const events = {}; const assert = require('assert'); function getKeyByValue(object, value, fallback) { const key = Object.keys(object).find((k) => object[k] === value); return key != null ? key : fallback; } class Group { constructor(groupID, members) { this.groupID = groupID; this.command = jest.fn(); this.meta = {}; this.members = members; this.removeFromDatabase = jest.fn(); this.removeFromNetwork = jest.fn(); this.hasMember = (endpoint) => this.members.includes(endpoint); } } const clusters = { genBasic: 0, genOta: 25, genScenes: 5, genOnOff: 6, genLevelCtrl: 8, lightingColorCtrl: 768, closuresWindowCovering: 258, hvacThermostat: 513, msIlluminanceMeasurement: 1024, msTemperatureMeasurement: 1026, msRelativeHumidity: 1029, msSoilMoisture: 1032, msCO2: 1037, }; const custom_clusters = { custom_1: { ID: 64672, manufacturerCode: 4617, attributes: { attribute_0: {ID: 0, type: 49}, }, commands: { command_0: {ID: 0, response: 0, parameters: [{name: 'reset', type: 40}]}, }, commandsResponse: {}, }, }; const customClusterBTHRA = { custom_1: { ID: 513, attributes: { attribute_0: {ID: 16391, type: 48, manufacturerCode: 4617}, attribute_1: {ID: 16416, type: 48, manufacturerCode: 4617}, attribute_2: {ID: 16418, type: 48, manufacturerCode: 4617}, attribute_3: {ID: 16448, type: 41, manufacturerCode: 4617}, attribute_4: {ID: 16450, type: 48, manufacturerCode: 4617}, attribute_5: {ID: 16451, type: 48, manufacturerCode: 4617}, }, commands: {}, commandsResponse: {}, }, custom_2: { ID: 516, attributes: { attribute_0: {ID: 16395, type: 32, manufacturerCode: 4617}, attribute_1: {ID: 16441, type: 48, manufacturerCode: 4617}, attribute_2: {ID: 16442, type: 48, manufacturerCode: 4617}, attribute_3: {ID: 16443, type: 48, manufacturerCode: 4617}, }, commands: {}, commandsResponse: {}, }, }; class Endpoint { constructor( ID, inputClusters, outputClusters, deviceIeeeAddress, binds = [], clusterValues = {}, configuredReportings = [], profileID = null, deviceID = null, meta = {}, ) { this.deviceIeeeAddress = deviceIeeeAddress; this.clusterValues = clusterValues; this.ID = ID; this.inputClusters = inputClusters; this.outputClusters = outputClusters; this.command = jest.fn(); this.commandResponse = jest.fn(); = jest.fn(); this.write = jest.fn(); this.bind = jest.fn(); this.unbind = jest.fn(); = jest.fn(); this.configureReporting = jest.fn(); this.meta = meta; this.binds = binds; this.profileID = profileID; this.deviceID = deviceID; this.configuredReportings = configuredReportings; this.getInputClusters = () => inputClusters .map((c) => { return {ID: c, name: getKeyByValue(clusters, c)}; }) .filter((c) =>; this.getOutputClusters = () => outputClusters .map((c) => { return {ID: c, name: getKeyByValue(clusters, c)}; }) .filter((c) =>; this.supportsInputCluster = (cluster) => { assert(clusters[cluster] !== undefined, `Undefined '${cluster}'`); return this.inputClusters.includes(clusters[cluster]); }; this.supportsOutputCluster = (cluster) => { assert(clusters[cluster], `Undefined '${cluster}'`); return this.outputClusters.includes(clusters[cluster]); }; this.addToGroup = jest.fn(); this.addToGroup.mockImplementation((group) => { if (!group.members.includes(this)) group.members.push(this); }); this.getDevice = () => { return Object.values(devices).find((d) => d.ieeeAddr === deviceIeeeAddress); }; this.removeFromGroup = jest.fn(); this.removeFromGroup.mockImplementation((group) => { const index = group.members.indexOf(this); if (index != -1) { group.members.splice(index, 1); } }); this.removeFromAllGroups = () => { Object.values(groups).forEach((g) => this.removeFromGroup(g)); }; this.getClusterAttributeValue = jest.fn(); this.getClusterAttributeValue.mockImplementation((cluster, value) => { if (!(cluster in this.clusterValues)) return undefined; return this.clusterValues[cluster][value]; }); } } class Device { constructor( type, ieeeAddr, networkAddress, manufacturerID, endpoints, interviewCompleted, powerSource = null, modelID = null, interviewing = false, manufacturerName, dateCode = null, softwareBuildID = null, customClusters = {}, ) { this.type = type; this.ieeeAddr = ieeeAddr; this.dateCode = dateCode; this.networkAddress = networkAddress; this.manufacturerID = manufacturerID; this.endpoints = endpoints; this.powerSource = powerSource; this.softwareBuildID = softwareBuildID; this.interviewCompleted = interviewCompleted; this.modelID = modelID; this.interview = jest.fn(); this.interviewing = interviewing; this.meta = {}; = jest.fn(); this.removeFromNetwork = jest.fn(); this.removeFromDatabase = jest.fn(); this.customClusters = customClusters; this.addCustomCluster = jest.fn(); = jest.fn(); this.manufacturerName = manufacturerName; this.lastSeen = 1000; } getEndpoint(ID) { return this.endpoints.find((e) => e.ID === ID); } } const returnDevices = []; const bulb_color = new Device( 'Router', '0x000b57fffec6a5b3', 40399, 4107, [ new Endpoint(1, [0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 768, 2821, 4096], [5, 25, 32, 4096], '0x000b57fffec6a5b3', [], { lightingColorCtrl: {colorCapabilities: 254}, }), ], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'LLC020', ); const bulb_color_2 = new Device( 'Router', '0x000b57fffec6a5b4', 401292, 4107, [ new Endpoint( 1, [0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 768, 2821, 4096], [5, 25, 32, 4096], '0x000b57fffec6a5b4', [], {lightingColorCtrl: {colorCapabilities: 254}}, [], null, null, {scenes: {'1_0': {name: 'Chill scene', state: {state: 'ON'}}, '4_9': {state: {state: 'OFF'}}}}, ), ], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'LLC020', false, 'Philips', '2019.09', '', ); const bulb_2 = new Device( 'Router', '0x000b57fffec6a5b7', 40369, 4476, [new Endpoint(1, [0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 768, 2821, 4096], [5, 25, 32, 4096], '0x000b57fffec6a5b7', [], {lightingColorCtrl: {colorCapabilities: 17}})], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'TRADFRI bulb E27 WS opal 980lm', ); const TS0601_thermostat = new Device( 'EndDevice', '0x0017882104a44559', 6544, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [], [], '0x0017882104a44559')], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'kud7u2l', ); const TS0601_switch = new Device( 'EndDevice', '0x0017882104a44560', 6544, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [], [], '0x0017882104a44560')], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'kjintbl', ); const TS0601_cover_switch = new Device( 'EndDevice', '0x0017882104a44562', 6544, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [], [], '0x0017882104a44562')], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'TS0601', false, '_TZE200_5nldle7w', ); const ZNCZ02LM = new Device( 'Router', '0x0017880104e45524', 6540, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [0, 6], [], '0x0017880104e45524')], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'lumi.plug', ); const GLEDOPTO_2ID = new Device( 'Router', '0x0017880104e45724', 6540, 4151, [ new Endpoint(11, [0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 768], [], '0x0017880104e45724', [], {}, [], 49246, 528), new Endpoint(12, [0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 768], [], '0x0017880104e45724', [], {}, [], 260, 258), new Endpoint(13, [4096], [4096], '0x0017880104e45724', [], {}, [], 49246, 57694), new Endpoint(15, [0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 768], [], '0x0017880104e45724', [], {}, [], 49246, 256), ], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'GL-C-007', false, 'GLEDOPTO', ); const QBKG03LM = new Device( 'Router', '0x0017880104e45542', 6540, 4151, [ new Endpoint(1, [0], [], '0x0017880104e45542'), new Endpoint(2, [0, 6], [], '0x0017880104e45542'), new Endpoint(3, [0, 6], [], '0x0017880104e45542'), ], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'lumi.ctrl_neutral2', ); const zigfred_plus = new Device( 'Router', '0xf4ce368a38be56a1', 6589, 0x129c, [ new Endpoint(5, [0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 0x0300, 0xfc42], [0xfc42], '0xf4ce368a38be56a1'), new Endpoint(7, [0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8], [], '0xf4ce368a38be56a1'), new Endpoint(8, [0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8], [], '0xf4ce368a38be56a1'), new Endpoint(9, [0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8], [], '0xf4ce368a38be56a1'), new Endpoint(10, [0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8], [], '0xf4ce368a38be56a1'), new Endpoint(11, [0, 3, 4, 5, 0x0102], [], '0xf4ce368a38be56a1'), new Endpoint(12, [0, 3, 4, 5, 0x0102], [], '0xf4ce368a38be56a1'), ], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'zigfred plus', false, 'Siglis', ); const groups = { group_1: new Group(1, []), group_tradfri_remote: new Group(15071, [bulb_color_2.endpoints[0], bulb_2.endpoints[0]]), 'group/with/slashes': new Group(99, []), group_with_tradfri: new Group(11, [bulb_2.endpoints[0]]), thermostat_group: new Group(12, [TS0601_thermostat.endpoints[0]]), group_with_switch: new Group(14, [ZNCZ02LM.endpoints[0], bulb_2.endpoints[0]]), gledopto_group: new Group(21, [GLEDOPTO_2ID.endpoints[3]]), default_bind_group: new Group(901, []), ha_discovery_group: new Group(9, [bulb_color_2.endpoints[0], bulb_2.endpoints[0], QBKG03LM.endpoints[1]]), }; const devices = { coordinator: new Device('Coordinator', '0x00124b00120144ae', 0, 0, [new Endpoint(1, [], [], '0x00124b00120144ae')], false), bulb: new Device( 'Router', '0x000b57fffec6a5b2', 40369, 4476, [ new Endpoint( 1, [0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 768, 2821, 4096], [5, 25, 32, 4096], '0x000b57fffec6a5b2', [], {lightingColorCtrl: {colorCapabilities: 17}}, [ { cluster: {name: 'genOnOff'}, attribute: {name: 'onOff'}, minimumReportInterval: 1, maximumReportInterval: 10, reportableChange: 20, }, ], ), ], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'TRADFRI bulb E27 WS opal 980lm', ), 'RBSH-TRV0-ZB-EU': new Device( 'EndDevice', '0x18fc2600000d7ae2', 35902, 4617, // 0x1209, [new Endpoint(1, [0, 1, 3, 4, 32, 513, 516, 2821], [10, 25], '0x18fc2600000d7ae2')], true, 'Battery', 'RBSH-TRV0-ZB-EU', false, 'BOSCH', '20231122', '3.05.09', customClusterBTHRA, ), bulb_color: bulb_color, bulb_2: bulb_2, bulb_color_2: bulb_color_2, remote: new Device( 'EndDevice', '0x0017880104e45517', 6535, 4107, [ new Endpoint(1, [0], [0, 3, 4, 6, 8, 5], '0x0017880104e45517', [ {target: bulb_color.endpoints[0], cluster: {ID: 8, name: 'genLevelCtrl'}}, {target: bulb_color.endpoints[0], cluster: {ID: 6, name: 'genOnOff'}}, {target: bulb_color.endpoints[0], cluster: {ID: 768, name: 'lightingColorCtrl'}}, {target: groups.group_1, cluster: {ID: 6, name: 'genOnOff'}}, {target: groups.group_1, cluster: {ID: 6, name: 'genLevelCtrl'}}, ]), new Endpoint(2, [0, 1, 3, 15, 64512], [25, 6]), ], true, 'Battery', 'RWL021', ), unsupported: new Device( 'EndDevice', '0x0017880104e45518', 6536, 0, [new Endpoint(1, [0], [0, 3, 4, 6, 8, 5])], true, 'Battery', 'notSupportedModelID', false, 'notSupportedMfg', ), unsupported2: new Device( 'EndDevice', '0x0017880104e45529', 6536, 0, [new Endpoint(1, [0], [0, 3, 4, 6, 8, 5])], true, 'Battery', 'notSupportedModelID', ), interviewing: new Device( 'EndDevice', '0x0017880104e45530', 6536, 0, [new Endpoint(1, [0], [0, 3, 4, 6, 8, 5])], true, 'Battery', undefined, true, ), notInSettings: new Device( 'EndDevice', '0x0017880104e45519', 6537, 0, [new Endpoint(1, [0], [0, 3, 4, 6, 8, 5])], true, 'Battery', 'lumi.sensor_switch.aq2', ), WXKG11LM: new Device( 'EndDevice', '0x0017880104e45520', 6537, 4151, [ new Endpoint(1, [0], [0, 3, 4, 6, 8, 5], '0x0017880104e45520', [], {}, [ { cluster: {name: 'genOnOff'}, attribute: {name: undefined, ID: 1337}, minimumReportInterval: 1, maximumReportInterval: 10, reportableChange: 20, }, ]), ], true, 'Battery', 'lumi.sensor_switch.aq2', ), WXKG02LM_rev1: new Device( 'EndDevice', '0x0017880104e45521', 6538, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [0], []), new Endpoint(2, [0], [])], true, 'Battery', 'lumi.sensor_86sw2.es1', ), WSDCGQ11LM: new Device('EndDevice', '0x0017880104e45522', 6539, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [0], [])], true, 'Battery', ''), // This are not a real spammer device, just copy of previous to test the throttle filter SPAMMER: new Device('EndDevice', '0x0017880104e455fe', 6539, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [0], [])], true, 'Battery', ''), RTCGQ11LM: new Device('EndDevice', '0x0017880104e45523', 6540, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [0], [])], true, 'Battery', 'lumi.sensor_motion.aq2'), ZNCZ02LM: ZNCZ02LM, E1743: new Device('Router', '0x0017880104e45540', 6540, 4476, [new Endpoint(1, [0], [])], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'TRADFRI on/off switch'), QBKG04LM: new Device( 'Router', '0x0017880104e45541', 6549, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [0], [25]), new Endpoint(2, [0, 6], [])], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'lumi.ctrl_neutral1', ), QBKG03LM: QBKG03LM, GLEDOPTO1112: new Device( 'Router', '0x0017880104e45543', 6540, 4151, [new Endpoint(11, [0], [], '0x0017880104e45543'), new Endpoint(13, [0], [], '0x0017880104e45543')], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'GL-C-008', ), GLEDOPTO111213: new Device( 'Router', '0x0017880104e45544', 6540, 4151, [new Endpoint(11, [0], []), new Endpoint(13, [0], []), new Endpoint(12, [0], [])], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'GL-C-008', ), GLEDOPTO_2ID: GLEDOPTO_2ID, HGZB04D: new Device( 'Router', '0x0017880104e45545', 6540, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [0], [25], '0x0017880104e45545')], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'FB56+ZSC05HG1.0', ), ZNCLDJ11LM: new Device( 'Router', '0x0017880104e45547', 6540, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [0], []), new Endpoint(2, [0], [])], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'lumi.curtain', ), HAMPTON99432: new Device( 'Router', '0x0017880104e45548', 6540, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [0], []), new Endpoint(2, [0], [])], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'HDC52EastwindFan', ), HS2WD: new Device('Router', '0x0017880104e45549', 6540, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [0], [])], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'WarningDevice'), '1TST_EU': new Device('Router', '0x0017880104e45550', 6540, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [0], [])], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'Thermostat'), SV01: new Device('Router', '0x0017880104e45551', 6540, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [0], [])], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'SV01-410-MP-1.0'), J1: new Device('Router', '0x0017880104e45552', 6540, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [0], [])], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'J1 (5502)'), E11_G13: new Device('EndDevice', '0x0017880104e45553', 6540, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [0, 6], [])], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'E11-G13'), nomodel: new Device( 'Router', '0x0017880104e45535', 6536, 0, [new Endpoint(1, [0], [0, 3, 4, 6, 8, 5])], true, 'Mains (single phase)', undefined, true, ), unsupported_router: new Device( 'Router', '0x0017880104e45525', 6536, 0, [new Endpoint(1, [0], [0, 3, 4, 6, 8, 5])], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'notSupportedModelID', false, 'Boef', ), CC2530_ROUTER: new Device('Router', '0x0017880104e45559', 6540, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [0, 6], [])], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'lumi.router'), LIVOLO: new Device('Router', '0x0017880104e45560', 6541, 4152, [new Endpoint(6, [0, 6], [])], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'TI0001 '), tradfri_remote: new Device( 'EndDevice', '0x90fd9ffffe4b64ae', 33906, 4476, [new Endpoint(1, [0], [0, 3, 4, 6, 8, 5], '0x90fd9ffffe4b64ae')], true, 'Battery', 'TRADFRI remote control', ), roller_shutter: new Device( 'EndDevice', '0x90fd9ffffe4b64af', 33906, 4476, [new Endpoint(1, [0], [0, 3, 4, 6, 8, 5], '0x90fd9ffffe4b64af')], true, 'Battery', 'SCM-R_00.00.03.15TC', ), ZNLDP12LM: new Device( 'Router', '0x90fd9ffffe4b64ax', 33901, 4476, [ new Endpoint(1, [0, 4, 3, 5, 10, 258, 13, 19, 6, 1, 1030, 8, 768, 1027, 1029, 1026], [0, 3, 4, 6, 8, 5], '0x90fd9ffffe4b64ax', [], { lightingColorCtrl: {colorCapabilities: 254}, }), ], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'lumi.light.aqcn02', ), SP600_OLD: new Device( 'Router', '0x90fd9ffffe4b64aa', 33901, 4476, [ new Endpoint(1, [0, 4, 3, 5, 10, 258, 13, 19, 6, 1, 1030, 8, 768, 1027, 1029, 1026], [0, 3, 4, 6, 8, 5], '0x90fd9ffffe4b64aa', [], { seMetering: {multiplier: 1, divisor: 10000}, }), ], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'SP600', false, 'Salus', '20160120', ), SP600_NEW: new Device( 'Router', '0x90fd9ffffe4b64ab', 33901, 4476, [ new Endpoint(1, [0, 4, 3, 5, 10, 258, 13, 19, 6, 1, 1030, 8, 768, 1027, 1029, 1026], [0, 3, 4, 6, 8, 5], '0x90fd9ffffe4b64aa', [], { seMetering: {multiplier: 1, divisor: 10000}, }), ], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'SP600', false, 'Salus', '20170220', ), 'MKS-CM-W5': new Device( 'Router', '0x90fd9ffffe4b64ac', 33901, 4476, [new Endpoint(1, [0, 4, 3, 5, 10, 258, 13, 19, 6, 1, 1030, 8, 768, 1027, 1029, 1026], [0, 3, 4, 6, 8, 5], '0x90fd9ffffe4b64aa', [], {})], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'qnazj70', false, ), 'GL-S-007ZS': new Device( 'Router', '0x0017880104e45526', 6540, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [0], [], '0x0017880104e45526')], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'GL-S-007ZS', ), U202DST600ZB: new Device( 'Router', '0x0017880104e43559', 6540, 4151, [new Endpoint(10, [0, 6], [], '0x0017880104e43559'), new Endpoint(11, [0, 6], [], '0x0017880104e43559')], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'U202DST600ZB', ), zigfred_plus: zigfred_plus, 3157100: new Device( 'Router', '0x0017880104e44559', 6542, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [], [], '0x0017880104e44559')], true, 'Mains (single phase)', '3157100', false, 'Centralite', ), J1: new Device( 'Router', '0x0017880104a44559', 6543, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [], [], '0x0017880104a44559')], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'J1 (5502)', ), TS0601_thermostat: TS0601_thermostat, TS0601_switch: TS0601_switch, TS0601_cover_switch: TS0601_cover_switch, external_converter_device: new Device( 'EndDevice', '0x0017880104e45511', 1114, 'external', [new Endpoint(1, [], [], '0x0017880104e45511')], false, null, 'external_converter_device', ), QS_Zigbee_D02_TRIAC_2C_LN: new Device( 'Router', '0x0017882194e45543', 6549, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [0], [], '0x0017882194e45543'), new Endpoint(2, [0, 6], [], '0x0017882194e45543')], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'TS110F', false, '_TYZB01_v8gtiaed', ), unknown: new Device('Router', '0x0017980134e45545', 6540, 4151, [], true, 'Mains (single phase)'), temperature_sensor: new Device( 'EndDevice', '0x0017880104e45561', 6544, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [0, 3, 4, 1026], [])], true, 'Battery', 'temperature.sensor', ), heating_actuator: new Device( 'Router', '0x0017880104e45562', 6545, 4151, [new Endpoint(1, [0, 3, 4, 513], [1026])], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'heating.actuator', ), bj_scene_switch: new Device( 'EndDevice', '0xd85def11a1002caa', 50117, 4398, [ new Endpoint(10, [0, 4096], [3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 25, 768, 4096], '0xd85def11a1002caa', [ {target: bulb_color_2.endpoints[0], cluster: {ID: 8, name: 'genLevelCtrl'}}, {target: bulb_color_2.endpoints[0], cluster: {ID: 6, name: 'genOnOff'}}, {target: bulb_color_2.endpoints[0], cluster: {ID: 768, name: 'lightingColorCtrl'}}, ]), new Endpoint(11, [0, 4096], [3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 25, 768, 4096], '0xd85def11a1002caa'), ], true, 'Battery', 'RB01', false, 'Busch-Jaeger', '20161222', '1.2.0', ), 'GW003-AS-IN-TE-FC': new Device( 'Router', '0x0017548104a44669', 6545, 4699, [new Endpoint(1, [3], [0, 3, 513, 514], '0x0017548104a44669')], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'Adapter Zigbee FUJITSU', ), 'BMCT-SLZ': new Device( 'Router', '0x18fc26000000cafe', 6546, 4617, [new Endpoint(1, [0, 3, 4, 5, 258, 1794, 2820, 2821, 64672], [10, 25], '0x18fc26000000cafe')], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'RBSH-MMS-ZB-EU', ), BMCT_SLZ: new Device( 'Router', '0x0026decafe000473', 6546, 4617, [new Endpoint(1, [0, 3, 4, 5, 258, 1794, 2820, 2821, 64672], [10, 25], '0x0026decafe000473')], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'RBSH-MMS-ZB-EU', false, null, null, null, custom_clusters, ), bulb_custom_cluster: new Device( 'Router', '0x000b57fffec6a5c2', 40369, 4476, [new Endpoint(1, [0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 768, 2821, 4096], [5, 25, 32, 4096], '0x000b57fffec6a5c2')], true, 'Mains (single phase)', 'TRADFRI bulb E27 WS opal 980lm', false, null, null, null, custom_clusters, ), }; const mock = { setTransmitPower: jest.fn(), touchlinkFactoryReset: jest.fn(), touchlinkFactoryResetFirst: jest.fn(), touchlinkScan: jest.fn(), touchlinkIdentify: jest.fn(), start: jest.fn(), backup: jest.fn(), coordinatorCheck: jest.fn(), isStopping: jest.fn(), permitJoin: jest.fn(), addInstallCode: jest.fn(), getCoordinatorVersion: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({type: 'z-Stack', meta: {version: 1, revision: 20190425}}), getNetworkParameters: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({panID: 0x162a, extendedPanID: [0, 11, 22], channel: 15}), on: (type, handler) => { events[type] = handler; }, stop: jest.fn(), getDevicesIterator: jest.fn().mockImplementation(function* (predicate) { for (const key in devices) { const device = devices[key]; if ((returnDevices.length === 0 || returnDevices.includes(device.ieeeAddr)) && !device.isDeleted && (!predicate || predicate(device))) { yield device; } } }), getDevicesByType: jest.fn().mockImplementation((type) => { return Object.values(devices) .filter((d) => returnDevices.length === 0 || returnDevices.includes(d.ieeeAddr)) .filter((d) => d.type === type); }), getDeviceByIeeeAddr: jest.fn().mockImplementation((ieeeAddr) => { return Object.values(devices) .filter((d) => returnDevices.length === 0 || returnDevices.includes(d.ieeeAddr)) .find((d) => d.ieeeAddr === ieeeAddr); }), getDeviceByNetworkAddress: jest.fn().mockImplementation((networkAddress) => { return Object.values(devices) .filter((d) => returnDevices.length === 0 || returnDevices.includes(d.ieeeAddr)) .find((d) => d.networkAddress === networkAddress); }), getGroupsIterator: jest.fn().mockImplementation(function* (predicate) { for (const key in groups) { const group = groups[key]; if (!predicate || predicate(group)) { yield group; } } }), getGroupByID: jest.fn().mockImplementation((groupID) => { return Object.values(groups).find((d) => d.groupID === groupID); }), getPermitJoin: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(false), getPermitJoinTimeout: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(undefined), reset: jest.fn(), createGroup: jest.fn().mockImplementation((groupID) => { const group = new Group(groupID, []); groups[`group_${groupID}`] = group; return group; }), }; const mockConstructor = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => mock); jest.mock('zigbee-herdsman', () => ({ ...jest.requireActual('zigbee-herdsman'), Controller: mockConstructor, })); module.exports = { events, ...mock, constructor: mockConstructor, devices, groups, returnDevices, custom_clusters, };