const settings = require('../../util/settings'); const logger = require('../../util/logger'); const zigbeeHerdsmanConverters = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters'); const utils = require('../../util/utils'); const assert = require('assert'); const Extension = require('../extension'); const configRegex = new RegExp(`${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/config/((?:\\w+/get)|(?:\\w+/factory_reset)|(?:\\w+))`); const allowedLogLevels = ['error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug']; class BridgeLegacy extends Extension { constructor(zigbee, mqtt, state, publishEntityState, eventBus) { super(zigbee, mqtt, state, publishEntityState, eventBus); // Bind functions this.permitJoin = this.permitJoin.bind(this); this.lastSeen = this.lastSeen.bind(this); this.elapsed = this.elapsed.bind(this); this.reset = this.reset.bind(this); this.logLevel = this.logLevel.bind(this); this.devices = this.devices.bind(this); this.groups = this.groups.bind(this); this.rename = this.rename.bind(this); this.renameLast = this.renameLast.bind(this); this.remove = this.remove.bind(this); this.forceRemove = this.forceRemove.bind(this); this.ban = this.ban.bind(this); this.deviceOptions = this.deviceOptions.bind(this); this.addGroup = this.addGroup.bind(this); this.removeGroup = this.removeGroup.bind(this); this.whitelist = this.whitelist.bind(this); this.touchlinkFactoryReset = this.touchlinkFactoryReset.bind(this); this.lastJoinedDeviceName = null; // Set supported options this.supportedOptions = { 'permit_join': this.permitJoin, 'last_seen': this.lastSeen, 'elapsed': this.elapsed, 'reset': this.reset, 'log_level': this.logLevel, 'devices': this.devices, 'groups': this.groups, 'devices/get': this.devices, 'rename': this.rename, 'rename_last': this.renameLast, 'remove': this.remove, 'force_remove': this.forceRemove, 'ban': this.ban, 'device_options': this.deviceOptions, 'add_group': this.addGroup, 'remove_group': this.removeGroup, 'force_remove_group': this.removeGroup, 'whitelist': this.whitelist, 'touchlink/factory_reset': this.touchlinkFactoryReset, }; } whitelist(topic, message) { try { const entity = settings.getEntity(message); assert(entity, `Entity '${message}' does not exist`); settings.whitelistDevice(entity.ID);`Whitelisted '${entity.friendlyName}'`); this.mqtt.publish( 'bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: 'device_whitelisted', message: {friendly_name: entity.friendlyName}}), ); } catch (error) { logger.error(`Failed to whitelist '${message}' '${error}'`); } } deviceOptions(topic, message) { let json = null; try { json = JSON.parse(message); } catch (e) { logger.error('Failed to parse message as JSON'); return; } if (!json.hasOwnProperty('friendly_name') || !json.hasOwnProperty('options')) { logger.error('Invalid JSON message, should contain "friendly_name" and "options"'); return; } const entity = settings.getEntity(json.friendly_name); assert(entity, `Entity '${json.friendly_name}' does not exist`); settings.changeEntityOptions(entity.ID, json.options);`Changed device specific options of '${json.friendly_name}' (${JSON.stringify(json.options)})`); } async permitJoin(topic, message) { await this.zigbee.permitJoin(message.toLowerCase() === 'true'); this.publish(); } async reset(topic, message) { try { await this.zigbee.reset('soft');'Soft resetted ZNP'); } catch (error) { logger.error('Soft reset failed'); } } lastSeen(topic, message) { const allowed = ['disable', 'ISO_8601', 'epoch', 'ISO_8601_local']; if (!allowed.includes(message)) { logger.error(`${message} is not an allowed value, possible: ${allowed}`); return; } settings.set(['advanced', 'last_seen'], message);`Set last_seen to ${message}`); } elapsed(topic, message) { const allowed = ['true', 'false']; if (!allowed.includes(message)) { logger.error(`${message} is not an allowed value, possible: ${allowed}`); return; } settings.set(['advanced', 'elapsed'], message === 'true');`Set elapsed to ${message}`); } logLevel(topic, message) { const level = message.toLowerCase(); if (allowedLogLevels.includes(level)) {`Switching log level to '${level}'`); logger.setLevel(level); } else { logger.error(`Could not set log level to '${level}'. Allowed level: '${allowedLogLevels.join(',')}'`); } this.publish(); } async devices(topic, message) { const coordinator = await this.zigbee.getCoordinatorVersion(); const devices = this.zigbee.getDevices().map((device) => { const payload = { ieeeAddr: device.ieeeAddr, type: device.type, networkAddress: device.networkAddress, }; if (device.type !== 'Coordinator') { const definition = zigbeeHerdsmanConverters.findByDevice(device); const friendlyDevice = settings.getDevice(device.ieeeAddr); payload.model = definition ? definition.model : device.modelID; payload.vendor = definition ? definition.vendor : '-'; payload.description = definition ? definition.description : '-'; payload.friendly_name = friendlyDevice ? friendlyDevice.friendly_name : device.ieeeAddr; payload.manufacturerID = device.manufacturerID; payload.manufacturerName = device.manufacturerName; payload.powerSource = device.powerSource; payload.modelID = device.modelID; payload.hardwareVersion = device.hardwareVersion; payload.softwareBuildID = device.softwareBuildID; payload.dateCode = device.dateCode; payload.lastSeen = device.lastSeen; } else { payload.friendly_name = 'Coordinator'; payload.softwareBuildID = coordinator.type; payload.dateCode = coordinator.meta.revision.toString(); payload.lastSeen =; } return payload; }); if (topic.split('/').pop() == 'get') { this.mqtt.publish(`bridge/config/devices`, JSON.stringify(devices), {}); } else { this.mqtt.publish('bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: 'devices', message: devices})); } } groups(topic, message) { const payload = settings.getGroups().map((g) => { const group = {...g}; delete group.friendlyName; return group; }); this.mqtt.publish('bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: 'groups', message: payload})); } rename(topic, message) { const invalid = `Invalid rename message format expected {"old": "friendly_name", "new": "new_name"} got ${message}`; let json = null; try { json = JSON.parse(message); } catch (e) { logger.error(invalid); return; } // Validate message if (! || !json.old) { logger.error(invalid); return; } this._renameInternal(json.old,; } renameLast(topic, message) { if (!this.lastJoinedDeviceName) { logger.error(`Cannot rename last joined device, no device has joined during this session`); return; } this._renameInternal(this.lastJoinedDeviceName, message); } _renameInternal(from, to) { try { const isGroup = settings.getGroup(from) !== null; settings.changeFriendlyName(from, to);`Successfully renamed - ${from} to ${to} `); const entity = this.zigbee.resolveEntity(to); const eventData = isGroup ? {group:} : {device: entity.device}; this.eventBus.emit(`${isGroup ? 'group' : 'device'}Renamed`, eventData); this.mqtt.publish( 'bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: `${isGroup ? 'group' : 'device'}_renamed`, message: {from, to}}), ); } catch (error) { logger.error(`Failed to rename - ${from} to ${to}`); } } addGroup(topic, message) { let id = null; let name = null; try { // json payload with id and friendly_name const json = JSON.parse(message); if (json.hasOwnProperty('id')) { id =; name = `group_${id}`; } if (json.hasOwnProperty('friendly_name')) { name = json.friendly_name; } } catch (e) { // just friendly_name name = message; } if (name == null) { logger.error('Failed to add group, missing friendly_name!'); return; } const group = settings.addGroup(name, id); this.zigbee.createGroup(group.ID); this.mqtt.publish('bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: `group_added`, message: name}));`Added group '${name}'`); } removeGroup(topic, message) { const name = message; const entity = this.zigbee.resolveEntity(message); assert(entity && entity.type === 'group', `Group '${message}' does not exist`); if (topic.includes('force')) {; } else {; } settings.removeGroup(message); this.mqtt.publish('bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: `group_removed`, message}));`Removed group '${name}'`); } async forceRemove(topic, message) { await this.removeForceRemoveOrBan('force_remove', message); } async remove(topic, message) { await this.removeForceRemoveOrBan('remove', message); } async ban(topic, message) { await this.removeForceRemoveOrBan('ban', message); } async removeForceRemoveOrBan(action, message) { const entity = this.zigbee.resolveEntity(message.trim()); const lookup = { ban: ['banned', 'Banning', 'ban'], force_remove: ['force_removed', 'Force removing', 'force remove'], remove: ['removed', 'Removing', 'remove'], }; if (!entity) { logger.error(`Cannot ${lookup[action][2]}, device '${message}' does not exist`); this.mqtt.publish('bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: `device_${lookup[action][0]}_failed`, message})); return; } const cleanup = () => { // Fire event this.eventBus.emit('deviceRemoved', {device: entity.device}); // Remove from configuration.yaml settings.removeDevice(entity.settings.ID); // Remove from state this.state.remove(entity.settings.ID);`Successfully ${lookup[action][0]} ${entity.settings.friendlyName}`); this.mqtt.publish('bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: `device_${lookup[action][0]}`, message})); }; try {`${lookup[action][1]} '${entity.settings.friendlyName}'`); if (action === 'force_remove') { await entity.device.removeFromDatabase(); } else { await entity.device.removeFromNetwork(); } cleanup(); } catch (error) { logger.error(`Failed to ${lookup[action][2]} ${entity.settings.friendlyName} (${error})`); // eslint-disable-next-line logger.error(`See for more info`); this.mqtt.publish('bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: `device_${lookup[action][0]}_failed`, message})); } if (action === 'ban') { settings.banDevice(entity.settings.ID); } } async onMQTTConnected() { this.mqtt.subscribe(`${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/config/+`); this.mqtt.subscribe(`${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/config/+/+`); await this.publish(); } async onMQTTMessage(topic, message) { if (!topic.match(configRegex)) { return false; } const option = topic.match(configRegex)[1]; if (!this.supportedOptions.hasOwnProperty(option)) { return false; } await this.supportedOptions[option](topic, message); return true; } async publish() { const info = await utils.getZigbee2mqttVersion(); const coordinator = await this.zigbee.getCoordinatorVersion(); const topic = `bridge/config`; const payload = { version: info.version, commit: info.commitHash, coordinator, network: await this.zigbee.getNetworkParameters(), log_level: logger.getLevel(), permit_join: await this.zigbee.getPermitJoin(), }; await this.mqtt.publish(topic, JSON.stringify(payload), {retain: true, qos: 0}); } onZigbeeEvent(type, data, resolvedEntity) { if (type === 'deviceJoined' && resolvedEntity) { this.lastJoinedDeviceName =; } if (type === 'deviceJoined') { this.mqtt.publish( 'bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: `device_connected`, message: {friendly_name:}}), ); } else if (type === 'deviceInterview') { if (data.status === 'successful') { if (resolvedEntity.definition) { const {vendor, description, model} = resolvedEntity.definition; const log = {friendly_name:, model, vendor, description, supported: true}; this.mqtt.publish( 'bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: `pairing`, message: 'interview_successful', meta: log}), ); } else { const meta = {friendly_name:, supported: false}; this.mqtt.publish( 'bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: `pairing`, message: 'interview_successful', meta}), ); } } else if (data.status === 'failed') { const meta = {friendly_name:}; this.mqtt.publish( 'bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: `pairing`, message: 'interview_failed', meta}), ); } else { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (data.status === 'started') { const meta = {friendly_name:}; this.mqtt.publish( 'bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: `pairing`, message: 'interview_started', meta}), ); } } } else if (type === 'deviceAnnounce') { const meta = {friendly_name:}; this.mqtt.publish('bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: `device_announced`, message: 'announce', meta})); } else { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (type === 'deviceLeave') { const name = resolvedEntity ? : data.ieeeAddr; const meta = {friendly_name: name}; this.mqtt.publish( 'bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: `device_removed`, message: 'left_network', meta}), ); } } } async touchlinkFactoryReset() {'Starting touchlink factory reset...'); this.mqtt.publish( 'bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: `touchlink`, message: 'reset_started', meta: {status: 'started'}}), ); const result = await this.zigbee.touchlinkFactoryReset(); if (result) {'Successfully factory reset device through Touchlink'); this.mqtt.publish( 'bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: `touchlink`, message: 'reset_success', meta: {status: 'success'}}), ); } else { logger.warn('Failed to factory reset device through Touchlink'); this.mqtt.publish( 'bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: `touchlink`, message: 'reset_failed', meta: {status: 'failed'}}), ); } } } module.exports = BridgeLegacy;