Koen Kanters d83085ea7f
Zigbee-herdsman (#1945)
* Update zigbee-herdsman and zigbee-shepherd-converters.

* Force Aqara S2 Lock endvices (#1764)

* Start on zigbee-herdsman controller refactor.

* More updates.

* Cleanup zapp.

* updates.

* Propagate adapter disconnected event.

* Updates.

* Initial refactor to zigbee-herdsman.

* Refactor deviceReceive to zigbee-herdsman.

* Rename

* Refactor deviceConfigure.

* Finish bridge config.

* Refactor availability.

* Active homeassistant extension and more refactors.

* Refactor groups.

* Enable soft reset.

* Activate group membership

* Start on tests.

* Enable reporting.

* Add more controller tests.

* Add more tests

* Fix linting error.

* Data en deviceReceive tests.

* Move to zigbee-herdsman-converters.

* More device publish tests.

* Cleanup dependencies.

* Bring device publish coverage to 100.

* Bring home assistant test coverage to 100.

* Device configure tests.

* Attempt to fix tests.

* Another attempt.

* Another one.

* Another one.

* Another.

* Add wait.

* Longer wait.

* Debug.

* Update dependencies.

* Another.

* Begin on availability tests.

* Improve availability tests.

* Complete deviceAvailability tests.

* Device bind tests.

* More tests.

* Begin networkmap refactors.

* start on networkmap tests.

* Network map tests.

* Add utils tests.

* Logger tests.

* Settings and logger tests.

* Ignore some stuff for coverage and add todos.

* Add remaining missing tests.

* Enforce 100% test coverage.

* Start on groups test and refactor entityPublish to resolveEntity

* Remove joinPathStorage, not used anymore as group information is stored into zigbee-herdsman database.

* Fix linting issues.

* Improve tests.

* Add groups.

* fix group membership.

* Group: log names.

* Convert MQTT message to string by default.

* Fix group name.

* Updates.

* Revert configuration.yaml.

* Add new line.

* Fixes.

* Updates.

* Fix tests.

* Ignore soft reset extension.
2019-09-09 19:48:09 +02:00

116 lines
3.6 KiB

const zigbeeHerdsmanConverters = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters');
// Xiaomi uses 4151 and 4447 (lumi.plug) as manufacturer ID.
const xiaomiManufacturerID = [4151, 4447];
const ikeaTradfriManufacturerID = [4476];
// construct a local ISO8601 string (instead of UTC-based)
// Example:
// - ISO8601 (UTC) = 2019-03-01T15:32:45.941+0000
// - ISO8601 (local) = 2019-03-01T16:32:45.941+0100 (for timezone GMT+1)
function toLocalISOString(dDate) {
const tzOffset = -dDate.getTimezoneOffset();
const plusOrMinus = tzOffset >= 0 ? '+' : '-';
const pad = function(num) {
const norm = Math.floor(Math.abs(num));
return (norm < 10 ? '0' : '') + norm;
return dDate.getFullYear() +
'-' + pad(dDate.getMonth() + 1) +
'-' + pad(dDate.getDate()) +
'T' + pad(dDate.getHours()) +
':' + pad(dDate.getMinutes()) +
':' + pad(dDate.getSeconds()) +
plusOrMinus + pad(tzOffset / 60) +
':' + pad(tzOffset % 60);
const postfixes = [
'left', 'right', 'center', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right', 'l1', 'l2', 'default',
'top_left', 'top_right', 'white', 'rgb', 'system', 'top', 'bottom', 'center_left', 'center_right',
'ep1', 'ep2',
function flatten(arr) {
return arr.reduce((flat, toFlatten) => {
return flat.concat(Array.isArray(toFlatten) ? flatten(toFlatten) : toFlatten);
}, []);
const forceEndDevice = flatten(
['QBKG03LM', 'QBKG04LM', 'ZNMS13LM', 'ZNMS12LM']
.map((model) => zigbeeHerdsmanConverters.devices.find((d) => d.model === model))
.map((mappedModel) => mappedModel.zigbeeModel));
async function getZigbee2mqttVersion() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const git = require('git-last-commit');
const packageJSON = require('../../package.json');
const version = packageJSON.version;
git.getLastCommit((err, commit) => {
let commitHash = null;
if (err) {
try {
commitHash = require('../../.hash.json').hash;
} catch (error) {
commitHash = 'unknown';
} else {
commitHash = commit.shortHash;
resolve({commitHash, version});
function formatDate(date, type, _default) {
let result;
switch (type) {
case 'ISO_8601':
result = new Date(date).toISOString();
case 'ISO_8601_local':
result = toLocalISOString(new Date(date));
case 'epoch':
result = date;
result = _default;
return result;
function objectHasProperties(object, properties) {
for (const property of properties) {
if (!object.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
return false;
return true;
module.exports = {
millisecondsToSeconds: (milliseconds) => milliseconds / 1000,
secondsToMilliseconds: (seconds) => seconds * 1000,
getPostfixes: () => postfixes,
isXiaomiDevice: (device) => {
return device.modelID !== 'lumi.router' && xiaomiManufacturerID.includes(device.manufacturerID) &&
(!device.manufacturerName || !device.manufacturerName.startsWith('Trust'));
isIkeaTradfriDevice: (device) => ikeaTradfriManufacturerID.includes(device.manufacturerID),
isRouter: (device) => device.type === 'Router' && !forceEndDevice.includes(device.modelID),
isBatteryPowered: (device) => device.powerSource && device.powerSource === 'Battery',
formatDate: (date, type, _default=null) => formatDate(date, type, _default),