#include #include #include #include #include "json.h" #include "config.h" #include "util.h" #include "storage.h" #ifdef HAVE_HTTP # include "http.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_HTTP extern struct mg_server *mgserver; #if 0 static void push_message(struct mg_server *server, time_t current_time) { struct mg_connection *c; char buf[90]; int len = sprintf(buf, "pussi %lu you", (unsigned long) current_time); // Iterate over all connections, and push current time message to websocket ones. for (c = mg_next(server, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(server, c)) { if (c->is_websocket) { mg_websocket_write(c, 1, buf, len); } } } static void ws_push(struct mg_server *server, char *text) { struct mg_connection *c; char buf[4096]; int len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "MQTT %s", text); // Iterate over all connections, and push current time message to websocket ones. for (c = mg_next(server, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(server, c)) { if (c->is_websocket) { mg_websocket_write(c, 1, buf, len); } } } #endif static int send_reply(struct mg_connection *conn) { if (conn->is_websocket) { // This handler is called for each incoming websocket frame, one or more // times for connection lifetime. // Echo websocket data back to the client. mg_websocket_write(conn, 1, conn->content, conn->content_len); return conn->content_len == 4 && !memcmp(conn->content, "exit", 4) ? MG_FALSE : MG_TRUE; } else { mg_send_file(conn, "jp.html", NULL); return MG_MORE; } } void push_geojson(struct mg_connection *conn) { JsonNode *obj, *locs, *arr, *f, *geojson, *json; time_t s_lo, s_hi; char *time_from = "2015-08-28", *time_to = NULL; char *js; output_type otype = GEOJSON; char *username = "jpm", *device = "5s"; if (make_times(time_from, &s_lo, time_to, &s_hi) != 1) { return; } obj = json_mkobject(); locs = json_mkarray(); /* * Obtain a list of .rec files from lister(), possibly limited by s_lo/s_hi times, * process each and build the JSON `obj' with an array of locations. */ if ((json = lister(username, device, s_lo, s_hi)) != NULL) { if ((arr = json_find_member(json, "results")) != NULL) { // get array json_foreach(f, arr) { // fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", f->string_); locations(f->string_, obj, locs, s_lo, s_hi, (otype == RAW) ? 1 : 0); } } json_delete(json); } json_append_member(obj, "locations", locs); geojson = geo_json(locs); if (geojson != NULL) { js = json_stringify(geojson, " "); if (js != NULL) { static char buf[40]; mg_send_header(conn, "Content-type", "application/json"); mg_send_header(conn, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); // sprintf(buf, "%ld", strlen(js)); // mg_send_header(conn, "Content-length", buf); //mg_printf_data(conn, js); mg_send_data(conn, js, strlen(js)); strcpy(buf, "{\"name\": \"Chasey\"}"); // mg_printf(conn, "%s\n", buf); free(js); } json_delete(geojson); } json_delete(obj); } int ev_handler(struct mg_connection *conn, enum mg_event ev) { int n; const char *ctype; char user[BUFSIZ]; switch (ev) { case MG_AUTH: return MG_TRUE; case MG_REQUEST: ctype = mg_get_header(conn, "accept"); if (ctype != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "ACCEPT: %s\n", ctype); /* GET vars */ char buffer[1024]; int i, ret; if ( mg_get_var(conn, "date", buffer, 1024) > 0) { printf("XXXX = %s\n", buffer); } for(i=0; (ret = mg_get_var_n(conn, "date", buffer, 1024, i)) > 0; i++) fprintf(stderr, "VAR: date[%d] = %s\n", i, buffer); ret = mg_get_var(conn, "user", user, sizeof(user)); if (ret < 0) { puts("*** no USER specified ***"); } else { printf("USER: ret=%d, user=[%s]\n", ret, user); } /* HEADERS */ for (n = 0; n < conn->num_headers; n++) { struct mg_header *hh; hh = &conn->http_headers[n]; fprintf(stderr, " %s=%s\n", hh->name, hh->value); } fprintf(stderr, "Conn from %s: %s %s\n", conn->remote_ip, conn->request_method, conn->uri); fprintf(stderr, "content-len = (%ld) %.*s\n", conn->content_len, (int)conn->content_len, conn->content); if (strncmp(conn->uri, "/api/", 5) != 0) { return MG_FALSE; /* serve from document root */ } if (!strcmp(conn->request_method, "POST")) { return (MG_FALSE); /* Fail it */ } /* GET */ if (!strcmp(conn->uri, "/api/me")) { push_geojson(conn); return MG_TRUE; } if (!strcmp(conn->uri, "/api/users")) { JsonNode *json; if ((json = lister(NULL, NULL, 0, 0)) != NULL) { char *js; js = json_stringify(json, " "); mg_printf_data(conn, js); free(js); } #if 0 UT_string *text; utstring_new(text); utstring_bincpy(text, conn->content, conn->content_len); printf("PP (%ld) %s\n", conn->content_len, utstring_body(text)); ws_push(mgserver, utstring_body(text)); mg_printf_data(conn, "Ta.\n"); utstring_free(text); #endif return MG_TRUE; } return send_reply(conn); default: return MG_FALSE; } } #endif /* HAVE_HTTP */