mirror of
synced 2024-11-18 11:28:23 -07:00
486 lines
27 KiB
486 lines
27 KiB
"AnamorphicVideoNotSupported": "Anamorphic video not supported",
"InterlacedVideoNotSupported": "Interlaced video not supported",
"SecondaryAudioNotSupported": "Audio track switching not supported",
"MessageUnlockAppWithPurchaseOrSupporter": "Unlock this feature with a small one-time purchase, or with an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"MessageUnlockAppWithSupporter": "Unlock this feature with an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"MessageToValidateSupporter": "If you have an active Emby Premiere subscription, ensure you've setup Emby Premiere in your Emby Server Dashboard, which you can access by clicking Emby Premiere within the main menu.",
"ValueSpecialEpisodeName": "Special - {0}",
"Share": "Megoszt\u00e1s",
"Add": "Hozz\u00e1ad",
"ServerUpdateNeeded": "This Emby Server needs to be updated. To download the latest version, please visit {0}",
"LiveTvGuideRequiresUnlock": "The Live TV Guide is currently limited to {0} channels. Click the unlock button to learn how to enjoy the full experience.",
"AttributeNew": "\u00daj",
"Premiere": "Premiere",
"Live": "\u00c9l\u0151",
"Repeat": "Ism\u00e9tl\u00e9s",
"TrackCount": "{0} tracks",
"ItemCount": "{0} items",
"OriginalAirDateValue": "Eredeti vet\u00edt\u00e9s d\u00e1tuma: {0}",
"EndsAtValue": "V\u00e1rhat\u00f3 befejez\u00e9s {0}",
"HeaderSelectDate": "V\u00e1lassz d\u00e1tumot",
"ButtonOk": "Ok",
"ButtonCancel": "M\u00e9gsem",
"ButtonGotIt": "\u00c9rtettem",
"ButtonRestart": "\u00dajraind\u00edt\u00e1s",
"RecordingCancelled": "Recording cancelled.",
"SeriesCancelled": "Series cancelled.",
"RecordingScheduled": "Recording scheduled.",
"SeriesRecordingScheduled": "Series recording scheduled.",
"HeaderNewRecording": "\u00daj Felv\u00e9tel",
"Sunday": "Vas\u00e1rnap",
"Monday": "H\u00e9tf\u0151",
"Tuesday": "Kedd",
"Wednesday": "Szerda",
"Thursday": "Cs\u00fct\u00f6rt\u00f6k",
"Friday": "P\u00e9ntek",
"Saturday": "Szombat",
"Days": "Nap",
"Browse": "Browse",
"Manage": "Manage",
"RecordSeries": "Record series",
"HeaderCinemaMode": "Cinema Mode",
"HeaderCloudSync": "Felh\u0151szinkroniz\u00e1ci\u00f3 ",
"HeaderDownloadedMedia": "Let\u00f6lt\u00f6tt M\u00e9dia",
"Downloads": "Let\u00f6lt\u00e9sek",
"HeaderMyDownloads": "My Downloads",
"HeaderOfflineDownloads": "Offline M\u00e9dia",
"HeaderOfflineDownloadsDescription": "Download media to your devices for easy offline use.",
"CloudSyncFeatureDescription": "Sync your media to the cloud for easy backup, archiving, and converting.",
"DvrFeatureDescription": "Schedule individual Live TV recordings, series recordings, and more with Emby DVR.",
"ButtonCancelSyncJob": "Let\u00f6lt\u00e9s megszak\u00edt\u00e1sa",
"CancelSyncJobConfirmation": "Cancelling the download job will remove downloaded media from the device during the next background sync process. Are you sure you wish to proceed?",
"CinemaModeFeatureDescription": "A Cinema Mode igazi mozi \u00e9lm\u00e9nyt ny\u00fajt el\u0151zetessel \u00e9s egyedi intr\u00f3val a film vet\u00edt\u00e9se el\u0151tt.",
"HeaderFreeApps": "Ingyenes Emby alkalmaz\u00e1sok",
"FreeAppsFeatureDescription": "Enjoy free access to Emby apps for your devices.",
"HeaderBecomeProjectSupporter": "Emby Premiere beszerz\u00e9se",
"MessageActiveSubscriptionRequiredSeriesRecordings": "An active Emby Premiere subscription is required in order to create automated series recordings.",
"LabelEmailAddress": "E-mail c\u00edm:",
"PromoConvertRecordingsToStreamingFormat": "Automatically convert recordings to a streaming friendly format with Emby Premiere. Recordings will be converted on the fly to MP4 or MKV, based on Emby server settings.",
"FeatureRequiresEmbyPremiere": "This feature requires an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"HeaderConvertYourRecordings": "Convert Your Recordings",
"Record": "Felv\u00e9tel",
"Save": "Ment\u00e9s",
"Edit": "Szerkeszt\u00e9s",
"Download": "Let\u00f6lt\u00e9s",
"Downloaded": "Let\u00f6lt\u00f6tt",
"Downloading": "Let\u00f6lt\u00e9s",
"Advanced": "Halad\u00f3",
"Delete": "T\u00f6rl\u00e9s",
"HeaderDeleteItem": "Delete Item",
"ConfirmDeleteItem": "Deleting this item will delete it from both the file system and your media library. Are you sure you wish to continue?",
"Refresh": "Friss\u00edt\u00e9s",
"RefreshQueued": "Refresh queued.",
"AddToCollection": "Hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1s gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyhez",
"HeaderAddToCollection": "Hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1s gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyhez",
"NewCollection": "\u00daj Gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny",
"LabelCollection": "Gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny:",
"Help": "Seg\u00edts\u00e9g",
"NewCollectionHelp": "Collections allow you to create personalized groupings of movies and other library content.",
"SearchForCollectionInternetMetadata": "Search the internet for artwork and metadata",
"LabelName": "N\u00e9v:",
"NewCollectionNameExample": "P\u00e9ld\u00e1ul: Star Wars Gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny",
"MessageItemsAdded": "Items added.",
"OptionNew": "\u00daj...",
"LabelPlaylist": "Lej\u00e1tsz\u00e1si lista:",
"AddToPlaylist": "Lej\u00e1tsz\u00e1si list\u00e1hoz hozz\u00e1adni",
"HeaderAddToPlaylist": "Lej\u00e1tsz\u00e1si List\u00e1hoz hozz\u00e1adni",
"Subtitles": "Feliratok",
"SearchForSubtitles": "Felirat keres\u00e9se",
"LabelLanguage": "Nyelv:",
"Search": "Keres\u00e9s",
"NoSubtitleSearchResultsFound": "Nincs tal\u00e1lat.",
"File": "File",
"MessageAreYouSureDeleteSubtitles": "Are you sure you wish to delete this subtitle file?",
"ConfirmDeletion": "Confirm Deletion",
"MySubtitles": "Feliratok",
"MessageDownloadQueued": "Download queued.",
"EditSubtitles": "Feliratok szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"UnlockGuide": "Unlock Guide",
"RefreshMetadata": "Refresh Metadata",
"ReplaceExistingImages": "Cser\u00e9lje ki a megl\u00e9v\u0151 k\u00e9peket",
"ReplaceAllMetadata": "Replace all metadata",
"SearchForMissingMetadata": "Keres\u00e9s a hi\u00e1nyz\u00f3 metaadatokra",
"LabelRefreshMode": "Refresh mode:",
"NoItemsFound": "No items found.",
"HeaderSaySomethingLike": "Say Something Like...",
"ButtonTryAgain": "Try Again",
"HeaderYouSaid": "You Said...",
"MessageWeDidntRecognizeCommand": "We're sorry, we didn't recognize that command.",
"MessageIfYouBlockedVoice": "If you denied voice access to the app you'll need to reconfigure before trying again.",
"ValueDiscNumber": "Disc {0}",
"Unrated": "Unrated",
"Favorite": "Kedvenc",
"Like": "Tettszik",
"Dislike": "Nem tettszik",
"RefreshDialogHelp": "Metadata is refreshed based on settings and internet services that are enabled in the Emby Server dashboard.",
"Open": "Megnyit\u00e1s",
"Play": "Lej\u00e1tsz\u00e1s",
"AddToPlayQueue": "Add to play queue",
"Shuffle": "Kever\u00e9s",
"Identify": "Azonos\u00edt\u00e1s",
"EditImages": "K\u00e9pek szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"EditInfo": "Adatok szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"Sync": "Sync",
"InstantMix": "Instant mix",
"ViewAlbum": "View album",
"ViewArtist": "View artist",
"QueueAllFromHere": "Queue all from here",
"PlayAllFromHere": "\u00d6sszes vet\u00edt\u00e9se innen",
"PlayFromBeginning": "Play from beginning",
"ResumeAt": "Resume from {0}",
"RemoveFromPlaylist": "Remove from playlist",
"RemoveFromCollection": "Remove from collection",
"Trailer": "El\u0151zetes",
"MarkPlayed": "Mark played",
"MarkUnplayed": "Mark unplayed",
"GroupVersions": "Group versions",
"PleaseSelectTwoItems": "Please select at least two items.",
"TryMultiSelect": "Try Multi-Select",
"TryMultiSelectMessage": "To edit multiple media items, just click and hold any poster and select the items you want to manage. Try it!",
"HeaderConfirmRecordingCancellation": "Confirm Recording Cancellation",
"MessageConfirmRecordingCancellation": "Are you sure you wish to cancel this recording?",
"Error": "Error",
"VoiceInput": "Voice Input",
"LabelContentType": "Tartalom t\u00edpusa:",
"LabelPath": "\u00datvonal:",
"LabelTitle": "C\u00edm:",
"LabelOriginalTitle": "Eredeti c\u00edm:",
"LabelSortTitle": "Sort title:",
"LabelDateAdded": "Hozz\u00e1adva:",
"ConfigureDateAdded": "Configure how date added is determined in the Emby Server dashboard under Library settings",
"LabelStatus": "St\u00e1tusz:",
"LabelArtists": "El\u0151ad\u00f3k:",
"LabelArtistsHelp": "Separate multiple using ;",
"LabelAlbumArtists": "Album artists:",
"LabelAlbum": "Album:",
"Artists": "Artists",
"LabelCommunityRating": "K\u00f6z\u00f6ss\u00e9gi \u00e9rt\u00e9kel\u00e9s:",
"LabelCriticRating": "Critic rating:",
"LabelWebsite": "Weboldal:",
"LabelTagline": "Tagline:",
"LabelOverview": "Overview:",
"LabelShortOverview": "Short overview:",
"LabelReleaseDate": "Megjelen\u00e9s d\u00e1tuma:",
"LabelYear": "\u00c9v:",
"LabelPlaceOfBirth": "Place of birth:",
"LabelAirDays": "Air days:",
"LabelAirTime": "Air time:",
"LabelRuntimeMinutes": "J\u00e1t\u00e9kid\u0151 (perc):",
"LabelParentalRating": "Korhat\u00e1r besorol\u00e1s:",
"LabelCustomRating": "Custom rating:",
"LabelOriginalAspectRatio": "Original aspect ratio:",
"LabelPlayers": "Players:",
"Label3DFormat": "3D form\u00e1tum:",
"FormatValue": "Format: {0}",
"DownloadsValue": "Downloads: {0}",
"PerfectMatch": "Perfect match",
"HeaderAlternateEpisodeNumbers": "Alternate Episode Numbers",
"LabelDvdSeasonNumber": "Dvd season number:",
"LabelDvdEpisodeNumber": "Dvd epiz\u00f3d sz\u00e1ma:",
"LabelAbsoluteEpisodeNumber": "Absolute episode number:",
"HeaderSpecialEpisodeInfo": "Special Episode Info",
"LabelAirsBeforeSeason": "Airs before season:",
"LabelAirsAfterSeason": "Airs after season:",
"LabelAirsBeforeEpisode": "Airs before episode:",
"HeaderExternalIds": "External Ids:",
"HeaderDisplaySettings": "Display Settings",
"LabelTreatImageAs": "Treat image as:",
"LabelDisplayOrder": "Display order:",
"Countries": "Countries",
"Genres": "Genres",
"HeaderPlotKeywords": "Plot Keywords",
"Studios": "Studios",
"Tags": "C\u00edmk\u00e9k",
"HeaderMetadataSettings": "Metaadat Be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sok",
"People": "People",
"LabelMetadataDownloadLanguage": "Els\u0151dleges let\u00f6ltend\u0151 nyelv:",
"LabelLockItemToPreventChanges": "Lock this item to prevent future changes",
"MessageLeaveEmptyToInherit": "Leave empty to inherit settings from a parent item, or the global default value.",
"LabelCountry": "Orsz\u00e1g:",
"LabelDynamicExternalId": "{0} Id:",
"LabelBirthYear": "Sz\u00fclet\u00e9si \u00e9v:",
"LabelBirthDate": "Birth date:",
"LabelDeathDate": "Death date:",
"LabelEndDate": "End date:",
"LabelSeasonNumber": "\u00c9vad sz\u00e1ma:",
"LabelEpisodeNumber": "Epiz\u00f3d sz\u00e1ma:",
"LabelTrackNumber": "Track number:",
"LabelNumber": "Number:",
"LabelDiscNumber": "Disc number:",
"LabelParentNumber": "Parent number:",
"SortName": "Sort name",
"ReleaseDate": "Release date",
"Continuing": "Continuing",
"Ended": "Ended",
"HeaderEnabledFields": "Enabled Fields",
"HeaderEnabledFieldsHelp": "Uncheck a field to lock it and prevent it's data from being changed.",
"Backdrops": "Backdrops",
"Images": "K\u00e9pek",
"Keywords": "Keywords",
"Runtime": "Runtime",
"ProductionLocations": "Production locations",
"BirthLocation": "Birth location",
"ParentalRating": "Korhat\u00e1r besorol\u00e1s",
"Name": "Name",
"Overview": "Overview",
"LabelType": "Type:",
"LabelPersonRole": "Role:",
"LabelPersonRoleHelp": "Example: Ice cream truck driver",
"Actor": "Actor",
"Composer": "Composer",
"Director": "Rendez\u0151",
"GuestStar": "Guest star",
"Producer": "Producer",
"Writer": "\u00cdr\u00f3",
"MessageNoSyncJobsFound": "No downloads found. Create download jobs using the Download buttons found throughout the app.",
"MessageNoDownloadsFound": "No offline downloads. Download your media for offline use by clicking Download throughout the app.",
"InstallingPackage": "{0} Telep\u00edt\u00e9se",
"PackageInstallCompleted": "{0} telep\u00edt\u00e9se befejezve.",
"PackageInstallFailed": "{0} telep\u00edt\u00e9se nem siker\u00fclt.",
"PackageInstallCancelled": "{0} telep\u00edt\u00e9se megszak\u00edtva.",
"SeriesYearToPresent": "{0} - Napjainkig",
"ValueOneItem": "1 item",
"ValueOneSong": "1 song",
"ValueSongCount": "{0} songs",
"ValueOneMovie": "1 movie",
"ValueMovieCount": "{0} film",
"ValueOneSeries": "1 series",
"ValueSeriesCount": "{0} series",
"ValueOneEpisode": "1 episode",
"ValueEpisodeCount": "{0} episodes",
"ValueOneGame": "1 game",
"ValueGameCount": "{0} games",
"ValueOneAlbum": "1 album",
"ValueAlbumCount": "{0} albums",
"ValueOneMusicVideo": "1 music video",
"ValueMusicVideoCount": "{0} music videos",
"ValueMinutes": "{0} min",
"Albums": "Albums",
"Songs": "Songs",
"Books": "Books",
"HeaderAudioBooks": "Audio Books",
"HeaderIdentifyItemHelp": "Enter one or more search criteria. Remove criteria to increase search results.",
"PleaseEnterNameOrId": "Please enter a name or an external Id.",
"MessageItemSaved": "Item saved.",
"SearchResults": "Search Results",
"DownloadToOtherDevice": "Let\u00f6lt\u00e9s m\u00e1sik eszk\u00f6zre",
"ServerNameIsRestarting": "Emby Server - {0} \u00fajraindul.",
"ServerNameIsShuttingDown": "Emby Server - {0} is shutting down.",
"HeaderDeleteItems": "Delete Items",
"ConfirmDeleteItems": "Deleting these items will delete them from both the file system and your media library. Are you sure you wish to continue?",
"PleaseRestartServerName": "K\u00e9rlek ind\u00edtsd \u00fajra az Emby Server-t - {0}.",
"SyncJobCreated": "Sync job created.",
"LabelSyncJobName": "Sync job name:",
"LabelQuality": "Min\u0151s\u00e9g:",
"LabelSyncNoTargetsHelp": "It looks like you don't currently have any apps that support offline downloading.",
"DownloadScheduled": "Download scheduled",
"HeaderSyncRequiresSub": "Downloading requires an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"LearnMore": "Learn more",
"LabelProfile": "Profile:",
"LabelBitrateMbps": "Bitrate (Mbps):",
"SyncUnwatchedVideosOnly": "Download unwatched videos only",
"SyncUnwatchedVideosOnlyHelp": "Only unwatched videos will be downloaded, and videos will be removed from the device as they are watched.",
"AutomaticallySyncNewContent": "Automatically download new content",
"AutomaticallySyncNewContentHelp": "New content added to this folder will be automatically downloaded to the device.",
"LabelItemLimit": "Elemsz\u00e1m limit:",
"LabelItemLimitHelp": "Optional. Set a limit to the number of items that will be downloaded.",
"PleaseSelectDeviceToSyncTo": "V\u00e1lassz egy eszk\u00f6zt a let\u00f6lt\u00e9shez.",
"Screenshots": "Screenshots",
"MoveRight": "Move right",
"MoveLeft": "Move left",
"ConfirmDeleteImage": "Delete image?",
"HeaderEditImages": "K\u00e9pek szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"Settings": "Be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sok",
"ShowIndicatorsFor": "Show indicators for:",
"NewEpisodes": "\u00daj epiz\u00f3dok",
"Episodes": "Episodes",
"HDPrograms": "HD programs",
"Programs": "Programs",
"LiveBroadcasts": "Live broadcasts",
"Premieres": "Premieres",
"RepeatEpisodes": "Repeat episodes",
"DvrSubscriptionRequired": "Emby DVR requires an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"HeaderCancelRecording": "Cancel Recording",
"CancelRecording": "Cancel recording",
"HeaderKeepRecording": "Keep Recording",
"HeaderCancelSeries": "Cancel Series",
"HeaderKeepSeries": "Keep Series",
"HeaderLearnMore": "Learn More",
"DeleteMedia": "M\u00e9dia t\u00f6rl\u00e9s",
"SeriesSettings": "Series settings",
"HeaderRecordingOptions": "Recording Options",
"CancelSeries": "Cancel series",
"DoNotRecord": "Do not record",
"HeaderSeriesOptions": "Series Options",
"LabelChannels": "Channels:",
"ChannelNameOnly": "Channel {0} only",
"Anytime": "Anytime",
"AroundTime": "Around {0}",
"LabelAirtime": "Airtime:",
"AllChannels": "All channels",
"LabelRecord": "Record:",
"NewEpisodesOnly": "Csak \u00faj epiz\u00f3dok",
"AllEpisodes": "All episodes",
"LabelStartWhenPossible": "Start when possible:",
"LabelStopWhenPossible": "Stop when possible:",
"MinutesBefore": "minutes before",
"MinutesAfter": "minutes after",
"SkipEpisodesAlreadyInMyLibrary": "Don't record episodes that are already in my library",
"SkipEpisodesAlreadyInMyLibraryHelp": "Episodes will be compared using season and episode numbers, when available.",
"LabelKeepUpTo": "Keep up to:",
"AsManyAsPossible": "As many as possible",
"DefaultErrorMessage": "There was an error processing the request. Please try again later.",
"LabelKeep:": "Keep:",
"UntilIDelete": "Until I delete",
"UntilSpaceNeeded": "Until space needed",
"Categories": "Categories",
"Sports": "Sports",
"News": "News",
"Movies": "Movies",
"Kids": "Kids",
"EnableColorCodedBackgrounds": "Enable color coded backgrounds",
"SortChannelsBy": "Sort channels by:",
"RecentlyWatched": "Recently watched",
"ChannelNumber": "Channel number",
"HeaderBenefitsEmbyPremiere": "Emby Premiere el\u0151nyei",
"ThankYouForTryingEnjoyOneMinute": "Please enjoy one minute of playback. Thank you for trying Emby.",
"HeaderTryPlayback": "Try Playback",
"HowDidYouPay": "How did you pay?",
"IHaveEmbyPremiere": "I have Emby Premiere",
"IPurchasedThisApp": "I purchased this app",
"ButtonRestorePreviousPurchase": "Restore Purchase",
"ButtonUnlockWithPurchase": "Unlock with Purchase",
"ButtonUnlockPrice": "Unlock {0}",
"EmbyPremiereMonthlyWithPrice": "Emby Premiere Monthly {0}",
"HeaderAlreadyPaid": "Already Paid?",
"ButtonPlayOneMinute": "Egy perc lej\u00e1tsz\u00e1sa",
"PlaceFavoriteChannelsAtBeginning": "Place favorite channels at the beginning",
"HeaderUnlockFeature": "Funkci\u00f3 felold\u00e1sa",
"MessageDidYouKnowCinemaMode": "Tudtad, hogy az Emby Premiere-t haszn\u00e1lva olyan funkci\u00f3kkal fokozhatod az \u00e9lm\u00e9nyeket, mint a Cinema Mode?",
"MessageDidYouKnowCinemaMode2": "A Cinema Mode igazi mozi \u00e9lm\u00e9nyt ny\u00fajt el\u0151zetessel \u00e9s egyedi intr\u00f3val a film vet\u00edt\u00e9se el\u0151tt.",
"HeaderPlayMyMedia": "Play my Media",
"HeaderDiscoverEmbyPremiere": "Fedezd fel az Emby Premiere-t",
"Items": "Items",
"OneChannel": "One channel",
"ConfirmRemoveDownload": "Remove download?",
"RemoveDownload": "Remove download",
"KeepDownload": "Keep download",
"AddedOnValue": "Hozz\u00e1adva {0}",
"RemovingFromDevice": "Removing from device",
"KeepOnDevice": "Keep on device",
"CancelDownload": "Cancel download",
"SyncJobItemStatusReadyToTransfer": "Ready to Transfer",
"SyncJobItemStatusSyncedMarkForRemoval": "Removing from device",
"SyncJobItemStatusQueued": "Queued",
"SyncJobItemStatusConverting": "Converting",
"SyncJobItemStatusTransferring": "Transferring",
"SyncJobItemStatusSynced": "Downloaded",
"SyncJobItemStatusFailed": "Failed",
"SyncJobItemStatusRemovedFromDevice": "Removed from device",
"SyncJobItemStatusCancelled": "Cancelled",
"Retry": "Retry",
"HeaderMyDevice": "Jelenlegi eszk\u00f6z",
"Continue": "Tov\u00e1bb",
"ContinueInSecondsValue": "Tov\u00e1bb {0} mp m\u00falva.",
"HeaderRemoteControl": "Remote Control",
"Disconnect": "Disconnect",
"EnableDisplayMirroring": "Enable display mirroring",
"HeaderPlayOn": "Vet\u00edt\u00e9s itt",
"Quality": "Min\u0151s\u00e9g",
"Auto": "Auto",
"AndroidUnlockRestoreHelp": "To restore your previous purchase, please ensure you're signed into the device with the same Google (or Amazon) account that originally made the purchase. Make sure the app store is enabled and not restricted by any parental controls, and ensure you have an active internet connection. You'll only have to do this once to restore your previous purchase.",
"AspectRatio": "Aspect ratio",
"Original": "Original",
"Fill": "Fill",
"BestFit": "Best fit",
"MessageNoServersAvailableToConnect": "No servers are available to connect to. If you've been invited to share a server, make sure to accept it below or by clicking the link in the email.",
"MessagePlayAccessRestricted": "Playback of this content is currently restricted. Please contact your Emby Server administrator for more information.",
"Accept": "Accept",
"Reject": "Reject",
"Connect": "Connect",
"HeaderMyMedia": "M\u00e9diat\u00e1ram",
"HeaderMyMediaSmall": "M\u00e9diat\u00e1ram (kicsi)",
"LatestFromLibrary": "Leg\u00fajabb {0}",
"HeaderLatestChannelMedia": "Latest Channel Items",
"HeaderContinueWatching": "Vet\u00edt\u00e9s(ek) folytat\u00e1sa",
"HeaderContinueListening": "Continue Listening",
"HeaderActiveRecordings": "Active Recordings",
"HeaderLatestRecordings": "Latest Recordings",
"LabelDownloadTo": "Let\u00f6lt\u00e9s ide:",
"HeaderNextUp": "K\u00f6vetkezik",
"HeaderLatestFrom": "Leg\u00fajabb innen {0}",
"LabelHomeScreenSectionValue": "Home screen section {0}:",
"SettingsSaved": "Settings saved.",
"None": "Nincs",
"More": "Tov\u00e1bb",
"Up": "Up",
"Down": "Down",
"HeaderHomeScreen": "Home Screen",
"HeaderLatestMedia": "Latest Media",
"HeaderLatestChannelItems": "Latest Channel Items",
"LabelSelectLastestItemsFolders": "Include items from the following sections in Latest Media",
"HeaderLibraryOrder": "Library Order",
"HideWatchedContentFromLatestMedia": "Hide watched content from latest media",
"HeaderOnNow": "On Now",
"HeaderPlaybackError": "Playback Error",
"PlaybackErrorNotAllowed": "You're currently not authorized to play this content. Please contact your system administrator for details.",
"PlaybackErrorNoCompatibleStream": "No compatible streams are currently available. Please try again later or contact your system administrator for details.",
"PlaybackErrorPlaceHolder": "Please insert the disc in order to play this video.",
"Guide": "Guide",
"Suggestions": "Suggestions",
"Favorites": "Favorites",
"Collections": "Collections",
"LabelSelectFolderGroups": "Automatically group content from the following folders into views such as Movies, Music and TV:",
"LabelSelectFolderGroupsHelp": "Folders that are unchecked will be displayed by themselves in their own view.",
"Shows": "Shows",
"HeaderLibraryFolders": "Library Folders",
"HeaderLandingScreens": "Landing Screens",
"LandingScreensHelp": "Select the default landing screen when clicking on a library.",
"HeaderTermsOfPurchase": "Terms of Purchase",
"PrivacyPolicy": "Privacy policy",
"TermsOfUse": "Terms of use",
"RepeatMode": "Ism\u00e9tl\u0151 m\u00f3d",
"RepeatOne": "Ism\u00e9tl\u00e9s egyszer",
"RepeatAll": "Folyamatos ism\u00e9tl\u00e9s ",
"ConfirmEndPlayerSession": "Would you like to close Emby on the device?",
"Yes": "Yes",
"No": "No",
"LiveTV": "Live TV",
"Schedule": "Schedule",
"Recordings": "Recordings",
"MarkWatched": "Megtekintett",
"ScanForNewAndUpdatedFiles": "Scan for new and updated files",
"DirectStreamHelp1": "The media is compatible with the device regarding resolution and media type (H.264, AC3, etc.), but is in an incompatible file container (.mkv, .avi, .wmv, etc.). The video will be re-packaged on the fly before streaming it to the device.",
"DirectStreamHelp2": "Direct Streaming a file uses very little processing power without any loss in video quality.",
"MediaIsBeingConverted": "The media is being converted into a format that is compatible with the device that is playing the media.",
"StatsForNerds": "Szak\u00e9rt\u0151i statisztika",
"LabelReasonForTranscoding": "Reason for transcoding:",
"DirectPlaying": "Direct playing",
"DirectStreaming": "Direct streaming",
"Transcoding": "Transcoding",
"VideoCodecNotSupported": "Video codec not supported",
"AudioCodecNotSupported": "Audio codec not supported",
"ContainerNotSupported": "Container not supported",
"AudioBitrateNotSupported": "Audio bitrate not supported",
"AudioChannelsNotSupported": "Audio channels not supported",
"VideoResolutionNotSupported": "Video resolution not supported",
"AudioProfileNotSupported": "Audio profile not supported",
"AudioSampleRateNotSupported": "Audio sample rate not supported",
"ErrorRemovingEmbyConnectAccount": "There was an error removing the Emby Connect account. Please ensure you have an active internet connection and try again.",
"HeaderEmbyAccountRemoved": "Emby Account Removed",
"MessageEmbyAccontRemoved": "The Emby account has been removed from this user.",
"HeaderInvitationSent": "Invitation Sent",
"MessageInvitationSentToUser": "An email has been sent to {0}, inviting them to accept your sharing invitation.",
"MessageInvitationSentToNewUser": "An email has been sent to {0} inviting them to sign up with Emby.",
"GuestUserNotFound": "User not found. Please ensure the name is correct and try again, or try entering their email address.",
"ErrorReachingEmbyConnect": "There was an error reaching the Emby Connect server. Please ensure you have an active internet connection and try again.",
"ErrorAddingEmbyConnectAccount1": "There was an error adding the Emby Connect account. Have you created an Emby account? Sign up at {0}.",
"ErrorAddingEmbyConnectAccount2": "Please ensure the Emby account has been activated by following the instructions in the email sent after creating the account. If you did not receive this email then please send an email to {0} from the email address used with the Emby account.",
"ErrorAddingGuestAccount1": "There was an error adding the Emby Connect account. Has your guest created an Emby account? They can sign up at {0}.",
"ErrorAddingGuestAccount2": "Please ensure your guest has completed activation by following the instructions in the email sent after creating the account. If they did not receive this email then please send an email to {0}, and include your email address as well as theirs.",
"MessageEmbyAccountAdded": "The Emby account has been added to this user.",
"MessagePendingEmbyAccountAdded": "The Emby account has been added to this user. An email will be sent to the owner of the account. The invitation will need to be confirmed by clicking a link within the email.",
"HeaderEmbyAccountAdded": "Emby Account Added",
"ErrorDeletingItem": "There was an error deleting the item from Emby Server. Please check that Emby Server has write access to the media folder and try again."
} |