const mqtt = require('mqtt'); const logger = require('./util/logger'); const settings = require('./util/settings'); class MQTT { constructor() { this.onConnect = this.onConnect.bind(this); this.onMessage = this.onMessage.bind(this); this.messageHandler = null; } connect(messageHandler, callback) { const mqttSettings = settings.get().mqtt;`Connecting to MQTT server at ${mqttSettings.server}`); const options = { will: { topic: `${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/state`, payload: 'offline', retain: true, }, }; if (mqttSettings.user && mqttSettings.password) { options.username = mqttSettings.user; options.password = mqttSettings.password; } if (mqttSettings.client_id) { logger.debug(`Using MQTT client ID: '${mqttSettings.client_id}'`); options.clientId = mqttSettings.client_id; } if (mqttSettings.hasOwnProperty('reject_unauthorized') && !mqttSettings.reject_unauthorized) { logger.debug(`MQTT reject_unauthorized set false, ignoring certificate warnings.`); options.rejectUnauthorized = false; } this.client = mqtt.connect(mqttSettings.server, options); // Register callbacks. this.client.on('connect', () => { this.onConnect(); callback(); }); this.client.on('message', this.onMessage); // Set timer at interval to check if connected to MQTT server. const interval = 10 * 1000; // seconds * 1000. this.connectionTimer = setInterval(() => { if (this.client.reconnecting) { logger.error('Not connected to MQTT server!'); } }, interval); this.messageHandler = messageHandler; } disconnect() { clearTimeout(this.connectionTimer); this.connectionTimer = null; this.publish('bridge/state', 'offline', {retain: true, qos: 0}, () => {'Disconnecting from MQTT server'); this.client.end(); }); } onConnect() {'Connected to MQTT server'); this.publish('bridge/state', 'online', {retain: true, qos: 0}); } subscribe(topic) { this.client.subscribe(topic); } onMessage(topic, message) { if (this.messageHandler) { this.messageHandler(topic, message); } } publish(topic, payload, options, callback, base=settings.get().mqtt.base_topic) { topic = `${base}/${topic}`; if (!this.client || this.client.reconnecting) { logger.error(`Not connected to MQTT server!`); logger.error(`Cannot send message: topic: '${topic}', payload: '${payload}`); return; }`MQTT publish: topic '${topic}', payload '${payload}'`); this.client.publish(topic, payload, options, callback); } log(type, message, meta=null) { const payload = {type, message}; if (meta) { payload.meta = meta; } this.publish('bridge/log', JSON.stringify(payload), {retain: false}); } } module.exports = MQTT;