const utils = require('../util/utils'); const interval = utils.secondsToMilliseconds(1); const logger = require('../util/logger'); const foundationCfg = {manufSpec: 0, disDefaultRsp: 0}; /** * Extension required for Livolo device support. */ class Livolo { constructor(zigbee, mqtt, state, publishEntityState) { this.zigbee = zigbee; this.timer = null; this.configured = {}; } onZigbeeStarted() { this.startTimer(); } _resetDeviceState(ieeeAddr) { this.configured[ieeeAddr] = { stage: 0, retry: 0, waitresp: false, }; } onZigbeeMessage(message, device, mappedDevice) { if (!device) { return; } if ((message.type == 'devInterview') || (message.type == 'devIncoming') || (message.type == 'endDeviceAnnce') || (message.type == 'devStatus')) { if (this.configured.hasOwnProperty(device.ieeeAddr)) {`LIVOLO ${device.ieeeAddr}. (Re)joins in the network (after power off?)`); this._resetDeviceState(device.ieeeAddr); } return; } } startTimer() { this.clearTimer(); this.timer = setInterval(() => this.handleInterval(), interval); } clearTimer() { if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = null; } } stop() { this.clearTimer(); } _handleCommandRespSimple(err, rsp) { this.ext.configured[this.ieeeAddr].waitresp = false; if (err) { if (this.ctype === 'toggle') { logger.debug(`LIVOLO ${this.ieeeAddr}. Toggle command error:`, err.message); } } else { logger.debug(`LIVOLO ${this.ieeeAddr}. Sucessfully configured`, rsp); this.ext.configured[this.ieeeAddr].stage = 1; // sucessfully send command this.ext.configured[this.ieeeAddr].retry = 0; this.device.status = 'online'; } } _handleCommandRespWithData(err, rsp) { this.ext.configured[this.ieeeAddr].waitresp = false; if (err) {`LIVOLO ${this.ieeeAddr}. ${this.cid}.${this.ctype} response error:`, err.message); if (this.ext.configured[this.ieeeAddr].retry >= 3) { // errors in three sequental reads, stop polling, wait for a device message this.device.status = 'offline';`LIVOLO ${this.ieeeAddr}. Stopped polling after 3 unsuccessful attempts`); } } else { this.ext.configured[this.ieeeAddr].retry = 0; this.device.status = 'online'; if (this.ext.zigbee) { this.ext.zigbee.shepherd.emit('ind:reported', this.ep, this.cid, rsp, this.ep.last_af_msg); } } } // msg: { groupid, clusterid, srcaddr, srcendpoint, dstendpoint, wasbroadcast, // linkquality, securityuse, timestamp, transseqnumber, len, data } _handleAfMessage(msg, ep) { ep.linkquality = msg.linkquality; ep.last_af_msg = msg; } _sendToggle(zdev, ieeeAddr, ep, retry) { this.zigbee.queue.push(ieeeAddr, (queueCallback) => { const cfg = {}; logger.debug(`LIVOLO ${ieeeAddr}. Sending the 'toggle' command. Retry: ${retry}`); ep.functional('genOnOff', 'toggle', [cfg], foundationCfg, this._handleCommandRespSimple.bind({ device: zdev, ieeeAddr, cid: 'genOnOff', ctype: 'toggle', ext: this, })); queueCallback(); }); } _sendPoll(zdev, ieeeAddr, ep, retry) { this.zigbee.queue.push(ieeeAddr, (queueCallback) => {'genOnOff', 'read', [{ attrId: 0, // onOff }], this._handleCommandRespWithData.bind({ device: zdev, ieeeAddr, ep, cid: 'genOnOff', ctype: 'read', ext: this, })); queueCallback(); }); } handleInterval() { this.zigbee.getAllClients() .filter((d) => d.manufName && d.manufName.startsWith('LIVOLO')) // LIVOLO .filter((d) => d.type === 'EndDevice') // Filter end devices .filter((d) => d.powerSource && d.powerSource !== 'Battery') // Remove battery powered devices .forEach((d) => { const zdev = this.zigbee.shepherd._findDevByAddr(d.ieeeAddr); if (zdev && zdev.endpoints) { const eplist = Object.keys(zdev.endpoints).filter((epId) => { const ep2 = zdev.getEndpoint(epId); const clist = ep2.getClusterList(); return clist && clist.includes(6); // 6 - genOnOff }); if (eplist.length > 0) { const ep = zdev.getEndpoint(eplist[0]); ep.onAfIncomingMsg = this._handleAfMessage; if (!this.configured.hasOwnProperty(d.ieeeAddr)) { this._resetDeviceState(d.ieeeAddr); } const state = this.configured[d.ieeeAddr]; if (state.waitresp) { return; } if (state.retry < 3) { if (state.stage === 0) { state.retry += 1; state.waitresp = true; this._sendToggle(zdev, d.ieeeAddr, ep, state.retry); } else if (state.stage === 1) { state.retry += 1; state.waitresp = true; this._sendPoll(zdev, d.ieeeAddr, ep, state.retry); } } } } }); return true; } } module.exports = Livolo;