const MQTT = require('./mqtt'); const Zigbee = require('./zigbee'); const logger = require('./util/logger'); const settings = require('./util/settings'); const deviceMapping = require('./devices'); const zigbee2mqtt = require('./converters/zigbee2mqtt'); const mqtt2zigbee = require('./converters/mqtt2zigbee'); const homeassistant = require('./homeassistant'); const debug = require('debug')('zigbee2mqtt') const mqttConfigRegex = new RegExp(`${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/config/\\w+`, 'g'); const mqttDeviceRegex = new RegExp(`${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/\\w+/set`, 'g'); const mqttDevicePrefixRegex = new RegExp(`${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/\\w+/\\w+/set`, 'g'); class Controller { constructor() { this.zigbee = new Zigbee(); this.mqtt = new MQTT(); this.stateCache = {}; this.handleZigbeeMessage = this.handleZigbeeMessage.bind(this); this.handleMQTTMessage = this.handleMQTTMessage.bind(this); } start() { this.zigbee.start(this.handleZigbeeMessage, (error) => { if (error) { logger.error('Failed to start'); } else { const subscriptions = [ `${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/+/set`, `${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/+/+/set`, `${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/config/+` ]; this.mqtt.connect(this.handleMQTTMessage, subscriptions, () => this.handleStarted()); } }); } handleStarted() { // Home Assistant MQTT discovery on startup. if (settings.get().homeassistant) { // MQTT discovery of all paired devices on startup. this.zigbee.getAllClients().forEach((device) => { if (deviceMapping[device.modelId]) {, deviceMapping[device.modelId].homeassistant, this.mqtt); } }); } // Enable zigbee join. if (settings.get().permit_join) { logger.warn('`permit_join` set to `true` in configuration.yaml.') logger.warn('Allowing new devices to join.'); logger.warn('Set `permit_join` to `false` once you joined all devices.'); this.zigbee.permitJoin(true); } } stop(callback) { this.mqtt.disconnect(); this.zigbee.stop(callback); } handleZigbeeMessage(message) { debug('Recieved zigbee message with data',; if (message.type == 'devInterview') {'Connecting with device, please wait...'); } else if (message.type == 'devIncoming') {'New device joined the network!'); } // We dont handle messages without endpoints. if (!message.endpoints) { return; } const device = message.endpoints[0].device; if (!device) { logger.warn('Message without device!'); return; } // Check if this is a new device. if (!settings.getDevice(device.ieeeAddr)) {`New device with address ${device.ieeeAddr} connected!`); settings.addDevice(device.ieeeAddr); } // We can't handle devices without modelId. if (!device.modelId) { return; } // Map Zigbee modelID to vendor modelID. const modelID = message.endpoints[0].device.modelId; const mappedModel = deviceMapping[modelID]; if (!mappedModel) { logger.warn(`Device with modelID '${modelID}' is not supported.`); logger.warn('Please create an issue on to add support for your device'); return; } // Home Assistant MQTT discovery if (settings.get().homeassistant) {, mappedModel.homeassistant, this.mqtt); } // After this point we cant handle message withoud cid anymore. if (! { return; } // Find a conveter for this message. const cid =; const converters = zigbee2mqtt.filter((c) => c.devices.includes(mappedModel.model) && c.cid === cid && c.type === message.type); if (!converters.length) { logger.warn(`No converter available for '${mappedModel.model}' with cid '${cid}' and type '${message.type}'`); logger.warn('Please create an issue on with this message.'); return; } // Convert this Zigbee message to a MQTT message. // Get payload for the message. // - If a payload is returned publish it to the MQTT broker // - If NO payload is returned do nothing. This is for non-standard behaviour // for e.g. click switches where we need to count number of clicks and detect long presses. converters.forEach((converter) => { const publish = (payload) => this.mqttPublishDeviceState(device.ieeeAddr, payload); const payload = converter.convert(message, publish); if (payload) { this.stateCache[device.ieeeAddr] = {...this.stateCache[device.ieeeAddr], ...payload}; if (!converter.disablePublish) { publish(payload); } } }); } handleMQTTMessage(topic, message) { if (topic.match(mqttConfigRegex)) { this.handleMQTTMessageConfig(topic, message); } else if (topic.match(mqttDeviceRegex) || topic.match(mqttDevicePrefixRegex)) { this.handleMQTTMessageDevice(topic, message, topic.match(mqttDevicePrefixRegex)); } else { logger.warn(`Cannot handle MQTT message with topic '${topic}' and message '${message}'`); } } handleMQTTMessageConfig(topic, message) { const option = topic.split('/')[3]; if (option === 'permit_join') { this.zigbee.permitJoin(message.toString().toLowerCase() === 'true'); } else { logger.warn(`Cannot handle MQTT config option '${option}' with message '${message}'`); } } handleMQTTMessageDevice(topic, message, withPrefix) { const friendlyName = topic.split('/')[1]; const topicPrefix = withPrefix ? topic.split('/')[2] : ''; // Map friendlyName to deviceID. const deviceID = Object.keys(settings.get().devices).find((id) => settings.getDevice(id).friendly_name === friendlyName); if (!deviceID) { logger.error(`Cannot handle '${topic}' because deviceID of '${friendlyName}' cannot be found`); return; } // Convert the MQTT message to a Zigbee message. let json = null; try { json = JSON.parse(message); } catch (e) { // Cannot be parsed to JSON, assume state message. json = {state: message.toString()}; } // Find ep for this device const mappedModel = deviceMapping[this.zigbee.getDevice(deviceID).modelId]; const ep = mappedModel.ep && mappedModel.ep[topicPrefix] ? mappedModel.ep[topicPrefix] : null; Object.keys(json).forEach((key) => { // Find converter for this key. const converter = mqtt2zigbee[key]; if (!converter) { logger.error(`No converter available for '${key}' (${json[key]})`); return; } const message = converter(json[key]); const callback = (error) => { // Devices do not report when they go off, this ensures state (on/off) is always in sync. if (!error && key.startsWith('state')) { const msg = {}; msg[key] = json[key]; this.mqttPublishDeviceState(deviceID, msg); } }; this.zigbee.publish(deviceID, message.cId, message.cmd, message.zclData, ep, callback); }); } mqttPublishDeviceState(deviceID, payload) { if (this.stateCache[deviceID]) { payload = {...this.stateCache[deviceID], ...payload}; } // Update state cache with new state. this.stateCache[deviceID] = payload; const deviceSettings = settings.getDevice(deviceID); this.mqtt.publish(deviceSettings.friendly_name, JSON.stringify(payload), deviceSettings.retain); } } module.exports = Controller;