = flag.NewFlagSet(c.Name(), flag.ContinueOnError)
if c.flagErrorBuf == nil {
c.flagErrorBuf = new(bytes.Buffer)
return c.flags
// LocalNonPersistentFlags are flags specific to this command which will NOT persist to subcommands.
func (c *Command) LocalNonPersistentFlags() *flag.FlagSet {
persistentFlags := c.PersistentFlags()
out := flag.NewFlagSet(c.Name(), flag.ContinueOnError)
c.LocalFlags().VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {
if persistentFlags.Lookup(f.Name) == nil {
return out
// LocalFlags returns the local FlagSet specifically set in the current command.
func (c *Command) LocalFlags() *flag.FlagSet {
if c.lflags == nil {
c.lflags = flag.NewFlagSet(c.Name(), flag.ContinueOnError)
if c.flagErrorBuf == nil {
c.flagErrorBuf = new(bytes.Buffer)
c.lflags.SortFlags = c.Flags().SortFlags
addToLocal := func(f *flag.Flag) {
if c.lflags.Lookup(f.Name) == nil && c.parentsPflags.Lookup(f.Name) == nil {
return c.lflags
// InheritedFlags returns all flags which were inherited from parents commands.
func (c *Command) InheritedFlags() *flag.FlagSet {
if c.iflags == nil {
c.iflags = flag.NewFlagSet(c.Name(), flag.ContinueOnError)
if c.flagErrorBuf == nil {
c.flagErrorBuf = new(bytes.Buffer)
local := c.LocalFlags()
c.parentsPflags.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {
if c.iflags.Lookup(f.Name) == nil && local.Lookup(f.Name) == nil {
return c.iflags
// NonInheritedFlags returns all flags which were not inherited from parent commands.
func (c *Command) NonInheritedFlags() *flag.FlagSet {
return c.LocalFlags()
// PersistentFlags returns the persistent FlagSet specifically set in the current command.
func (c *Command) PersistentFlags() *flag.FlagSet {
if c.pflags == nil {
c.pflags = flag.NewFlagSet(c.Name(), flag.ContinueOnError)
if c.flagErrorBuf == nil {
c.flagErrorBuf = new(bytes.Buffer)
return c.pflags
// ResetFlags is used in testing.
func (c *Command) ResetFlags() {
c.flagErrorBuf = new(bytes.Buffer)
c.flags = flag.NewFlagSet(c.Name(), flag.ContinueOnError)
c.pflags = flag.NewFlagSet(c.Name(), flag.ContinueOnError)
// HasFlags checks if the command contains any flags (local plus persistent from the entire structure).
func (c *Command) HasFlags() bool {
return c.Flags().HasFlags()
// HasPersistentFlags checks if the command contains persistent flags.
func (c *Command) HasPersistentFlags() bool {
return c.PersistentFlags().HasFlags()
// HasLocalFlags checks if the command has flags specifically declared locally.
func (c *Command) HasLocalFlags() bool {
return c.LocalFlags().HasFlags()
// HasInheritedFlags checks if the command has flags inherited from its parent command.
func (c *Command) HasInheritedFlags() bool {
return c.InheritedFlags().HasFlags()
// HasAvailableFlags checks if the command contains any flags (local plus persistent from the entire
// structure) which are not hidden or deprecated.
func (c *Command) HasAvailableFlags() bool {
return c.Flags().HasAvailableFlags()
// HasAvailablePersistentFlags checks if the command contains persistent flags which are not hidden or deprecated.
func (c *Command) HasAvailablePersistentFlags() bool {
return c.PersistentFlags().HasAvailableFlags()
// HasAvailableLocalFlags checks if the command has flags specifically declared locally which are not hidden
// or deprecated.
func (c *Command) HasAvailableLocalFlags() bool {
return c.LocalFlags().HasAvailableFlags()
// HasAvailableInheritedFlags checks if the command has flags inherited from its parent command which are
// not hidden or deprecated.
func (c *Command) HasAvailableInheritedFlags() bool {
return c.InheritedFlags().HasAvailableFlags()
// Flag climbs up the command tree looking for matching flag.
func (c *Command) Flag(name string) (flag *flag.Flag) {
flag = c.Flags().Lookup(name)
if flag == nil {
flag = c.persistentFlag(name)
// Recursively find matching persistent flag.
func (c *Command) persistentFlag(name string) (flag *flag.Flag) {
if c.HasPersistentFlags() {
flag = c.PersistentFlags().Lookup(name)
if flag == nil {
flag = c.parentsPflags.Lookup(name)
// ParseFlags parses persistent flag tree and local flags.
func (c *Command) ParseFlags(args []string) error {
if c.DisableFlagParsing {
return nil
beforeErrorBufLen := c.flagErrorBuf.Len()
err := c.Flags().Parse(args)
// Print warnings if they occurred (e.g. deprecated flag messages).
if c.flagErrorBuf.Len()-beforeErrorBufLen > 0 && err == nil {
return err
// Parent returns a commands parent command.
func (c *Command) Parent() *Command {
return c.parent
// mergePersistentFlags merges c.PersistentFlags() to c.Flags()
// and adds missing persistent flags of all parents.
func (c *Command) mergePersistentFlags() {
// updateParentsPflags updates c.parentsPflags by adding
// new persistent flags of all parents.
// If c.parentsPflags == nil, it makes new.
func (c *Command) updateParentsPflags() {
if c.parentsPflags == nil {
c.parentsPflags = flag.NewFlagSet(c.Name(), flag.ContinueOnError)
c.parentsPflags.SortFlags = false
c.VisitParents(func(parent *Command) {