const http = require('http'); const httpProxy = require('http-proxy'); const nStatic = require('node-static'); const Extension = require('./extension'); const logger = require('../util/logger'); const frontend = require('zigbee2mqtt-frontend'); const WebSocket = require('ws'); const url = require('url'); const settings = require('../util/settings'); const utils = require('../util/utils'); const stringify = require('json-stable-stringify'); /** * This extension servers the frontend */ class Frontend extends Extension { constructor(zigbee, mqtt, state, publishEntityState, eventBus) { super(zigbee, mqtt, state, publishEntityState, eventBus); this.onRequest = this.onRequest.bind(this); this.onUpgrade = this.onUpgrade.bind(this); this.mqttBaseTopic = settings.get().mqtt.base_topic; this.onMQTTPublishedMessage = this.onMQTTPublishedMessage.bind(this); this.mqtt.on('publishedMessage', this.onMQTTPublishedMessage); this.onWebSocketConnection = this.onWebSocketConnection.bind(this); this.server = http.createServer(this.onRequest); this.server.on('upgrade', this.onUpgrade); this.developmentServer = settings.get().experimental.frontend.development_server; this.development = !!this.developmentServer; this.port = settings.get().experimental.frontend.port || 8080; this.retainedMessages = new Map(); if (this.development) { this.proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({ws: true}); } else { this.fileServer = new nStatic.Server(frontend.getPath()); } this.wss = new WebSocket.Server({noServer: true}); this.wss.on('connection', this.onWebSocketConnection); } onZigbeeStarted() { if (this.development) {`Running frontend in development mode (${this.developmentServer})`); } this.server.listen(this.port);`Started frontend on port ${this.port}`); } async stop() { for (const client of this.wss.clients) { client.close(); } return new Promise((resolve) => { this.server.close(resolve); }); } onRequest(request, response) { if (this.development) { this.proxy.web(request, response, {target: `http://${this.developmentServer}`}); } else { this.fileServer.serve(request, response); } } onUpgrade(request, socket, head) { const pathname = url.parse(request.url).pathname; if (pathname === '/api') { const wss = this.wss; wss.handleUpgrade(request, socket, head, (ws) => wss.emit('connection', ws, request)); } else if (this.development && pathname === '/sockjs-node') {, socket, head, {target: `ws://${this.developmentServer}`}); } else { socket.destroy(); } } onWebSocketConnection(ws) { ws.on('message', (message) => { const {topic, payload} = utils.parseJSON(message, message); this.mqtt.onMessage(`${this.mqttBaseTopic}/${topic}`, stringify(payload)); }); for (const [key, value] of this.retainedMessages) { ws.send(stringify({topic: key, payload: value})); } for (const device of this.zigbee.getClients()) { if (this.state.exists(device.ieeeAddr)) { const resolvedEntity = this.zigbee.resolveEntity(device); ws.send(stringify({topic:, payload: this.state.get(device.ieeeAddr)})); } } } onMQTTPublishedMessage(data) { let {topic, payload, options} = data; if (topic.startsWith(`${this.mqttBaseTopic}/`)) { // Send topic without base_topic topic = topic.substring(this.mqttBaseTopic.length + 1); payload = utils.parseJSON(payload, payload); if (options.retain) { this.retainedMessages.set(topic, payload); } for (const client of this.wss.clients) { if (client.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { client.send(stringify({topic, payload})); } } } } } module.exports = Frontend;