zsh-native asdf completion setup

Add a zsh-native completion system function for `asdf`.

I too often hit snags with bash completions in zsh, so I bias strongly
towards zsh-native completions.

This needs to end up in `$fpath` with a filename of `_asdf` but it
seemed unfriendly to use that name in this repo, so call it `_asdf.zsh`
and document a symlink.  Mark the file as executable to be compatible
with one convention of "personal functions should only autoload if
executable" (but that's probably so historic that very few people still
use it; I'm one of them, though).
This commit is contained in:
Phil Pennock 2019-06-30 22:22:28 -04:00
parent 51104c9cea
commit a8016c321d
2 changed files with 151 additions and 0 deletions

completions/_asdf.zsh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
#compdef asdf
#description tool to manage versions of multiple runtimes
local curcontext="$curcontext" state state_descr line subcmd
local asdf_dir="${ASDF_DATA_DIR:-$HOME/.asdf}"
local -a asdf_commands
asdf_commands=( # 'asdf help' lists commands with help text
'plugin-add:add plugin from asdf-plugins repo or from git URL'
'plugin-list:list installed plugins (--url with URLs)'
'plugin-list-all:list all plugins registered in asdf-plugins repo'
'plugin-remove:remove named plugin and all packages for it'
'plugin-update:update named plugin (or --all)'
'install:install plugin at stated version, or all from .tools-versions'
'uninstall:remove a specific version of a package'
'current:display current versions for named package (else all)'
'where:display install path for given package at optional specified version'
'which:display path to an executable'
'shell:via env vars, set package to version in current shell'
'local:set package local version'
'global:set package global version'
'list:list installed versions of a package'
'list-all:list all available (remote) versions of a package'
'exec:executes the command shim for the current version'
'env:prints or runs an executable under a command environment'
'reshim:recreate shims for version of a package'
'shim-versions:list for given command which plugins and versions provide it'
'update:update ASDF to the latest stable release (unless --head)'
_asdf__available_plugins() {
local plugin_dir="${asdf_dir:?}/repository/plugins"
if [[ ! -d "$plugin_dir" ]]; then
_wanted asdf-available-plugins expl 'ASDF Installable Plugins' \
compadd -x "no plugins repository found"
local -a plugins
plugins=( "$plugin_dir"/*(:t) )
_wanted asdf-available-plugins expl 'ASDF Installable Plugins' \
compadd -a plugins
_asdf__installed_plugins() {
local plugin_dir="${asdf_dir:?}/plugins"
if [[ ! -d "$plugin_dir" ]]; then
_wanted asdf-plugins expl 'ASDF Plugins' \
compadd -x "no plugins dir, none installed yet"
local -a plugins
plugins=( "$plugin_dir"/*(:t) )
_wanted asdf-plugins expl 'ASDF Plugins' \
compadd -a plugins
_asdf__installed_versions_of() {
local plugin_dir="${asdf_dir:?}/installs/${1:?need a plugin version}"
if [[ ! -d "$plugin_dir" ]]; then
_wanted "asdf-versions-$1" expl "ASDF Plugin ${(q-)1} versions" \
compadd -x "no versions installed"
local -a versions
versions=( "$plugin_dir"/*(:t) )
_wanted "asdf-versions-$1" expl "ASDF Plugin ${(q-)1} versions" \
compadd -a versions
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
_arguments -C : '--version[version]' ':command:->command'
case "$state" in
_describe -t asdf-commands 'ASDF Commands' asdf_commands
case "$subcmd" in
if (( CURRENT == 3 )); then
# Optional URL
if (( CURRENT == 4 )); then
_arguments "*:${words[3]} package url:_urls"
(( CURRENT == 3 )) && _asdf__installed_plugins
(( CURRENT == 3 )) && _alternative \
'all:all:(--all)' \
'asdf-available-plugins:Installed ASDF Plugins:_asdf__installed_plugins'
if (( CURRENT == 3 )); then
elif (( CURRENT == 4 )); then
_wanted "remote-versions-${words[3]}" \
expl "Available versions of ${words[3]}" \
compadd -- $(asdf list-all "${words[3]}")
if (( CURRENT == 3 )); then
elif (( CURRENT == 4 )); then
_asdf__installed_versions_of "${words[3]}"
_wanted asdf-shims expl "ASDF Shims" compadd -- "${asdf_dir:?}/shims"/*(:t)
# asdf exec <shim-cmd> [<shim-cmd args ...>]
if (( CURRENT == 3 )); then
_wanted asdf-shims expl "ASDF Shims" compadd -- "${asdf_dir:?}/shims"/*(:t)
compset -n 3
_normal -p "asdf-shims-${words[3]}"
# asdf exec <shim-name> <arbitrary-cmd> [<cmd args ...>]
if (( CURRENT == 3 )); then
_wanted asdf-shims expl "ASDF Shims" compadd -- "${asdf_dir:?}/shims"/*(:t)
compset -n 4
_normal -p "asdf-shims-${words[3]}"
(( CURRENT == 3 )) && compadd -- --head

View File

@ -105,6 +105,14 @@ the ones above.
autoload -Uz compinit && compinit autoload -Uz compinit && compinit
``` ```
If you have a function path set up and have a place to put a custom completion
file, then instead of adding a source of `asdf.bash` to your `.zshrc`, you can
ln -s ~/.asdf/completions/_asdf.zsh ${fpath[1]}/_asdf
#### ** Fish ** #### ** Fish **
Installation via **Git**: Installation via **Git**: