const logger = require('../util/logger'); const settings = require('../util/settings'); const utils = require('../util/utils'); const Queue = require('queue'); const zigbeeShepherdConverters = require('zigbee-shepherd-converters'); // Some EndDevices should be pinged // e.g. E11-G13 const pingableDevices = [ zigbeeShepherdConverters.devices.find((d) => d.model === 'E11-G13'), ]; /** * This extensions set availability based on optionally polling router devices * and optionally check device publish with attribute reporting */ class DeviceAvailabilityHandler { constructor(zigbee, mqtt, state, publishDeviceState) { this.zigbee = zigbee; this.mqtt = mqtt; this.availability_timeout = settings.get().advanced.availability_timeout; this.timers = {}; this.pending = []; this.state = {}; /** * Setup command queue. * The command queue ensures that only 1 command is executed at a time. * This is to avoid DDoSiNg of the coordinator. */ this.queue = new Queue(); this.queue.concurrency = 1; this.queue.autostart = true; } isPingable(device) { if (pingableDevices.find((d) => d.zigbeeModel.includes(device.modelId))) { return true; } return device.type === 'Router' && (device.powerSource && device.powerSource !== 'Battery'); } getAllPingableDevices() { return this.zigbee.getAllClients().filter((d) => this.isPingable(d)); } onMQTTConnected() { // As some devices are not checked for availability (e.g. battery powered devices) // we mark all device as online by default. this.zigbee.getDevices() .filter((d) => d.type !== 'Coordinator') .forEach((device) => this.publishAvailability(device.ieeeAddr, true)); // Start timers for all devices this.getAllPingableDevices().forEach((device) => this.setTimer(device.ieeeAddr)); } handleInterval(ieeeAddr) { // Check if a job is already pending. // This avoids overflowing of the queue in case the queue is not able to catch-up with the jobs being added. if (this.pending.includes(ieeeAddr)) { logger.debug(`Skipping ping for ${ieeeAddr} becuase job is already in queue`); return; } this.pending.push(ieeeAddr); this.queue.push((queueCallback) => {, (error) => { if (error) { logger.debug(`Failed to ping ${ieeeAddr}`); } else { logger.debug(`Successfully pinged ${ieeeAddr}`); } this.publishAvailability(ieeeAddr, !error); // Remove from pending jobs. const index = this.pending.indexOf(ieeeAddr); if (index !== -1) { this.pending.splice(index, 1); } this.setTimer(ieeeAddr); queueCallback(); }); }); } setTimer(ieeeAddr) { if (this.timers[ieeeAddr]) { clearTimeout(this.timers[ieeeAddr]); } this.timers[ieeeAddr] = setTimeout(() => { this.handleInterval(ieeeAddr); }, utils.secondsToMilliseconds(this.availability_timeout)); } stop() { this.queue.stop(); this.zigbee.getDevices() .filter((d) => d.type !== 'Coordinator') .forEach((device) => this.publishAvailability(device.ieeeAddr, false)); } publishAvailability(ieeeAddr, available) { this.state[ieeeAddr] = available; const deviceSettings = settings.getDevice(ieeeAddr); const name = deviceSettings ? deviceSettings.friendly_name : ieeeAddr; const topic = `${name}/availability`; const payload = available ? 'online' : 'offline'; this.mqtt.publish(topic, payload, {retain: true, qos: 0}); } onZigbeeMessage(message, device, mappedDevice) { // When a zigbee message from a device is received we know the device is still alive. // => reset the timer. if (device && this.isPingable(this.zigbee.getDevice(device.ieeeAddr))) { // When a message is received and the device is marked as offline, mark it online. if (this.state.hasOwnProperty(device.ieeeAddr) && !this.state[device.ieeeAddr]) { this.publishAvailability(device.ieeeAddr, true); } this.setTimer(device.ieeeAddr); } } } module.exports = DeviceAvailabilityHandler;