const settings = require('../util/settings'); const utils = require('../util/utils'); const logger = require('../util/logger'); const Extension = require('./extension'); const stringify = require('json-stable-stringify'); /** * This extension calls the zigbee-herdsman-converters definition configure() method */ class Configure extends Extension { constructor(zigbee, mqtt, state, publishEntityState, eventBus) { super(zigbee, mqtt, state, publishEntityState, eventBus); this.configuring = new Set(); this.onReportingDisabled = this.onReportingDisabled.bind(this); this.attempts = {}; this.topic = `${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/request/device/configure`; this.legacyTopic = `${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/configure`; this.eventBus.on(`reportingDisabled`, this.onReportingDisabled); } onReportingDisabled(data) { // Disabling reporting unbinds some cluster which could be bound by configure, re-setup. const device = data.device; const resolvedEntity = this.zigbee.resolveEntity(device); if (resolvedEntity.device.meta && resolvedEntity.device.meta.hasOwnProperty('configured')) { delete device.meta.configured;; } if (this.shouldConfigure(resolvedEntity)) { this.configure(resolvedEntity); } } shouldConfigure(resolvedEntity) { if (!resolvedEntity || !resolvedEntity.definition || !resolvedEntity.definition.configure) { return false; } if (resolvedEntity.device.meta && resolvedEntity.device.meta.hasOwnProperty('configured') && resolvedEntity.device.meta.configured === resolvedEntity.definition.meta.configureKey) { return false; } if (resolvedEntity.device.interviewing === true) { return false; } return true; } onMQTTConnected() { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (settings.get().advanced.legacy_api) { this.mqtt.subscribe(this.legacyTopic); } /* istanbul ignore else */ if (settings.get().experimental.new_api) { this.mqtt.subscribe(this.topic); } } async onMQTTMessage(topic, message) { if (topic === this.legacyTopic) { const resolvedEntity = this.zigbee.resolveEntity(message); if (!resolvedEntity || resolvedEntity.type !== 'device') { logger.error(`Device '${message}' does not exist`); return; } if (!resolvedEntity.definition || !resolvedEntity.definition.configure) { logger.warn(`Skipping configure of '${}', device does not require this.`); return; } this.configure(resolvedEntity, true); } else if (topic === this.topic) { message = utils.parseJSON(message, message); const ID = typeof message === 'object' && message.hasOwnProperty('id') ? : message; let error = null; const resolvedEntity = this.zigbee.resolveEntity(ID); if (!resolvedEntity || resolvedEntity.type !== 'device') { error = `Device '${ID}' does not exist`; } else if (!resolvedEntity.definition || !resolvedEntity.definition.configure) { error = `Device '${}' cannot be configured`; } else { try { await this.configure(resolvedEntity, true, true); } catch (e) { error = `Failed to configure (${e.message})`; } } const response = utils.getResponse(message, {id: ID}, error); await this.mqtt.publish(`bridge/response/device/configure`, stringify(response)); } } async onZigbeeStarted() { this.coordinatorEndpoint = this.zigbee.getDevicesByType('Coordinator')[0].getEndpoint(1); for (const device of this.zigbee.getClients()) { const resolvedEntity = this.zigbee.resolveEntity(device); if (this.shouldConfigure(resolvedEntity)) { await this.configure(resolvedEntity); } } } onZigbeeEvent(type, data, resolvedEntity) { const device = data.device; if (type === 'deviceJoined' && device.meta.hasOwnProperty('configured')) { delete device.meta.configured;; } if (this.shouldConfigure(resolvedEntity)) { this.configure(resolvedEntity); } } async configure(resolvedEntity, force=false, thowError=false) { const device = resolvedEntity.device; if (this.configuring.has(device.ieeeAddr) || (this.attempts[device.ieeeAddr] >= 3 && !force)) { return false; } this.configuring.add(device.ieeeAddr); if (!this.attempts.hasOwnProperty(device.ieeeAddr)) { this.attempts[device.ieeeAddr] = 0; }`Configuring '${}'`); try { await resolvedEntity.definition.configure(device, this.coordinatorEndpoint);`Successfully configured '${}'`); device.meta.configured = resolvedEntity.definition.meta.configureKey;; } catch (error) { this.attempts[device.ieeeAddr]++; const attempt = this.attempts[device.ieeeAddr]; const msg = `Failed to configure '${}', attempt ${attempt} (${error.stack})`; logger.error(msg); if (thowError) { throw error; } } this.configuring.delete(device.ieeeAddr); } } module.exports = Configure;