mkdir -p ~/.config/fish/completions; and cp ~/.asdf/completions/ ~/.config/fish/completions
<!-- tabs:end -->
Restart your shell so that PATH changes take effect. (Opening a new terminal
tab will usually do it.)
### Having Issues?
If you're having issues with it not detecting the shims you've installed it's most-likely due to the sourcing of above `asdf.bash` or `` not being at the **BOTTOM** of your `~/.bash_profile`, `~/.zshrc`, or `~/.config/fish/`. It needs to be sourced **AFTER** you have set your `$PATH.`
### Plugin Dependencies
For most plugins, it is good if you have installed the following packages OR their equivalent on your OS
1. In your `.bashrc` (or `.bash_profile` if you are on OSX) or `.zshrc` find the lines that source `` and the autocompletions. The lines should look something like this:
. $HOME/.asdf/
. $HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash
Remove these lines and save the file.
2. Run `rm -rf ~/.asdf/` to completely remove all the asdf files from your system.