To install all the tools defined in a `.tool-versions` file run `asdf install` with no other arguments in the directory containing the `.tool-versions` file.
Edit the file directly or use `asdf local` (or `asdf global`) which updates it.
## \$HOME/.asdfrc
Add a `.asdfrc` file to your home directory and asdf will use the settings specified in the file. The file should be formatted like this:
legacy_version_file = yes
-`legacy_version_file` - defaults to `no`. If set to yes it will cause plugins that support this feature to read the version files used by other version managers (e.g. `.ruby-version` in the case of Ruby's `rbenv`).
## Environment Variables
-`ASDF_CONFIG_FILE` - Defaults to `~/.asdfrc` as described above. Can be set to any location.
-`ASDF_DEFAULT_TOOL_VERSIONS_FILENAME` - The name of the file storing the tool names and versions. Defaults to `.tool-versions`. Can be any valid file name.
-`ASDF_DATA_DIR` - Defaults to `~/.asdf` - Location where `asdf` install plugins, shims and installs. Can be set to any location before sourcing `` or `` mentioned in the section above.