version_command() { local cmd=$1 local plugin_name=$2 if [ "$#" -lt "3" ]; then if [ "$cmd" = "global" ]; then printf "Usage: asdf global \n" else printf "Usage: asdf local \n" fi exit 1 fi shift 2 local versions=("$@") local file_name local file file_name="$(asdf_tool_versions_filename)" if [ "$cmd" = "global" ]; then file="$HOME/$file_name" elif [ "$cmd" = "local-tree" ]; then file=$(find_tool_versions) else # cmd = local file="$PWD/$file_name" fi if [ -L "$file" ]; then # Resolve file path if symlink file="$(resolve_symlink "$file")" fi check_if_plugin_exists "$plugin_name" declare -a resolved_versions local item for item in "${!versions[@]}"; do IFS=':' read -r -a version_info <<<"${versions[$item]}" if [ "${version_info[0]}" = "latest" ] && [ -n "${version_info[1]}" ]; then version=$(latest_command "$plugin_name" "${version_info[1]}") elif [ "${version_info[0]}" = "latest" ] && [ -z "${version_info[1]}" ]; then version=$(latest_command "$plugin_name") else # if branch handles ref: || path: || normal versions version="${versions[$item]}" fi # check_if_version_exists should probably handle if either param is empty string if [ -z "$version" ]; then exit 1 fi if ! (check_if_version_exists "$plugin_name" "$version"); then version_not_installed_text "$plugin_name" "$version" 1>&2 exit 1 fi resolved_versions+=("$version") done if [ -f "$file" ] && grep -q "^$plugin_name " "$file"; then local temp_dir temp_dir=${TMPDIR:-/tmp} local temp_tool_versions_file temp_tool_versions_file=$(mktemp "$temp_dir/asdf-tool-versions-file.XXXXXX") cp -f "$file" "$temp_tool_versions_file" sed -e "s|^$plugin_name .*$|$plugin_name ${resolved_versions[*]}|" "$temp_tool_versions_file" >"$file" rm -f "$temp_tool_versions_file" else # Add a trailing newline at the end of the file if missing [[ -f "$file" && -n "$(tail -c1 "$file")" ]] && printf '\n' >>"$file" # Add a new version line to the end of the file printf "%s %s\n" "$plugin_name" "${resolved_versions[*]}" >>"$file" fi } list_all_command() { local plugin_name=$1 local query=$2 local plugin_path local std_out_file local std_err_file local output plugin_path=$(get_plugin_path "$plugin_name") check_if_plugin_exists "$plugin_name" local temp_dir temp_dir=${TMPDIR:-/tmp} # Capture return code to allow error handling std_out_file="$(mktemp "$temp_dir/asdf-command-list-all-${plugin_name}.stdout.XXXXXX")" std_err_file="$(mktemp "$temp_dir/asdf-command-list-all-${plugin_name}.stderr.XXXXXX")" return_code=0 && "${plugin_path}/bin/list-all" >"$std_out_file" 2>"$std_err_file" || return_code=$? if [[ $return_code -ne 0 ]]; then # Printing all output to allow plugin to handle error formatting printf "Plugin %s's list-all callback script failed with output:\n" "${plugin_name}" >&2 printf "%s\n" "$(cat "$std_err_file")" >&2 printf "%s\n" "$(cat "$std_out_file")" >&2 rm "$std_out_file" "$std_err_file" exit 1 fi if [[ $query ]]; then output=$(tr ' ' '\n' <"$std_out_file" | grep -E "^\\s*$query" | tr '\n' ' ') else output=$(cat "$std_out_file") fi if [ -z "$output" ]; then display_error "No compatible versions available ($plugin_name $query)" exit 1 fi IFS=' ' read -r -a versions_list <<<"$output" for version in "${versions_list[@]}"; do printf "%s\n" "${version}" done # Remove temp files if they still exist rm "$std_out_file" "$std_err_file" || true } latest_command() { DEFAULT_QUERY="[0-9]" local plugin_name=$1 local query=$2 local plugin_path if [ "$plugin_name" = "--all" ]; then latest_all fi [[ -z $query ]] && query="$DEFAULT_QUERY" plugin_path=$(get_plugin_path "$plugin_name") check_if_plugin_exists "$plugin_name" local versions if [ -f "${plugin_path}/bin/latest-stable" ]; then versions=$("${plugin_path}"/bin/latest-stable "$query") if [ -z "${versions}" ]; then # this branch requires this print to mimic the error from the list-all branch printf "No compatible versions available (%s %s)\n" "$plugin_name" "$query" >&2 exit 1 fi else # pattern from xxenv-latest ( versions=$(list_all_command "$plugin_name" "$query" | grep -ivE "(^Available versions:|-src|-dev|-latest|-stm|[-\\.]rc|-milestone|-alpha|-beta|[-\\.]pre|-next|(a|b|c)[0-9]+|snapshot|master)" | sed 's/^[[:space:]]\+//' | tail -1) if [ -z "${versions}" ]; then exit 1 fi fi printf "%s\n" "$versions" } latest_all() { local plugins_path plugins_path=$(get_plugin_path) if find "$plugins_path" -mindepth 1 -type d &>/dev/null; then for plugin_path in "$plugins_path"/*/; do plugin_name=$(basename "$plugin_path") # Retrieve the version of the plugin local version if [ -f "${plugin_path}/bin/latest-stable" ]; then # We can't filter by a concrete query because different plugins might # have different queries. version=$("${plugin_path}"/bin/latest-stable "") if [ -z "${version}" ]; then version="unknown" fi else # pattern from xxenv-latest ( version=$(list_all_command "$plugin_name" | grep -ivE "(^Available version:|-src|-dev|-latest|-stm|[-\\.]rc|-alpha|-beta|[-\\.]pre|-next|(a|b|c)[0-9]+|snapshot|master)" | sed 's/^[[:space:]]\+//' | tail -1) if [ -z "${version}" ]; then version="unknown" fi fi local installed_status installed_status="missing" local installed_versions installed_versions=$(list_installed_versions "$plugin_name") if [ -n "$installed_versions" ] && printf '%s\n' "$installed_versions" | grep -q "^$version\$"; then installed_status="installed" fi printf "%s\t%s\t%s\n" "$plugin_name" "$version" "$installed_status" done else printf "%s\n" 'No plugins installed' fi exit 0 } local_command() { local parent=false local positional=() while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in -p | --parent) parent="true" shift # past value ;; *) positional+=("$1") # save it in an array for later shift # past argument ;; esac done set -- "${positional[@]}" # restore positional parameters if [ $parent = true ]; then version_command local-tree "$@" else version_command local "$@" fi }