const settings = require('../util/settings'); const logger = require('../util/logger'); const data = require('../util/data'); const utils = require('../util/utils'); const fs = require('fs'); const diff = require('deep-diff'); const topicRegex = new RegExp(`^${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/group/.+/(remove|add|remove_all)$`); const topicRegexRemoveAll = new RegExp(`^${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/group/(remove|add|remove_all)$`); class Groups { constructor(zigbee, mqtt, state, publishEntityState) { this.zigbee = zigbee; this.mqtt = mqtt; this.state = state; this.publishEntityState = publishEntityState; this.onStateChange = this.onStateChange.bind(this); this.groupsCacheFile = data.joinPathStorage('groups_cache.json'); this.groupsCache = this.readGroupsCache(); } readGroupsCache() { return fs.existsSync(this.groupsCacheFile) ? JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(this.groupsCacheFile, 'utf8')) : {}; } writeGroupsCache() { fs.writeFileSync(this.groupsCacheFile, JSON.stringify(this.groupsCache), 'utf8'); } onMQTTConnected() { this.mqtt.subscribe(`${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/group/+/remove`); this.mqtt.subscribe(`${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/group/+/add`); this.mqtt.subscribe(`${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/group/+/remove_all`); this.mqtt.subscribe(`${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/group/remove_all`); } apply(from, to) { const sortGroups = (obj) => Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => obj[key] = obj[key].sort()); sortGroups(from); sortGroups(to); const differences = diff(from, to); if (differences) { differences.forEach((diff) => { const groupID = diff.path[0]; if (diff.kind === 'N') { diff.rhs.forEach((ID) => this.updateDeviceGroup(ID, 'add', groupID)); } else if (diff.kind === 'A') { if (diff.item.lhs) { this.updateDeviceGroup(diff.item.lhs, 'remove', groupID); } else { this.updateDeviceGroup(diff.item.rhs, 'add', groupID); } } else if (diff.kind === 'D') { diff.lhs.forEach((ID) => this.updateDeviceGroup(ID, 'remove', groupID)); } else if (diff.kind === 'E') { this.updateDeviceGroup(diff.rhs, 'add', groupID); this.updateDeviceGroup(diff.lhs, 'remove', groupID); } }); } } parseID(ID) { let entityID = ID; let endpointID = null; const postfix = utils.getPostfixes().find((p) => entityID.endsWith(`/${p}`)); if (postfix) { // Found a postfix, retrieve the endpoint which correspodns to the postfix entityID = entityID.substring(0, entityID.length - (postfix.length + 1)); const endpoint = utils.getEndpointByEntityID(this.zigbee, entityID, postfix); if (!endpoint) { return; } endpointID = endpoint.epId; } return {endpointID, entityID}; } getGroupsOfDevice(entityID) { return Object.keys(settings.getGroups()).filter((groupID) => { return settings.getGroup(groupID).devices.includes(entityID); }); } onStateChange(ieeeAddr, from, to) { const properties = ['state', 'brightness', 'color_temp', 'color']; const payload = {}; properties.forEach((prop) => { if (to.hasOwnProperty(prop) && (!from || from[prop] != to[prop])) { payload[prop] = to[prop]; } }); if (Object.keys(payload)) { const groups = this.getGroupsOfDevice(ieeeAddr); groups.forEach((groupID) => { this.publishEntityState(groupID, payload); }); } } onZigbeeStarted() { this.state.registerOnStateChangeListener(this.onStateChange); const settingsGroups = {}; Object.keys(settings.getGroups()).forEach((groupID) => { settingsGroups[groupID] = settings.getGroup(groupID).devices; }); this.apply(this.groupsCache, settingsGroups); } parseTopic(topic) { if (!topic.match(topicRegex) && !topic.match(topicRegexRemoveAll)) { return null; } // Remove base from topic topic = topic.replace(`${settings.get().mqtt.base_topic}/bridge/group/`, ''); // Parse type from topic const type = topic.substr(topic.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, topic.length); // Remove type from topic topic = topic.replace(`/${type}`, ''); return {friendly_name: type === 'remove_all' ? null : topic, type}; } updateDeviceGroup(ID, cmd, groupID) { let payload = null; if (cmd === 'add') { payload = {groupid: groupID, groupname: ''}; cmd = 'add'; } else if (cmd === 'remove') { payload = {groupid: groupID}; cmd = 'remove'; } else if (cmd === 'remove_all') { payload = {}; cmd = 'removeAll'; } const {entityID, endpointID} = this.parseID(ID); const ieeeAddr = settings.resolveEntity(entityID).ID; const cb = (error, rsp) => { if (error) { logger.error(`Failed to ${cmd} ${ieeeAddr} from ${groupID}`); } else {`Successfully ${cmd} ${ieeeAddr} to ${groupID}`); // Log to MQTT const lookup = { 'add': 'device_group_add', 'remove': 'device_group_remove', 'removeAll': 'device_group_remove_all', }; this.mqtt.log({ type: lookup[cmd], message: { device: settings.getDevice(ieeeAddr).friendly_name, group: groupID, }, }); // Update group cache if (cmd === 'add') { if (!this.groupsCache[groupID]) { this.groupsCache[groupID] = []; } if (!this.groupsCache[groupID].includes(ieeeAddr)) { this.groupsCache[groupID].push(ieeeAddr); } } else if (cmd === 'remove') { if (this.groupsCache[groupID]) { this.groupsCache[groupID] = this.groupsCache[groupID].filter((device) => device != ieeeAddr); } } else if (cmd === 'removeAll') { Object.keys(this.groupsCache).forEach((groupID_) => { this.groupsCache[groupID_] = this.groupsCache[groupID_].filter((device) => device != ieeeAddr); }); } this.writeGroupsCache(); // Update settings if (cmd === 'add') { settings.addDeviceToGroup(groupID, ieeeAddr); } else if (cmd === 'remove') { settings.removeDeviceFromGroup(groupID, ieeeAddr); } else if (cmd === 'removeAll') { Object.keys(settings.get().groups).forEach((groupID_) => { settings.removeDeviceFromGroup(groupID_, ieeeAddr); }); } } }; this.zigbee.publish( ieeeAddr, 'device', 'genGroups', cmd, 'functional', payload, null, endpointID, cb, ); } onMQTTMessage(topic, message) { topic = this.parseTopic(topic); if (!topic) { return false; } // Find ID of this group. let groupID = null; if (topic.type !== 'remove_all') { groupID = settings.getGroupIDByFriendlyName(topic.friendly_name); if (!groupID) { logger.error(`Group with friendly_name '${topic.friendly_name}' doesn't exist`); return; } groupID = groupID.toString(); } // Send command to the device. this.updateDeviceGroup(message.toString(), topic.type, groupID); return true; } } module.exports = Groups;