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synced 2024-12-19 18:05:02 -07:00
276 lines
9.0 KiB
Executable File
276 lines
9.0 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
import os
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, List, Dict, Any # compat
# This file checks Bash and Shell scripts for violations not found with
# shellcheck or existing methods. You can use it in several ways:
# Lint all .bash, .sh, .bats files along with 'bin/asdf' and print out violations:
# $ ./scripts/checkstyle.py
# The former, but also fix all violations. This must be ran until there
# are zero violations since any line can have more than one violation:
# $ ./scripts/checkstyle.py --fix
# Lint a particular file:
# $ ./scripts/checkstyle.py ./lib/functions/installs.bash
# Check to ensure all regular expressions are working as intended:
# $ ./scripts/checkstyle.py --internal-test-regex
Rule = Dict[str, Any]
class c:
RED = '\033[91m'
GREEN = '\033[92m'
YELLOW = '\033[93m'
BLUE = '\033[94m'
MAGENTA = '\033[95m'
CYAN = '\033[96m'
RESET = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
LINK: Callable[[str, str], str] = lambda href, text: f'\033]8;;{href}\a{text}\033]8;;\a'
def utilGetStrs(line: Any, m: Any):
return (
# Before: printf '%s\\n' '^w^'
# After: printf '%s\n' '^w^'
def noDoubleBackslashFixer(line: str, m: Any) -> str:
prestr, midstr, poststr = utilGetStrs(line, m)
return f'{prestr}{midstr[1:]}{poststr}'
# Before: $(pwd)
# After: $PWD
def noPwdCaptureFixer(line: str, m: Any) -> str:
prestr, _, poststr = utilGetStrs(line, m)
return f'{prestr}$PWD{poststr}'
# Before: [ a == b ]
# After: [ a = b ]
def noTestDoubleEqualsFixer(line: str, m: Any) -> str:
prestr, _, poststr = utilGetStrs(line, m)
return f'{prestr}={poststr}'
# Before: function fn() { ...
# After: fn() { ...
# ---
# Before: function fn { ...
# After fn() { ...
def noFunctionKeywordFixer(line: str, m: Any) -> str:
prestr, midstr, poststr = utilGetStrs(line, m)
midstr = midstr.strip()
midstr = midstr[len('function'):]
midstr = midstr.strip()
parenIdx = midstr.find('(')
if parenIdx != -1: midstr = midstr[:parenIdx]
return f'{prestr}{midstr}() {poststr}'
# Before: >/dev/null 2>&1
# After: &>/dev/null
# ---
# Before: 2>/dev/null 1>&2
# After: &>/dev/null
def noVerboseRedirectionFixer(line: str, m: Any) -> str:
prestr, _, poststr = utilGetStrs(line, m)
return f'{prestr}&>/dev/null{poststr}'
def lintfile(file: Path, rules: List[Rule], options: Dict[str, Any]):
content_arr = file.read_text().split('\n')
for line_i, line in enumerate(content_arr):
if 'checkstyle-ignore' in line:
for rule in rules:
should_run = False
if 'sh' in rule['fileTypes']:
if file.name.endswith('.sh') or str(file.absolute()).endswith('bin/asdf'):
should_run = True
if 'bash' in rule['fileTypes']:
if file.name.endswith('.bash') or file.name.endswith('.bats'):
should_run = True
if options['verbose']:
print(f'{str(file)}: {should_run}')
if not should_run:
m = re.search(rule['regex'], line)
if m is not None and m.group('match') is not None:
dir = os.path.relpath(file.resolve(), Path.cwd())
prestr = line[0:m.start('match')]
midstr = line[m.start('match'):m.end('match')]
poststr = line[m.end('match'):]
print(f'{c.CYAN}{dir}{c.RESET}:{line_i + 1}')
print(f'{c.MAGENTA}{rule["name"]}{c.RESET}: {rule["reason"]}')
if options['fix']:
content_arr[line_i] = rule['fixerFn'](line, m)
rule['found'] += 1
if options['fix']:
def main():
rules: List[Rule] = [
'name': 'no-double-backslash',
'regex': '".*?(?P<match>\\\\\\\\[abeEfnrtv\'"?xuUc]).*?(?<!\\\\)"',
'reason': 'Backslashes are only required if followed by a $, `, ", \\, or <newline>',
'fileTypes': ['bash', 'sh'],
'fixerFn': noDoubleBackslashFixer,
'testPositiveMatches': [
'printf "%s\\\\n" "Hai"',
'echo -n "Hello\\\\n"'
'testNegativeMatches': [
'printf "%s\\n" "Hai"',
'echo -n "Hello\\n"'
'name': 'no-pwd-capture',
'regex': '(?P<match>\\$\\(pwd\\))',
'reason': '$PWD is essentially equivalent to $(pwd) without the overhead of a subshell',
'fileTypes': ['bash', 'sh'],
'fixerFn': noPwdCaptureFixer,
'testPositiveMatches': [
'testNegativeMatches': [
'name': 'no-test-double-equals',
'regex': '(?<!\\[)\\[ (?:[^]]|](?=}))*?(?P<match>==).*?]',
'reason': 'Disallow double equals in places where they are not necessary for consistency',
'fileTypes': ['bash', 'sh'],
'fixerFn': noTestDoubleEqualsFixer,
'testPositiveMatches': [
'[ a == b ]',
'[ "${lines[0]}" == blah ]',
'testNegativeMatches': [
'[ a = b ]',
'[[ a = b ]]',
'[[ a == b ]]',
'[ a = b ] || [[ a == b ]]',
'[[ a = b ]] || [[ a == b ]]',
'[[ "${lines[0]}" == \'usage: \'* ]]',
'[ "${lines[0]}" = blah ]',
'name': 'no-function-keyword',
'regex': '^[ \\t]*(?P<match>function .*?(?:\\([ \\t]*\\))?[ \\t]*){',
'reason': 'Only allow functions declared like `fn_name() {{ :; }}` for consistency (see ' + c.LINK('https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2113', 'ShellCheck SC2113') + ')',
'fileTypes': ['bash', 'sh'],
'fixerFn': noFunctionKeywordFixer,
'testPositiveMatches': [
'function fn() { :; }',
'function fn { :; }',
'testNegativeMatches': [
'fn() { :; }',
'name': 'no-verbose-redirection',
'regex': '(?P<match>(>/dev/null 2>&1|2>/dev/null 1>&2))',
'reason': 'Use `&>/dev/null` instead of `>/dev/null 2>&1` or `2>/dev/null 1>&2` for consistency',
'fileTypes': ['bash'],
'fixerFn': noVerboseRedirectionFixer,
'testPositiveMatches': [
'echo woof >/dev/null 2>&1',
'echo woof 2>/dev/null 1>&2',
'testNegativeMatches': [
'echo woof &>/dev/null',
'echo woof >&/dev/null',
[rule.update({ 'found': 0 }) for rule in rules]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('files', metavar='FILES', nargs='*')
parser.add_argument('--fix', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--internal-test-regex', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.internal_test_regex:
for rule in rules:
for positiveMatch in rule['testPositiveMatches']:
m: Any = re.search(rule['regex'], positiveMatch)
if m is None or m.group('match') is None:
print(f'{c.MAGENTA}{rule["name"]}{c.RESET}: Failed {c.CYAN}positive{c.RESET} test:')
print(f'=> {positiveMatch}')
for negativeMatch in rule['testNegativeMatches']:
m: Any = re.search(rule['regex'], negativeMatch)
if m is not None and m.group('match') is not None:
print(f'{c.MAGENTA}{rule["name"]}{c.RESET}: Failed {c.YELLOW}negative{c.RESET} test:')
print(f'=> {negativeMatch}')
options = {
'fix': args.fix,
'verbose': args.verbose,
# parse files and print matched lints
if len(args.files) > 0:
for file in args.files:
p = Path(file)
if p.is_file():
lintfile(p, rules, options)
for file in Path.cwd().glob('**/*'):
if '.git' in str(file.absolute()):
if file.is_file():
lintfile(file, rules, options)
# print final results
for rule in rules:
print(f'{c.MAGENTA}{rule["name"]}{c.RESET}: {rule["found"]}')
grand_total = sum([rule['found'] for rule in rules])
print(f'GRAND TOTAL: {grand_total}')
# exit
if grand_total == 0: