const logger = require('../util/logger'); const utils = require('../util/utils'); const Extension = require('./extension'); const zigbeeHerdsmanConverters = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters'); const settings = require('../util/settings'); const Transport = require('winston-transport'); const stringify = require('json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify'); const objectAssignDeep = require(`object-assign-deep`); const requestRegex = new RegExp(`${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/request/(.*)`); class Bridge extends Extension { constructor(zigbee, mqtt, state, publishEntityState, eventBus, enableDisableExtension) { super(zigbee, mqtt, state, publishEntityState, eventBus); this.enableDisableExtension = enableDisableExtension; this.lastJoinedDeviceIeeeAddr = null; this.setupMQTTLogging(); this.requestLookup = { 'device/options': this.deviceOptions.bind(this), 'device/remove': this.deviceRemove.bind(this), 'device/rename': this.deviceRename.bind(this), 'group/add': this.groupAdd.bind(this), 'group/options': this.groupOptions.bind(this), 'group/remove': this.groupRemove.bind(this), 'group/rename': this.groupRename.bind(this), 'permit_join': this.permitJoin.bind(this), 'config/last_seen': this.configLastSeen.bind(this), 'config/homeassistant': this.configHomeAssistant.bind(this), 'config/elapsed': this.configElapsed.bind(this), 'config/log_level': this.configLogLevel.bind(this), 'touchlink/factory_reset': this.touchlinkFactoryReset.bind(this), 'touchlink/identify': this.touchlinkIdentify.bind(this), 'touchlink/scan': this.touchlinkScan.bind(this), 'health_check': this.healthCheck.bind(this), }; } async onMQTTConnected() { this.zigbee2mqttVersion = await utils.getZigbee2mqttVersion(); this.coordinatorVersion = await this.zigbee.getCoordinatorVersion(); this.eventBus.on(`groupMembersChanged`, () => this.publishGroups()); this.eventBus.on(`devicesChanged`, () => this.publishDevices()); this.mqtt.subscribe(`${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/request/#`); await this.publishInfo(); await this.publishDevices(); await this.publishGroups(); } setupMQTTLogging() { const mqtt = this.mqtt; class EventTransport extends Transport { log(info, callback) { const payload = stringify({message: info.message, level: info.level}); mqtt.publish(`bridge/logging`, payload, {}, settings.get().mqtt.base_topic, true); callback(); } } logger.add(new EventTransport()); } async onMQTTMessage(topic, message) { const match = topic.match(requestRegex); if (match && this.requestLookup[match[1].toLowerCase()]) { message = utils.parseJSON(message, message); try { const response = await this.requestLookup[match[1].toLowerCase()](message); await this.mqtt.publish(`bridge/response/${match[1]}`, stringify(response)); } catch (error) { logger.error(`Request '${topic}' failed with error: '${error.message}'`); const response = utils.getResponse(message, {}, error.message); await this.mqtt.publish(`bridge/response/${match[1]}`, stringify(response)); } } } async onZigbeeEvent(type, data, resolvedEntity) { if (type === 'deviceJoined' && resolvedEntity) { this.lastJoinedDeviceIeeeAddr = resolvedEntity.device.ieeeAddr; } if (['deviceJoined', 'deviceLeave', 'deviceInterview', 'deviceAnnounce'].includes(type)) { let payload; const ieeeAddress = data.device ? data.device.ieeeAddr : data.ieeeAddr; if (type === 'deviceJoined') { payload = {friendly_name: resolvedEntity.settings.friendlyName, ieee_address: ieeeAddress}; } else if (type === 'deviceInterview') { payload = { friendly_name: resolvedEntity.settings.friendlyName, status: data.status, ieee_address: ieeeAddress, }; if (data.status === 'successful') { const definition = resolvedEntity.definition; payload.supported = !!definition; payload.definition = this.getDefinitionPayload(definition); } } else if (type === 'deviceAnnounce') { payload = { friendly_name: resolvedEntity.settings.friendlyName, ieee_address: ieeeAddress, }; } else payload = {ieee_address: ieeeAddress}; // deviceLeave await this.mqtt.publish( 'bridge/event', stringify({type: utils.toSnakeCase(type), data: payload}), {retain: false, qos: 0}, ); } if ('deviceLeave' === type || ('deviceInterview' === type && data.status !== 'started')) { await this.publishDevices(); } } /** * Requests */ async deviceOptions(message) { return this.changeEntityOptions('device', message); } async groupOptions(message) { return this.changeEntityOptions('group', message); } async deviceRemove(message) { return this.removeEntity('device', message); } async groupRemove(message) { return this.removeEntity('group', message); } async healthCheck(message) { return utils.getResponse(message, {healthy: true}, null); } async groupAdd(message) { if (typeof message === 'object' && !message.hasOwnProperty('friendly_name')) { throw new Error(`Invalid payload`); } const friendlyName = typeof message === 'object' ? message.friendly_name : message; const ID = typeof message === 'object' && message.hasOwnProperty('id') ? : null; const group = settings.addGroup(friendlyName, ID); this.zigbee.createGroup(group.ID); this.publishGroups(); return utils.getResponse(message, {friendly_name: group.friendlyName, id: group.ID}, null); } async deviceRename(message) { return this.renameEntity('device', message); } async groupRename(message) { return this.renameEntity('group', message); } async permitJoin(message) { if (typeof message === 'object' && !message.hasOwnProperty('value')) { throw new Error('Invalid payload'); } let value; let resolvedEntity; if (typeof message === 'object') { value = message.value; if (message.device) { resolvedEntity = this.zigbee.resolveEntity(message.device); if (!resolvedEntity || resolvedEntity.type !== 'device') { throw new Error(`Device '${message.device}' does not exist`); } } } else { value = message; } await this.zigbee.permitJoin(value, resolvedEntity); await this.publishInfo(); return utils.getResponse( message, resolvedEntity ? {value: value, device: message.device} : {value: value}, null, ); } configLastSeen(message) { const allowed = ['disable', 'ISO_8601', 'epoch', 'ISO_8601_local']; const value = this.getValue(message); if (!allowed.includes(value)) { throw new Error(`'${value}' is not an allowed value, allowed: ${allowed}`); } settings.set(['advanced', 'last_seen'], message); this.publishInfo(); return utils.getResponse(message, {value}, null); } configHomeAssistant(message) { const allowed = [true, false]; const value = this.getValue(message); if (!allowed.includes(value)) { throw new Error(`'${value}' is not an allowed value, allowed: ${allowed}`); } this.enableDisableExtension(value, 'HomeAssistant'); settings.set(['homeassistant'], value); this.publishInfo(); return utils.getResponse(message, {value}, null); } configElapsed(message) { const allowed = [true, false]; const value = this.getValue(message); if (!allowed.includes(value)) { throw new Error(`'${value}' is not an allowed value, allowed: ${allowed}`); } settings.set(['advanced', 'elapsed'], value); this.publishInfo(); return utils.getResponse(message, {value}, null); } configLogLevel(message) { const allowed = ['error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug']; const value = this.getValue(message); if (!allowed.includes(value)) { throw new Error(`'${value}' is not an allowed value, allowed: ${allowed}`); } logger.setLevel(value); this.publishInfo(); return utils.getResponse(message, {value}, null); } async touchlinkIdentify(message) { if (typeof message !== 'object' || !message.hasOwnProperty('ieee_address') || !message.hasOwnProperty('channel')) { throw new Error('Invalid payload'); }`Start Touchlink identify of '${message.ieee_address}' on channel ${}`); await this.zigbee.touchlinkIdentify(message.ieee_address,; return utils.getResponse(message, {ieee_address: message.ieee_address, channel:}, null); } async touchlinkFactoryReset(message) { let result = false; const payload = {}; if (typeof message === 'object' && message.hasOwnProperty('ieee_address') && message.hasOwnProperty('channel')) {`Start Touchlink factory reset of '${message.ieee_address}' on channel ${}`); result = await this.zigbee.touchlinkFactoryReset(message.ieee_address,; payload.ieee_address = message.ieee_address; =; } else {'Start Touchlink factory reset of first found device'); result = await this.zigbee.touchlinkFactoryResetFirst(); } if (result) {'Successfully factory reset device through Touchlink'); return utils.getResponse(message, payload, null); } else { logger.error('Failed to factory reset device through Touchlink'); throw new Error('Failed to factory reset device through Touchlink'); } } async touchlinkScan(message) {'Start Touchlink scan'); const result = await this.zigbee.touchlinkScan(); const found = => { return {ieee_address: r.ieeeAddr, channel:}; });'Finished Touchlink scan'); return utils.getResponse(message, {found}, null); } /** * Utils */ getValue(message) { if (typeof message === 'object') { if (!message.hasOwnProperty('value')) { throw new Error('No value given'); } return message.value; } else { return message; } } changeEntityOptions(entityType, message) { if (typeof message !== 'object' || !message.hasOwnProperty('id') || !message.hasOwnProperty('options')) { throw new Error(`Invalid payload`); } const ID =; const entity = this.getEntity(entityType, ID); settings.changeEntityOptions(ID, message.options); const cleanup = (o) => { delete o.friendlyName; delete o.friendly_name; delete o.ID; delete o.type; delete o.devices; return o; }; const oldOptions = cleanup(entity.settings); const newOptions = cleanup(settings.getEntity(ID)); return utils.getResponse(message, {from: oldOptions, to: newOptions, id: ID}, null); } renameEntity(entityType, message) { const deviceAndHasLast = entityType === 'device' && typeof message === 'object' && message.last === true; if (typeof message !== 'object' || (!message.hasOwnProperty('from') && !deviceAndHasLast) || !message.hasOwnProperty('to')) { throw new Error(`Invalid payload`); } if (deviceAndHasLast && !this.lastJoinedDeviceIeeeAddr) { throw new Error('No device has joined since start'); } const validationErrors = utils.validateFriendlyName(; if (validationErrors.length !== 0) { throw new Error(validationErrors[0]); } const from = deviceAndHasLast ? this.lastJoinedDeviceIeeeAddr : message.from; const to =; const homeAssisantRename = message.hasOwnProperty('homeassistant_rename') ? message.homeassistant_rename : false; const entity = this.getEntity(entityType, from); settings.changeFriendlyName(from, to); // Clear retained messages this.mqtt.publish(, '', {retain: true}); if (entity.type === 'device') { this.publishDevices(); this.eventBus.emit(`deviceRenamed`, {device: entity.device, homeAssisantRename}); } else { this.publishGroups(); this.eventBus.emit(`groupRenamed`, {group:, homeAssisantRename}); } // Repulish entity state this.publishEntityState(to, {}); return utils.getResponse( message, {from: entity.settings.friendlyName, to, homeassistant_rename: homeAssisantRename}, null, ); } async removeEntity(entityType, message) { const ID = typeof message === 'object' ? : message.trim(); const entity = this.getEntity(entityType, ID); let block = false; let force = false; let blockForceLog = ''; if (entityType === 'device' && typeof message === 'object') { block = !!message.block; force = !!message.force; blockForceLog = ` (block: ${block}, force: ${force})`; } else if (entityType === 'group' && typeof message === 'object') { force = !!message.force; blockForceLog = ` (force: ${force})`; } try {`Removing ${entity.type} '${entity.settings.friendlyName}'${blockForceLog}`); if (entity.type === 'device') { if (block) { settings.blockDevice(entity.settings.ID); } if (force) { await entity.device.removeFromDatabase(); } else { await entity.device.removeFromNetwork(); } } else { if (force) { await; } else { await; } } // Fire event if (entity.type === 'device') { this.eventBus.emit('deviceRemoved', {resolvedEntity: entity}); } // Remove from configuration.yaml if (entity.type === 'device') { settings.removeDevice(entity.settings.ID); } else { settings.removeGroup(entity.settings.ID); } // Remove from state this.state.remove(entity.settings.ID); // Clear any retained messages this.mqtt.publish(, '', {retain: true});`Successfully removed ${entity.type} '${entity.settings.friendlyName}'${blockForceLog}`); if (entity.type === 'device') { this.publishGroups(); this.publishDevices(); return utils.getResponse(message, {id: ID, block, force}, null); } else { this.publishGroups(); return utils.getResponse(message, {id: ID, force: force}, null); } } catch (error) { throw new Error( `Failed to remove ${entity.type} '${entity.settings.friendlyName}'${blockForceLog} (${error})`, ); } } getEntity(type, ID) { const entity = this.zigbee.resolveEntity(ID); if (!entity || entity.type !== type) { throw new Error(`${utils.capitalize(type)} '${ID}' does not exist`); } return entity; } async publishInfo() { const config = objectAssignDeep.noMutate({}, settings.get()); delete config.advanced.network_key; delete config.mqtt.password; const payload = { version: this.zigbee2mqttVersion.version, commit: this.zigbee2mqttVersion.commitHash, coordinator: this.coordinatorVersion, network: utils.toSnakeCase(await this.zigbee.getNetworkParameters()), log_level: logger.getLevel(), permit_join: await this.zigbee.getPermitJoin(), config, }; await this.mqtt.publish('bridge/info', stringify(payload), {retain: true, qos: 0}); } async publishDevices() { const devices = this.zigbee.getDevices().map((device) => { const definition = zigbeeHerdsmanConverters.findByDevice(device); const resolved = this.zigbee.resolveEntity(device); const endpoints = {}; for (const endpoint of device.endpoints) { const data = { bindings: [], clusters: { input: endpoint.getInputClusters().map((c) =>, output: endpoint.getOutputClusters().map((c) =>, }, }; for (const bind of endpoint.binds) { let target; if ( === 'Endpoint') { target = { type: 'endpoint', ieee_address:, endpoint:, }; } else { target = {type: 'group', id:}; } data.bindings.push({cluster:, target}); } endpoints[endpoint.ID] = data; } return { ieee_address: device.ieeeAddr, type: device.type, network_address: device.networkAddress, supported: !!definition, friendly_name:, definition: this.getDefinitionPayload(definition), power_source: device.powerSource, software_build_id: device.softwareBuildID, date_code: device.dateCode, interviewing: device.interviewing, interview_completed: device.interviewCompleted, endpoints, }; }); await this.mqtt.publish('bridge/devices', stringify(devices), {retain: true, qos: 0}); } async publishGroups() { const groups = this.zigbee.getGroups().map((group) => { const resolved = this.zigbee.resolveEntity(group); return { id: group.groupID, friendly_name:, members: => { return { ieee_address: m.deviceIeeeAddress, endpoint: m.ID, }; }), }; }); await this.mqtt.publish('bridge/groups', stringify(groups), {retain: true, qos: 0}); } getDefinitionPayload(definition) { if (definition) { return { model: definition.model, vendor: definition.vendor, description: definition.description, [definition.hasOwnProperty('exposes') ? 'exposes' : 'supports']: definition.hasOwnProperty('exposes') ? definition.exposes : definition.supports, }; } else { return null; } } } module.exports = Bridge;