#!/usr/bin/env bats # shellcheck disable=SC2030,SC2031 load test_helpers setup() { setup_asdf_dir } teardown() { clean_asdf_dir } @test "plugin_add command with plugin name matching all valid regex chars succeeds" { install_mock_plugin_repo "plugin_with-all-valid-chars-123" run asdf plugin add "plugin_with-all-valid-chars-123" "${BASE_DIR}/repo-plugin_with-all-valid-chars-123" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] run asdf plugin list [ "$output" = "plugin_with-all-valid-chars-123" ] } @test "plugin_add command with LANG=sv_SE.UTF-8 and plugin name matching all valid regex chars succeeds" { ORIGINAL_LANG="$LANG" LANG=sv_SE.UTF-8 install_mock_plugin_repo "plugin-with-w" # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52570103/regular-expression-a-za-z-seems-to-not-include-letter-w-and-wA # https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf/issues/1237 run asdf plugin add "plugin-with-w" "${BASE_DIR}/repo-plugin-with-w" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] run asdf plugin list [ "$output" = "plugin-with-w" ] LANG="$ORIGINAL_LANG" } @test "plugin_add command with plugin name not matching valid regex fails 1" { run asdf plugin add "invalid\$plugin\$name" [ "$status" -eq 1 ] [ "$output" = "invalid\$plugin\$name is invalid. Name may only contain lowercase letters, numbers, '_', and '-'" ] } @test "plugin_add command with plugin name not matching valid regex fails 2" { run asdf plugin add "#invalid#plugin#name" [ "$status" -eq 1 ] [ "$output" = "#invalid#plugin#name is invalid. Name may only contain lowercase letters, numbers, '_', and '-'" ] } @test "plugin_add command with plugin name not matching valid regex fails 3" { run asdf plugin add "Ruby" [ "$status" -eq 1 ] [ "$output" = "Ruby is invalid. Name may only contain lowercase letters, numbers, '_', and '-'" ] } @test "plugin_add command with no URL specified adds a plugin using repo" { run asdf plugin add "elixir" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] run asdf plugin list [ "$output" = "elixir" ] } @test "plugin_add command with no URL specified adds a plugin when short name repository is enabled" { export ASDF_CONFIG_DEFAULT_FILE="$HOME/.asdfrc" echo "disable_plugin_short_name_repository=no" >"$ASDF_CONFIG_DEFAULT_FILE" run asdf plugin add "elixir" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] local expected="elixir" run asdf plugin list [ "$output" = "$expected" ] } @test "plugin_add command with no URL specified fails to add a plugin when disabled" { export ASDF_CONFIG_DEFAULT_FILE="$HOME/.asdfrc" echo "disable_plugin_short_name_repository=yes" >"$ASDF_CONFIG_DEFAULT_FILE" local expected="Short-name plugin repository is disabled" run asdf plugin add "elixir" [ "$status" -eq 1 ] [ "$output" = "$expected" ] } @test "plugin_add command with URL specified adds a plugin using repo" { install_mock_plugin_repo "dummy" run asdf plugin add "dummy" "${BASE_DIR}/repo-dummy" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] run asdf plugin list # whitespace between 'elixir' and url is from printf %-15s %s format [ "$output" = "dummy" ] } @test "plugin_add command with URL specified twice returns success on second time" { install_mock_plugin_repo "dummy" run asdf plugin add "dummy" "${BASE_DIR}/repo-dummy" run asdf plugin add "dummy" "${BASE_DIR}/repo-dummy" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "$output" = "Plugin named dummy already added" ] } @test "plugin_add command with no URL specified fails if the plugin doesn't exist" { run asdf plugin add "does-not-exist" [ "$status" -eq 1 ] echo "$output" | grep "plugin does-not-exist not found in repository" } @test "plugin_add command executes post-plugin add script" { install_mock_plugin_repo "dummy" run asdf plugin add "dummy" "${BASE_DIR}/repo-dummy" [ "$output" = "plugin add path=${ASDF_DIR}/plugins/dummy source_url=${BASE_DIR}/repo-dummy" ] } @test "plugin_add command executes configured pre hook (generic)" { install_mock_plugin_repo "dummy" cat >"$HOME/.asdfrc" <<-'EOM' pre_asdf_plugin_add = echo ADD ${@} EOM run asdf plugin add "dummy" "${BASE_DIR}/repo-dummy" local expected_output="ADD dummy plugin add path=${ASDF_DIR}/plugins/dummy source_url=${BASE_DIR}/repo-dummy" [ "$output" = "${expected_output}" ] } @test "plugin_add command executes configured pre hook (specific)" { install_mock_plugin_repo "dummy" cat >"$HOME/.asdfrc" <<-'EOM' pre_asdf_plugin_add_dummy = echo ADD EOM run asdf plugin add "dummy" "${BASE_DIR}/repo-dummy" local expected_output="ADD plugin add path=${ASDF_DIR}/plugins/dummy source_url=${BASE_DIR}/repo-dummy" [ "$output" = "${expected_output}" ] } @test "plugin_add command executes configured post hook (generic)" { install_mock_plugin_repo "dummy" cat >"$HOME/.asdfrc" <<-'EOM' post_asdf_plugin_add = echo ADD ${@} EOM run asdf plugin add "dummy" "${BASE_DIR}/repo-dummy" local expected_output="plugin add path=${ASDF_DIR}/plugins/dummy source_url=${BASE_DIR}/repo-dummy ADD dummy" [ "$output" = "${expected_output}" ] } @test "plugin_add command executes configured post hook (specific)" { install_mock_plugin_repo "dummy" cat >"$HOME/.asdfrc" <<-'EOM' post_asdf_plugin_add_dummy = echo ADD EOM run asdf plugin add "dummy" "${BASE_DIR}/repo-dummy" local expected_output="plugin add path=${ASDF_DIR}/plugins/dummy source_url=${BASE_DIR}/repo-dummy ADD" [ "$output" = "${expected_output}" ] }