// Copyright (C) 2014 Jakob Borg and other contributors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /*jslint browser: true, continue: true, plusplus: true */ /*global $: false, angular: false */ 'use strict'; var syncthing = angular.module('syncthing', []); var urlbase = 'rest'; syncthing.config(function ($httpProvider) { $httpProvider.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRF-Token'; $httpProvider.defaults.xsrfCookieName = 'CSRF-Token'; }); syncthing.controller('SyncthingCtrl', function ($scope, $http) { var prevDate = 0; var getOK = true; var restarting = false; $scope.connections = {}; $scope.config = {}; $scope.myID = ''; $scope.nodes = []; $scope.configInSync = true; $scope.protocolChanged = false; $scope.errors = []; $scope.seenError = ''; $scope.model = {}; $scope.repos = {}; // Strings before bools look better $scope.settings = [ {id: 'ListenStr', descr: 'Sync Protocol Listen Addresses', type: 'text', restart: true}, {id: 'MaxSendKbps', descr: 'Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)', type: 'number', restart: true}, {id: 'RescanIntervalS', descr: 'Rescan Interval (s)', type: 'number', restart: true}, {id: 'ReconnectIntervalS', descr: 'Reconnect Interval (s)', type: 'number', restart: true}, {id: 'ParallelRequests', descr: 'Max Outstanding Requests', type: 'number', restart: true}, {id: 'MaxChangeKbps', descr: 'Max File Change Rate (KiB/s)', type: 'number', restart: true}, {id: 'GlobalAnnEnabled', descr: 'Global Discovery', type: 'bool', restart: true}, {id: 'LocalAnnEnabled', descr: 'Local Discovery', type: 'bool', restart: true}, {id: 'LocalAnnPort', descr: 'Local Discovery Port', type: 'number', restart: true}, {id: 'StartBrowser', descr: 'Start Browser', type: 'bool'}, {id: 'UPnPEnabled', descr: 'Enable UPnP', type: 'bool'}, ]; $scope.guiSettings = [ {id: 'Address', descr: 'GUI Listen Addresses', type: 'text', restart: true}, {id: 'User', descr: 'GUI Authentication User', type: 'text', restart: true}, {id: 'Password', descr: 'GUI Authentication Password', type: 'password', restart: true}, {id: 'UseTLS', descr: 'Use HTTPS for GUI', type: 'bool', restart: true}, ]; function getSucceeded() { if (!getOK) { $scope.init(); $('#networkError').modal('hide'); getOK = true; } if (restarting) { $scope.init(); $('#restarting').modal('hide'); $('#shutdown').modal('hide'); restarting = false; } } function getFailed() { if (restarting) { return; } if (getOK) { $('#networkError').modal({backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false}); getOK = false; } } $scope.refresh = function () { $http.get(urlbase + '/system').success(function (data) { getSucceeded(); $scope.system = data; }).error(function () { getFailed(); }); Object.keys($scope.repos).forEach(function (id) { $http.get(urlbase + '/model?repo=' + encodeURIComponent(id)).success(function (data) { $scope.model[id] = data; }); }); $http.get(urlbase + '/connections').success(function (data) { var now = Date.now(), td = (now - prevDate) / 1000, id; prevDate = now; for (id in data) { if (!data.hasOwnProperty(id)) { continue; } try { data[id].inbps = Math.max(0, 8 * (data[id].InBytesTotal - $scope.connections[id].InBytesTotal) / td); data[id].outbps = Math.max(0, 8 * (data[id].OutBytesTotal - $scope.connections[id].OutBytesTotal) / td); } catch (e) { data[id].inbps = 0; data[id].outbps = 0; } } $scope.connections = data; }); $http.get(urlbase + '/errors').success(function (data) { $scope.errors = data; }); }; $scope.repoStatus = function (repo) { if (typeof $scope.model[repo] === 'undefined') { return 'Unknown'; } if ($scope.model[repo].invalid !== '') { return 'Stopped'; } var state = '' + $scope.model[repo].state; state = state[0].toUpperCase() + state.substr(1); if (state == "Syncing" || state == "Idle") { state += " (" + $scope.syncPercentage(repo) + "%)"; } return state; }; $scope.repoClass = function (repo) { if (typeof $scope.model[repo] === 'undefined') { return 'info'; } if ($scope.model[repo].invalid !== '') { return 'danger'; } var state = '' + $scope.model[repo].state; if (state == 'idle') { return 'success'; } if (state == 'syncing') { return 'primary'; } return 'info'; }; $scope.syncPercentage = function (repo) { if (typeof $scope.model[repo] === 'undefined') { return 100; } if ($scope.model[repo].globalBytes === 0) { return 100; } var pct = 100 * $scope.model[repo].inSyncBytes / $scope.model[repo].globalBytes; return Math.floor(pct); }; $scope.nodeStatus = function (nodeCfg) { var conn = $scope.connections[nodeCfg.NodeID]; if (conn) { if (conn.Completion === 100) { return 'Up to Date'; } else { return 'Syncing (' + conn.Completion + '%)'; } } return 'Disconnected'; }; $scope.nodeIcon = function (nodeCfg) { var conn = $scope.connections[nodeCfg.NodeID]; if (conn) { if (conn.Completion === 100) { return 'ok'; } else { return 'refresh'; } } return 'minus'; }; $scope.nodeClass = function (nodeCfg) { var conn = $scope.connections[nodeCfg.NodeID]; if (conn) { if (conn.Completion === 100) { return 'success'; } else { return 'primary'; } } return 'info'; }; $scope.nodeAddr = function (nodeCfg) { var conn = $scope.connections[nodeCfg.NodeID]; if (conn) { return conn.Address; } return '?'; }; $scope.nodeCompletion = function (nodeCfg) { var conn = $scope.connections[nodeCfg.NodeID]; if (conn) { return conn.Completion + '%'; } return ''; }; $scope.nodeVer = function (nodeCfg) { if (nodeCfg.NodeID === $scope.myID) { return $scope.version; } var conn = $scope.connections[nodeCfg.NodeID]; if (conn) { return conn.ClientVersion; } return '?'; }; $scope.findNode = function (nodeID) { var matches = $scope.nodes.filter(function (n) { return n.NodeID == nodeID; }); if (matches.length != 1) { return undefined; } return matches[0]; }; $scope.nodeName = function (nodeCfg) { if (typeof nodeCfg === 'undefined') { return ""; } if (nodeCfg.Name) { return nodeCfg.Name; } return nodeCfg.NodeID.substr(0, 6); }; $scope.thisNodeName = function () { var node = $scope.thisNode(); if (typeof node === 'undefined') { return "(unknown node)"; } if (node.Name) { return node.Name; } return node.NodeID.substr(0, 6); }; $scope.editSettings = function () { // Make a working copy $scope.config.workingOptions = angular.copy($scope.config.Options); $scope.config.workingGUI = angular.copy($scope.config.GUI); $('#settings').modal({backdrop: 'static', keyboard: true}); }; $scope.saveSettings = function () { // Make sure something changed var changed = ! angular.equals($scope.config.Options, $scope.config.workingOptions) || ! angular.equals($scope.config.GUI, $scope.config.workingGUI); if(changed){ // see if protocol will need to be changed on restart if($scope.config.GUI.UseTLS !== $scope.config.workingGUI.UseTLS){ $scope.protocolChanged = true; } // Apply new settings locally $scope.config.Options = angular.copy($scope.config.workingOptions); $scope.config.GUI = angular.copy($scope.config.workingGUI); $scope.configInSync = false; $scope.config.Options.ListenAddress = $scope.config.Options.ListenStr.split(',').map(function (x) { return x.trim(); }); $http.post(urlbase + '/config', JSON.stringify($scope.config), {headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}}); } $('#settings').modal("hide"); }; $scope.restart = function () { restarting = true; $('#restarting').modal({backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false}); $http.post(urlbase + '/restart'); $scope.configInSync = true; // Switch webpage protocol if needed if($scope.protocolChanged){ var protocol = 'http'; if($scope.config.GUI.UseTLS){ protocol = 'https'; } setTimeout(function(){ window.location.protocol = protocol; }, 1000); $scope.protocolChanged = false; } }; $scope.shutdown = function () { restarting = true; $http.post(urlbase + '/shutdown').success(function () { $('#shutdown').modal({backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false}); }); $scope.configInSync = true; }; $scope.editNode = function (nodeCfg) { $scope.currentNode = $.extend({}, nodeCfg); $scope.editingExisting = true; $scope.editingSelf = (nodeCfg.NodeID == $scope.myID); $scope.currentNode.AddressesStr = nodeCfg.Addresses.join(', '); $scope.nodeEditor.$setPristine(); $('#editNode').modal({backdrop: 'static', keyboard: true}); }; $scope.idNode = function () { $('#idqr').modal('show'); }; $scope.addNode = function () { $scope.currentNode = {AddressesStr: 'dynamic'}; $scope.editingExisting = false; $scope.editingSelf = false; $scope.nodeEditor.$setPristine(); $('#editNode').modal({backdrop: 'static', keyboard: true}); }; $scope.deleteNode = function () { $('#editNode').modal('hide'); if (!$scope.editingExisting) { return; } $scope.nodes = $scope.nodes.filter(function (n) { return n.NodeID !== $scope.currentNode.NodeID; }); $scope.config.Nodes = $scope.nodes; for (var id in $scope.repos) { $scope.repos[id].Nodes = $scope.repos[id].Nodes.filter(function (n) { return n.NodeID !== $scope.currentNode.NodeID; }); } $scope.configInSync = false; $http.post(urlbase + '/config', JSON.stringify($scope.config), {headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}}); }; $scope.saveNode = function () { var nodeCfg, done, i; $scope.configInSync = false; $('#editNode').modal('hide'); nodeCfg = $scope.currentNode; nodeCfg.NodeID = nodeCfg.NodeID.replace(/ /g, '').replace(/-/g, '').toUpperCase().trim(); nodeCfg.Addresses = nodeCfg.AddressesStr.split(',').map(function (x) { return x.trim(); }); done = false; for (i = 0; i < $scope.nodes.length; i++) { if ($scope.nodes[i].NodeID === nodeCfg.NodeID) { $scope.nodes[i] = nodeCfg; done = true; break; } } if (!done) { $scope.nodes.push(nodeCfg); } $scope.nodes.sort(nodeCompare); $scope.config.Nodes = $scope.nodes; $http.post(urlbase + '/config', JSON.stringify($scope.config), {headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}}); }; $scope.otherNodes = function () { return $scope.nodes.filter(function (n){ return n.NodeID !== $scope.myID; }); }; $scope.thisNode = function () { var i, n; for (i = 0; i < $scope.nodes.length; i++) { n = $scope.nodes[i]; if (n.NodeID === $scope.myID) { return n; } } }; $scope.allNodes = function () { var nodes = $scope.otherNodes(); nodes.push($scope.thisNode()); return nodes; }; $scope.errorList = function () { return $scope.errors.filter(function (e) { return e.Time > $scope.seenError; }); }; $scope.clearErrors = function () { $scope.seenError = $scope.errors[$scope.errors.length - 1].Time; $http.post(urlbase + '/error/clear'); }; $scope.friendlyNodes = function (str) { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.nodes.length; i++) { var cfg = $scope.nodes[i]; str = str.replace(cfg.NodeID, $scope.nodeName(cfg)); } return str; }; $scope.repoList = function () { return repoList($scope.repos); }; $scope.editRepo = function (nodeCfg) { $scope.currentRepo = angular.copy(nodeCfg); $scope.currentRepo.selectedNodes = {}; $scope.currentRepo.Nodes.forEach(function (n) { $scope.currentRepo.selectedNodes[n.NodeID] = true; }); if ($scope.currentRepo.Versioning && $scope.currentRepo.Versioning.Type === "simple") { $scope.currentRepo.simpleFileVersioning = true; $scope.currentRepo.simpleKeep = +$scope.currentRepo.Versioning.Params.keep; } $scope.currentRepo.simpleKeep = $scope.currentRepo.simpleKeep || 5; $scope.editingExisting = true; $scope.repoEditor.$setPristine(); $('#editRepo').modal({backdrop: 'static', keyboard: true}); }; $scope.addRepo = function () { $scope.currentRepo = {selectedNodes: {}}; $scope.editingExisting = false; $scope.repoEditor.$setPristine(); $('#editRepo').modal({backdrop: 'static', keyboard: true}); }; $scope.saveRepo = function () { var repoCfg, done, i; $scope.configInSync = false; $('#editRepo').modal('hide'); repoCfg = $scope.currentRepo; repoCfg.Nodes = []; repoCfg.selectedNodes[$scope.myID] = true; for (var nodeID in repoCfg.selectedNodes) { if (repoCfg.selectedNodes[nodeID] === true) { repoCfg.Nodes.push({NodeID: nodeID}); } } delete repoCfg.selectedNodes; if (repoCfg.simpleFileVersioning) { repoCfg.Versioning = { 'Type': 'simple', 'Params': { 'keep': '' + repoCfg.simpleKeep, } }; delete repoCfg.simpleFileVersioning; delete repoCfg.simpleKeep; } else { delete repoCfg.Versioning; } $scope.repos[repoCfg.ID] = repoCfg; $scope.config.Repositories = repoList($scope.repos); $http.post(urlbase + '/config', JSON.stringify($scope.config), {headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}}); }; $scope.sharesRepo = function(repoCfg) { var names = []; repoCfg.Nodes.forEach(function (node) { names.push($scope.nodeName($scope.findNode(node.NodeID))); }); names.sort(); return names.join(", "); }; $scope.deleteRepo = function () { $('#editRepo').modal('hide'); if (!$scope.editingExisting) { return; } delete $scope.repos[$scope.currentRepo.ID]; $scope.config.Repositories = repoList($scope.repos); $scope.configInSync = false; $http.post(urlbase + '/config', JSON.stringify($scope.config), {headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}}); }; $scope.init = function() { $http.get(urlbase + '/version').success(function (data) { $scope.version = data; }); $http.get(urlbase + '/system').success(function (data) { $scope.system = data; $scope.myID = data.myID; }); $http.get(urlbase + '/config').success(function (data) { $scope.config = data; $scope.config.Options.ListenStr = $scope.config.Options.ListenAddress.join(', '); $scope.nodes = $scope.config.Nodes; $scope.nodes.sort(nodeCompare); $scope.repos = repoMap($scope.config.Repositories); $scope.refresh(); }); $http.get(urlbase + '/config/sync').success(function (data) { $scope.configInSync = data.configInSync; }); }; $scope.init(); setInterval($scope.refresh, 10000); }); function nodeCompare(a, b) { if (typeof a.Name !== 'undefined' && typeof b.Name !== 'undefined') { if (a.Name < b.Name) return -1; return a.Name > b.Name; } if (a.NodeID < b.NodeID) { return -1; } return a.NodeID > b.NodeID; } function repoCompare(a, b) { if (a.Directory < b.Directory) { return -1; } return a.Directory > b.Directory; } function repoMap(l) { var m = {}; l.forEach(function (r) { m[r.ID] = r; }); return m; } function repoList(m) { var l = []; for (var id in m) { l.push(m[id]); } l.sort(repoCompare); return l; } function decimals(val, num) { var digits, decs; if (val === 0) { return 0; } digits = Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(val)) / Math.log(10)); decs = Math.max(0, num - digits); return decs; } syncthing.filter('natural', function () { return function (input, valid) { return input.toFixed(decimals(input, valid)); }; }); syncthing.filter('binary', function () { return function (input) { if (input === undefined) { return '0 '; } if (input > 1024 * 1024 * 1024) { input /= 1024 * 1024 * 1024; return input.toFixed(decimals(input, 2)) + ' Gi'; } if (input > 1024 * 1024) { input /= 1024 * 1024; return input.toFixed(decimals(input, 2)) + ' Mi'; } if (input > 1024) { input /= 1024; return input.toFixed(decimals(input, 2)) + ' Ki'; } return Math.round(input) + ' '; }; }); syncthing.filter('metric', function () { return function (input) { if (input === undefined) { return '0 '; } if (input > 1000 * 1000 * 1000) { input /= 1000 * 1000 * 1000; return input.toFixed(decimals(input, 2)) + ' G'; } if (input > 1000 * 1000) { input /= 1000 * 1000; return input.toFixed(decimals(input, 2)) + ' M'; } if (input > 1000) { input /= 1000; return input.toFixed(decimals(input, 2)) + ' k'; } return Math.round(input) + ' '; }; }); syncthing.filter('short', function () { return function (input) { return input.substr(0, 6); }; }); syncthing.filter('alwaysNumber', function () { return function (input) { if (input === undefined) { return 0; } return input; }; }); syncthing.filter('chunkID', function () { return function (input) { if (input === undefined) return ""; var parts = input.match(/.{1,6}/g); if (!parts) return ""; return parts.join('-'); }; }); syncthing.filter('shortPath', function () { return function (input) { if (input === undefined) return ""; var parts = input.split(/[\/\\]/); if (!parts || parts.length <= 3) { return input; } return ".../" + parts.slice(parts.length-2).join("/"); }; }); syncthing.filter('clean', function () { return function (input) { return encodeURIComponent(input).replace(/%/g, ''); }; }); syncthing.directive('optionEditor', function () { return { restrict: 'C', replace: true, transclude: true, scope: { setting: '=setting', }, template: '', }; }); syncthing.directive('uniqueRepo', function() { return { require: 'ngModel', link: function(scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) { ctrl.$parsers.unshift(function(viewValue) { if (scope.editingExisting) { // we shouldn't validate ctrl.$setValidity('uniqueRepo', true); } else if (scope.repos[viewValue]) { // the repo exists already ctrl.$setValidity('uniqueRepo', false); } else { // the repo is unique ctrl.$setValidity('uniqueRepo', true); } return viewValue; }); } }; }); syncthing.directive('validNodeid', function() { return { require: 'ngModel', link: function(scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) { ctrl.$parsers.unshift(function(viewValue) { if (scope.editingExisting) { // we shouldn't validate ctrl.$setValidity('validNodeid', true); } else { var cleaned = viewValue.replace(/ /g, '').replace(/-/g, '').toUpperCase().trim(); if (cleaned.match(/^[A-Z2-7]{52}$/)) { ctrl.$setValidity('validNodeid', true); } else { ctrl.$setValidity('validNodeid', false); } } return viewValue; }); } }; });