const settings = require('../util/settings'); const zigbeeShepherdConverters = require('zigbee-shepherd-converters'); class NetworkMap { constructor(zigbee, mqtt, state) { this.zigbee = zigbee; this.mqtt = mqtt; this.state = state; // Subscribe to topic. this.topic = `${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/networkmap`; this.mqtt.subscribe(this.topic); // Set supported formats this.supportedFormats = { 'raw': this.raw, 'graphviz': this.graphviz, }; } handleMQTTMessage(topic, message) { message = message.toString(); if (topic === this.topic && this.supportedFormats.hasOwnProperty(message)) { this.zigbee.networkScan((result)=> { const converted = this.supportedFormats[message](this.zigbee, result); this.mqtt.publish(`bridge/networkmap/${message}`, converted, {}); }); return true; } return false; } raw(zigbee, topology) { return JSON.stringify(topology); } graphviz(zigbee, topology) { let text = 'digraph G {\nnode[shape=record];\n'; const lqiDevices = new Map( => [d.ieeeAddr, d])); zigbee.getDevices().forEach((device) => { const labels = []; const friendlyDevice = settings.getDevice(device.ieeeAddr); const friendlyName = friendlyDevice ? friendlyDevice.friendly_name : device.ieeeAddr; // Add friendly name labels.push(friendlyName); // Add the device type labels.push(device.type); // Add the device model const mappedModel = zigbeeShepherdConverters.findByZigbeeModel(device.modelId); if (mappedModel) { labels.push(`${mappedModel.vendor} ${mappedModel.description} (${mappedModel.model})`); } else { // This model is not supported by zigbee-shepherd-converters, add zigbee model information, if available const zigbeeModel = [device.manufName, device.modelId].filter((a) => a).join(' '); labels.push(zigbeeModel ? zigbeeModel : 'No model information available'); } // Add the device status (online/offline) labels.push(device.status); // Add the device with its labels to the graph as a node. text += ` "${device.ieeeAddr}" [label="{${labels.join('|')}}"];\n`; /** * Add an edge between the device and its parent to the graph * NOTE: There are situations where a device is NOT in the topology, this can be e.g. * due to not responded to the lqi scan. In that case we do not add an edge for this device. */ const lqiDevice = lqiDevices.get(device.ieeeAddr); if (lqiDevice != undefined) { text += ` "${device.ieeeAddr}" -> "${lqiDevice.parent}" [label="${lqiDevice.lqi}"]\n`; } }); text += '}'; return text.replace(/\0/g, ''); } } module.exports = NetworkMap;