#!/usr/bin/env bats load test_helpers setup() { setup_asdf_dir install_dummy_plugin install_dummy_broken_plugin PROJECT_DIR="$HOME/project" mkdir -p "$PROJECT_DIR" } teardown() { clean_asdf_dir } @test "list_command should list plugins with installed versions" { run asdf install dummy 1.0.0 run asdf install dummy 1.1.0 run asdf list [[ "$output" == *$'dummy\n 1.0.0\n 1.1.0'* ]] [[ "$output" == *$'dummy-broken\n No versions installed'* ]] [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } @test "list_command should list plugins with installed versions and any selected versions marked with asterisk" { cd "$PROJECT_DIR" echo 'dummy 1.1.0' >>"$PROJECT_DIR/.tool-versions" run asdf install dummy 1.0.0 run asdf install dummy 1.1.0 run asdf list [[ "$output" == *$'dummy\n 1.0.0\n *1.1.0'* ]] [[ "$output" == *$'dummy-broken\n No versions installed'* ]] [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } @test "list_command should continue listing even when no version is installed for any of the plugins" { run install_mock_plugin "dummy" run install_mock_plugin "mummy" run install_mock_plugin "tummy" run asdf install dummy 1.0.0 run asdf install tummy 2.0.0 run asdf list [[ "$output" == *$'dummy\n 1.0.0'* ]] [[ "$output" == *$'dummy-broken\n No versions installed'* ]] [[ "$output" == *$'mummy\n No versions installed'* ]] [[ "$output" == *$'tummy\n 2.0.0'* ]] [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } @test "list_command with plugin should list installed versions" { run asdf install dummy 1.0.0 run asdf install dummy 1.1.0 run asdf list dummy [ $' 1.0.0\n 1.1.0' = "$output" ] [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } @test "list_command with version filters installed versions" { run asdf install dummy 1.0 run asdf install dummy 1.1 run asdf install dummy 2.0 run asdf list dummy 1 [ $' 1.0\n 1.1' = "$output" ] [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } @test "list_command with an invalid version should return an error" { run asdf install dummy 1.0 run asdf install dummy 1.1 run asdf list dummy 2 [ "No compatible versions installed (dummy 2)" = "$output" ] [ "$status" -eq 1 ] } @test "list_all_command lists available versions" { run asdf list all dummy [ $'1.0.0\n1.1.0\n2.0.0' = "$output" ] [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } @test "list_all_command with version filters available versions" { run asdf list all dummy 1 [ $'1.0.0\n1.1.0' = "$output" ] [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } @test "list_all_command with an invalid version should return an error" { run asdf list all dummy 3 [ "No compatible versions available (dummy 3)" = "$output" ] [ "$status" -eq 1 ] } @test "list_all_command fails when list-all script exits with non-zero code" { run asdf list all dummy-broken [ "$status" -eq 1 ] [[ "$output" == "Plugin dummy-broken's list-all callback script failed with output:"* ]] } @test "list_all_command displays stderr then stdout when failing" { run asdf list all dummy-broken [[ "$output" == *"List-all failed!"* ]] [[ "$output" == *"Attempting to list versions" ]] } @test "list_all_command ignores stderr when completing successfully" { run asdf list all dummy [[ "$output" != *"ignore this error"* ]] }