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synced 2024-11-17 19:08:18 -07:00
add favorite books section to favorite tab
459 lines
26 KiB
459 lines
26 KiB
"AdditionalNotificationServices": "Browse the plugin catalogue to install additional notification services.",
"BrowsePluginCatalogMessage": "Browse our plugin catalogue to view available plugins.",
"CinemaModeConfigurationHelp": "Cinema mode brings the theatre experience straight to your living room with the ability to play trailers and custom intros before the main feature.",
"ColorPrimaries": "Colour primaries",
"ColorSpace": "Colour space",
"ColorTransfer": "Colour transfer",
"DefaultMetadataLangaugeDescription": "These are your defaults and can be customised on a per-library basis.",
"EnableColorCodedBackgrounds": "Enable colour-coded backgrounds",
"Favorite": "Favourite",
"Favorites": "Favourites",
"HDPrograms": "HD programmes",
"HeaderBlockItemsWithNoRating": "Block items with no or unrecognised rating information:",
"HeaderResponseProfileHelp": "Response profiles provide a way to customise information sent to the device when playing certain kinds of media.",
"ImportFavoriteChannelsHelp": "If enabled, only channels that are marked as favourite on the tuner device will be imported.",
"LabelDateAddedBehavior": "Date added behaviour for new content:",
"LabelImportOnlyFavoriteChannels": "Restrict to channels marked as favourite",
"LabelKodiMetadataUserHelp": "Enable this to save watch data to Nfo files for other applications to utilise.",
"LabelTextBackgroundColor": "Text background colour:",
"LabelTextColor": "Text colour:",
"NewCollectionHelp": "Collections allow you to create personalised groupings of movies and other library content.",
"NoNewDevicesFound": "No new devices found. To add a new tuner, close this dialogue and enter the device information manually.",
"OptionEnableExternalContentInSuggestionsHelp": "Allow internet trailers and live TV programmes to be included within suggested content.",
"OptionFavorite": "Favourites",
"OptionIgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequestsHelp": "If enabled, these requests will be honoured but will ignore the byte range header.",
"PlaceFavoriteChannelsAtBeginning": "Place favourite channels at the beginning",
"Programs": "Programmes",
"TabCatalog": "Catalogue",
"TabFavorites": "Favourites",
"XmlTvKidsCategoriesHelp": "Programmes with these categories will be displayed as programmes for children. Separate multiple with '|'.",
"XmlTvMovieCategoriesHelp": "Programmes with these categories will be displayed as movies. Separate multiple with '|'.",
"XmlTvNewsCategoriesHelp": "Programmes with these categories will be displayed as news programmes. Separate multiple with '|'.",
"XmlTvSportsCategoriesHelp": "Programmes with these categories will be displayed as sports programmes. Separate multiple with '|'.",
"Albums": "Albums",
"Artists": "Artists",
"Books": "Books",
"Channels": "Channels",
"Collections": "Collections",
"Folders": "Folders",
"Genres": "Genres",
"HeaderAlbumArtists": "Album Artists",
"HeaderContinueWatching": "Continue Watching",
"HeaderLiveTV": "Live TV",
"HeaderNextUp": "Next Up",
"Movies": "Movies",
"Photos": "Photos",
"Playlists": "Playlists",
"Shows": "Shows",
"Songs": "Songs",
"Sync": "Sync",
"ValueSpecialEpisodeName": "Special - {0}",
"Absolute": "Absolute",
"AccessRestrictedTryAgainLater": "Access is currently restricted. Please try again later.",
"Actor": "Actor",
"Add": "Add",
"AddItemToCollectionHelp": "Add items to collections by searching for them and using their right-click or tap menus to add them to a collection.",
"AddToCollection": "Add to collection",
"AddToPlayQueue": "Add to play queue",
"AddToPlaylist": "Add to playlist",
"AddedOnValue": "Added {0}",
"AirDate": "Air date",
"Aired": "Aired",
"Alerts": "Alerts",
"All": "All",
"AllChannels": "All channels",
"AllComplexFormats": "All complex formats (ASS, SSA, VOBSUB, PGS, SUB/IDX, etc.)",
"AllEpisodes": "All episodes",
"AllLanguages": "All languages",
"AllLibraries": "All libraries",
"AllowHWTranscodingHelp": "If enabled, allow the tuner to transcode streams on the fly. This may help reduce transcoding required by Jellyfin Server.",
"AllowMediaConversion": "Allow media conversion",
"AllowMediaConversionHelp": "Grant or deny access to the convert media feature.",
"AllowOnTheFlySubtitleExtraction": "Allow subtitle extraction on the fly",
"AllowOnTheFlySubtitleExtractionHelp": "Embedded subtitles can be extracted from videos and delivered to Jellyfin apps in plain text in order to help prevent video transcoding. On some systems this can take a long time and cause video playback to stall during the extraction process. Disable this to have embedded subtitles burned in with video transcoding when they are not natively supported by the client device.",
"AllowRemoteAccess": "Allow remote connections to this Jellyfin Server.",
"AllowRemoteAccessHelp": "If unchecked, all remote connections will be blocked.",
"AllowedRemoteAddressesHelp": "Comma separated list of IP addresses or IP/netmask entries for networks that will be allowed to connect remotely. If left blank, all remote addresses will be allowed.",
"AlwaysPlaySubtitles": "Always play subtitles",
"AlwaysPlaySubtitlesHelp": "Subtitles matching the language preference will be loaded regardless of the audio language.",
"AnyLanguage": "Any language",
"Anytime": "Anytime",
"AroundTime": "Around {0}",
"Art": "Art",
"AsManyAsPossible": "As many as possible",
"Ascending": "Ascending",
"AspectRatio": "Aspect ratio",
"AttributeNew": "New",
"Audio": "Audio",
"AuthProviderHelp": "Select an Authentication Provider to be used to authenticate this user's password",
"Auto": "Auto",
"AutoBasedOnLanguageSetting": "Auto (based on language setting)",
"Backdrop": "Backdrop",
"Backdrops": "Backdrops",
"Banner": "Banner",
"BirthDateValue": "Born: {0}",
"BirthLocation": "Birth location",
"BirthPlaceValue": "Birth place: {0}",
"Blacklist": "Blacklist",
"BookLibraryHelp": "Audio and text books are supported. Review the {0}Jellyfin Book naming guide{1}.",
"Box": "Box",
"BoxRear": "Box (rear)",
"Browse": "Browse",
"BurnSubtitlesHelp": "Determines if the server should burn in subtitles when converting video depending on the subtitles format. Avoiding burning in subtitles will improve server performance. Select Auto to burn image based formats (e.g. VOBSUB, PGS, SUB/IDX, etc.) as well as certain ASS/SSA subtitles",
"ButtonAdd": "Add",
"ButtonAddMediaLibrary": "Add Media Library",
"ButtonAddScheduledTaskTrigger": "Add Trigger",
"ButtonAddServer": "Add Server",
"ButtonAddUser": "Add User",
"ButtonArrowDown": "Down",
"ButtonArrowLeft": "Left",
"ButtonArrowRight": "Right",
"ButtonArrowUp": "Up",
"ButtonAudioTracks": "Audio Tracks",
"ButtonBack": "Back",
"ButtonCancel": "Cancel",
"ButtonChangeContentType": "Change content type",
"ButtonChangeServer": "Change Server",
"ButtonConnect": "Connect",
"ButtonDelete": "Delete",
"ButtonDeleteImage": "Delete Image",
"ButtonDown": "Down",
"ButtonDownload": "Download",
"ButtonEdit": "Edit",
"ButtonEditImages": "Edit images",
"ButtonEditOtherUserPreferences": "Edit this user's profile, image and personal preferences.",
"ButtonFilter": "Filter",
"ButtonForgotPassword": "Forgot password",
"ButtonFullscreen": "Fullscreen",
"ButtonGotIt": "Got It",
"ButtonGuide": "Guide",
"ButtonHelp": "Help",
"ButtonHome": "Home",
"ButtonInfo": "Info",
"ButtonLearnMore": "Learn more",
"ButtonLibraryAccess": "Library access",
"ButtonManualLogin": "Manual Login",
"ButtonMore": "More",
"ButtonMoreInformation": "More Information",
"ButtonNetwork": "Network",
"ButtonNew": "New",
"ButtonNextTrack": "Next track",
"ButtonOff": "Off",
"ButtonOk": "Ok",
"ButtonOpen": "Open",
"ButtonOther": "Other",
"ButtonParentalControl": "Parental control",
"ButtonPause": "Pause",
"ButtonPlay": "Play",
"ButtonPreviousTrack": "Previous track",
"ButtonProfile": "Profile",
"ButtonQuickStartGuide": "Quick Start Guide",
"ButtonRefresh": "Refresh",
"ButtonRefreshGuideData": "Refresh Guide Data",
"ButtonRemove": "Remove",
"ButtonRename": "Rename",
"ButtonRepeat": "Repeat",
"ButtonResetEasyPassword": "Reset easy pin code",
"ButtonResetPassword": "Reset Password",
"ButtonRestart": "Restart",
"ButtonResume": "Resume",
"ButtonRevoke": "Revoke",
"ButtonSave": "Save",
"ButtonScanAllLibraries": "Scan All Libraries",
"ButtonSearch": "Search",
"ButtonSelectDirectory": "Select Directory",
"ButtonSelectServer": "Select Server",
"ButtonSelectView": "Select view",
"ButtonSend": "Send",
"ButtonSettings": "Settings",
"ButtonShuffle": "Shuffle",
"ButtonShutdown": "Shutdown",
"ButtonSignIn": "Sign In",
"ButtonSignOut": "Sign Out",
"ButtonSort": "Sort",
"ButtonSplitVersionsApart": "Split Versions Apart",
"ButtonStart": "Start",
"ButtonStop": "Stop",
"ButtonSubmit": "Submit",
"ButtonSubtitles": "Subtitles",
"ButtonTrailer": "Trailer",
"ButtonUninstall": "Uninstall",
"ButtonUp": "Up",
"ButtonUpload": "Upload",
"ButtonViewWebsite": "View website",
"ButtonWebsite": "Website",
"CancelRecording": "Cancel recording",
"CancelSeries": "Cancel series",
"Categories": "Categories",
"ChangingMetadataImageSettingsNewContent": "Changes to metadata or artwork downloading settings will only apply to new content added to your library. To apply the changes to existing titles, you'll need to refresh their metadata manually.",
"ChannelAccessHelp": "Select the channels to share with this user. Administrators will be able to edit all channels using the metadata manager.",
"ChannelNameOnly": "Channel {0} only",
"ChannelNumber": "Channel number",
"CommunityRating": "Community rating",
"Composer": "Composer",
"ConfigureDateAdded": "Configure how date added is determined in the Jellyfin Server dashboard under Library settings",
"ConfirmDeleteImage": "Delete image?",
"ConfirmDeleteItem": "Deleting this item will delete it from both the file system and your media library. Are you sure you wish to continue?",
"ConfirmDeleteItems": "Deleting these items will delete them from both the file system and your media library. Are you sure you wish to continue?",
"ConfirmDeletion": "Confirm Deletion",
"ConfirmEndPlayerSession": "Would you like to shutdown Jellyfin on {0}?",
"Connect": "Connect",
"ContinueWatching": "Continue watching",
"Continuing": "Continuing",
"CriticRating": "Critic rating",
"CustomDlnaProfilesHelp": "Create a custom profile to target a new device or override a system profile.",
"DateAdded": "Date added",
"DatePlayed": "Date played",
"DeathDateValue": "Died: {0}",
"Default": "Default",
"DefaultErrorMessage": "There was an error processing the request. Please try again later.",
"DefaultSubtitlesHelp": "Subtitles are loaded based on the default and forced flags in the embedded metadata. Language preferences are considered when multiple options are available.",
"Delete": "Delete",
"DeleteDeviceConfirmation": "Are you sure you wish to delete this device? It will reappear the next time a user signs in with it.",
"DeleteImage": "Delete Image",
"DeleteImageConfirmation": "Are you sure you wish to delete this image?",
"DeleteMedia": "Delete media",
"DeleteUser": "Delete User",
"DeleteUserConfirmation": "Are you sure you wish to delete this user?",
"Depressed": "Depressed",
"Descending": "Descending",
"Desktop": "Desktop",
"DetectingDevices": "Detecting devices",
"DeviceAccessHelp": "This only applies to devices that can be uniquely identified and will not prevent browser access. Filtering user device access will prevent them from using new devices until they've been approved here.",
"DirectPlaying": "Direct playing",
"DirectStreamHelp1": "The media is compatible with the device regarding resolution and media type (H.264, AC3, etc.), but is in an incompatible file container (.mkv, .avi, .wmv, etc.). The video will be re-packaged on the fly before streaming it to the device.",
"DirectStreamHelp2": "Direct Streaming a file uses very little processing power without any loss in video quality.",
"DirectStreaming": "Direct streaming",
"Director": "Director",
"DirectorValue": "Director: {0}",
"DirectorsValue": "Directors: {0}",
"Disabled": "Disabled",
"Disc": "Disc",
"Disconnect": "Disconnect",
"Dislike": "Dislike",
"Display": "Display",
"DisplayInMyMedia": "Display on home screen",
"DisplayInOtherHomeScreenSections": "Display in home screen sections such as latest media and continue watching",
"DisplayMissingEpisodesWithinSeasons": "Display missing episodes within seasons",
"DisplayMissingEpisodesWithinSeasonsHelp": "This must also be enabled for TV libraries in Jellyfin Server setup.",
"DisplayModeHelp": "Select the type of screen you're running Jellyfin on.",
"DoNotRecord": "Do not record",
"Down": "Down",
"Download": "Download",
"DownloadsValue": "{0} downloads",
"DrmChannelsNotImported": "Channels with DRM will not be imported.",
"DropShadow": "Drop shadow",
"EasyPasswordHelp": "Your easy pin code is used for offline access with supported Jellyfin apps, and can also be used for easy in-network sign in.",
"Edit": "Edit",
"EditImages": "Edit images",
"EditMetadata": "Edit metadata",
"EditSubtitles": "Edit subtitles",
"EnableBackdrops": "Enable backdrops",
"EnableBackdropsHelp": "If enabled, backdrops will be displayed in the background of some pages while browsing the library.",
"EnableCinemaMode": "Enable cinema mode",
"EnableDebugLoggingHelp": "Debug logging should only be enabled as needed for troubleshooting purposes. The increased file system access may prevent the server machine from being able to sleep in some environments.",
"EnableDisplayMirroring": "Enable display mirroring",
"EnableExternalVideoPlayers": "Enable external video players",
"EnableExternalVideoPlayersHelp": "An external player menu will be shown when starting video playback.",
"EnableHardwareEncoding": "Enable hardware encoding",
"EnableNextVideoInfoOverlay": "Enable next video info during playback",
"EnableNextVideoInfoOverlayHelp": "At the end of a video, display info about the next video coming up in the current playlist.",
"EnablePhotos": "Enable photos",
"EnablePhotosHelp": "Photos will be detected and displayed alongside other media files.",
"EnableStreamLooping": "Auto-loop live streams",
"EnableStreamLoopingHelp": "Enable this if live streams only contain a few seconds of data and need to be continuously requested. Enabling this when not needed may cause problems.",
"EnableThemeSongs": "Enable theme songs",
"EnableThemeSongsHelp": "If enabled, theme songs will be played in the background while browsing the library.",
"EnableThemeVideos": "Enable theme videos",
"EnableThemeVideosHelp": "If enabled, theme videos will be played in the background while browsing the library.",
"Ended": "Ended",
"EndsAtValue": "Ends at {0}",
"Episodes": "Episodes",
"ErrorAddingListingsToSchedulesDirect": "There was an error adding the lineup to your Schedules Direct account. Schedules Direct only allows a limited number of lineups per account. You may need to log into the Schedules Direct website and remove others listings from your account before proceeding.",
"ErrorAddingMediaPathToVirtualFolder": "There was an error adding the media path. Please ensure the path is valid and the Jellyfin Server process has access to that location.",
"ErrorAddingTunerDevice": "There was an error adding the tuner device. Please ensure it is accessible and try again.",
"ErrorAddingXmlTvFile": "There was an error accessing the XMLTV file. Please ensure the file exists and try again.",
"ErrorDeletingItem": "There was an error deleting the item from Jellyfin Server. Please check that Jellyfin Server has write access to the media folder and try again.",
"ErrorGettingTvLineups": "There was an error downloading tv lineups. Please ensure your information is correct and try again.",
"ErrorMessageStartHourGreaterThanEnd": "End time must be greater than the start time.",
"ErrorPleaseSelectLineup": "Please select a lineup and try again. If no lineups are available, then please check that your username, password, and postal code is correct.",
"ErrorSavingTvProvider": "There was an error saving the TV provider. Please ensure it is accessible and try again.",
"EveryNDays": "Every {0} days",
"ExitFullscreen": "Exit full screen",
"ExtraLarge": "Extra large",
"ExtractChapterImagesHelp": "Extracting chapter images will allow Jellyfin apps to display graphical scene selection menus. The process can be slow, cpu-intensive and may require several gigabytes of space. It runs when videos are discovered, and also as a nightly scheduled task. The schedule is configurable in the scheduled tasks area. It is not recommended to run this task during peak usage hours.",
"Extras": "Extras",
"FFmpegSavePathNotFound": "We're unable to locate FFmpeg using the path you've entered. FFprobe is also required and must exist in the same folder. These components are normally bundled together in the same download. Please check the path and try again.",
"FastForward": "Fast-forward",
"Features": "Features",
"File": "File",
"FileNotFound": "File not found.",
"FileReadCancelled": "The file read has been cancelled.",
"FileReadError": "An error occurred while reading the file.",
"Filters": "Filters",
"FolderTypeBooks": "Books",
"FolderTypeMovies": "Movies",
"FolderTypeMusic": "Music",
"FolderTypeMusicVideos": "Music videos",
"FolderTypeTvShows": "TV Shows",
"FolderTypeUnset": "Mixed content",
"ForAdditionalLiveTvOptions": "For additional Live TV providers, click on the Services tab to see the available options.",
"FormatValue": "Format: {0}",
"Friday": "Friday",
"Fullscreen": "Full screen",
"General": "General",
"GenreValue": "Genre: {0}",
"GenresValue": "Genres: {0}",
"GroupBySeries": "Group by series",
"GroupVersions": "Group versions",
"GuestStar": "Guest star",
"Guide": "Guide",
"GuideProviderLogin": "Login",
"GuideProviderSelectListings": "Select Listings",
"H264CrfHelp": "The Constant Rate Factor (CRF) is the default quality setting for the x264 encoder. You can set the values between 0 and 51, where lower values would result in better quality (at the expense of higher file sizes). Sane values are between 18 and 28. The default for x264 is 23, so you can use this as a starting point.",
"H264EncodingPresetHelp": "Choose a faster value to improve performance, or a slower value to improve quality.",
"HandledByProxy": "Handled by reverse proxy",
"HardwareAccelerationWarning": "Enabling hardware acceleration may cause instability in some environments. Ensure that your operating system and video drivers are fully up to date. If you have difficulty playing video after enabling this, you'll need to change the setting back to Auto.",
"HeaderAccessSchedule": "Access Schedule",
"HeaderAccessScheduleHelp": "Create an access schedule to limit access to certain hours.",
"HeaderActiveDevices": "Active Devices",
"HeaderActiveRecordings": "Active Recordings",
"HeaderActivity": "Activity",
"HeaderAddScheduledTaskTrigger": "Add Trigger",
"HeaderAddToCollection": "Add to Collection",
"HeaderAddToPlaylist": "Add to Playlist",
"HeaderAddUpdateImage": "Add/Update Image",
"HeaderAddUser": "Add User",
"HeaderAdditionalParts": "Additional Parts",
"HeaderAdmin": "Admin",
"HeaderAlbums": "Albums",
"HeaderAlert": "Alert",
"HeaderAllowMediaDeletionFrom": "Allow Media Deletion From",
"HeaderApiKey": "API Key",
"HeaderApiKeys": "API Keys",
"HeaderApiKeysHelp": "External applications are required to have an API key in order to communicate with Jellyfin Server. Keys are issued by logging in with an Jellyfin account, or by manually granting the application a key.",
"HeaderApp": "App",
"HeaderAppearsOn": "Appears On",
"HeaderAudioBooks": "Audio Books",
"HeaderAudioLanguages": "Audio Languages",
"HeaderAudioSettings": "Audio Settings",
"HeaderAutomaticUpdates": "Automatic Updates",
"HeaderBooks": "Books",
"HeaderBranding": "Branding",
"HeaderCancelRecording": "Cancel Recording",
"HeaderCancelSeries": "Cancel Series",
"HeaderCastAndCrew": "Cast & Crew",
"HeaderCastCrew": "Cast & Crew",
"HeaderChangeFolderType": "Change Content Type",
"HeaderChangeFolderTypeHelp": "To change the type, please remove and rebuild the library with the new type.",
"HeaderChannelAccess": "Channel Access",
"HeaderChannels": "Channels",
"HeaderChapterImages": "Chapter Images",
"HeaderCodecProfile": "Codec Profile",
"HeaderCodecProfileHelp": "Codec profiles indicate the limitations of a device when playing specific codecs. If a limitation applies then the media will be transcoded, even if the codec is configured for direct play.",
"HeaderConfigureRemoteAccess": "Configure Remote Access",
"HeaderConfirmPluginInstallation": "Confirm Plugin Installation",
"HeaderConfirmProfileDeletion": "Confirm Profile Deletion",
"HeaderConfirmRevokeApiKey": "Revoke API Key",
"HeaderConnectToServer": "Connect to Server",
"HeaderConnectionFailure": "Connection Failure",
"HeaderContainerProfile": "Container Profile",
"HeaderContainerProfileHelp": "Container profiles indicate the limitations of a device when playing specific formats. If a limitation applies then the media will be transcoded, even if the format is configured for direct play.",
"HeaderContinueListening": "Continue Listening",
"HeaderCustomDlnaProfiles": "Custom Profiles",
"HeaderDateIssued": "Date Issued",
"HeaderDefaultRecordingSettings": "Default Recording Settings",
"HeaderDeleteDevice": "Delete Device",
"HeaderDeleteItem": "Delete Item",
"HeaderDeleteItems": "Delete Items",
"HeaderDeleteProvider": "Delete Provider",
"HeaderDeleteTaskTrigger": "Delete Task Trigger",
"HeaderDetectMyDevices": "Detect My Devices",
"HeaderDeveloperInfo": "Developer Info",
"HeaderDeviceAccess": "Device Access",
"HeaderDevices": "Devices",
"HeaderDirectPlayProfile": "Direct Play Profile",
"HeaderDirectPlayProfileHelp": "Add direct play profiles to indicate which formats the device can handle natively.",
"HeaderDisplay": "Display",
"HeaderDisplaySettings": "Display Settings",
"HeaderDownloadSync": "Download & Sync",
"HeaderEasyPinCode": "Easy Pin Code",
"HeaderEditImages": "Edit Images",
"HeaderEnabledFields": "Enabled Fields",
"HeaderEnabledFieldsHelp": "Uncheck a field to lock it and prevent its data from being changed.",
"HeaderEpisodes": "Episodes",
"HeaderError": "Error",
"HeaderExternalIds": "External IDs:",
"HeaderFavoriteBooks": "Favourite Books",
"HeaderFavoriteMovies": "Favourite Movies",
"HeaderFavoriteShows": "Favourite Shows",
"HeaderFavoriteEpisodes": "Favourite Episodes",
"HeaderFavoriteAlbums": "Favourite Albums",
"HeaderFavoriteArtists": "Favourite Artists",
"HeaderFavoriteSongs": "Favourite Songs",
"HeaderFavoriteVideos": "Favourite Videos",
"HeaderFeatureAccess": "Feature Access",
"HeaderFeatures": "Features",
"HeaderFetchImages": "Fetch Images:",
"HeaderFetcherSettings": "Fetcher Settings",
"HeaderFilters": "Filters",
"HeaderForKids": "For Kids",
"HeaderForgotPassword": "Forgot Password",
"HeaderFrequentlyPlayed": "Frequently Played",
"HeaderGenres": "Genres",
"HeaderGuideProviders": "TV Guide Data Providers",
"HeaderHomeScreen": "Home Screen",
"HeaderHomeScreenSettings": "Home Screen Settings",
"HeaderHttpHeaders": "HTTP Headers",
"HeaderIdentification": "Identification",
"HeaderIdentificationCriteriaHelp": "Enter at least one identification criteria.",
"HeaderIdentificationHeader": "Identification Header",
"HeaderIdentifyItemHelp": "Enter one or more search criteria. Remove criteria to increase search results.",
"HeaderImageOptions": "Image Options",
"HeaderImageSettings": "Image Settings",
"HeaderInstall": "Install",
"HeaderInstantMix": "Instant Mix",
"HeaderItems": "Items",
"HeaderJellyfinServer": "Jellyfin Server",
"HeaderKeepRecording": "Keep Recording",
"HeaderKeepSeries": "Keep Series",
"HeaderKodiMetadataHelp": "To enable or disable NFO metadata, edit a library in Jellyfin library setup and locate the metadata savers section.",
"HeaderLatestEpisodes": "Latest Episodes",
"HeaderLatestMedia": "Latest Media",
"HeaderLatestMovies": "Latest Movies",
"HeaderLatestMusic": "Latest Music",
"HeaderLatestRecordings": "Latest Recordings",
"HeaderLibraries": "Libraries",
"HeaderLibraryAccess": "Library Access",
"HeaderLibraryFolders": "Library Folders",
"HeaderLibraryOrder": "Library Order",
"HeaderLibrarySettings": "Library Settings",
"HeaderLiveTv": "Live TV",
"HeaderLiveTvTunerSetup": "Live TV Tuner Setup",
"HeaderLoginFailure": "Login Failure",
"HeaderMedia": "Media",
"HeaderMediaFolders": "Media Folders",
"HeaderMediaInfo": "Media Info",
"HeaderMetadataSettings": "Metadata Settings",
"HeaderMoreLikeThis": "More Like This",
"HeaderMovies": "Movies",
"HeaderMusicQuality": "Music Quality",
"HeaderMusicVideos": "Music Videos",
"HeaderMyDevice": "My Device",
"HeaderMyMedia": "My Media",
"HeaderMyMediaSmall": "My Media (small)",
"HeaderNewApiKey": "New API Key",
"HeaderNewDevices": "New Devices",
"HeaderNextEpisodePlayingInValue": "Next Episode Playing in {0}",
"HeaderNextVideoPlayingInValue": "Next Video Playing in {0}",
"HeaderOnNow": "On Now",
"HeaderOtherItems": "Other Items",
"HeaderParentalRatings": "Parental Ratings",
"HeaderPassword": "Password",
"HeaderPasswordReset": "Password Reset",
"HeaderPaths": "Paths",
"HeaderPendingInvitations": "Pending Invitations",
"CopyStreamURL": "Copy Stream URL"