2014-07-04 20:10:09 -07:00
using MediaBrowser.Common.IO ;
using MediaBrowser.Common.Net ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Configuration ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.TV ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Localization ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Providers ;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Serialization ;
using MediaBrowser.Providers.Movies ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Threading ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
namespace MediaBrowser.Providers.TV
public class MovieDbSeasonProvider : IRemoteMetadataProvider < Season , SeasonInfo >
private const string GetTvInfo3 = @"http://api.themoviedb.org/3/tv/{0}/season/{1}?api_key={2}&append_to_response=images,keywords,external_ids,credits,videos" ;
private readonly IHttpClient _httpClient ;
private readonly IServerConfigurationManager _configurationManager ;
private readonly IJsonSerializer _jsonSerializer ;
private readonly IFileSystem _fileSystem ;
private readonly ILocalizationManager _localization ;
public MovieDbSeasonProvider ( IHttpClient httpClient , IServerConfigurationManager configurationManager , IFileSystem fileSystem , ILocalizationManager localization , IJsonSerializer jsonSerializer )
_httpClient = httpClient ;
_configurationManager = configurationManager ;
_fileSystem = fileSystem ;
_localization = localization ;
_jsonSerializer = jsonSerializer ;
public async Task < MetadataResult < Season > > GetMetadata ( SeasonInfo info , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
var result = new MetadataResult < Season > ( ) ;
string seriesTmdbId ;
info . SeriesProviderIds . TryGetValue ( MetadataProviders . Tmdb . ToString ( ) , out seriesTmdbId ) ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( seriesTmdbId ) & & info . IndexNumber . HasValue )
result . HasMetadata = true ;
result . Item = new Season ( ) ;
var seasonInfo = await GetSeasonInfo ( seriesTmdbId , info . IndexNumber . Value , info . MetadataLanguage , cancellationToken )
. ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
result . Item . Name = seasonInfo . name ;
result . Item . Overview = seasonInfo . overview ;
result . Item . IndexNumber = info . IndexNumber ;
if ( seasonInfo . external_ids . tvdb_id > 0 )
result . Item . SetProviderId ( MetadataProviders . Tvdb , seasonInfo . external_ids . tvdb_id . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ) ;
var credits = seasonInfo . credits ;
if ( credits ! = null )
//Actors, Directors, Writers - all in People
//actors come from cast
if ( credits . cast ! = null )
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//foreach (var actor in credits.cast.OrderBy(a => a.order)) result.Item.AddPerson(new PersonInfo { Name = actor.name.Trim(), Role = actor.character, Type = PersonType.Actor, SortOrder = actor.order });
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//and the rest from crew
if ( credits . crew ! = null )
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//foreach (var person in credits.crew) result.Item.AddPerson(new PersonInfo { Name = person.name.Trim(), Role = person.job, Type = person.department });
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result . Item . PremiereDate = seasonInfo . air_date ;
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result . Item . ProductionYear = result . Item . PremiereDate . Value . Year ;
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return result ;
public string Name
get { return "TheMovieDb" ; }
public Task < IEnumerable < RemoteSearchResult > > GetSearchResults ( SeasonInfo searchInfo , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
return Task . FromResult < IEnumerable < RemoteSearchResult > > ( new List < RemoteSearchResult > ( ) ) ;
public Task < HttpResponseInfo > GetImageResponse ( string url , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
return _httpClient . GetResponse ( new HttpRequestOptions
CancellationToken = cancellationToken ,
Url = url ,
ResourcePool = MovieDbProvider . Current . MovieDbResourcePool
} ) ;
private async Task < RootObject > GetSeasonInfo ( string seriesTmdbId , int season , string preferredMetadataLanguage ,
CancellationToken cancellationToken )
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await EnsureSeasonInfo ( seriesTmdbId , season , preferredMetadataLanguage , cancellationToken )
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. ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
var dataFilePath = GetDataFilePath ( seriesTmdbId , season , preferredMetadataLanguage ) ;
return _jsonSerializer . DeserializeFromFile < RootObject > ( dataFilePath ) ;
private readonly Task _cachedTask = Task . FromResult ( true ) ;
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internal Task EnsureSeasonInfo ( string tmdbId , int seasonNumber , string language , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
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if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( tmdbId ) )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "tmdbId" ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( language ) )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "language" ) ;
var path = GetDataFilePath ( tmdbId , seasonNumber , language ) ;
var fileInfo = _fileSystem . GetFileSystemInfo ( path ) ;
if ( fileInfo . Exists )
// If it's recent or automatic updates are enabled, don't re-download
if ( ( DateTime . UtcNow - _fileSystem . GetLastWriteTimeUtc ( fileInfo ) ) . TotalDays < = 3 )
return _cachedTask ;
return DownloadSeasonInfo ( tmdbId , seasonNumber , language , cancellationToken ) ;
internal string GetDataFilePath ( string tmdbId , int seasonNumber , string preferredLanguage )
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( tmdbId ) )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "tmdbId" ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( preferredLanguage ) )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "preferredLanguage" ) ;
var path = MovieDbSeriesProvider . GetSeriesDataPath ( _configurationManager . ApplicationPaths , tmdbId ) ;
var filename = string . Format ( "season-{0}-{1}.json" ,
seasonNumber . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ,
preferredLanguage ) ;
return Path . Combine ( path , filename ) ;
internal async Task DownloadSeasonInfo ( string id , int seasonNumber , string preferredMetadataLanguage , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
var mainResult = await FetchMainResult ( id , seasonNumber , preferredMetadataLanguage , cancellationToken ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
var dataFilePath = GetDataFilePath ( id , seasonNumber , preferredMetadataLanguage ) ;
Directory . CreateDirectory ( Path . GetDirectoryName ( dataFilePath ) ) ;
_jsonSerializer . SerializeToFile ( mainResult , dataFilePath ) ;
internal async Task < RootObject > FetchMainResult ( string id , int seasonNumber , string language , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
var url = string . Format ( GetTvInfo3 , id , seasonNumber . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) , MovieDbProvider . ApiKey ) ;
var imageLanguages = _localization . GetCultures ( )
. Select ( i = > i . TwoLetterISOLanguageName )
. Distinct ( StringComparer . OrdinalIgnoreCase )
. ToList ( ) ;
imageLanguages . Add ( "null" ) ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( language ) )
// If preferred language isn't english, get those images too
if ( imageLanguages . Contains ( language , StringComparer . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
imageLanguages . Add ( language ) ;
url + = string . Format ( "&language={0}" , language ) ;
// Get images in english and with no language
url + = "&include_image_language=" + string . Join ( "," , imageLanguages . ToArray ( ) ) ;
cancellationToken . ThrowIfCancellationRequested ( ) ;
using ( var json = await MovieDbProvider . Current . GetMovieDbResponse ( new HttpRequestOptions
Url = url ,
CancellationToken = cancellationToken ,
AcceptHeader = MovieDbProvider . AcceptHeader
} ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) )
return _jsonSerializer . DeserializeFromStream < RootObject > ( json ) ;
public class Episode
public string air_date { get ; set ; }
public int episode_number { get ; set ; }
public int id { get ; set ; }
public string name { get ; set ; }
public string overview { get ; set ; }
public string still_path { get ; set ; }
public double vote_average { get ; set ; }
public int vote_count { get ; set ; }
public class Cast
public string character { get ; set ; }
public string credit_id { get ; set ; }
public int id { get ; set ; }
public string name { get ; set ; }
public string profile_path { get ; set ; }
public int order { get ; set ; }
public class Crew
public string credit_id { get ; set ; }
public string department { get ; set ; }
public int id { get ; set ; }
public string name { get ; set ; }
public string job { get ; set ; }
public string profile_path { get ; set ; }
public class Credits
public List < Cast > cast { get ; set ; }
public List < Crew > crew { get ; set ; }
public class Poster
public double aspect_ratio { get ; set ; }
public string file_path { get ; set ; }
public int height { get ; set ; }
public string id { get ; set ; }
public string iso_639_1 { get ; set ; }
public double vote_average { get ; set ; }
public int vote_count { get ; set ; }
public int width { get ; set ; }
public class Images
public List < Poster > posters { get ; set ; }
public class ExternalIds
public string freebase_id { get ; set ; }
public string freebase_mid { get ; set ; }
public int tvdb_id { get ; set ; }
public object tvrage_id { get ; set ; }
public class Videos
public List < object > results { get ; set ; }
public class RootObject
public DateTime air_date { get ; set ; }
public List < Episode > episodes { get ; set ; }
public string name { get ; set ; }
public string overview { get ; set ; }
public int id { get ; set ; }
public string poster_path { get ; set ; }
public int season_number { get ; set ; }
public Credits credits { get ; set ; }
public Images images { get ; set ; }
public ExternalIds external_ids { get ; set ; }
public Videos videos { get ; set ; }