const settings = require('../util/settings'); const zigbeeHerdsmanConverters = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters'); const logger = require('../util/logger'); const utils = require('../util/utils'); const assert = require('assert'); const BaseExtension = require('./baseExtension'); const postfixes = utils.getEndpointNames(); const topicRegex = new RegExp(`^(.+?)(?:/(${postfixes.join('|')}))?/(get|set)(?:/(.+))?`); const groupConverters = [ zigbeeHerdsmanConverters.toZigbeeConverters.light_onoff_brightness, zigbeeHerdsmanConverters.toZigbeeConverters.light_colortemp, zigbeeHerdsmanConverters.toZigbeeConverters.light_color, zigbeeHerdsmanConverters.toZigbeeConverters.light_alert, zigbeeHerdsmanConverters.toZigbeeConverters.ignore_transition, zigbeeHerdsmanConverters.toZigbeeConverters.cover_position_tilt, zigbeeHerdsmanConverters.toZigbeeConverters.thermostat_occupied_heating_setpoint, zigbeeHerdsmanConverters.toZigbeeConverters.tint_scene, zigbeeHerdsmanConverters.toZigbeeConverters.light_brightness_move, ]; class EntityPublish extends BaseExtension { onMQTTConnected() { // Subscribe to topics. const baseTopic = settings.get().mqtt.base_topic; for (let step = 1; step < 20; step++) { const topic = `${baseTopic}/${'+/'.repeat(step)}`; this.mqtt.subscribe(`${topic}set`); this.mqtt.subscribe(`${topic}set/+`); this.mqtt.subscribe(`${topic}get`); this.mqtt.subscribe(`${topic}get/+`); } } parseTopic(topic) { const match = topic.match(topicRegex); if (!match) { return null; } const ID = match[1].replace(`${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/`, ''); // If we didn't replace base_topic we received something we don't care about if (ID === match[1] || ID.match(/bridge/)) { return null; } return {ID: ID, postfix: match[2] || '', type: match[3], attribute: match[4]}; } async onMQTTMessage(topic, message) { topic = this.parseTopic(topic); if (!topic) { return false; } const entityName = `${topic.ID}` + (topic.postfix ? `/${topic.postfix}` : ''); const entity = this.zigbee.resolveEntity(entityName); if (!entity) { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (settings.get().advanced.legacy_api) { const message = {friendly_name: entityName}; this.mqtt.publish( 'bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: `entity_not_found`, message}), ); } logger.error(`Entity '${entityName}' is unknown`); return; } // Get entity details let converters = null; let target = null; let options = {}; let device = null; let mapped = null; assert(entity.type === 'device' || entity.type === 'group'); if (entity.type === 'device') { // Map device to a model if (!entity.definition) { logger.warn(`Device with modelID '${entity.device.modelID}' is not supported.`); logger.warn(`Please see:`); return; } device = entity.device; mapped = entity.definition; target = entity.endpoint; converters = entity.definition.toZigbee; options = entity.settings; } else { converters = groupConverters; target =; options = entity.settings; mapped = => zigbeeHerdsmanConverters.findByZigbeeModel(e.getDevice().modelID)); } // Convert the MQTT message to a Zigbee message. let json = {}; if (topic.hasOwnProperty('attribute') && topic.attribute) { json[topic.attribute] = message; } else { try { json = JSON.parse(message); } catch (e) { // Cannot be parsed to JSON, assume state message. json = {state: message}; } } /** * Home Assistant always publishes 'state', even when e.g. only setting * the color temperature. This would lead to 2 zigbee publishes, where the first one * (state) is probably unecessary. */ const deviceState = this.state.get(entity.settings.ID) || {}; if (settings.get().homeassistant) { const hasColorTemp = json.hasOwnProperty('color_temp'); const hasColor = json.hasOwnProperty('color'); const hasBrightness = json.hasOwnProperty('brightness'); const isOn = deviceState && deviceState.state === 'ON' ? true : false; if (isOn && (hasColorTemp || hasColor) && !hasBrightness) { delete json.state; logger.debug('Skipping state because of Home Assistant'); } } // Ensure that state and brightness are executed before other commands. const entries = Object.entries(json); entries.sort((a, b) => (['state', 'brightness'].includes(a[0]) ? -1 : 1)); // For each attribute call the corresponding converter const usedConverters = []; for (let [key, value] of entries) { let postfix = topic.postfix; let actualTarget = target; // When the key has a postfix included (e.g. state_right), this will override the target. if (entity.type === 'device' && key.includes('_')) { const underscoreIndex = key.lastIndexOf('_'); const possiblePostfix = key.substring(underscoreIndex + 1, key.length); if (utils.getEndpointNames().includes(possiblePostfix)) { postfix = possiblePostfix; key = key.substring(0, underscoreIndex); const device = target.getDevice(); actualTarget = device.getEndpoint(mapped.endpoint(device)[postfix]); } } const converter = converters.find((c) => c.key.includes(key)); if (usedConverters.includes(converter)) { // Use a converter only once (e.g. light_onoff_brightness converters can convert state and brightness) continue; } if (!converter) { logger.error(`No converter available for '${key}' (${json[key]})`); continue; } // Converter didn't return a result, skip const meta = { endpoint_name: postfix, options, message: json, logger, device, state: deviceState, mapped, }; try { if (topic.type === 'set' && converter.convertSet) { logger.debug(`Publishing '${topic.type}' '${key}' to '${}'`); const result = await converter.convertSet(actualTarget, key, value, meta); if (result && result.state) { const msg = result.state; if (postfix) { for (const key of ['state', 'brightness']) { if (msg.hasOwnProperty(key)) { msg[`${key}_${postfix}`] = msg[key]; delete msg[key]; } } } this.publishEntityState(entity.settings.ID, msg); } // It's possible for devices to get out of sync when writing an attribute that's not reportable. // So here we re-read the value after a specified timeout, this timeout could for example be the // transition time of a color change or for forcing a state read for devices that don't // automatically report a new state when set. // When reporting is requested for a device (report: true in device-specific settings) we won't // ever issue a read here, as we assume the device will properly report changes. // Only do this when the retrieve_state option is enabled for this device. if ( entity.type === 'device' && result && result.hasOwnProperty('readAfterWriteTime') && entity.settings.retrieve_state ) { setTimeout(() => converter.convertGet(actualTarget, key, meta), result.readAfterWriteTime); } } else if (topic.type === 'get' && converter.convertGet) { logger.debug(`Publishing get '${topic.type}' '${key}' to '${}'`); await converter.convertGet(actualTarget, key, meta); } else { logger.error(`No converter available for '${topic.type}' '${key}' (${json[key]})`); continue; } } catch (error) { const message = `Publish '${topic.type}' '${key}' to '${}' failed: '${error}'`; logger.error(message); logger.debug(error.stack); /* istanbul ignore else */ if (settings.get().advanced.legacy_api) { const meta = {friendly_name:}; this.mqtt.publish( 'bridge/log', JSON.stringify({type: `zigbee_publish_error`, message, meta}), ); } } usedConverters.push(converter); } return true; } } module.exports = EntityPublish;