2013-02-20 20:33:05 -05:00

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// BDInfo - Blu-ray Video and Audio Analysis Tool
// Copyright © 2010 Cinema Squid
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace BDInfo
public abstract class LanguageCodes
public static string GetName(string code)
switch (code)
case "abk": return "Abkhazian";
case "ace": return "Achinese";
case "ach": return "Acoli";
case "ada": return "Adangme";
case "aar": return "Afar";
case "afh": return "Afrihili";
case "afr": return "Afrikaans";
case "afa": return "Afro-Asiatic (Other)";
case "aka": return "Akan";
case "akk": return "Akkadian";
case "alb": return "Albanian";
case "sqi": return "Albanian";
case "ale": return "Aleut";
case "alg": return "Algonquian languages";
case "tut": return "Altaic (Other)";
case "amh": return "Amharic";
case "apa": return "Apache languages";
case "ara": return "Arabic";
case "arc": return "Aramaic";
case "arp": return "Arapaho";
case "arn": return "Araucanian";
case "arw": return "Arawak";
case "arm": return "Armenian";
case "hye": return "Armenian";
case "art": return "Artificial (Other)";
case "asm": return "Assamese";
case "ath": return "Athapascan languages";
case "aus": return "Australian languages";
case "map": return "Austronesian (Other)";
case "ava": return "Avaric";
case "ave": return "Avestan";
case "awa": return "Awadhi";
case "aym": return "Aymara";
case "aze": return "Azerbaijani";
case "ban": return "Balinese";
case "bat": return "Baltic (Other)";
case "bal": return "Baluchi";
case "bam": return "Bambara";
case "bai": return "Bamileke languages";
case "bad": return "Banda";
case "bnt": return "Bantu (Other)";
case "bas": return "Basa";
case "bak": return "Bashkir";
case "baq": return "Basque";
case "eus": return "Basque";
case "btk": return "Batak (Indonesia)";
case "bej": return "Beja";
case "bel": return "Belarusian";
case "bem": return "Bemba";
case "ben": return "Bengali";
case "ber": return "Berber (Other)";
case "bho": return "Bhojpuri";
case "bih": return "Bihari";
case "bik": return "Bikol";
case "bin": return "Bini";
case "bis": return "Bislama";
case "bos": return "Bosnian";
case "bra": return "Braj";
case "bre": return "Breton";
case "bug": return "Buginese";
case "bul": return "Bulgarian";
case "bua": return "Buriat";
case "bur": return "Burmese";
case "mya": return "Burmese";
case "cad": return "Caddo";
case "car": return "Carib";
case "cat": return "Catalan";
case "cau": return "Caucasian (Other)";
case "ceb": return "Cebuano";
case "cel": return "Celtic (Other)";
case "cai": return "Central American Indian (Other)";
case "chg": return "Chagatai";
case "cmc": return "Chamic languages";
case "cha": return "Chamorro";
case "che": return "Chechen";
case "chr": return "Cherokee";
case "chy": return "Cheyenne";
case "chb": return "Chibcha";
case "chi": return "Chinese";
case "zho": return "Chinese";
case "chn": return "Chinook jargon";
case "chp": return "Chipewyan";
case "cho": return "Choctaw";
case "chu": return "Church Slavic";
case "chk": return "Chuukese";
case "chv": return "Chuvash";
case "cop": return "Coptic";
case "cor": return "Cornish";
case "cos": return "Corsican";
case "cre": return "Cree";
case "mus": return "Creek";
case "crp": return "Creoles and pidgins (Other)";
case "cpe": return "Creoles and pidgins,";
case "cpf": return "Creoles and pidgins,";
case "cpp": return "Creoles and pidgins,";
case "scr": return "Croatian";
case "hrv": return "Croatian";
case "cus": return "Cushitic (Other)";
case "cze": return "Czech";
case "ces": return "Czech";
case "dak": return "Dakota";
case "dan": return "Danish";
case "day": return "Dayak";
case "del": return "Delaware";
case "din": return "Dinka";
case "div": return "Divehi";
case "doi": return "Dogri";
case "dgr": return "Dogrib";
case "dra": return "Dravidian (Other)";
case "dua": return "Duala";
case "dut": return "Dutch";
case "nld": return "Dutch";
case "dum": return "Dutch, Middle (ca. 1050-1350)";
case "dyu": return "Dyula";
case "dzo": return "Dzongkha";
case "efi": return "Efik";
case "egy": return "Egyptian (Ancient)";
case "eka": return "Ekajuk";
case "elx": return "Elamite";
case "eng": return "English";
case "enm": return "English, Middle (1100-1500)";
case "ang": return "English, Old (ca.450-1100)";
case "epo": return "Esperanto";
case "est": return "Estonian";
case "ewe": return "Ewe";
case "ewo": return "Ewondo";
case "fan": return "Fang";
case "fat": return "Fanti";
case "fao": return "Faroese";
case "fij": return "Fijian";
case "fin": return "Finnish";
case "fiu": return "Finno-Ugrian (Other)";
case "fon": return "Fon";
case "fre": return "French";
case "fra": return "French";
case "frm": return "French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)";
case "fro": return "French, Old (842-ca.1400)";
case "fry": return "Frisian";
case "fur": return "Friulian";
case "ful": return "Fulah";
case "gaa": return "Ga";
case "glg": return "Gallegan";
case "lug": return "Ganda";
case "gay": return "Gayo";
case "gba": return "Gbaya";
case "gez": return "Geez";
case "geo": return "Georgian";
case "kat": return "Georgian";
case "ger": return "German";
case "deu": return "German";
case "nds": return "Saxon";
case "gmh": return "German, Middle High (ca.1050-1500)";
case "goh": return "German, Old High (ca.750-1050)";
case "gem": return "Germanic (Other)";
case "gil": return "Gilbertese";
case "gon": return "Gondi";
case "gor": return "Gorontalo";
case "got": return "Gothic";
case "grb": return "Grebo";
case "grc": return "Greek, Ancient (to 1453)";
case "gre": return "Greek";
case "ell": return "Greek";
case "grn": return "Guarani";
case "guj": return "Gujarati";
case "gwi": return "Gwich´in";
case "hai": return "Haida";
case "hau": return "Hausa";
case "haw": return "Hawaiian";
case "heb": return "Hebrew";
case "her": return "Herero";
case "hil": return "Hiligaynon";
case "him": return "Himachali";
case "hin": return "Hindi";
case "hmo": return "Hiri Motu";
case "hit": return "Hittite";
case "hmn": return "Hmong";
case "hun": return "Hungarian";
case "hup": return "Hupa";
case "iba": return "Iban";
case "ice": return "Icelandic";
case "isl": return "Icelandic";
case "ibo": return "Igbo";
case "ijo": return "Ijo";
case "ilo": return "Iloko";
case "inc": return "Indic (Other)";
case "ine": return "Indo-European (Other)";
case "ind": return "Indonesian";
case "ina": return "Interlingua (International";
case "ile": return "Interlingue";
case "iku": return "Inuktitut";
case "ipk": return "Inupiaq";
case "ira": return "Iranian (Other)";
case "gle": return "Irish";
case "mga": return "Irish, Middle (900-1200)";
case "sga": return "Irish, Old (to 900)";
case "iro": return "Iroquoian languages";
case "ita": return "Italian";
case "jpn": return "Japanese";
case "jav": return "Javanese";
case "jrb": return "Judeo-Arabic";
case "jpr": return "Judeo-Persian";
case "kab": return "Kabyle";
case "kac": return "Kachin";
case "kal": return "Kalaallisut";
case "kam": return "Kamba";
case "kan": return "Kannada";
case "kau": return "Kanuri";
case "kaa": return "Kara-Kalpak";
case "kar": return "Karen";
case "kas": return "Kashmiri";
case "kaw": return "Kawi";
case "kaz": return "Kazakh";
case "kha": return "Khasi";
case "khm": return "Khmer";
case "khi": return "Khoisan (Other)";
case "kho": return "Khotanese";
case "kik": return "Kikuyu";
case "kmb": return "Kimbundu";
case "kin": return "Kinyarwanda";
case "kir": return "Kirghiz";
case "kom": return "Komi";
case "kon": return "Kongo";
case "kok": return "Konkani";
case "kor": return "Korean";
case "kos": return "Kosraean";
case "kpe": return "Kpelle";
case "kro": return "Kru";
case "kua": return "Kuanyama";
case "kum": return "Kumyk";
case "kur": return "Kurdish";
case "kru": return "Kurukh";
case "kut": return "Kutenai";
case "lad": return "Ladino";
case "lah": return "Lahnda";
case "lam": return "Lamba";
case "lao": return "Lao";
case "lat": return "Latin";
case "lav": return "Latvian";
case "ltz": return "Letzeburgesch";
case "lez": return "Lezghian";
case "lin": return "Lingala";
case "lit": return "Lithuanian";
case "loz": return "Lozi";
case "lub": return "Luba-Katanga";
case "lua": return "Luba-Lulua";
case "lui": return "Luiseno";
case "lun": return "Lunda";
case "luo": return "Luo (Kenya and Tanzania)";
case "lus": return "Lushai";
case "mac": return "Macedonian";
case "mkd": return "Macedonian";
case "mad": return "Madurese";
case "mag": return "Magahi";
case "mai": return "Maithili";
case "mak": return "Makasar";
case "mlg": return "Malagasy";
case "may": return "Malay";
case "msa": return "Malay";
case "mal": return "Malayalam";
case "mlt": return "Maltese";
case "mnc": return "Manchu";
case "mdr": return "Mandar";
case "man": return "Mandingo";
case "mni": return "Manipuri";
case "mno": return "Manobo languages";
case "glv": return "Manx";
case "mao": return "Maori";
case "mri": return "Maori";
case "mar": return "Marathi";
case "chm": return "Mari";
case "mah": return "Marshall";
case "mwr": return "Marwari";
case "mas": return "Masai";
case "myn": return "Mayan languages";
case "men": return "Mende";
case "mic": return "Micmac";
case "min": return "Minangkabau";
case "mis": return "Miscellaneous languages";
case "moh": return "Mohawk";
case "mol": return "Moldavian";
case "mkh": return "Mon-Khmer (Other)";
case "lol": return "Mongo";
case "mon": return "Mongolian";
case "mos": return "Mossi";
case "mul": return "Multiple languages";
case "mun": return "Munda languages";
case "nah": return "Nahuatl";
case "nau": return "Nauru";
case "nav": return "Navajo";
case "nde": return "Ndebele, North";
case "nbl": return "Ndebele, South";
case "ndo": return "Ndonga";
case "nep": return "Nepali";
case "new": return "Newari";
case "nia": return "Nias";
case "nic": return "Niger-Kordofanian (Other)";
case "ssa": return "Nilo-Saharan (Other)";
case "niu": return "Niuean";
case "non": return "Norse, Old";
case "nai": return "North American Indian (Other)";
case "sme": return "Northern Sami";
case "nor": return "Norwegian";
case "nob": return "Norwegian Bokmål";
case "nno": return "Norwegian Nynorsk";
case "nub": return "Nubian languages";
case "nym": return "Nyamwezi";
case "nya": return "Nyanja";
case "nyn": return "Nyankole";
case "nyo": return "Nyoro";
case "nzi": return "Nzima";
case "oci": return "Occitan";
case "oji": return "Ojibwa";
case "ori": return "Oriya";
case "orm": return "Oromo";
case "osa": return "Osage";
case "oss": return "Ossetian";
case "oto": return "Otomian languages";
case "pal": return "Pahlavi";
case "pau": return "Palauan";
case "pli": return "Pali";
case "pam": return "Pampanga";
case "pag": return "Pangasinan";
case "pan": return "Panjabi";
case "pap": return "Papiamento";
case "paa": return "Papuan (Other)";
case "per": return "Persian";
case "fas": return "Persian";
case "peo": return "Persian, Old (ca.600-400 B.C.)";
case "phi": return "Philippine (Other)";
case "phn": return "Phoenician";
case "pon": return "Pohnpeian";
case "pol": return "Polish";
case "por": return "Portuguese";
case "pra": return "Prakrit languages";
case "pro": return "Provençal";
case "pus": return "Pushto";
case "que": return "Quechua";
case "roh": return "Raeto-Romance";
case "raj": return "Rajasthani";
case "rap": return "Rapanui";
case "rar": return "Rarotongan";
case "roa": return "Romance (Other)";
case "rum": return "Romanian";
case "ron": return "Romanian";
case "rom": return "Romany";
case "run": return "Rundi";
case "rus": return "Russian";
case "sal": return "Salishan languages";
case "sam": return "Samaritan Aramaic";
case "smi": return "Sami languages (Other)";
case "smo": return "Samoan";
case "sad": return "Sandawe";
case "sag": return "Sango";
case "san": return "Sanskrit";
case "sat": return "Santali";
case "srd": return "Sardinian";
case "sas": return "Sasak";
case "sco": return "Scots";
case "gla": return "Gaelic";
case "sel": return "Selkup";
case "sem": return "Semitic (Other)";
case "scc": return "Serbian";
case "srp": return "Serbian";
case "srr": return "Serer";
case "shn": return "Shan";
case "sna": return "Shona";
case "sid": return "Sidamo";
case "sgn": return "Sign languages";
case "bla": return "Siksika";
case "snd": return "Sindhi";
case "sin": return "Sinhalese";
case "sit": return "Sino-Tibetan (Other)";
case "sio": return "Siouan languages";
case "den": return "Slave (Athapascan)";
case "sla": return "Slavic (Other)";
case "slo": return "Slovak";
case "slk": return "Slovak";
case "slv": return "Slovenian";
case "sog": return "Sogdian";
case "som": return "Somali";
case "son": return "Songhai";
case "snk": return "Soninke";
case "wen": return "Sorbian languages";
case "nso": return "Sotho, Northern";
case "sot": return "Sotho, Southern";
case "sai": return "South American Indian (Other)";
case "spa": return "Spanish";
case "suk": return "Sukuma";
case "sux": return "Sumerian";
case "sun": return "Sundanese";
case "sus": return "Susu";
case "swa": return "Swahili";
case "ssw": return "Swati";
case "swe": return "Swedish";
case "syr": return "Syriac";
case "tgl": return "Tagalog";
case "tah": return "Tahitian";
case "tai": return "Tai (Other)";
case "tgk": return "Tajik";
case "tmh": return "Tamashek";
case "tam": return "Tamil";
case "tat": return "Tatar";
case "tel": return "Telugu";
case "ter": return "Tereno";
case "tet": return "Tetum";
case "tha": return "Thai";
case "tib": return "Tibetan";
case "bod": return "Tibetan";
case "tig": return "Tigre";
case "tir": return "Tigrinya";
case "tem": return "Timne";
case "tiv": return "Tiv";
case "tli": return "Tlingit";
case "tpi": return "Tok Pisin";
case "tkl": return "Tokelau";
case "tog": return "Tonga (Nyasa)";
case "ton": return "Tonga (Tonga Islands)";
case "tsi": return "Tsimshian";
case "tso": return "Tsonga";
case "tsn": return "Tswana";
case "tum": return "Tumbuka";
case "tur": return "Turkish";
case "ota": return "Turkish, Ottoman (1500-1928)";
case "tuk": return "Turkmen";
case "tvl": return "Tuvalu";
case "tyv": return "Tuvinian";
case "twi": return "Twi";
case "uga": return "Ugaritic";
case "uig": return "Uighur";
case "ukr": return "Ukrainian";
case "umb": return "Umbundu";
case "und": return "Undetermined";
case "urd": return "Urdu";
case "uzb": return "Uzbek";
case "vai": return "Vai";
case "ven": return "Venda";
case "vie": return "Vietnamese";
case "vol": return "Volapük";
case "vot": return "Votic";
case "wak": return "Wakashan languages";
case "wal": return "Walamo";
case "war": return "Waray";
case "was": return "Washo";
case "wel": return "Welsh";
case "cym": return "Welsh";
case "wol": return "Wolof";
case "xho": return "Xhosa";
case "sah": return "Yakut";
case "yao": return "Yao";
case "yap": return "Yapese";
case "yid": return "Yiddish";
case "yor": return "Yoruba";
case "ypk": return "Yupik languages";
case "znd": return "Zande";
case "zap": return "Zapotec";
case "zen": return "Zenaga";
case "zha": return "Zhuang";
case "zul": return "Zulu";
case "zun": return "Zuni";
default: return code;