const settings = require('../util/settings'); const logger = require('../util/logger'); const utils = require('../util/utils'); const legacyTopicRegex = new RegExp(`^${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/(bind|unbind)/.+$`); const topicRegex = new RegExp(`^${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/request/device/(bind|unbind)`); const Extension = require('./extension'); const stringify = require('json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify'); const debounce = require('debounce'); const zigbeeHersdman = require('zigbee-herdsman'); const clusterCandidates = ['genScenes', 'genOnOff', 'genLevelCtrl', 'lightingColorCtrl', 'closuresWindowCovering']; // See zigbee-herdsman-converters devices.js const defaultBindGroup = {type: 'group_number', ID: 901}; const defaultReportConfiguration = { minimumReportInterval: 5, maximumReportInterval: 3600, reportableChange: 1, }; const getColorCapabilities = async (endpoint) => { if (endpoint.getClusterAttributeValue('lightingColorCtrl', 'colorCapabilities') == null) { await'lightingColorCtrl', ['colorCapabilities']); } const value = endpoint.getClusterAttributeValue('lightingColorCtrl', 'colorCapabilities'); return { colorTemperature: (value & 1<<4) > 0, colorXY: (value & 1<<3) > 0, }; }; const reportClusters = { 'genOnOff': [ {attribute: 'onOff', ...defaultReportConfiguration, minimumReportInterval: 0, reportableChange: 0}, ], 'genLevelCtrl': [ {attribute: 'currentLevel', ...defaultReportConfiguration}, ], 'lightingColorCtrl': [ { attribute: 'colorTemperature', ...defaultReportConfiguration, condition: async (endpoint) => (await getColorCapabilities(endpoint)).colorTemperature, }, { attribute: 'currentX', ...defaultReportConfiguration, condition: async (endpoint) => (await getColorCapabilities(endpoint)).colorXY, }, { attribute: 'currentY', ...defaultReportConfiguration, condition: async (endpoint) => (await getColorCapabilities(endpoint)).colorXY, }, ], 'closuresWindowCovering': [ {attribute: 'currentPositionLiftPercentage', ...defaultReportConfiguration}, {attribute: 'currentPositionTiltPercentage', ...defaultReportConfiguration}, ], }; const pollOnMessage = [ { // On messages that have the cluster and type of below cluster: { manuSpecificPhilips: [ {type: 'commandHueNotification', data: {button: 2}}, {type: 'commandHueNotification', data: {button: 3}}, ], genLevelCtrl: [ {type: 'commandStep', data: {}}, {type: 'commandStepWithOnOff', data: {}}, {type: 'commandStop', data: {}}, {type: 'commandMoveWithOnOff', data: {}}, {type: 'commandStopWithOnOff', data: {}}, {type: 'commandMove', data: {}}, {type: 'commandMoveToLevelWithOnOff', data: {}}, ], }, // Read the following attributes read: {cluster: 'genLevelCtrl', attributes: ['currentLevel']}, // When the bound devices/members of group have the following manufacturerIDs manufacturerIDs: [ zigbeeHersdman.Zcl.ManufacturerCode.Philips, zigbeeHersdman.Zcl.ManufacturerCode.ATMEL, zigbeeHersdman.Zcl.ManufacturerCode.GLEDOPTO_CO_LTD, zigbeeHersdman.Zcl.ManufacturerCode.MUELLER_LICHT_INT, ], }, { cluster: { genLevelCtrl: [ {type: 'commandStepWithOnOff', data: {}}, {type: 'commandMoveWithOnOff', data: {}}, {type: 'commandStopWithOnOff', data: {}}, {type: 'commandMoveToLevelWithOnOff', data: {}}, ], genOnOff: [ {type: 'commandOn', data: {}}, {type: 'commandOff', data: {}}, {type: 'commandOffWithEffect', data: {}}, {type: 'commandToggle', data: {}}, ], manuSpecificPhilips: [ {type: 'commandHueNotification', data: {button: 1}}, {type: 'commandHueNotification', data: {button: 4}}, ], }, read: {cluster: 'genOnOff', attributes: ['onOff']}, manufacturerIDs: [ zigbeeHersdman.Zcl.ManufacturerCode.Philips, zigbeeHersdman.Zcl.ManufacturerCode.ATMEL, zigbeeHersdman.Zcl.ManufacturerCode.GLEDOPTO_CO_LTD, zigbeeHersdman.Zcl.ManufacturerCode.MUELLER_LICHT_INT, ], }, ]; class Bind extends Extension { constructor(zigbee, mqtt, state, publishEntityState, eventBus) { super(zigbee, mqtt, state, publishEntityState, eventBus); this.legacyApi = settings.get().advanced.legacy_api; this.eventBus.on(`groupMembersChanged`, (d) => this.groupMembersChanged(d)); this.pollDebouncers = {}; } parseMQTTMessage(topic, message) { let type = null; let sourceKey = null; let targetKey = null; let clusters = null; if (this.legacyApi && topic.match(legacyTopicRegex)) { topic = topic.replace(`${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/`, ''); type = topic.split('/')[0]; sourceKey = topic.replace(`${type}/`, ''); targetKey = message; } else if (topic.match(topicRegex)) { type = topic.endsWith('unbind') ? 'unbind' : 'bind'; message = JSON.parse(message); sourceKey = message.from; targetKey =; clusters = message.clusters; } return {type, sourceKey, targetKey, clusters}; } async onMQTTMessage(topic, message) { const {type, sourceKey, targetKey, clusters} = this.parseMQTTMessage(topic, message); if (!type) return null; let error = null; const source = this.zigbee.resolveEntity(sourceKey); const target = targetKey === 'default_bind_group' ? defaultBindGroup : this.zigbee.resolveEntity(targetKey); const responseData = {from: sourceKey, to: targetKey}; if (!source || source.type !== 'device') { error = `Source device '${sourceKey}' does not exist`; } else if (!target) { error = `Target device or group '${targetKey}' does not exist`; } else { const sourceName = source.settings.friendlyName; const targetName = targetKey === 'default_bind_group' ? targetKey : target.settings.friendlyName; const successfulClusters = []; const failedClusters = []; const attemptedClusters = []; let bindTarget = null; if (target.type === 'group') bindTarget =; else if (target.type === 'group_number') bindTarget = target.ID; else bindTarget = target.endpoint; // Find which clusters are supported by both the source and target. // Groups are assumed to support all clusters. for (const cluster of clusterCandidates) { if (clusters && !clusters.includes(cluster)) continue; const targetValid = target.type === 'group' || target.type === 'group_number' || target.device.type === 'Coordinator' || target.endpoint.supportsInputCluster(cluster); if (source.endpoint.supportsOutputCluster(cluster) && targetValid) { logger.debug(`${type}ing cluster '${cluster}' from '${sourceName}' to '${targetName}'`); attemptedClusters.push(cluster); try { if (type === 'bind') { await source.endpoint.bind(cluster, bindTarget); } else { await source.endpoint.unbind(cluster, bindTarget); } successfulClusters.push(cluster); `Successfully ${type === 'bind' ? 'bound' : 'unbound'} cluster '${cluster}' from ` + `'${sourceName}' to '${targetName}'`, ); /* istanbul ignore else */ if (settings.get().advanced.legacy_api) { this.mqtt.publish( 'bridge/log', stringify({type: `device_${type}`, message: {from: sourceName, to: targetName, cluster}}), ); } } catch (error) { failedClusters.push(cluster); logger.error( `Failed to ${type} cluster '${cluster}' from '${sourceName}' to ` + `'${targetName}' (${error})`, ); /* istanbul ignore else */ if (settings.get().advanced.legacy_api) { this.mqtt.publish( 'bridge/log', stringify({type: `device_${type}_failed`, message: {from: sourceName, to: targetName, cluster}}), ); } } } } if (attemptedClusters.length === 0) { logger.error(`Nothing to ${type} from '${sourceName}' to '${targetName}'`); error = `Nothing to ${type}`; /* istanbul ignore else */ if (settings.get().advanced.legacy_api) { this.mqtt.publish( 'bridge/log', stringify({type: `device_${type}_failed`, message: {from: sourceName, to: targetName}}), ); } } else if (failedClusters.length === attemptedClusters.length) { error = `Failed to ${type}`; } responseData[`clusters`] = successfulClusters; responseData[`failed`] = failedClusters; if (successfulClusters.length !== 0) { if (type === 'bind') { await this.setupReporting(source.endpoint.binds.filter((b) => successfulClusters.includes( && === bindTarget)); } else if (target.type !== 'group_number') { await this.disableUnnecessaryReportings(bindTarget); } } } const triggeredViaLegacyApi = topic.match(legacyTopicRegex); if (!triggeredViaLegacyApi) { const response = utils.getResponse(message, responseData, error); await this.mqtt.publish(`bridge/response/device/${type}`, stringify(response)); } if (error) { logger.error(error); } else { this.eventBus.emit(`devicesChanged`); } } async groupMembersChanged(data) { const bindsToGroup = this.zigbee.getClients().map((c) => c.endpoints).flat().map((e) => e.binds) .flat().filter((b) => ===; if (data.action === 'add') { await this.setupReporting(bindsToGroup); } else { // action === remove/remove_all await this.disableUnnecessaryReportings(data.endpoint); } } getSetupReportingEndpoints(bind, coordinatorEp) { const endpoints = === 'Group' ? : []; return endpoints.filter((e) => { const supportsInputCluster = e.supportsInputCluster(; const hasConfiguredReporting = !!e.configuredReportings.find((c) => ===; const hasBind = !!e.binds.find((b) => === && === coordinatorEp); return supportsInputCluster && !(hasBind && hasConfiguredReporting); }); } async setupReporting(binds) { const coordinator = this.zigbee.getDevicesByType('Coordinator')[0]; const coordinatorEndpoint = coordinator.getEndpoint(1); for (const bind of binds.filter((b) => in reportClusters)) { for (const endpoint of this.getSetupReportingEndpoints(bind, coordinatorEndpoint)) { const entity = `${this.zigbee.resolveEntity(endpoint.getDevice()).name}/${endpoint.ID}`; try { await endpoint.bind(, coordinatorEndpoint); const items = await reportClusters[] .filter(async (a) => !a.condition || await a.condition(endpoint)) .map((a) => { const result = {...a}; delete result.condition; return result; }); await endpoint.configureReporting(, items);`Succesfully setup reporting for '${entity}' cluster '${}'`); } catch (error) { logger.warn(`Failed to setup reporting for '${entity}' cluster '${}'`); } } } this.eventBus.emit(`devicesChanged`); } async disableUnnecessaryReportings(target) { const coordinator = this.zigbee.getDevicesByType('Coordinator')[0]; const coordinatorEndpoint = coordinator.getEndpoint(1); const endpoints = === 'Group' ? target.members : [target]; for (const endpoint of endpoints) { const entity = `${this.zigbee.resolveEntity(endpoint.getDevice()).name}/${endpoint.ID}`; const boundClusters = endpoint.binds.filter((b) => === coordinatorEndpoint) .map((b) =>; const requiredClusters = this.zigbee.getClients().map((c) => c.endpoints).flat().map((e) => e.binds) .flat().filter((bind) => { if ( === 'Group') { return; } else { return === endpoint; } }).map((b) =>, i, a) => a.indexOf(v) === i); for (const cluster of boundClusters.filter((c) => !requiredClusters.includes(c) && c in reportClusters)) { try { await endpoint.unbind(cluster, coordinatorEndpoint); const items = await reportClusters[cluster] .filter(async (a) => !a.condition || await a.condition(endpoint)) .map((a) => { const result = {...a, maximumReportInterval: 0xFFFF}; delete result.condition; return result; }); await endpoint.configureReporting(cluster, items);`Succesfully disabled reporting for '${entity}' cluster '${cluster}'`); } catch (error) { logger.warn(`Failed to disable reporting for '${entity}' cluster '${cluster}'`); } } this.eventBus.emit('reportingDisabled', {device: endpoint.getDevice()}); } } async onZigbeeEvent(type, data, resolvedEntity) { if (type === 'message') { this.poll(data); } } poll(message) { /** * This method poll bound endpoints and group members for state changes. * * A use case is e.g. a Hue Dimmer switch bound to a Hue bulb. * Hue bulbs only report their on/off state. * When dimming the bulb via the dimmer switch the state is therefore not reported. * When we receive a message from a Hue dimmer we read the brightness from the bulb (if bound). */ const polls = pollOnMessage.filter((p) => p.cluster[message.cluster] && p.cluster[message.cluster].find((c) => c.type === message.type && utils.equalsPartial(,, ); if (polls.length) { let toPoll = []; // Add bound devices toPoll = toPoll.concat([].concat( => => e).filter((e) =>; toPoll = toPoll.filter((e) => === 'Endpoint'); toPoll = toPoll.filter((e) => !== 'Coordinator'); toPoll = =>; // If message is published to a group, add members of the group const group = message.groupID !== 0 ? this.zigbee.getGroupByID(message.groupID) : null; if (group) { toPoll = toPoll.concat(group.members); } toPoll = new Set(toPoll); for (const endpoint of toPoll) { for (const poll of polls) { if (!poll.manufacturerIDs.includes(endpoint.getDevice().manufacturerID)) { continue; } const key = `${endpoint.deviceIeeeAddress}_${endpoint.ID}_${pollOnMessage.indexOf(poll)}`; if (!this.pollDebouncers[key]) { this.pollDebouncers[key] = debounce(async () => { await,; }, 1000); } this.pollDebouncers[key](); } } } } } module.exports = Bind;